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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] he considered the rules of the standards governing the freedom of religion and thought to be incomplete. mr. bagheri said that the terrorist regime of israel , which uses every event to divert public opinion from the palestinian genocide, also welcomed this action of the german police. bagheri emphasized that the german government is responsible for the effects and consequences of this unwarranted and violent act. a $10 million reward for tracking down a hacker. the us state department has set a $10 million reward for tracking down north korean citizen rin jong-hyuk, who is accused of participating in cyber operations against the us. us federal prosecutors also announced this person
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is accused of participating in hacking the american health service network and disrupting the service of hospitals. wave. with the spread of forest fires in canada, the authorities of this country forced 25 thousand residents of jasper to evacuate this area . alberta province minister also said that 30 to 50 percent of this city was destroyed by fire. local authorities announced that 275 of the total 545 fires were in the provinces of alberta and british columbia . it is out of control to the extent that the prime minister of canada wants to receive foreign aid has been in america, the range of fires has become wider. according to cbs, fires are progressing in different regions of california, and only in the thomson region in northern california, more than 1,500 hectares of forest areas have been burned to ashes and tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes
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. the preacher of the friday prayer in tehran emphasized the need for cooperation and interaction of different forces to respond to the demands of the people: hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen siddiqui suggested that a mechanism be defined for cooperation and synergy based on priorities and needs. holding friday prayers this week in the capital with the memory of the first friday prayer in tehran, the friday prayer that was held on august 5, 1958 , we depicted the activities that were performed in the friday prayer in tehran under the title of the photo exhibition of the glory of juma, the statue and the photo of the altar martyrs along with their biographies. here we are.
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we placed the recorded friday here, and the visitors over the years said about the importance of attending the friday prayer: we, our parents , it is our duty to bring us to these pages, to this congregation, to these religious gatherings, especially the friday prayer, that our children let's bring myself and now for the friday prayer it is a generation that is seeking god, our relationship with god will increase , we will use the points that the imams tell us, god is proud, and we are looking for the glory of the islamic system. friday prayer is to show that an iranian always stands behind his leader and never leaves behind his leader. we also come to get rewards, we also come to get to know the community, for example , to increase the national unity of our people, so that we can follow the command given by our master. we learn many things about the ideals of the revolution of unity and solidarity, the points that they say are useful for us in our social life as well.
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life for our political consciousness ali kazemi. the 12th comprehensive government recruitment exam will be held on friday next week. according to the vice president of talent search and recruitment of the administrative and recruitment organization, this exam is for recruiting 6034 people in 15 executive bodies. also, the recruitment license after announcing the need of the devices after examining the real need and determining the job location and based on the criteria. terms are issued. the 29th scientific olympiad of the country's students has reached the last station. the vice president of the national organization for sports assessment of the country's education system said: today, there are 1129 students in the final stage of this olympiad including 56 women and 623 men competing with each other. as the vice president of the national assessment organization said, the selected
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finalists can benefit from the facilities of ayin. use the letter of brilliant talent according to the rank obtained in the universities that wish to continue their studies in the relevant field without entrance exam . from ranks 1 to 15, according to the regulations, they can apply. universities will usually choose from among these in different universities, and they will continue their education. the elite foundation also considers education for the dear ones. hardware repairs and software and possibly a material encouragement as well. yes, we can do this. in the military sector, these are more important than others. by defining projects, they can
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actually spend some of their military service as doing this project and the research they are doing. . the 29th student science olympiad of the country was held in 3 decentralized, centralized and final stages. al-hussein kamkam's way smells of arbaeen, in less than a month until arbaeen hosseini, measures to facilitate the passage of pilgrims from chazaba border have been started and canopies are being installed. and the processionists also started the preparation of the processions along al-hussein road from ahvaz to the border of chazaba
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, a 15-kilometer crossing. they want to rest somewhere, i will guide the pilgrims and inform them about the processions. tahir knows all the servants and processions on the way and guides the pilgrims to these processions. takhund is in my veins
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. the servant of imam hossein abu maj is playing together now. asphalt axes leading to the borders of the province. at the chezabeh border terminal, the processionists are busy preparing the procession. 350 processions are ready for service. labik or hossein had some small work that we didn't have time to do last year now we are preparing it in terms of cooling system, in terms of food, cooking. three meals a day are given. you can almost say. hosseini in khuzestan from two land borders and one sea border is possible
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. abbasi darki of the sed and sima news agency announced the attractive border of the islamic republic of iran army in a statement on the occasion of the 5th of august, the anniversary of the mersad operation. remained. the hypocrites, who attacked our country after the end of the war with the idea of ​​iran's occupation of iraq , were defeated in the mersad operation under the command of martyr siad shirazi on the 5th of august 1367. they bore a heavy weight. these three young warriors of those days used to visit every now and then. we remember mersad , god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, their narration goes back to 36 years ago. we felt that the war was over. it was around july 31st when we heard that the criminal saddam
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forced the hypocrites to attack iran. commanders of combat divisions and brigades, fire. hypocrites, their military consciousness was very low. must. in garne pataq itself, they understand that a country that has passed the holy feet for 8 years and raised military commanders in 8 years, how easy is the road of empty horses. leave it for them to arrive take karmaisheh, hamedan and tehran . it was at this pass of mersad or chaharzabar that the arrival of the 32nd brigade of ansar al-hussein ahmadan was here . there was a battalion from nabi akram's brigade. it was the local brigade of ilan, which was an obstacle and a hundred obstacles in front. they were also present at the pass of mersad. there were people who on foot with cattle and tractors of the hypocrites in west islamabad did not escape from any crime in pajhai hospital. it happened that the door of the hospital
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was on fire at all. finally, with the initiative of martyr siad shirazi, this mastermind of mersad dealt a heavy blow to lashkar munafekin. three axes of guiding forces it was possible to focus on the evil hypocrites who were our worst enemies and perished with this expansion. god lies in wait for oppressors and oppressors. more than 200. now we don't remember mersad, the manifestation of the unity of the people and the commander, who trapped the hypocrites in the same ambush in 1967, haris sakan niaz of merzad strait,
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islamabad west. greetings and greetings to you, dear viewers , have a good night. the paris olympics have officially started with a lot of excitement. minutes ago , the opening ceremony of the 33rd edition of the olympic games began in paris, for the first time. the opening registration was done outside the stadium and the parade of the teams with the movement of boats on the river seine. the rain made the implementation of the program difficult. iran's 40-person sports caravan named khadim and reza, nadarsvari's flag bearer and mehdi al-fafti , who are wearing table tennis and gymnastics , are also present at the opening ceremony. from the hour an hour ago , the security measures in paris became stricter than before
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and the city was engulfed in flames, according to the announcement of the french authorities, the high-speed railway network and the route of the country have been targeted by vandalism, including deliberate fires, so that commuting trains both inside france and on the routes leading to this country were disrupted, an airport in the east of france was evacuated due to safety issues , in addition to this , the international olympic committee president bach's meeting was canceled minutes before the event for unknown reasons. saturday, on the first official day of these games, the iranian caravan will be represented in sailing, fencing, archery, gymnastics and table tennis. good night. tomorrow
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is saturday, the 6th of august, the islamic midnight tonight at 23:22, the call to prayer tomorrow morning in tehran is at 3:30, and the sunrise is at 5.9. very thank you, dear compatriots. i also invite you to be a viewer of tonight's wijeh news talk hosted by my colleague ms. emami. please say hello to you . thank you, mr. zahouriyan adine . good day, dear compatriots. welcome to wijeh talk. tonight's news, i also say hello to each and every one of you who chose this program for this moment and at this time. one of the top 10 countries and of course the leader in the field of artificial intelligence will become the national document of artificial intelligence the topic of tonight's special news discussion has been recently
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announced by the acting president to the relevant institutions. in this program, we want to examine the dimensions and angles of the national artificial intelligence document, its relationship with various devices, and its implementation mechanism in seven major goals. i hope you will accompany me. mr. dr. ameli, a member of the supreme council of cultural revolution, along with mr. dr. karim zahedi, deputy of the science and technology headquarters of the supreme council of cultural revolution, are our guests in the studio . greetings, mr. dr. ameli. i would like to welcome and say hello to your excellency and dear viewers thank you very much, mr. dr. zahedi, welcome. hello , we are at your service and at the service of our dear viewers. thank you very much. a short introduction and of course the introduction of the guests . i bid farewell to the esteemed viewers of ek sima channel .
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stay with us for the beginning of this conversation and program reports on khabar channel. i mentioned in the introduction in the special conversation. let's talk about artificial intelligence, the national document of artificial intelligence, which will make iran one of the top 10 countries and of course the leader in this field, by implementing various provisions and clauses and plans, let us first see the report according to the programs of last nights, let's go back to the discussion of the program tonight, together with the guests of the program, let 's start the american states separately with the aim of protecting the privacy of the citizens. they seek to regulate artificial intelligence. us state lawmakers say unchecked artificial intelligence can create problems for people's privacy . for example
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, it will be much easier for artificial intelligence to simulate living or dead people by substituting a person for another person, using face and voice replacement. but how to use this technology ethically is a problem that we all have to deal with. for example, in the state of colorado for the companies developing artificial intelligence is legalized in the state of new mexico , the us is focused on how to publish images created with artificial intelligence in political and media campaigns , but the legalized artificial intelligence can also create jobs, according to a recent study by the world economic forum. it has shown that ai technologies could lead to the creation of around 97 million new jobs worldwide by 2025, such as those related to healthcare, technology and finance. better use of these economic opportunities created by artificial intelligence for business development and data monitoring
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are among the things that european and american regulators signed an agreement on. with the aim of better regulation and use of this technology, so far in 60 countries, a document has been compiled for artificial intelligence in iran, and a national document on artificial intelligence by mohammad mokhbar , acting president and head of the supreme council of cultural revolution, has been issued to the institutions under the auspices of ablah . we have seen the reference that there is definitely a need for revisions and updates, which are foreseen in the document itself, so that we can expect to update the document within 5 years. the plan is designed for 10 years, but it can be updated in 5 years. in this policy document , national strategies and measures to reach the 10
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leading countries in the field of artificial intelligence by the year 1412 and update it with world-class technological advances. it has been seen by fatemeh sharifi, radio and television news agency, mr. dr. ameli, with this report sent to the acting president in the field of artificial intelligence, we can say that the implementation process in this field has begun according to the various documents and cases that are mentioned in the document, in the name of allah, the rahman. al-rahim, yes , it will start as soon as the national document is issued it works, especially since in this document, which has 7 articles, its executive mechanism is determined in its 7th article, and in fact, the establishment of the national artificial intelligence organization was started with this notification. last week, in the presence of the honorable head of the presidency, this was actually the unveiling of
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the organization and the start of work. the organization was formed, the fact is that it means the main and basic trustee of the cold implementation is the responsibility of the national artificial intelligence organization. which institutions and organizations are involved in the implementation? you see, all the country's science and technology documents are primarily addressed to the president's science and technology vice president. the supreme council of cultural revolution has many documents in the field of science and technology until now, he has approved such as the nano document, the bio document, the judicial security document, the cognitive science document, all of these documents are his executive mechanism in the vice-chancellor of science and technology. he was the president, but artificial intelligence is because it creates a new ecosystem, and this ecosystem actually targets all countries in the system. hakrani is directed at the government , he is directed at the islamic council, he is even directed at the judicial branch, in fact
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, it has an extension in the seganeh forces, while it is a serious extension in the 10,000 knowledge-based companies that exist in the country, the entire industrial system of the country with this document and with artificial intelligence actually a new reconstruction in them takes place if we are talking about industry 4 today , we are referring to the industry as a cyber physical document , cyber physical industry, artificial intelligence is the basis of this , so i want to say that artificial intelligence can almost be said to be all devices and all entities directly and it is different from the past documents. supreme council of cultural revolution in the field of science and technology and national documents related to science and technology. we are talking about a turning point where a big change must occur in all fields. in goal setting
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, you should also note that the seventh goal is smart governance , and smart governance means the government with all its capacities. it has to change, very well mr. dr. zahedi, with the point that dr. ameli pointed out , this is a turning point in the new direction, a new issue in the world, which is the same in our country, surely we must define a road map and documents, the path of new steps. . we started this by mentioning that the national artificial intelligence organization also started working? yes. i would like to tell you that one of the basic steps to organize this field is that the country has already done some work in the field of artificial intelligence. different agencies had duties, but the organization of this area and coherence is part of it this and the continuation of the programs that are being carried out in
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the long term, with a long-term national program, the horizon of this document is 10 years, we can imagine that with the change of governments, this program will maintain its coherence to a good extent. the executive guarantee continues. it has been seen in that, yes, after all , the executive structure that follows up the implementation is mostly the organization that uses the country's capacity as much as possible, of course, in some cases, there may not be an executive body or a person in charge , but in any case, a structure to follow up on the implementation this has been seen and that observation and it can be evaluated and its content can be monitored and evaluated , which makes us very hopeful that
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the document will be implemented in the future process. we organized this issue in the direction of the road map and what is mentioned in this map, the anticipated goals of this document , which now i call the word road map for the future because this specific term is used in the document , it is from i will use the document. this national document was first prepared with the cooperation of the institutions. there are many devices on the table, each device knows what to do in the field of artificial intelligence, in addition, finally , those things that are here in the national measures, especially in the written national measures, the subject of understanding is the subject of understanding. some of these national measures are clearly not related to one device. for the first time, all the independent national institutions are required
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to make their own road map for the implementation of this document . the national steering council of artificial intelligence, which is seen in the mechanisms, approves the article of the week of the document and these programs that the various institutions that are part of it all. ministry of housing, this program should be in coherence with each other in a council that this council is defined as a path for this matter and to reach this position . what steps do you see? i think that first we must be determined that although we are delaying the approval of the national artificial intelligence document. rosson. and the advanced countries of the world started
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the so-called work on their national documents from 2016, and despite the fact that in many areas, countries may prefer not to have a national document and leave the private sector system open so that businesses can progress, but in the field due to its wide dimensions, artificial intelligence is inevitable for countries that have a national document some countries have reached the sixth version of their document, anyway, with the efforts and efforts that took place in the last 4 years and a round of meetings with all the executive bodies. it was done by the country's elites, we reached this document, despite the fact that the initial version of the document was prepared in the previous government, that is, mr. rouhani's government, but in the government of shahid raisi , may god bless him and grant him peace, it again found conflict with the executive agencies. we were able
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to reach this situation. i want to say that the fact that we now have a strategic document , what does a strategic document mean? this is the first strategic document it sets goals and all policies , strategies, and actions are coordinated towards that goal. we now have this opportunity. that is , 48 ​​action plans are foreseen in this document. 11 national and macro strategies are foreseen in the country. and projected macro policies. even what you in some original. looking at other governments , the concern of the ethics of artificial intelligence, securing human dignity , the destruction of human relationships, the destruction of the nature of life, well, these are big risks, and i was looking at some countries, the second pillar of their attention to artificial intelligence is attention to the ethics of artificial intelligence. and
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preventing excesses that may occur in terms of human relations. this document can be said to be a compilation of the experience of national documents of other countries, respecting the principles of values ​​that were intended by the islamic republic of iran. naturally, our first goal here is to facilitate people's quality of life. really, many of these ministry processes that people find annoying today, the strange bureaucratic system we have, these are all algorithmic issues. it is artificial. artificial intelligence is another level of governance. see, the success of this document depends on the view of the government . it depends on the view of the islamic council. the countries that came at some point put 50% of their country's financial resources in the development of new technology. this is a deep understanding of the issue of having this is a secondary issue
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next to the dozens of issues of the country's progress. first of all, strengthening the human capital of the country, capital guarantee and executive guarantee in the governments, which was pointed out between the speeches of mr. dr. zahedi, so that the governments pay attention to this issue with every plan and every look and know it as binding , mr. d. first of all in the seventh program, exactly this goal a decision has been made and a change in the approach of the system towards intelligent governance has been predicted and in the same document it is also predicted that the government must achieve specific goals within a 5- year plan. the president announces that he is obliged
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to do this himself, the science and technology headquarters of the supreme council of cultural revolution with colleagues. the work of the national center for cyberspace has the task of monitoring and monitoring the implementation of the document. we now have a monitoring report at the headquarters of the role of the country's scientific community on the 212 actions that are foreseen in that document. we evaluate and regularly observe how much of the document has been implemented in my opinion, like an eye and an eagle standing above the work. having the national artificial intelligence document and the establishment of the national artificial intelligence organization, whose level is the level of the vice president and the national artificial intelligence organization, will provide the basis for us to govern in a different horizon. i think that if this governance is successful, we will we will see that the ministerial system of the country will change
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and the discussion that the supreme leader of the revolution has about the revolutionary reconstruction


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