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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] you can look at the container on the left. our suggestion is to use adamsai containing xylitol without sugar .
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on the other side of your table, the eyes of a martyr are looking at you. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, my greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers, companions of the khabar network , i invite you to stay with us on the first page. in this program, we are going to have a look at the culture of work and effort and the program that is being pursued in this direction in the 13th government. with the presence of dr. mohammad chekshian , the cultural and social deputy of the ministry of labor cooperation and welfare social, sir, hello, you are very welcome. hello
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, do not be tired. may god give you strength . the executive should be written for it or not. each department has its own specific tasks. what should each department do ? and the ministry of labor is responsible for the follow-up and how to implement it. yes, the headquarters of the national movement for the promotion of work culture in the ministry of home affairs is in the form of a secretariat headed by the vice-president of the cultural vice- president. we can see this document as the cultural continuum of the field. working and trying to know is right yes, yes, i will talk about work culture now, god willing , i will point out where the work culture is in the socio-economic analysis of the country. god willing , we will talk during the program. join us after maghrib azan, tehran time, in the name of god, in the name of god, in
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the name of god light in the name of god, light of god , god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i testify that muhammad is the messenger. the messenger of god is the witness of god
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, and god is the witness of god. good job. hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar allah akbar there is no god but allah may god accept your obedience and worship, dear ones, god willing
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, you will not forget the salve of your good prayers. i invite you to join us on the first page, where we have a look at the culture of work and effort in the 13th government, with the presence of mr. dr. mohammad chakshian, deputy minister of culture and social affairs of the ministry. labor cooperation and social welfare. i would like to say hello again to you and to all the dear viewers, and i send greetings to the souls of the martyrs , especially the martyrs of service. and especially seyyed shahada of the service of hazrat ayatollah raeesi, whose works and efforts and actions that have taken place are all thanks to his presence , his support, and his approach in the 13th government.
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the field of social culture in the ministry of labor cooperatives and social welfare is actually made up of several departments, one of which is the work culture department. effort as one of the specific cultural topics of the ministry of labor is also considered for the whole society , now it has been addressed less times , it has been addressed more, but it has always been in the field of public culture, considering the audience of the labor and production society, that is, we all that which is followed in the field of public culture in the society of the ministry of guidance, in the field of work and production society, which has a population of about 15 million, our work and production society forms the field general culture and cultural topics are followed there , what does it mean, what do you specifically follow , culture topics, everything that is in general culture , the topics of promoting islamic education, islamic values
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, religious aspects, religious occasions, everything that is in the field of public culture and national debates. the national self-belief of various issues that now, if necessary, i will open now or the next time i enter, i will tell you the whole story first . in fact, there are actions that, for example, in the area of ​​performing prayers in the working community and producing the issue of modesty and hijab in the working community and producing the issue of promotion. the qur'an and the teachings of ahl al-bayt in the society of work and production occasions religious, national occasions, debates such as the statement of the second step are followed there, the discussion of progress narration is followed there, topics such as arbaeen, topics such as all the issues that are raised in the country in the cultural field, we follow according to the work and production society here, of course, a special initiative that
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happened in the 13th government with the planning of the honorable minister of social cooperation karfa, the formation of camps such as the arbain camp, the camp is actually a hope-giving camp and the road according to hazrat zainab stad, the narration of the progress of such issues was that many of the routine and normal tasks that were done before were taken very seriously. more and with a new and systematic approach, that is, in fact, we must say that the role played by this vice president in the field of labor is in the form of this activity and the axes that you mentioned, artistic discussions , literary discussions of any topic, which yes, we actually usually play a role which we have here, because the role of policy making, support and supervision of employers has a strong role here, that is , some of this work, some of the employers themselves believe that the cultural field of the working community should be paid attention to, because the worker has two roles , all members of the society are one. they have a role as a member of the 85 million iranian society, but our worker has two roles
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if this person is developed , he is highly cultured, he is cheerful and actually has hope and motivation, he is not the only one who turns the wheel of production, and our production society, in addition to the role that everyone has as an individual, is actually the country's economy. and the country's social capital and country's production follow the country's economic growth, so if we work for this society. we should pay much more attention , so these employers themselves paid attention to this issue and with the discussions that took place, the cultural packages that were presented, these nobles worked more on this issue , and we actually reached a point of focus. it is that no matter how much the employer reaches the point where he has
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to make a cultural workforce for his workforce, this is actually a smoother, more effective work and the work goes better. the production of issues such as health and treatment services, which is done with the help of the ministry of health and social security, but its secretariat is a cultural and social explanation, this is actually a social explanation. first of all, let everyone pay attention to the improvement of the labor society.
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it has a great effect on improving the condition of the whole society, as it is now for me reporting, we have about 14 million workers, and if we count their families , they are more than 40 million and 40 million people, so 4 million means half of the country's population, if they try to do something. if the condition of the working community improves, this means that the condition of half of the country's society has improved, this is very important, mr. chekushan , please tell me that you in the ministry of labor and specifically the transaction that your excellency is responsible for , cultural and social support for this good condition that was mentioned. what did you do my previous argument was dedicated
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to the difference between the rest of the society and the production work society this is that the good state of the working society is transmitted to the society because its effects are in the whole society. well, we are in the cultural , social, sports field and all these areas that we follow in our cultural state. it is for this issue, for the present, the cluster is for, in fact , it is omid. worker's sport for vitality for health, discussion of social harms in the society of work and
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production with. for the first time, the national document for the prevention of addiction in the work and production community was announced by the martyred president. this is the first time that a document has been produced specifically for the work and production community to discuss the prevention of addiction in the work and production community. for the first time , we compiled a national document for the promotion of ongoing health in the society, that is, the issue of drug harm , a document, this one, and another document, which we have mental health services and mental and social health services called, for example, behkar health centers, a network of health houses, this happened in the 13th government. there was a significant growth both qualitatively, i.e. rereadings and quantitatively, during the entire period before the 13th government. we had a health house
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, in the space of two years, a thousand health houses were added, that is, the total of 1384, until these two years , there were 1,000. being 50 to 500 and 500 and above , we came to behgar stations, which are in smaller places between 20 and 50 people, that is, companies of 20 to 50 people, we actually designed behgar station. again, for the discussion of the mental service network, this health center is the same health center, but in smaller companies, that is, smaller places here. especially for the workers themselves or not for their families, for the workers and their families, yes, yes, we have set up 2,352 behgar stations in these two years for groups of 20 to 50 people.
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he had executive bodies to discuss the prevention of drug use, which was actually appreciated by the headquarters of the fight against drugs in 1401 and 1402. socially , we identified 12,000 innovative, creative and unique workers under the process of gratitude festival, which was recognized by mr. president during the worker's week , which can now be paid for there. the labor community should identify them and support them . in this year's emtan meeting, this topic was discussed, industrial ideas of all fields, all fields. those who were innovative, creative , innovative, were able to actually take an action that would improve production, improve
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productivity, produce something that we used to import, create a change that would improve our productivity. alhamdulillah, this happened years ago. but this period had a significant growth in these two or three years, in terms of judging, in terms of evaluation, in terms of our notification to the workers, more than 16 million text messages were sent to the workers themselves, so that they can know that they can be elected candidates in the statistics that i have i saw 120 thousand elites 12,000 to 122,000 people are identified in this process every year. the provincial and provincial festivals were held and they were appreciated and the best of them, 24 of them, were nationalized. according to the president, out of 20,000, in what areas were these 24 in which department, not all of them were in different areas, both services and industry. agriculture is different areas, which means all different areas, because in each area there was a separate judging, so that all of these
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have actually been seen. it is true that there is another point about eman, tell me that no, this is enough . i will do it there. very well, let's talk about the work culture that you mentioned. yes, let's put my sport next. yes, because my sport is a controversial issue, i would like to explain about work culture. effort is one of the most important and priority issues of our society today, because this is scientifically supported and field-wise, you can visit factories , visit different places, and you will know. you can see in the statements of hazrat agha, how much they emphasize on this topic every year in the meeting with the workers it has a pillar. the first pillar of the dignity of work and workers means that hazrat agha said in the meeting of the workers this year that work has an intrinsic value in the eyes of islam, that is, work itself is important, because work is everything. sir, he said that without work
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, there is no life at all. it means their interpretation about the importance, if this is the importance of the position of work. and the dignity of work has not been established in the society. day by day, this worker 's position should be improved, his position should be more exalted in the eyes of the society, because it creates value, it gives life, the society exists externally through the worker, if you remove the work, nothing will be left. one next, work culture, this value of work, the intrinsic value of work and the view of work, which, unfortunately, i will point out the reasons , in some places, this value entered the second issue of the components of work culture. well, valuable work, what components in the work culture can make the work sublime? components such as work conscience, responsibility, cooperation and teamwork. topics such as learning, skill training, topics such as hard work, topics that promote this work,
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increase its effect, increase efficiency. this is the second pillar of work culture. well, when we want to improve work culture, we should have a concept of what we are talking about. we, the authors that we said about ourselves , are cultural authors, but if there is a pattern in our minds , we obtained a pattern from the work we did in this course . 6 factors affecting the work culture and four or five components that are the results of improving the work culture . it is very interesting. we saw in the polls that it is one of the destructive factors of the work culture. discussion of wealth it is surprising to see this in the society, feeling that somewhere there are windfalls and incomes that can be obtained without any effort. this is one of
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the destructive factors of work culture. one of the effective factors in the current work culture, either destructive or positive, is the leadership style of managers. how do managers behave with workers and workforce and their interaction has an effect on work culture. how did you get these? in the first survey of book studies that took place later. from the point of view of the elites , we interviewed about 40 of the field and scientific elites . and how did you get the opinion of the workers themselves? exactly , we here, even we in the virtual space, even i asked the workers themselves and they answer that , for example, yes, sir, this component is more important, this component is effective, these components are an interesting point, one of the things. many workers have a way of emphasizing that the relationship between our work and our effort and our wages is what we conveyed to our friends in the supreme labor council discussion about how effective
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this ratio is in the perception of justice. does he feel justice, this is one of the effective authors in another justice, from the same point of view of the previous section that you mentioned , the relationship between work and effort, ahsan sees the relationship between work and effort, and the relationship between effort and salary, which means that there is another relationship between the expenses of living, sometimes this amount of income is the expenses. it has an effect on the discussion of work culture, so these are all components that if we don't look at it carefully, the level of skill a worker has because his income will increase, sir, he also said in the meeting of the workers that one of the things you should do for the worker is that the skill of the worker will improve when the skill of the worker increases, its share of production increases. when his share of production increases , he feels more satisfied with his income. therefore, you said that
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one of the duties of the government men is to improve the skills that the skill training movement was actually formed in the technical and professional organization in the ministry of labor. today is the national day of my skill , yes, i am the national day of my skill. effective and positive, what are the destructive factors and we should work on them and this is what we actually do for this issue, where did it come from? for the importance of this issue, our first task was to produce this model so that we would know what the authors of work culture actually are . we launched the promotion of work culture under the chairmanship of mr. wazir. in fact, sir, this should be followed as a movement. the first step of this work was the conceptual model that i presented to you
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. it was felt and our duty was clear with this issue . what should we do next ? was means by means of honorable minister of guidance, chairman of the public culture council, it was raised as a priority in 1402 , it was placed as a priority, and there as a document and to all institutions. for the first time, we started to discuss the elites of the members of the council, the general culture of the council secretary, the culture of the council secretary, the revolution of the elites, the president of the council
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. it has been firmly established that in the field of theater, in the field of poetry, in the field of poetry, literature and various forms , it was decided that the content should be produced. god willing, it will be held at the end of september. with the cooperation of the art field of the islamic revolution, the work has been done, which is a specialized field, we have launched about 581 new work culture houses in jat factories, what is the culture house, the work culture house is a mechanic in a factory in a company whose problem is to promote the work culture, these are the authors of the work culture. he trains, conducts courses, conducts briefings , evaluates, assesses, and receives feedback in order to be able to distribute the work culture, and this is no longer a problem for the employer, it means that someone takes on an extra burden. the employer is not here, the employer's help is for improvement of productivity. one point is raised here . you mentioned that such a position
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is considered in every factory that is active in this field. after all, your excellency , you are more than aware of the conditions that the workers have in different aspects of their personal lives. economically and socially, how much they were able to adapt themselves to this issue and get on the path to become more familiar with the work culture and improve their own personal culture and their own personal view of the work culture despite all the concerns . from, for example, 2 years of this move it has not yet passed a movement that started from the design of the concepts to the formation of the elite discourse to the formation of the headquarters to the national document . in my opinion, first of all , i believe that the work culture in our society
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is an acceptable work culture and it is far from our iranian islamic model and the excellence of our national islam. hazrat agha said to produce the spine workers, therefore, in our opinion, a good relationship has been established with this space, good work has been done at the company level, but i will quickly mention a few other things, because after that, about 18,000 of us worked in culture camps. what are culture camps for? for the students to visit the jat factory and get familiar with it. this is to see the role of work conscience, responsibility, the role of that expertise and skill, what happens in production that makes you believe in yourself and actually produce, another thing is the reference site of work and production. in fact, we launched a comprehensive work culture site that in fact, anyone who wants to study in the field of work culture can go there
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, he can see any action taken there, in fact, a reference has been made to the field of work culture. which films did we honor in the field of cultural work ? we went to the rushd book festival in education. let's hold that this year, in fact , we are having a scientific conference in the field of culture at this very festival, we are doing two to answer the basic questions. and the issues of the relationship between such and such a subject and the culture of the work are actually designed . it was a new stage. this new stage this year means the new year, the approach to find and support film production. until now
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, we have given more than what existed, so that we can actually say, well. this is the work culture. work culture yes yes the work culture document for all organizations was actually communicated by the general culture council with the signature of the head of the cultural council who is the honorable minister of culture and islamic guidance and in fact it was communicated to all
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organizations in the meeting of march 14, 1422 we did something at the beginning, in fact, the beginning of the field of social culture transactions, and that is identification. the issues of the cultural, social and sports field of the society were work and production. we identified about 15 key issues from polling among 120 elite activists of the labor and production community. we said, sir, we want to start the first three-year plan. let's see the real issues of the working society in the field of social culture, what is in the field of sports, what is in the field of work culture, what is general culture , what is the social field, alhamdulillah, for the first time we have a 3-year strategic document, which contains both this document and the key programs that this light the way is actually to change the social and sports culture of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare forever, in order to be able to prioritize this after seven or eight months when we were established, it was done with identification, and in fact , it has been a year since this was compiled, and again for a month. there was a review in the past to make it appear, that is, you


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