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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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dear, we have arrived at 13:00 and we present the news of this hour. today and tomorrow the temperature will increase in the country. according to the meteorological organization, more than 20 cities and stations recorded temperatures above 40 degrees yesterday. tehranis spent last night at a temperature of 40 degrees celsius. forecasts indicate that the air temperature in tehran will reach 41 degrees today. head of air health and climate change group.
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the ministry of health emphasized the necessity of minimizing exposure to sunlight and self-care in the coming days and said: between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, the uv index reaches its peak, which is better. compatriots should be less exposed to sunlight at this time. with the continuation of the record low heat and in order to preserve the health of the citizens, the energy consumption management of all the centers of government offices. and banks across the country are closed tomorrow, sunday, except for relief and emergency service centers. today, with the closure of the offices from 10:00 am, the monitoring of electricity consumption in the field and intelligently will be on the agenda of the ministry of energy, and the electricity of the offending office will be cut off. tavanir company requested all the compatriots to use the remote control of air conditioners by respecting the comfort temperature and setting the gas coolers at 24 degrees.
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don't use high consumption electrical appliances during the hot hours of the day. help the electricity industry to provide better services . the weather is very hot, sir, how hot it is. what are you doing? 100 sir , what are you doing? can you go? the weather is very hot. our request is that even one less lamp should be lit in residential houses. maybe one less house should be turned off. in the south of the country or even in our own province, the weather is so hot that we can't do it anymore. let's work. my job is cleaning. the weather is so hot , we don't dare to work during the day. in addition to the fact that offices are closed, people also save on electricity consumption. vacations should also be accompanied by saving on consumption. do it at home too.
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increased heat and double pressure on the country's power grid. pointing to the sharp increase in consumption and additional pressure on the power grid, the minister of energy said: rapid response teams and relief agents throughout the country are on standby 24/7 to solve any problem in the shortest possible time. . now i want to talk to the general manager intelligence and new technologies. tawanir mr. ahmadi, i am at your service, i have a greeting. good time . please tell us to what extent the closure of offices has been effective in reducing electricity consumption and what plan do you have for monitoring different sectors? yes, in the name of god , i am also at your service and my dear viewers, greetings, courtesy and respect. as it was informed in different news sections to serve the dear people of iran, this
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week is one of the hottest weeks of the year. the demand for consumption will increase on the other hand, it will cause the capacity of the networks to be more limited, so consumption management is a very basic issue. these days, our colleagues are trying day and night to be able to have a stable electricity supply regarding the question you said while monitoring the data. we are, but according to the latest news that has reached me and i am informing you that from 10:00 a.m. until now , we have saved more than a thousand megawatts due to the fact that all 70,000 departments completed their work online at 10:00 a.m. at the country level, every department is being monitored an organization that does not comply after the termination notice. electricity
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will happen to him. i request all the respected energy officials, office managers, those who leave the office and, god forbid, turn on capital equipment by mistake, to manage it because it is possible that remote intelligent controls will automatically load. cut off and this will cause damage to their equipment , computer systems, etc., so they must have management so that, god willing, we will be able to manage consumption and pass this difficult situation with the least amount of problems. dear fellow countrymen. i also want them to help their employees in these difficult conditions and provide the conditions for stable electricity supply to all iranian people by managing consumption during peak hours, especially during noon . god willing, thank you very much, mr. ahmadi, i am grateful for your explanations, the general manager of intelligentization and
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new technologies. at least 21 people died in a 24-hour period in the maghreb due to the unprecedented heat wave. what is? fossil fuel and climate change caused by human activity. we know that this phenomenon will get worse. abnormal extreme heat is a new phenomenon. several airport and rail plans in the country with the presence of the acting president
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was made available online. the new passenger terminals of ramsar and ilam airports, as well as the two-lane construction of the remaining 40 km of ahvaz andi meshk railway line. it was a project that was opened today by the order of mr. mokhbar. by appealing to the holy spirit of mullah aba abd allah and seeking the help of god almighty, we begin with the blessings of using these projects. god bless ali muhammad and his family. we are opening the ilam airport today. it may still have problems, but it will be possible to fly because it does the same thing in the north of the country let's say that andi meshak to ahvaz railway line will be completed in two lines, these are all in the service of issues that if these things did not happen today, people
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would be at least inconvenienced. the inauguration ceremony of the presidential decree of mr. masoud mezikian, the president-elect , will be held tomorrow on behalf of the leader of the islamic revolution . this ceremony will start tomorrow at 10:00 am in imam khomeini hosseinieh with the presence of national and military officials, school and university professors, representatives of various guilds, and a group of families of martyrs and ambassadors residing in tehran. the inauguration ceremony of the elected president was also held on tuesday with the presence of a number of military and national officials and foreign guests will be held in the hall of the islamic council. mr. medzikian said after the ceremony. the resignation and inauguration of the cabinet will be introduced to the parliament as soon as possible. the general director of passenger transportation of the road organization
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announced the beginning of the limited sale of arbaeen bus tickets for the three northern borders of tamrchin, bashmaq and khosravi with the aim of discovering travel demand. according to mr. baqir javan, bus ticket sales to the six western borders will also start on wednesday, august 10. it will be done across the country. according to the announcement of arbain central headquarters, the price of bus tickets is up to it will be announced on wednesday, august 3rd, and after that , the passengers can go to the bases of the transport companies and purchase their tickets from the ravi system of the road organization. the managing director of imam khomeini airport city announced the readiness of 14 domestic and two foreign airlines for arbaeen flights this year . it has the pilgrims' car for free about 82 of
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the so-called arbaeen air trips from the airport city imam khomeini was done last year. this year , my colleagues are preparing all the necessary measures . last year, we held about 25 processions . i would like to present these processions to your presence . this year, we also have plans to hold these processions in imam airport city. khomeine is defined as the vertical zero of pilgrim movement, the head of the planning and budget organization said that soon another 42 thousand billion tomans will be paid from the demands of the wheat farmers. mr. manzoor announced the guaranteed purchase price of wheat at 17,500 tomans and said that with the decisions made, the total payments will reach 95 thousand billion tomans. the head of the program and budget organization also
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announced the payment of 62 thousand billion tomans in the first four months of this year. mr. manzoor also said that the share of the country's general budget in the first four months of this year is about 850 thousand billion tomans , of which about 670 thousand billion tomans, i.e. 78, have been realized. the new report of the central bank shows that from the beginning of the year until today, 22 billion and 600 million dollars have been provided for the import needs of the country. now to know about today's currency rates in the exchange center and currency supply statistics we want to talk to the spokesman of the currency and gold exchange center, mr. balsini. i greet you . please tell me what currencies were sold at what rates at the exchange center today? yes , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy to
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the excellent staff and to the respected viewers of this news section today at the iran currency and gold exchange center , the price of the dollar scan is 48068 tomans, the euro scan is 52292 tomans and the dirham bill is 138 tomans, the latest statistics are the same as you said, the sum of what since the beginning of the year, the supply of foreign currency has reached more than 22 billion dollars, according to the statistics that i am presenting 5 and 1 second, one billion dollars has been allocated for basic goods and medicine, 12 billion and 151 million dollars have been allocated for goods in the commercial and trade sector, imports against exports, 48 ​​billion dollars, and 413 million dollars for the service sector, and the provision has been made for it. it has been taken with a moving average rate, which is 3968 tomans, 42746 euros for one month, and the rest of the currencies can be accessed on the central bank's website
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, at what rate each of the widths is provided, the basic goods that are an important part of people's consumption needs . 5 and 12 billion dollars, which is 41 billion basic goods and agriculture dollars have been supplied with the rate of 28500 which is the preferred rate and we have supplied more than one billion dollars for medicine and medical equipment. the industry sector has supplied more than 17 billion dollars since the beginning of 2000 until today in the total of the nima system and imports. in contrast to exports , it has received 12 billion and 151 million dollars through the nima system, and 48 billion dollars through imports and exports . and the car with more than 2 billion dollars it is the most part that you have received the message to let you
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know about the auction of coins and bullion at the exchange center. we have bank payments, and tomorrow is a holiday in the banking system. the coin auction will not be held on monday. the exchange center will not be holding the announcements about the next rome auctions. inshallah, we will inform you soon . thank you very much, sir. sini, spokesperson of the width and gold exchange center, i bid you farewell. continued news one day after the attack on the french seri and seir train network, the movement of trains in this country is still disrupted. the french national railway company announced that the rail disruption will continue at least until tomorrow. the movement of a large number of trains in some routes of this country is still stopped. all trains are delayed by two hours. yesterday morning, all the fiber cables that passed through the vicinity of different roads and
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ensured the transmission of driver safety information such as red lights, etc., were cut and set on fire. following this attack, thousands of travelers are stranded in france became french authorities have called this attack planned and sabotaged. the paris prosecutor's office has started an investigation. the symbolic act of the algerian brigade at the opening of the olympics. at the opening ceremony of the 2024 olympic games in paris, the algerian carban threw flowers into the seine river at the place where algerians were killed in 1961. they threw on october 17, 1961, in paris , the french police brutally suppressed the demonstration of tens of thousands of algerian citizens in paris who wanted their country's independence from france. hundreds of demonstrators meanwhile that the police targeted them in front of the banks of the river seine , they died and some of their bodies
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were thrown into the river. supporters of palestine in america demanded the end of this country's support to the zionist regime. the protestors condemned the protest of the zionist genocide in the gaza strip based on the demonstration at the meeting place of donald trump, the previous president of the united states, with the zionist prime minister in florida. stockholm, the capital of sweden, was also the scene of solidarity demonstrations with the palestinians. supporters of palestine in the capital of tunisia by holding a demonstration near the american embassy they condemned the country's support for zionist crimes and
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demanded an end to the war against the palestinians. in jordan , palestinian supporters gathered in support of palestine and the resistance and condemned the crimes of the zionist regime by shouting slogans. ahna asfin or gaza , ahna asfin, ahna kaman hisari, ahna kaman hesari. a group of american doctors who volunteered to help the people of gaza announced in a letter to the president of the united states and his vice president that they cannot tell what is happening in the gaza strip. they have seen and the genocide of the zionists to be silent. pointing out that the number of martyrs in the gaza strip is much higher than what was announced , they wrote that the number of victims of the war reaches 92 thousand people, which
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includes 4.2% of the residents of the gaza strip. these american doctors say that they cannot put up heartbreaking scenes. forget the women and children of gaza , they asked joe biden and kamla harris, his deputy, not to sell weapons to israel and to stop supporting it politically and economically. according to them , the israeli soldiers kidnapped, tortured and killed the medical staff in the gaza strip. verbal conflict between the representative of russia and the representative of the united states over gaza at the meeting of the security council. in this meeting, which was held on an extraordinary basis at the request of russia, china and algeria, there was a verbal conflict between the deputy representatives of the two countries. as the media has reflected, this tension occurred when the representative of russia demanded an explanation from the representative of the united states about sending weapons from this country to the zionist regime and using them in the gaza war. vassilyn benzia, stating that the value of
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the weapons sent by the united states to the zionist regime is more than 6 billion 500. it is million dollars, he said , so far, more than 50,000 us-made bombs have been used the residents of the gaza strip were killed, as a result of which about 40,000 defenseless palestinian women and children were killed. these words of the russian representative did not please the american representative robert wood and made him angry and aggressive. 90% of palestinians living in gaza were displaced. referring to the population of 2,300,000 people in gaza, the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees announced that 9 out of 10 people living in this area were forcibly displaced from their homes due to the crimes of the zionist regime. this un-affiliated agency has emphasized that none of these places the refugees have not settled there and the displaced palestinians have nowhere to go. from
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october 7, 2023, mehr 15, 1402, zionist regime. with the absolute support of the united states , it launched a devastating war against the residents of gaza, which has resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of more than 129,000 palestinians and the disappearance of more than 10,000 people, most of whom are women and children. the governor of california has declared it a crime to camp homeless people in public places. california more than 180 thousand homeless. previously, the us supreme court made it a crime for homeless people to sleep and camp in public places had known social activists consider the decision of the state of california to be cowardly and cause it. they know that the problem of the homeless is complicated. however, the governor of california asked the local authorities to implement his order immediately. now
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is the time for the local authorities to clean these places of the homeless as a matter of urgency. for safety and public health, this action is necessary and no excuses are acceptable in this regard. due to overcrowding in prisons, the british parliament passed a law according to which prisoners who have not committed violent crimes, if 40% of the term if they have served their sentences, they will be released . according to sky news, for the first time, the number of british prisoners has reached more than 87,000 , which has increased by 17% in the last 3 years . according to this report, the condition of 40% of prisons is alarming or extremely alarming, which is getting worse every day, and the prisons
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are full of drugs. the accumulation of garbage has become one of the problems of american citizens in big cities , according to the report of cbs news, the amount of garbage in america has almost doubled in size over the past four decades . a professor of psychiatry at stanford university says that images of streets full of garbage in america lead to images like this one of social isolation
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. a space full of garbage sends a message to society that it is not good for mental health and for physical health, all of which are linked to depression. san francisco alone produces 5,000 tons of garbage every day. recology is one of the companies. recycled and compost that is sold to farmers as fertilizer. but every year, 18,000 tons of garbage are piled up on the streets of the city. in sun francisco most people pile it somewhere to avoid the garbage collection fees that landlords and tenants have to pay. here we want to recover as much waste as possible and turn it into compost. we all produce tabs and have a personal responsibility to take care of them and
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put them in a proper place. in a survey in 2024 about the dirtiest cities in america , new york city came first, which means that the situation there is the worst. in that survey, san francisco was second and jersey city was third. the world recorded the lowest economic growth according to the director of the international monetary fund, the world is facing the weakest economic growth in recent decades. georgi ba said that the international monetary fund has predicted economic growth of 3.3 percent in 2025. the head of the international monetary fund warned: the financial sector of the world with the vulnerability of non-banking financial institutions, new technologies such as digital breadth and fragmentation. the international payment system is facing. the international monetary fund has stressed that efforts to curb inflation should continue.
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thank you very much for your attention and farewell to my colleagues in the morning news group i hope you have a good day. in the name and memory of god, greetings and a good time, i have the presence of you, dear viewers of the khabar channel, for today and tomorrow, we continue to witness the persistence of hot weather and the trend of increasing temperatures in most parts of our country. we request that due to the fact that the weather is hot and the temperature is increasing,
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make the necessary savings in electricity consumption. may we spend these very hot days without power outages in our country. for today, partly due to the rains that occur on the shores of the caspian sea , we will have a slight decrease in temperature on the shores of the caspian sea. caspian sea coasts, in addition to increasing the intensity of rains on the coasts, we expect a decrease in temperature during sunday, monday and tuesday, especially in you. occur in the west of the northern coasts and slopes of alborz. in terms of rainfall , as we have mentioned, for the next few hours in the provinces of ardabil, north azarbaijan , west azarbaijan, gilan, mazandaran , central alvorz heights, alvorz heights, tehran , semnan, golestan will gradually rain, and for tomorrow, in addition to these areas, gradually for
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north khorasan, sometimes the increase of hemat and productivity is predicted it is possible that in the southeast of the country, we will sometimes have an increase in clouds. due to the monsoon currents in the afternoon and early night for the next 5 days in the northern and eastern highlands of hormozgan province, the southern highlands of kerman and the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, we expect to have increased rainfall and sometimes lightning in these areas as well. . in terms of phenomenon. the 120-day wind continues to blow in the eastern regions of our country, sometimes it causes a decrease in air quality, and on sundays and mondays, the intensity of the winds increases with dust storms in the eastern regions of our country. sometimes, in the north of sistan baluchistan province , we will have areas of south khorasan, as well as in the center of the albut slopes in the southwest and south of the country, in
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some hours on the speed of the situation. the wind will increase due to the strong wind in these areas, dust and a decrease in air quality are expected in parts of the persian gulf and also the caspian sea is rough and choppy , marine orange warnings have been issued , marine activities in these areas should be limited. if it is done , we will have a clear to slightly cloudy sky with wind blowing for tehran in the next few hours. expect to raise eyebrows in the eastern highlands province for the early night hours, but from sunday in central alborz and erfatat of tehran province, in addition to increasing the night , there is also a possibility of rain, in the southern regions of the western parts of the province, strong winds can sometimes rise and cause dust and decrease in air quality. we are
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going to have hot weather for today till tomorrow in tehran province. today it reaches 42 degrees, the weather is hot in tehran, we should save on electricity consumption , and we expect the temperature to drop for tehran as well from monday. thank you and god bless you. let's see a report together about the history of iran's presence in olympic games and then, god willing, we will come back and talk more with mr. esfakian about the delegation of our country's athletes to the paris olympics
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. behind the glamorous pictures of paris hosting the olympic games , there are more colorful margins than many texts. margins such as the expulsion of immigrants and the difficult situation of french muslims, including athletes and organizers of the games. while there was an example until the official start of the games, the protests against the presence of zionist athletes in paris are more than before. these protests have even reached miles away from the venue of the games. for example, in south korea the people of this country are
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oppressed by the oppression of the zionist regime.


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