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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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we see that even 10% of republicans refuse to vote for joe biden because of the developments we saw in the middle east. democrats know that they can easily lose the election. what i took from this part of
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your speech is that the issue of palestine has become so prominent for american public opinion and inside america and america's support for the zionist regime that politicians cannot ignore it. as a final question, i would like to ask, do you think we have seen that these days the candidates for the american elections have two-sided talks in support of palestine and the zionist regime means in a way pointing out that we are also aware of the issue of palestine and gaza . do you think these people can do anything about the things they say and the issue of palestine they are referring to after voting? my question is shorter. i want to repeat, after the vote, is it possible to take action to end the gaza issue? politicians
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are really looking to win the november election, you 're right, you made a perfectly valid statement that they don't really care what they really think about. what is palestine's vote and in support of israel? what votes do they have? they are really looking for how many in the recent election and this is actually what they are saying. for example, mr. trump recently said that israel should be stopped. they are really exaggerating about what they are doing. is this really his concern? is it not? mr. trump
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is really one of the main supporters of trump and he is really looking for israel to always attract israel's support to him, and as a result, they look more at israel than palestine at the ipec committee or israel- palestine relations. so many donations significantly, and they also give a lot of help to the people of congress, and when they come to power and that candidate comes to power, the person who is the candidate actually follows their policies, and this is because of this, and this is actually the main reason. it is a bad situation that we are witnessing now. thank you very much , mr. sheldon fotot, university professor.
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california, you were with us in the form of a video , you accepted our invitation, i say goodbye to you , and my summary of mr. sheldon fotwood's speech is that, at least until the american elections, we may continue to have two-sided talks about supporting let's hear about palestine from the words of the us presidential candidates, but the constant support of the us for the zionist regime. according to mr. sheldon, the death toll will not decrease , but today the world continues to see a report of a gathering in one of the schools of the united nations relief and works agency known as unrwa, condemning the crimes of the zionist regime . we are in one of the unrwa schools in the north of the gaza strip. and unrwa staff working in this school . and also a number of students of this
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school in response to the martyrdom of one of the staff of this school at the hands of the occupying soldiers of the protest rally to hold this gathering is also condemned.
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attack position we are very sad. nidal aliin news agency. gaza. we are still flipping through the first case of the world today, and this time i want to talk to mr. benyamin zinovich, an anti -zionist student activist in america, who is also a video guest of the world program. mr. zinovich, welcome to our program. i want from you. a student , i would like to ask a question to the prime minister of the zionist regime in america. student activists, did you imagine that a few months
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later, the prime minister of the zionist regime would visit america and be cheered by the audience like this? at any cost , they are supporting this massacre in gaza, and every politician who
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is working in this country and is invited to washington dc, we are witnessing that with a severe case. support will be provided, but this is while they are not welcomed by the people and young people like me are subjected to pepper spray and the security forces treat them severely in 2021 ad. the follow-up was that we witnessed the trip of a zionist leader to
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we were in america and it was mr. kamal and mrs. kamla harris who shook hands with mr. trump . he left, and in fact, the colony of zionist people who are in america welcomed him more than before and strongly support the zionist regime against the liberation of palestine. now , how do the american people feel about the events of the past 24 hours in the virtual space of the support given to the zionist regime and its prime minister in the united states? yes
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the report we received shows that the students were sitting in a demonstration and walking in the streets in support of palestine and preventing the passage of the convoy carrying netanyahu and trying to follow it.
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this was actually what we witnessed during apartheid in south africa, and this is really a very significant development, and the fact that we arrest these people and show them as criminals shows more than ever that the sections different parts of america woke up and what
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they were facing at the same time countries like iran, lebanon, and countries like yemen actually declared solidarity with the unbelievers who were around the congress. mr. zainbeid, as an anti-zionist student activist, you mentioned in part of your speech that it was expected in congress or by american politicians. this support and this hosting
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should be done by the prime minister of the zionist regime, but a few minutes ago we had a conversation with mr. sheldon futot, a professor at the university of california, and he said that half of the representatives of the american congress did not participate in this ceremony when the prime minister of the zionist regime came or even two election candidates. the american presidency is talking about the issue from two sides. palestine and the zionist regime and the firm support that was given to the zionist regime has faded now, at least it has lost its momentum, if not to say it has faded, it has become more faded than in the past. the impact of the rise of american public opinion. yes, in america, as i said
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, different parts of the labor society, students, organizations such as cultural workers, people who are moving in different parts of the society, including the movements that are opposed to the apartheid movement. now to the feet wanting to wake up now and trying to control the pro-zionist discourse and stop it , i think this has become an issue even for politicians, ms. kamla.
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he had to sit behind closed doors . thank you very much, mr. zinevich, i don't know if the connection has stopped or not? thank you very much , mr. zinevich, student activist. anti-zionist in america, you accepted the invitation of the world program today , but we want to go to the second case of the program and the paris olympics and the issue. the presence of athletes from the regime the zionist who caused 300 protesters to gather in paris republic square before the opening ceremony of the olympics to announce their opposition to the presence of the zionist regime in these games . let's see a report about this. we want to continue
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going to paris because of this video of the olympics. deprived the english rider, the holder of three olympic gold medals , says that the video is from four years ago and he apologized for the blows he gave to the horse, but these did not affect the decision of the organizers. 17 thousand a hacker group in 10 months. however , they revealed their identity by revealing their documents and documents. all three soldiers are in sports uniforms similar to other members of the zionist regime's olympic convoy.
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as other people of the world have asked for this. but the french president has said welcome. every israeli soccer player is a soldier. you can't even join a team unless you are in the military. and those who are now because of training in gaza they are not thanks to other soldiers. we admire and thank the israel defense forces . they are in an army that is now genocidal and in court. there is an international case. this is against the olympic rules. in these 10 months, the zionist regime has killed more than 300 palestinian athletes , including three national football team players and an international referee. coach of the palestinian olympic football team. the zionists who
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have made the stadiums of gaza a ground for the captivity and mass execution of palestinian men. now with a military group. they entered the olympic field. soldiers with the end the competition takes off their sports clothes to bleed again. this is in a situation where it is forbidden to bring the palestinian flag into the stadium and there is a fine for attacking it. saeed zanganeh of sed and sima news agency. we are going to paris and i will talk with mr. shaheswar hosseini, a reporter of sed and radio news agency in paris, who is with us on video. mr. shahreswar hosseini is welcome, as far as we have access and we see protests against the presence of the representatives in the media and in the virtual space. the zionist regime in the olympic games is both widespread and serious , we want your personal experience on the sidelines let's see how wide these contests are and how serious
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these protests are. hello, good evening to you and dear viewers. yes, this issue is really a serious and challenging issue for the french government . it has been raised as an achilles heel of mr. macron's government, especially that today, according to some experts who are able to talk to the french media, it was said that with the reception of the head of the zionist regime in france. well, what is happening between the people
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is very important, and the media are also protesting in two parts of the country. but there are also media that are finally followed by people who are looking for the truth the media are going and their content is following this issue a lot, for example, la noble republique newspaper addressed this issue today and that in stutka, a place that is about 200 km from paris, and part of the paris olympic competitions are held there, people have requested to protest. had demonstrated, but the mayor of this region did not allow it and said that since the title of the demonstration
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is protest against genocide, it is a political issue and we will not allow him to raise these issues as a protest in the streets of the people during the olympics. this topic payment of anfa newspaper. today , he addressed an important issue and announced that in the capital of the olympics , the city of zürich, switzerland, a group of people, instead of water in the pool, drew blood and red paint to show their protest against the presence of representatives of the zionist regime in the paris olympics. body and ask the international olympic committee to ban the representatives of the zionist regime in rome just as it banned the representatives of russia for the olympics
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, so that the international olympic committee does not have a bad judgment in the future, which of course we have not seen until now and the committee international olympic protest and request. you were from paris with the world program today , about the same double standards that my colleague mr. shahzavar hosseini pointed out in the report that the international olympic committee
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dealt with russia and israel in a double manner and banned one of them from the competitions and banned the other. let's see a report prepared by my colleague mr. ghasemzadeh. paris again after 100 years. it hosted the olympic games. 2024 olympics in paris amid strict security measures with the help of other countries, including dozens of british police, with the presence of athletes from 26 countries of the world, but not athletes from all countries. due to the war in ukraine, the athletes of russia and belarus are not allowed to participate in competitions with the name and flag of their country.
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israel is treated with a double standard and israel is given special support in the west. its examples are in the un resolutions against israel. dual treatment with russia and israel. it has completely revealed the approach of western governments to the people of the world. according to the olympic charter, the purpose of these competitions is to create a life based on respect for human rights and moral principles. with the history of the israeli regime's bloodshed since its inception 76 years ago until now, especially in recent months, it was expected that millions of people in the world want to pay attention to the olympic games without the presence of israel.
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the presence of the israeli regime in the paris olympics at the same time as the massacre in gaza, the confirmation of the palestinian genocide, is described as a violation of the spirit and truth of the olympics. for this reason, opposition to the presence of zionist regime athletes in the olympics has increased. mojtaba ghasemzadeh, radio news agency, london. we have reached the end of the world today. thanks for. god bless you.
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sweet and juicy, peldasht qutb city produces this product in west azarbaijan province.
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i came from dasht-poldasht for tehran, god willing , you know that we want to deliver this cargo to tehran we have watermelons from the plain of poldasht for holy mashhad . it is a watermelon. i bought it from the lake . we came here from chaharmahal bakhtiari province . we planted watermelons here in the fields of poldasht. alhamdulillah. the pattern of cultivation and observance of that 300 hectares of the land area of ​​this city is dedicated to watermelons and we predict that about 80 tons per hectare will be harvested from this crop. to be due to the high water content of this product, all leveling of the smart surface of this city is done by tape method.
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it is under cultivation and in this irrigation method , 70% of water consumption is saved per hectare. among the advantages of this irrigation method is the reduction of water consumption, the prevention and control of weeds, the reduction of labor force and also the reduction of agricultural costs, which in total is 20% in production efficiency. it is affect. in this irrigation method, the yield of our product has increased compared to the traditional method. during the watermelon harvesting season, 30 people are working in the field every day. we arrive at the farm at 8:00 am and start harvesting watermelons do. handbane harvesting in this city starts from the second half of july and continues for a month. it is expected that 24 thousand tons of watermelons will be harvested from this land. nasser mansouri, sed and broadcasting news agency , peldasht.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, rafael grossi, to meet with mr. the director general of the international atomic energy agency announced his readiness in a message, while congratulating mr. mezikian on his victory in the elections , pointing to the long-standing cooperation between iran and the iaea , and emphasized: with the cooperation of both sides, progress can be achieved in the issue of iran's nuclear technology. the message of the director general of the international atomic energy agency addressed to the president-elect is published while the countries that are parties to the iran nuclear deal are the highest in the jcpoa


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