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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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we are talking about behind the flashy images of paris hosting the olympic games , there are more vivid details than many texts, such as the expulsion of immigrants and the difficult situation of french muslims, including athletes and organizers of the games, while there is nothing left until the official start of the games. regarding the presence of zionist regime athletes in south korea, for example, the people of this country are oppressed
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in different ways and this is the difference between sports and politics. french authorities are trying to bring peace to paris . but such protests still create a tense atmosphere for holding the biggest sports event in the world has a door
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in this report that we saw together, they had a look at the participation of zionist athletes in the paris olympic games and of course the sidelines and objections that different countries have about this issue, which we will discuss with mr. asfaqian in the future. to you, mr. hosseini, i have to tell you that alhamdulillah, the report that mr. hashemi , the honorable secretary general of the national olympic committee, gave from there, 8 sports out of 13 of our sports that must be present there showed up there, the conditions that mr. hashemi mentioned about nutrition. at they did not report good conditions regarding transportation, regarding the accommodation conditions of the athletes, but these conditions are for everyone, definitely there are our coaches
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, the heads of our federations who are with the team , our teams, i will give the athletes the necessary and psychological development, mr. mr. hosseini will appear with 40 athletes, which in fact 39 of our athletes have won the quota . khadim al-reza and the slogan , in fact, this peace caravan is for children and the world, which is actually organized by the national olympic committee of the republic islamic event happened with the coordination of the ministry of sports . i hope that all the participants in this great event. sports of the world
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should pay special attention to the issue of peace and support for dear children, which will definitely happen, god willing, in which discipline do you hope to win a medal? well, look at mr. hosseini's prediction in sports. usually, we sports experts do this very hard, but we generally we hope because our religious teachings tell us that you should hope. but in wrestling, our wrestlers will definitely be proud in taekwondo , god willing, it will happen. god, in fields like shooting, we have good kids. they are sent to rowing. good kids are there. all the efforts of these kids is to
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get results there. the presence of dear alfati aziz made history after many years. he won a medal in the game and every moment there, hoping to god , good things will happen. inshallah, we hope to achieve a brave athlete and a modest, polite athlete. in fact , our mazandani in rock climbing is mr. alipuro, who is an athlete with high courage. swordsman. in short, we have good athletes in various sports fields. god willing , we hope that our children will have the necessary brilliance
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. mr. hosseini . they emphasize that you should do your best, god willing, the result will be different. look, let me make a comparison. we have 40 quotas this season. our athletes are in 13 sports, of which wrestling has the highest quota with 11 athletes. in gymnastics, we have one quota in mountaineering. we have one quota for rock climbing and one quota for swimming , but i would like to say that if we had the number of people in the previous period. there were a lot of us because of the presence of volleyball and basketball . i had increased the number of these two team sports . in fact
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, our karate kids are repeating the medals with zeal, but in this olympic period , the discipline has not been set. like basketball and volleyball , another championship season is in the process of shedding its skin having these successes, now our volleyball and basketball are in the process of shedding their skin. we have
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to witness good events in the field of championship sports in the next period of these fields for the next periods with good planning and considering the inclusion of the same advanced national sports program, god willing. the issue of football is also a long history that we have not participated in competitions for more than 50 years the football federation must have serious and necessary plans in this regard, and they definitely have their friends . there is a difference between the federation and the national olympic committee in this regard, not us, but i have to say something to mr. hosseini. to be fair, sports in the country are very quiet now. yes, with the presence of dr. hashemi , all of his emphasis and instructions to the deputy ministers are to manage the country's sports in such a way that
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it is peaceful. the national paralympic is an agreement established with the ministry of sports, the smallest in fact difference there are no discussions between the ministry of sports, the national olympic committee, the national football federation, and we have discussions . sometimes, specialized discussions finally occur, and this must be the case. if not, the work will not go forward, but fortunately, we are in this period, mr. hosseini. as an athlete, coach, head of the board, head of the federation, manager of the joint affairs office, general manager in the provinces, the conditions under which i am documenting this, i was in the country's sports , the conditions that prevail in the country's sports today are a complete calm condition, i will not say this, as you can from the olympians. mr. hadi sai par our proudest athlete, sajjad anoushi ravi
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, ask mr. dr. debir, mr. mir esmaili, other champions who are olympians and presidents of other federations, such as mr. taj and other friends, and they will definitely approve my petitions. and the sports community of our athletes, we have a duty to create a peace, because despite the differences, mr. doctor, my doctors always point out that with the differences and without actually being together , nothing special will happen for our beloved islamic republic, as our supreme and wise leader has repeatedly said to officials note that any dispute we must avoid division, all of us together for the progress of dear islamic iran, the holy islamic system, take a step forward with the conditions you described and the experience and background you have expressed yourself , what do you think should be done for the issue of football and the participation of football in the olympics? . to my dear brother, mr. hosseini, i must tell you that the clubs
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have an essential role in this sector and they must have the necessary cooperation, and definitely every club manager's heart beats for the success of his country's football. whoever is there, the coaches and head coaches of the club teams, these are all football players. they are a country that has been proud for many years well done in different football fields. they should have the necessary accompaniment, this is happening , there should be a federalism between the club, the federation and the national team, which is happening, today we visited the national youth team camp in the morning with the presence of mr. there was a good report that today, when they are going to the tournament, they are saying that 50% of our players will be released to the clubs. well , the expectation was that the clubs
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would have the necessary cooperation, definitely with the follow-up of the honorable president of the federation and the emphasis of mr. hashemi. things must happen so that our national team is our priority . after all, everything is our national teams , which cause national authority, in fact, national unity and national cohesion. when hosseini's team wins, our country will witness a national consensus, a national unity and cohesion. therefore, the attention of all dear ones should be directed to this issue, especially the clubs should act in a special way in the matter of talent search. well, in the report that we saw together, the topic of the team was mentioned
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some of the zionist regime in this year's olympics, which we must say, are among the characteristics of this olympics, and the dual policy that we are witnessing from the international olympic committee, which on the one hand did not prevent the participation of these teams , despite the protests of various countries against the presence of the zionists, and on the other hand, depriving the teams of russia and belarus. your analysis , what is your assessment of this behavior? see, the world is definitely witnessing this duality, the countries where the supreme leader of the revolution participated also gave the necessary warnings, and i hope that it will be the attention of those involved in the fields of international committees.
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we are all saddened by these oppressed children of gaza and we hope that the sports community in the whole world, where apparently protests have taken place there , will turn their attention to this matter and pay attention to what you have done in the ministry of sports in this regard. in following up with both islamic countries and other countries, which we must say are the free people of the world, to protest against international legal institutions and to protest against the presence of zionist athletes, we definitely had our religious and religious duty to take measures in this direction. definitely events we will see the good. well, let's go back to the subject of the olympics and other fields related to the olympics . there are also women in our military personnel
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. it is a sign of the good activity of the women's field. what is the reason for this success? what do you know about the reason for this success? fact as well as the activity of our provinces and the efforts of our federations and the vice-presidents of our ladies show this success, of course, that we ourselves, as
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the champion field and mr. minister, from our own performance , in fact, we did not have the opportunity, we can have more opportunities and great work considering these programs that i presented. i made the national sports development program for the country's national goals, mr. hosseini, if it comes to fruition , i promise that we will have wonderful events. these countries are also present with the opinions of academic experts sports elites attended all these programs with the use of respected academic professors and i am sure that this process does not have a good outlook for the sports of the country in the field of women and
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female athletes who were sent, in which fields is the possibility of winning a medal in taekwondo, good kids were actually sent. in rowing, we also have good kids . we hope to have the effort of the kids . making arrangements that we hope so. the honorable minister of sports had serious follow-ups in this regard, well, as announced , it became 842, and in fact, in addition to the fact that we,
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our provinces, the athletes are also given attention after winning medals, and the rewards at the foot of the podium. in fact, the emphasis of the minister and the honorable presidents of the national olympic and paralympic committees, and in fact, the governors of the provinces and athletes are honored and honored. able digits. the national olympic committee has been paying attention, especially in this period the national paralympic committee also issued special orders, mr. minister, why do they believe that mr. minister is an athlete, they believe that we should pay attention to this , they always remind the motivation of athletes, which was emphasized by the supreme leader of the revolution, and pay attention
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to the athlete and create motivation. he emphasized the requirements for the field of vice-championship. they did a doping test. they actually had the necessary development and emphasis. also, the artistic list of athletes means selected athletes. these have been examined on several occasions. even 30 to 30
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athletes from iran are included in the arti list nadu and federated iran. they are the lives of the world who were tested and tested, while the national olympic and paralympic committees themselves gave the necessary training and awareness to great athletes and great coaches in different classes. there is also a notebook with the athletes , where there are some things that the athlete may not understand, a pill for the subjects. yes , mike, we have about a minute . let's hear a final point and summary from salio, whether it's about the olympics or in the area of ​​responsibility, sir. i'm for the caravan. khadim al-rezai dear islamic iran, which went to this competition with the slogan of peace for children, i pray for all
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the mothers of dear islamic iran, that their families will be the wives of the heroes for this caravan, especially the mothers of our heroes. respected by the ministry of sports and the committee. i want to pray for the believers of iran, dear islamic, from the members of the nation, the hero of the velayat-madar, especially from our dear and wise leader, to pray for this caravan as always, that, god willing, this caravan , with the help of mrs. fatemeh zahra, may be successful. let's be the convoy of our country's army to the paris olympics .
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a series of them do not have product identification, the method of various winners, most of them do not have it, the repeated story of spare parts without an id, the thing cannot be seen as a product id, or it does not have tracking information. how can i know that this is the original product ? for about two years , they have been included in the implementation of product design, many of the types are required to have a tracking code, the main goal was to create transparency , a trend that is constantly growing in terms of the volume of original goods and goods with guarantees and authenticity. self-identification means product guarantee, it means product id , it means that it is not fraud, it means that it is not smuggled , there is nothing. some of them don't have a product id. please see here . it's a time decision for beaufort and it has no product authenticity or product knowledge. this is just because he wants to make more profit. he
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buys this product. consume some time ago, we found out that this barcode is alki's, this sms number is alki's, that is, a customer came and called, but there was no answer, we called. he didn't answer, we collected my stuff, we put it here for him to bring my cartoons , we tried to identify the product, nothing came up , there is also a type, i didn't use it for the customer, i said if you want to wear it, i will put it under your guarantee , i kept both of them, it means you are a famous brand. it is a market that many people are using , they call it fake, without identification of the product, without tracking code, but we do not use them , we can easily check the authenticity of the hat that comes in this sale with a simple inquiry. it is suggested that it is very difficult for people to recognize it to see if this is a fake or not a fraud , it is very easy to bring up the code expert, it is very easy, no expertise
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is needed at all. it says that the inquiry about the commodity of the goods is inquired about. we used to do this please take a look at this sample of the product identification labels that sanfiya, the operator, and sanfiya come and put on the products themselves , which should not be like this at all. the product must first have inquiry and authenticity. show, they can get the comprehensive trade system application program that we have said many times that we are going to get for a product called kit collage
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, and they will take it. they themselves put on the goods that now we have ordered one we took it and saw that it is not related to the clothes at all, but it is the accessories. we expect that based on the recorded information, if the inspection is carried out , the information of the system will be cited, and in the case of smuggling, the minutes of the meeting will be prepared, and if legal action is taken, the minutes of the meeting will be prepared. and legal action should be taken. finally, this trade union violation of smuggling and fraud, for which we have prepared an inspection report for them , we will introduce them to government punishment. the goods are as they are the officials of the ministry had promised the position. with the launch of the store system and the issuance of the speed of the electronic account, it will not be possible to supply goods without a customer id. a promise that
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has remained as a word so far. mehdi anari of sed and cima news agency , it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. yes, it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was a while ago , if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around, then reach the market. i said that all the markets are here specializing on my side, it got better, we came to serai , it got better, we came to sarai irani, the big iranian sarai, the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah. of course
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, it could be real as simple as this, it is possible to buy insurance online through the didat application and didat insurance agencies all over the country. how are you, dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in two hours, they told us that everything can be done here, it is correct to buy in installments, yes, it is with my price floor. when i said that i don't have a check, i'm going to get in the car until you come too, why are you going? they said that they don't want a check, they don't want it
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, they don't want it, so give me a fiver. the guarantor does not want a guarantor here at all. my bank did not go to us. gentlemen , there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for dear retirees . social security from shahr home appliances. buy in installments without checks, without guarantor, without prepayment, without the need to go to shahr home appliances bank. a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square, opposite tehransar
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimrozi news , exploiting plans. airport and rail in the last days of the 13th government, from the opening of new passenger terminals in ramsar and ilam airports to the completion of the second line of ahvaz-andimeshk railway today, as we are getting closer today.


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