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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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make sure that the necessary authorities are given these resources that are needed to modify our current water coolers and to provide capital for bial dc motors . one of the players in the brena organization was you. in what form will the energy return for the investor, when it can actually issue a savings certificate , there is a plan in one of our provinces that the ministry of petroleum and the ministry of petroleum will issue some kind of savings certificates and that will be done. it defined in a way that the actors can enter this game in a way that in fact we should move in the direction of reforming the consumption pattern and
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increasing efficiency in the field of energy , in the same way in the field of water coolers, savings certificates should be issued and these certificates are also a commitment to him. be that as it may, because for a long time now, in fact, investors are worried that these certificates may not have much validity, and on the other hand , the ministry of energy, which is doing this work, should now cooperate with our provinces or other institutions, so that this is an infrastructure work. it is ready. i remember that the energy exchange was here. their officials say that they are ready thank you very much, mr. karampour, mr. yavati, regarding this certificate of savings, the measures taken in the field of increasing productivity, mr. karampour , by giving the example of water coolers, the ministry of energy is going to do something. each bag is close to 450 feet in the slow cycle and close to 450 pounds in the fast cycle, and he said that the new technology that
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is actually used in our country now is called bial dc. this has caused the old dc motors with high costs lower operating costs actually work much less. in addition, they should have a very good efficiency , which converts 450 watts into 250 watts and creates something around 55% savings in terms of power, which is proportional to the time of use in terms of energy consumption, which is natural. the same amount that can affect 30 million or 205 million water coolers that are active in the country, that is, for example , if we say that the consumption of these is about 88 thousand megawatts, this can be done in afarin, afarin, more, that is
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, you should go to 500w, average to 25 a thousand that try to calculate, i have almost 20 thousand megawatts here, which means that when there is a discussion , 30,000 to 35,000 of these numbers are obtained , which can eventually reduce from 7,800 to 7,800 megawatts. it has a good effect. it will become our big city. yes, the figures when we are talking about them, the figures of 25 million are big, and the savings that will be created are big. there are very good measures taken . see, now we actually have a standard , which is now in the middle size in the country, which means that before this, it was a small size, it is a medium size. and we hope that the large size of the motors is one of the main components of consumption in the field of electric motors, i mean in the field of consumption , the standard has actually been announced and it is required to only make coolers for electric motors
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from this year onwards. water coolers should not be made with previous asynchronous motors or previous induction motors. it affects the electropump and itself, that is , the first step and the first step. in fact, the first step is very strong and good. if you remember, we once had incandescent lamps. when the standard he came and actually the enforcers.
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a similar thing happened because what we gave as an example in the field of gas, for this reason , there were heaters with an efficiency of a-b, which are known as hytic heaters, and it was decided that this happened from the place of energy saving certificate. the investor should come and provide this in the field of water coolers that mr. karampour mentioned, he is supposed to do this . yes, in fact, we created a board in the stock market under the title of registration board, which has two areas, one is energy. produced by a renewable power plant and one of the energy saved the collection of these becomes a mere certificate that is given, but in the board, it actually means that someone can buy at a minimum cost or in accordance with. this is fine, but it is necessary to reach those basic steps of the infrastructure, to reach those basic steps that a program will be codified within the next few years , i think it should still be actually supported, we have other support plans, in fact, you are considering tell me about the industries, each of them will show savings
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and do according to it in our consumption management programs, their habits will be reduced, each of them will come and actually install solar energy. to install 100 in the previous programs, your colleagues mentioned here that we have a large part of our subscribers who consume a large part of the electricity by a small part of the subscribers . i wanted to ask that in the past one or two weeks , what action has been taken with these people who consume more than the consumption pattern
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, have you had or will you have a power outage? let's start with the statistics and see that we have about 32 million household subscribers in the country, which may account for about 53.4% ​​of the peak consumption of the country. the energy consumption in these months is about 45, but it is more than this in terms of peak, and naturally , i would like to categorize these subscribers as home subscribers as the main component of peak .
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they allocate to themselves, that is, 25% of the rest , around 45, are allocated to themselves, and the members of this last step, i alone , allocate 2% to themselves, 8%, which is 15%, which is actually between the model and one and a half times the model, about 18 i think it is related to the middle leg, if it is correct, 16, in fact, it is mostly around it now there is a higher or lower percentage of this collection , and when we are talking about a 10% to 15% savings, nothing is out of reach, and usually with some consideration of the amount of consumption these days and some simple solutions, they can actually be consumed. manage their own energy and let me tell you that the electricity cost scales in
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khan section are designed in such a way that more consumption causes the amount of electricity to increase exponentially, so that if a subscriber consumes at the model level in the next month in in the end, he gets 40,000 tomans for electricity per month , but if he is the same subscriber, something like 20 times in fact, if he consumes 7 times the model, his electricity bill will be 30 times 30 times average, that is, 7 times the consumption will be 30 times the rate, in fact, his electricity will increase , and if a subscriber consumes approximately five times the model , it will be 20 times the actual consumption ratio. it fits the pattern and this shows that they have to be very careful about the things that cause this . how much was the highest invoice you issued during these hot periods? we had astronomically high invoices. we also had 50 million, 60 million, 70 million , 70 million. where are we? we usually
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have it in tehran, of course, in other cities as well it is more common in tehran city, and naturally it is also encountered that, for example, before, the electricity bill was 70 million , how much did it consume, what were they doing at home. the 70 million i am talking about is about 2,700 tomans per kilowatt hour, that is, if i divide by 2,700 , i can think of one kilowatt as 10,000, and consider that the consumption pattern is 3,000, 300, 300 compared to the 10,000 that i have, you see, from a limit that, for example, you are referring to those who have a bill like this with this amount, it is actually a notification and a warning that all of this will happen in in fact, the discussion is appropriate to the situation, for example, the electricity bill was 70 million, where did your investigation come to, that is , for example, whether or not the consumption is unconventional, the structure of the house is a special thing, which means it is no longer customary. a house that has several rooms, features and conditions, and now to the extent that
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our civil powers and responsibilities allow us, in fact , we provide information in this field as well. and if i want to say how many of them are eating at these figures, i may not have the fingers of one hand , mr. karampour. it goes back to the same discussion of energy efficiency, which you don't care much about, which means pay the price and consume more, because the price according to your order is not the right price. you can see what your analysis is from the statistical data that mr. yaquti gave. friends said, well, these are being paid attention to in terms of consumption, which means that in addition to the discussion of consumption in the dari area, we also have another sector , which is also receiving less attention, which means that
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electricity production is also receiving less attention. consumption well, we have a household consumption section, where most of us have it well, with suggestions with a series of solutions such as right now, if we take water coolers as the most important, for example, one of the factors, one of the topics. which is consuming more electricity, we also have issues in the industry that can be seen as a solution for some of our industries that are high consumption, and from that side, as i said, it is our production sector, we must pay attention to the production sector as well. in our department , there are currently active power plants in the country, which means that the ministry of energy has already focused on this issue, but it should be more, that is, one of the emphatically or one of the issues that the national productivity organization has emphasized many times and states in the report is the production sector. we now
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have power plants that are producing with low efficiency. you can see how much our gas power plants are producing almost in the form of with an average efficiency of 25%, it can almost be said that they are producing, and in the meantime, you have power plants that are active with 134%. are operating, and now it is more than this, but the average is 25%, and these power plants are currently planned in this way. it has been to enter the production cycle at the peak, but unfortunately, due to the current situation , they are working in the production cycle for the whole year . these topics are planned. but our planning system should look at this sector more seriously, because now in some
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of our provinces, productivity has become a priority. these are the issues that we can actually increase the efficiency of power plants in the provinces, and for example , fars province now. that is part of many of our power plants it is located in this province, well, there is a priority of issues, in fact, our energy efficiency in this province is dedicated to these issues. this issue should be corrected. how effective can it be? i mean , if we have this efficiency in the field of electricity generation in the power plant field, we count on how much this change in efficiency can help to supply electricity. we have many issues in our production. our combined cycle power plants are not complete
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they can also be included in the agenda, and we can even have much smaller solutions for other parts of our production and consumption space , where this power plant is actually operating or producing heat in another part. yes , these subscribers who have more than four times the consumption pattern are actually consuming. our target community is after informing them and not complying, in fact their electricity will be cut off. thank you very much to all the guests and all the good viewers of the table the economy that you have accompanied us to this moment
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, may god protect you, ali. the monitoring and other representatives overseeing the state apparatus and councils will gradually begin their supervisory duties in the next four years . please read the first order. election of the president is the first step to review and elect the president and prosecutor of the court of accounts , which is the most important financial monitoring and auditing arm of the parliament
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in monitoring the rules of the annual budget is considered to be 46 of us. there, we interviewed 21 people for the prosecutor and 25 people for the president of the court. in the end , 4 people for each position are introduced to the court of the program and budget commission and 2 for each post. introduces a person to the floor of the parliament with the introduction and programs of seyyed ahmadreza dastqib and hamid reza timuri, the representatives chose one of the two with their secret vote, we considered 2 approaches to the system. your opinion is trustworthy and easy to guide. our supervision is about prevention and protection. our supervision is not for the purpose of slandering or obstructing and for the look that has been in the past, which is not to lock things. i promise that without a political view. the political court
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. he returned his technical and expert path. i am committed to the court as the supervisory support of the parliament and you, the honorable representatives, to the court of accounts become strong his excellency mr. seyyed ahmadreza dastghib ​​was elected as the president of mahaswat court with 211 votes. dawood mohammadi and ebrahim moulai are also the supporters of the party. stan divan of accounts said about their legal and judicial programs: the transformational programs that i predicted in the court's prosecutor's field include the specialization of prosecutorial branches . today, all matters are specialized in prosecutorial offices. now we are not specialized and we are far from this issue. the prosecutor of the court of accounts
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is a quasi-judicial position. on the delegation of authority, it should be within the framework of the policy and approaches of the council islamic move. his excellency mr. daoud mohammadi was elected as the prosecutor of the court of accounts with 147 votes. our diwan friends also promised that, god willing, it will be much more serious by using the tools that exist today. use it, the court can make everything clear, people, the same reports that they are giving us now, many of these reports are confidential, i read a lot of them , there is no point in being confidential at all, sir, what's wrong, i am the representative of the people, i should know this. but people don't know that the court of accounts is one of the most important supervisory arms of the islamic council
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what are the duties of the court? the court of accounts examines and audits all the accounts of ministries, institutions, state companies and other institutions that use them in some way from the country's budget, in the order prescribed by law. ensures that no expenses exceed the approved credits . selection of a number of supervisory representatives in assemblies and councils. in this meeting , supervisory representatives were also elected in a number of electricity, energy, science and education councils. we look at the supervision of the commissions. the parliament's industry and mines commission is the first among the commissions. that he has started monitoring the laws of the automobile and electricity fields by inviting the ministers of mining, commerce and power. the members of this commission
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consider the issuance of the notification of the government regulations regarding the import of foreign used cars, which allowed people to enter, to be incomplete and late. in the important part of the parliament's decision on the import of cars , what kind of second-hand car is it now? in the so-called minister's case, the so-called plan to have in the commission was that we prepare the executive directive, and in the important part of the executive directive, we specify these structures, and the work should be done to invite the members of the commission. participating in the supply of electricity to industry and farmers is one of the other concerns of the representatives that they raised with the minister of energy. mr. minister gave an explanation that first of all, we had a good investment in the electricity industry during these 3 years, we built more than several thousand megawatts in the electricity industry, but we still
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haven't got the results. i request mr. minister to really manage the industry . if it doesn't burn, and on the other hand , adjust the electricity export and be able to get people's satisfaction , elect the head of the commission. article 90, which is one of the important supervisory arms of the parliament and a cross-commission mayad and other supervisory representatives in councils and institutions will be on the agenda of sahn baharestan for the next two weeks. hamid reza goldozi, reporter of the islamic council of iran's radio and television news agency. this was the first continued order.
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