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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, dear viewers, dear compatriots . good evening. i invite you to pay attention to the news at 6:00 p.m. the historical landscape of hekmatane was registered as a world record at the 46th meeting of the us world heritage committee, which began in india this year. the historic landscape file hekmatane reached the world record. with hekmatane's global registration, 28 works from iran have been registered worldwide. this list includes 26 cultural heritage works and two natural heritage works. permanence of air heat in the country. the maximum air temperature of 10 provinces of the country in the last day and night was more than 45. grade
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received in the wake of continued extreme heat and in order to protecting the health of citizens, managing energy consumption, all government centers and offices and banks across the country will be closed tomorrow, sunday, august 7. the head of the department of air health and climate change of the ministry of health emphasized the necessity of minimizing exposure to sunlight and self-care in the coming days and said that between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, the ultraviolet radiation index reaches its peak, and it is better for our compatriots in this be exposed to sunlight for less hours. tavanir company requested all the compatriots to observe the comfort temperature and set the gas coolers at 24 degrees, use the slow distance of the water coolers and not using high consumption electrical appliances during the hot hours of the day will help the electricity industry in providing better service . at least 21 people
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died in a 24-hour period in the maghreb due to an unprecedented heat wave . the temperature in some areas of the country has reached 50 degrees celsius in recent days. he said: "the earth is not getting hotter and more dangerous for all people in all places."
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announced in the last year. naderabad village, malekshan city. thank god, the face of deprivation in the days has been removed. the area in the format the design of the rural guide has been developed. in our village, about 6500 square meters of asphalt has been done. a cheerfulness and vitality. the population has entered our village and returned to the village. we are observing that in line with this construction document , the organization of the existing structure will be modified in the future. the way the village will expand in the future will be followed. they are using it well . this is our place. please see . there is already a shrine because of the dirt and steep slopes and the poor condition, even traffic and cars when necessary.
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also, for the ineffectiveness of the rural conductor plan, according to article 7 of the islamic revolution housing foundation , it has been announced that it includes the implementation of operations such as sanding the base and hot asphalt of the roads, creating hydraulic sections , including the channel stream, securing the village environment through the implementation of the retaining wall of the flood control channels. and protective dykes at the village level are more than 47 billion tomans in the last two years. that credit is allocated for the implementation of hadi project in the villages of the province. in ila province, we have 607 inhabited villages and 378 villages have more than 20 households. we include all these villages with more than 20 households we are the top provinces in the country . we have approved the hadi plan. we entered the villages with less than 20 households. in total, both the villages with less than 20 households and more than 20 households. 450 villages in the province now have an approved plan and plan. with
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the flourishing of the capacity and capabilities of remote high villages, this places these areas on the path of becoming a tourism destination. during the last year and in the sector. more than one million square meters of asphalt roads have been constructed in the villages of the province. mohammad agal , radio and television news agency. manufacturers of cardboard paper for textbooks are required to receive a mandatory standard are. the director general of the office of non-agricultural industries of the national standard organization said: from now on, the cardboard paper used in textbooks is included in the mandatory standard. mr. shakuri said that the implementation of this standard will increase the quality. textbooks and people's satisfaction will follow. the implementation of the mandatory standard for the cardboard paper of textbooks is now mandatory for manufacturers. firework fire
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at least two people were killed as a result of successive explosions in a firecracker and firecracker factory in the east of sofia, bulgaria. in this incident, nearly 2 thousand kilograms of incendiary material exploded. called the intensity of these explosions was such that thick smoke covered the sky of the region and the windows of some buildings near the explosion site were broken. a part of an iranian painting was used in the decorations of the opening ceremony of the paris olympics. this work
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is one of the iranian works of the louvre museum in paris. olympic games. the summer of 2024 paris started outside the stadiums. he held the opening ceremony in the two main parts of the athletes' parade on the seine and carrying the olympic torch on the roofs of paris buildings. in this way, french architecture and art were introduced to the world. part of the decorations of the athletes' parade route on the river with handmade samples of character. what was published behind the iranian sports caravan and other athletes is a part of an iranian painting that is kept in the louvre museum. it is a work by mohammad qasim, a safavid painter. the louvre museum in france
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houses a large part of iran's heritage and civilization , which in the last hundred years and before
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voi bolo. i can't believe it. yes , it was only a while ago. if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you reach the market . each one is a one-way market at night. afsarieh is good, we have come to sarai irani, the big iranian sarai, the only tehran branch in afsarieh, with unbelievable prices for long-term appointments. no prepayment at the large iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in the afsariyeh store.
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it could have been real as simple as that. it is possible to buy insurance online through the application. visiting agencies all over the country. do you have insurance to read? dad, this car is weak , it gets dirty when it cleans the dishes. it was a good question. i said there is something wrong with it. don't buy household appliances from the city , unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no, what about the city of appliances buy homemade, why, because it has both quality and discount , discount, discount, discount, discount, discount
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, mr. nouri's discount . thank you. thank you. i saw your face when i was comparing it to your photos. i was very broken. you realized that i saw myself in the mirror every day. i have the photos before my captivity. what
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year did you go to sweden for a personal trip? yes, yes. on november 18, 2018, november 9, 2019 , you went for a personal trip and to visit your friend, if i'm not mistaken. sweden, for a family, yes, they almost arrested you at the airport. landa, transfer me immediately to where, what happened? with a gap of time from the time when i was taken from the plane at the same exit in the plane, i was taken in an ugly way exactly an hour and a half later, i was in prison, then telling you on what charge of war crimes, the killing of the mujahideen organization, it didn't take brains, that is, you can't. . i'm not. i was in shock. let's go back to
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your personal life. what was your job? i was doing accounting work, then i came to a part called the prison prosecutor's unit, which does legal and judicial work for convicted prisoners. i was a bookkeeper and an employee of that department, which had about 10 employees. i was a prison prosecutor, and i was one of those employees you were a secretary. yes, at that time they didn't call you a secretary , they called everyone the children of the judiciary, but yes, now you are a secretary, and i want to know that you were a decision-maker in the rulings and rulings of a bookkeeper, for example, like now, when a boss sits down, they set 10 tables, for example, this is a job. he does this, he does something at that time this way, it means office work. yes, office work . after that, i came out to the factory
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. after that, i started personal work . i started personal work from exactly 70-71 until 2018, exactly 28 years . i did some accounting work, so then in sweden , they are interrogating you for this charge. on the first day, they say it was the judge, it was the prosecutor, he said. he was a deputy prosecutor, a deputy prosecutor, and later , over time, they understood my phonemes, listened to the news and information, came down, and finally
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did it for me in the court session. mr. qadi let justice be done in your court , don't hold a trial. when are you going to get off the naughty donkey? you used to say to them, "dad, i was an employee, for example , and i was a secretary, for example . what do they say next? no witnesses say that this is all they have. they say that this is enough for them. now someone says false testimony. they all realize they are lying. the judge himself realized it, but he says that you have been in solitary confinement for four years. what happened to you? you used to do it for 4 years, four months and 13 days. you say a bit
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from the situation that has passed on you, i say one day , you have 160 and 1600 days of solitary confinement , you can't imagine one day, only one day, you think about your wife, children, mother. it's getting worse at night. do you want to sleep? then you had easy access. call your family. i didn't meet for 25 months . yes, my first meeting. the first meeting i saw with my wife was almost 25 months ago
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. solitary confinement in the most difficult conditions living in solitary confinement was very difficult for me, only god knows and more. it was psychological get rid of it like me and think more about suicide and things like that. for example, what are we going to do ? they strip you once a week, twice
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a week, they strip you naked, they control you , they look at you, which means they eat you, especially a child. a muslim child like me, and very much in court, once twice a week, sometimes up to half an hour naked in another room, it's very difficult. i didn't have my wife with my family, they took me to the swedish embassy in tehran , in the presence of the officers here, under strict surveillance there. in the prison, under police control, they allowed him to be under control. on the phone for half an hour, say hello, alik . why did you take my wife? what is my situation now? what is my case? i was beaten by 3 officers
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. they took me to another floor, in another room without a camera. for about 20 minutes, 3 people beat me. a woman also came and stripped my clothes . it means i was beaten. yes, i said this in my court. no. no one objected, no one did not bring this rum, did not say this, he is just telling a lie saying, sir, separate the complaint, separate the complaint, the lawyers who took it themselves say it is useless , you can't come here, the officers can't do their own thing , then they say film, take my film, when he took me away. their own lawyers, well, no longer following up on anything, nothing, nothing, i was listening behind my back, my ear still hurts, i don't say this, because
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these words are insulting and making fun of these words and these words, believe me, they are making fun of me. they themselves admit that another lawyer had to say the honor and dignity of the food system. you took me away when i was 3 years old and 3 years old i was half a lawyer, i had to insist , tell him, he protested, and he said, "your reputation is on the food system. you have been in solitary confinement for 3 and a half years. you have set the record for solitary confinement in all of europe and sweden. you have set a record more than 3 years ago. it has been 4 years, 4 months, and 13 years." for two years and four months, i have been oppressed and say the same.
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do not go because of this organization. you went to sweden as a tourist, for example, visit a cartoon family that says i was an office clerk 40 years ago, next year, these stories will happen , what should i do, mr. rezvani, what should i do with my palm , what should i do, how many. the watch have you seen your family in the past 5 years , i haven't reduced it at all. you count 20 hours
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. you had 20 hours of visits in 5 years. it has been a lot, at all, meeting him is a story of torturing his soul. i'm sorry for the nakedness, my lady is sitting here, then they say turn around and say, you will understand everything. i say sure , sure, until the end of my trial , i won't ask you any more, mr. thomas sander, please
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read this yourself. if they didn't involve you, they wouldn't create space for you. i was in solitary confinement. and maintaining health against possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim . carrying personal hygiene items such as soap, especially soap paste for washing hands, personal toothbrush and body shampoo in a small container, a light towel and a light bedding.
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it is recommended to wear suitable sunglasses as a barrier against fine dust and heat to maintain eye health. using the right sunscreen and reapplying it every two hours helps to prevent sunburn tick keep in mind that continuous walking without taking into account the time of rest can be good for your health and that of children, and... be sure to rest at appropriate intervals. daily washing of nose with serum is recommended due to high dust and prevention of respiratory diseases. we should use healthy water such as bottled or tap water for brushing. do not use spring or river water for drinking. to avoid the transmission of diseases, avoid eating food in a common dish. it is very helpful to have your own spoon, fork and glass. dip the glass and it is unhygienic to put pitchers into containers with water and syrup inside them. also , avoid consuming ice that is stored or eaten in unsanitary conditions on the floor. open foods that
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are exposed to air and dust. do not eat vegetables and salad at all, and if you eat fruit, be sure to use them peeled , and finally, pay attention to the fact that hot food is healthier than cold food, because the possibility of poisoning is less . cooked food should not be left for more than two hours. they should be kept at room temperature , they should not be heated more than once, so the cooked food should be served do not keep the next ones and do not use even after heating if you have a special disease or are old. it is necessary to have a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you. did it make a difference no, it didn't matter? it made a difference no, it didn't
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make a difference. it made a difference. no, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. yes, it made a difference . sarab seriya, why am i an officer, why am i an officer?
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neria's mistake, pay attention to serah afsarieh , the only branch in tehran in serah afsarieh , with unbelievable prices and long-term contracts, without prepayment in the iranian big sarai.
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15 km of the road for isfahan branch, imam st khomeini nafesh mino, babolsar branch, km 8 , babol road, babolsar, sari branch, km seven, sari highway , qaimshahr, in tehran, isfahan and mazandaran branches , your host, shamaym's specialized authority for carpets and household appliances, shahr carpets and household appliances. it was decided to sign a contract with the cooperative foundations of the prisoners of isfahan province , that's why we dedicated a production line to support the beggars. i hope other factories will enter and
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help the welfare of the families of these loved ones. motor with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facility. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies. hello gentlemen , accompany us with the news of the economy and the market here you are. the director of the supervision of the publishers of the stock exchange organization from the review of the violation cases of four companies in the portfolio of equity shares. he informed about the delay in the payment of dividends to the shareholders. according to mr. jafari, these four companies should have paid the dividends to adalat shareholders by the end of june. march 1402.


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