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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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inflammation in france at the same time as the opening of the paris olympics, the french real network caused hundreds of thousands of passengers to get lost due to widespread vandalism. according to the officials of the french national railway company, these vandalisms are so widespread that it will take until the beginning of next week to repair them. now is the time
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to fulfill our promises. we must serve all people based on justice and fairness. people behind us must say something that is consistent with our words. the honesty we talked about must be put into practice now. show me the peak of summer heat in the next two days with the possibility of recording the highest amount electricity consumption. the ministry of energy is ready to pass this consumption peak. subscribers can also help by saving more. it is necessary for the compatriots to be aware of the possibility that we will leave the new installations behind for the coming week, considering that the weather is getting warmer. reducing the working hours
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of government offices and centers today from 6 to 10 am and continuing massive protests against the presence of the butcher of ghazi children in washington, palestine supporters gathered in front of the white house and splashed red paint on the ground as a sign of the blood that netanyahu spilled in gaza. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. peace be upon you, dear viewers and welcome to news section 24 . mr. mezikian is among the members
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of the election headquarters from all over the country, pointing out that the selection in the government should not be based on criminal and political affiliations, and said that the elites are also employed based on scientific indicators. the president-elect asked all political and media activists not to raise their demands so high that it is practically impossible to answer them. it's not that i'm shouting slogans , it's time to act. it's time to act. president-elect at the staff conference. central activists emphasized that now is the time to act and try to serve the people. the people should say something behind us that is consistent with our words. the honesty we talked about should show itself in action now. if we say those words now. you let's act now, this trust and
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hope that we have created in the people will turn into disappointment and mistrust. mr. bizikian listed the implementation of fairness and justice as one of the main duties of his government. our country is for all those who live in this country we have a duty to deal with them on the basis of fairness and justice, mr. bizikian said to help us create expectations in the society based on our values, don't help us to raise the expectations so much that it can't be done, and if we make a mistake, we can definitely make a mistake. let's say the president-elect in the final part of the speech. referring
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to his promises during the election, he said: we will fulfill our promises honestly and based on knowledge and wisdom. as a person, day and night, i will try with all my heart to serve our people, our country and our faith. justice and fairness, i will try to do nothing but justice and fairness, and for this justice and fairness , we need reforms . congratulating the election victory of mr. bizikian, referring to the long-standing cooperation between iran and the iaea, he emphasized that with the cooperation of the two sides, progress can be made in the issue of iran's nuclear technology. the message of the director general of the international atomic energy agency to the elected president
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is published while the countries that are parties to the nuclear agreement o iran, during the jcpoa , they had the highest bad faith in their commitments against this agreement. the claimant european countries, namely germany, england and france, recently issued a statement against iran in the council of governors , which was accompanied by tehran's negative reaction. announcing a no-fly zone over the skies of paris. at the same time as the transport crisis in france for security. airplanes were banned in the skies of paris. the paris olympics officially started an hour ago with the opening ceremony. however, today's extensive vandalism
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in the french transport network, which caused hundreds of thousands of passengers, athletes and spectators to get lost, the principle of holding he sidelined the ceremony. the 2024 olympics in paris started while the bolder margins of the text cast a shadow on it. hours before the start of the opening ceremony, the vandalism operation in the french railway network stopped the transportation pulse of this country. at least 800,000 people wandered in the railway stations, some of them were athletes and spectators, who
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have started special investigations related to the identification of vandalism agents . the national railway company is waiting for these people. he did not blame the extreme left with the complicity of some of his supporters in the railways france took it and said that internal agents have started this vandalism due to factors such as poor service and incomplete reception in the olympic village, which raised the voices of the supervisors and athletes of the countries, including our own country. there are at least 40 and 50 of these 27 countries that are protesting against this. i am saying that they are also protesting about nutrition, more importantly , they are protesting about the transportation of paris. let's not ignore the protests that are seen in most parts of france these days, especially in the stadiums, regarding the presence of zionist athletes
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, but an interesting point. people's reception of caravan four palestinian man at the airport. the two goals of paris, with the slogan "long live palestine, long live the resistance " took place at the same time as the opening ceremony , palestinian supporter groups are going to protest against the presence of zionist regime athletes. their main slogan is that genocide is not an olympic discipline. shahrar hosseini, sada news agency. sima paris, about 300 protesters gathered before the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris republic square to express their opposition to the presence of the zionist regime in these games. the zionists participated in the 2024 paris olympics in a situation where more than 39
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a thousand citizens of gaza have been martyred . he was banned from the olympics because of this video. the english rider, who has 3 olympic gold medals , says that the video is from four years ago and apologized for the blows he gave to the horse, but these. it did not affect the decision of the organizers. the situation of roman gymnast denis miron is a swimmer, but it is different . their crime is murder. participating in the killing of about 17,000 children in 10 months. a hacker group revealed their identity by disclosing documents. all three are soldiers in similar sports uniforms. other members of the olympic convoy of the zionist regime, after taking this photo is memorable. they took off from ben gurion airport and sat in the security ring of paris. the
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palestinian olympic committee demanded their expulsion from the competition , as other people in the world have demanded. but the french president has said welcome. every israeli soccer player is a soldier. you can't even join a team unless it's in the military. we admire and thank the israel defense forces. they are in the army that is now committing genocide and has a case in the international court. this is against the olympic rules. the zionist regime has lost more than 300 lives in these 10 months he took palestinian athletes, including three players of the national football team. and he is also an international referee and the coach of the palestinian olympic soccer team
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. now they entered the olympic field with a military group. soldiers who take off their sportswear at the end of the competition to bleed again. these are in the conditions of bringing the flag. reducing the working hours of government centers across the country based on the announcement of the government with the aim of saving electricity consumption , today the activities of government offices and centers except morocco. rescue and emergency services throughout the country from hours it will be from 6 to 10 am. with the forecast of heat wave
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today and tomorrow and the increase in electricity consumption, the ministry of energy held a meeting to review the country's electricity situation. the minister of energy announced the necessary plans for production, transfer of power consumption management and said that all power plant capacities will be used by this morning. the increase in the demand for electricity consumption due to the unprecedented increase in temperature, the weather is so hot that we don't dare to work during the day , the weather is so hot, the cars are boiling, the temperature has risen to 45 degrees today, it is very hot with the installation of the thermal dome and the continuation of the heat wave for the sixth time the quorum of demand for electricity consumption in the country was broken . estimates indicate that last day we had one and two tenths of degrees celsius. we saw the weighted average temperature higher than the previous year, this
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caused the electricity demand to reach its peak and for the sixth time this year, we saw a new installation in the electricity demand. the intensity of demand for electricity consumption and reaching the warning limit caused the second meeting to review the country's electricity situation. according to the actual conditions in the region. in fact, the thermal conditions that have been established , which i see on the maps, are already on the map it is changing from red to black and almost the color of most parts of iran is similar to that of the persian gulf countries and khuzestan bushehr, which means the heat intensity has increased greatly. the weighted average heat in the country, the weighted average that we in the electricity industry
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are actually looking for, has crossed 40 degrees and has reached 40 degrees, which we do not have before. 55 % of electricity consumption takes place in this sector , the consumption of coolers in the country has reached more than 35 thousand megawatts, which is a very large number. almost equivalent to the consumption of large countries like egypt, their total electricity consumption is about 32,300 megawatts. in the past , it was about 4%, but this year, this consumption growth has exceeded 8%. mozaffari, sedav and sima news agency , in the name of god, greetings to you, the hot and tropical air mass that has been hanging over our country for some time
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, will be higher tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. it covers the whole country, so saturdays and sundays. next saturday , we will have the peak of heat for the next week, but the thing that can affect the stability of the electricity grid is the continuation of hot days and the succession of extremely hot days. it will be hot, and one thing is the prevalence of these hot days in the whole country, thank god, from monday , with the weakening of this air mass and its coming to lower geographical latitudes, the conditions for the passage of mid-level atmospheric waves from the northern belt of our country will be prepared . . the temperature will decrease in the country, although the temperature will increase again on wednesday, the weather will warm up, but it will not be as intense as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. the temperature in the centers of ahvaz reached 48 degrees and yazd reached 45 degrees the temperature of qom and semnanen reached 43 degrees, tehran
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reached 39 degrees. we had the same temperature conditions of 50 degrees in shahrdad , shabankare, the temperature reached 49 degrees . tomorrow, summer rains will occur mostly in parts of north, west and east azarbaijan, some in the coastal provinces of caspian. we have these conditions in the afternoon in the southeast of the country. sistan baluchistan as well as the wind will affect the western half of the country and of course the persian gulf will have rough waters tomorrow, especially in the parts of north will have a good night. the president-elect wrote in a message on the internet that the criminal cannot be purified by standing ovation. mr. mezikian is referring to the action of the us congress representatives in cheering benjamin netanyahu in his speech in the congress. the crime of killing innocent people and defenseless children cannot be ignored
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and innocent blood does not spare the oppressor. with the gathering in front of the white house , red paint was sprinkled on the ground as a symbol of the blood spilled in gaza. the prime minister of the zionist regime is also with kamel harris , the vice president of the united states and the election candidate the presidency of this country visited. after meeting with netanyahu, harris said, "i
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have an unwavering commitment to the existence and security of israel and to netanyahu about supporting israel." i assure you, without mentioning the crimes committed by the occupiers of al-quds in gaza and the killing of tens of thousands of palestinians in the past 9 months, breis once again called hamas terrorists. khan yunus is still under fire. news sources reported that the bodies of at least 25 martyrs were delivered to nasser hospital in khan yunus since friday morning. at the same time, with the continuation of the attacks of fighters and tanks of the zionist regime , it was forced to evacuate women and children from idps have been accommodated in this camp. with the continuation of the ground invasion, the central part of gaza will be divided into two parts. at the same time as the warning
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of international organizations about the humanitarian situation in gaza increased, the world food program announced that due to the limited reason. the world health organization also announced the terrible conditions of the people of gaza due to the danger of spreading the polio virus. meanwhile, the relief and works agency for palestinian refugees reported. 9 out of 10 palestinians in the gaza strip were forcibly displaced and are forced to live in half-ruined tent buildings or among piles of trash. the algerian medical board in returning from their mission in ghazah hospitals , they were met with an impressive welcome by the people of this country.
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this delegation spent 20 days in the indonesia hospital in gaza, despite the lack of facilities and medical equipment and medicine, and treated the injured and those who needed surgery. already 13 algerian doctors in the medical complex. nasr were present in the gaza strip , according to the announcement of the palestinian ministry of health in the gaza strip in the past 9 months, more than 500 medical personnel of this strip were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime. the people of yemen once again held a march to condemn the crimes the zionists in the gaza strip showed their support for the palestinian people.
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in this march, which was held simultaneously in sana'a and other provinces of yemen, the yemenis declared their support for the fifth stage of the operation of the yemeni armed forces against the zionist regime. fridays of rage march was held every week after the friday prayer in golestan and ordville provinces of north khorasan, and the marchers condemned the crimes of the zionist regime and america's support for this regime. america killed israel . i considered it my duty as a muslim. be a follower of wali faqih and participate in this march to conquer israel it is invalid and the right will be established, god willing. the people who participated in this march came to defend the oppressed people of palestine and gaza to say that
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we always and everywhere in our beloved country of iran support you, if you hear the call of a muslim in any corner of the world and you are not a muslim with his help. if we want a khamenei and we will never fall under the burden of oppression , the acting minister of foreign affairs of our country
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considered germany's action in inspecting places related to the hamburg islamic center as an unjustified move that violates the rules and standards of freedom of religion and thought. mr. bagheri said that the terrorist regime of israel, which is responsible for any incident distorting public opinion uses the palestinian genocide as well. the german police welcomed this action. bagheri emphasized: the german government is responsible for the effects and consequences of this unwarranted and violent action. $10 million reward for tracking down a hacker. the us state department has offered a $10 million reward for tracking down north korean citizen rim jong-hyuk, who is accused of participating in the operation. it was decided against america. american federal prosecutors also announced that this person
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is accused of participating in hacking the american health service network and disrupting hospital services. heat wave and forest fires continue in america and canada. with the spread of forest fires in canada, the authorities of this country have 25 thousand residents of jasper. forced to evacuate this area. sarvizer stanta also said that 30 to 50 percent of this city was destroyed by fire. local authorities announced that 275 of the 545 wildfires in the provinces of alberta and british columbia are out of control, to the point where the prime minister of canada has asked for foreign aid. in america , the scope of the fire became more widespread. according to cbs, there are fires in different areas california is leading the way and only in the thomson region of northern california, more than 1,500 hectares of
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forest areas were turned into ashes and forced tens of thousands of people to leave their homes. wheat farmers expect more kindness despite the increase in wheat production. part of the farmers' demand has not yet been received. our reporter demands. he followed up the wheat farmers. officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad say that wheat production has increased this year compared to the previous year . it is about 17-18% more than the same time in 2002. on the other hand, farmers are grateful for this increase in production. thank god our enclosure is very good. we
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are very satisfied with the quality. we are happy it will take two months, it will take 3 months, it will take four months, it will take so long, this farmer wants to buy seeds for next year, but he can't, either he won't pay, or if he gives me money, he will give me a percentage of the rest. in music, now a heavy car comes and asks for money , a truck comes and asks for money, you go to buy gas , you ask for money, all of them want money, the farmer really wants money, because many of them can't pay until there is money for wheat , so we borrow everything, rent, kampah, and everything that
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the preacher of friday prayers in tehran the need for cooperation and interaction in order to respond to the demands of the people , hojjat-ul-islam and al-muslimeen siddiqui suggested that a mechanism be defined for cooperation and synergy based on priorities and needs. a joint committee to know the issues of the country's problems, always monitor this joint committee, always have the same opinion , and
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let the parliament, the executive branch, and the judiciary know the priorities of the needs that should be solved by this group, they are all one. dividing the duties of their duties is not separate from each other , observe this synergy. friday prayer this week in tehran, memories of the first friday prayer in the capital lived for the worshipers. the memories that the old generation tries to make the presence of their children in the friday prayer


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