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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] it is not recommended to consume large amounts of coffee, tea, especially caffeinated drinks and energy drinks during the journey because it causes dehydration. as much as possible, do not eat fatty and salty foods such as salty snacks, canned foods, pickles, sausages, and sausages because they stimulate the immune system. non- pasteurized dairy products, especially cheese, butter and local milk , which are they are in bulk and can be dangerous. after that, use dairy products with hygienic packaging . avoid eating salad and raw vegetables , but use cooked vegetables such as potatoes and pumpkin. and carrots along with food help to prevent constipation . in case of diarrhea , use light, low-volume and low-fat meals. fruits such as apples, bananas are useful, but fruits such as licorice and
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figs should not be consumed. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al salah
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hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah hai
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ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam god is great god , mr. nouri, i say hello, hello sir, we are very happy to see you in iran. we will see you at your home . you are very welcome. thank you. do you understand i look at myself in the mirror every day and i don't understand. i could see the mirror or the glass there. then my photo was broadcast. what did i do? now you
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are asking. previous photos. he is from my captivity . what year did you go to sweden for a personal trip? yes , yes. november 18, 2018, november 9th, for a personal trip and visiting your friend. if i'm not mistaken, you went to sweden for a family. yes , you were almost arrested at the airport. i was taken in an ugly way exactly an hour and a half later, i was in prison, and then i told you what was the charge of war crimes, the killing of the mojahedin organization, i couldn't get my brain, that is, i couldn't, i was in shock. let's go back to
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your personal life, what was your job, mr. nouri, in short, i was a guard for one year, where they say i was a prison guard, i went to a unit called accounting secretary for one year. i was doing accounting work, then i came to a part called prison nursing unit where i worked he does the legal and judicial work of convicted prisoners. i was a clerk and an employee of that department, which had about 10 employees. yes, right now , you are a secretary, and i want to know that you were the decision maker in the court, and no, not a bookkeeper, for example, like now, when a boss sits down, they set 10 tables, for example, this is doing something, this is doing something , that's how it was back then, that is, office work yes, you were doing
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office work, after that i came outside the factory i made yogurt after that personal work, i.e. from the year 70-71, i started my personal work, until the year 2018, exactly 28 years. then, over time, listening to my phonemes , listening to the news, information, coming down, and finally , the assistant of the nurse, there is nothing called the assistant of the nurse, at all, in the system. there is no assistant, there is no law at all, and the guard's pass has a dispute. half of the plaintiffs say that this was the time when this happened.
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the court held a total of 131 court hearings for me, mr. judge , let justice be done in your court . the judge himself understood, but he says that he said this for four years
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and you were in solitary confinement, what happened to you, what were you doing for 4 years, 4 months and 13 days? i'll tell you one day, you have 160 and 1600 days of solitary confinement , just one day. the thought of your wife, children, mother , and not sleeping is annoying. if it's night, you want to sleep. then you had easy access, call the family for 25 months. i didn't meet for 25 months yes, the first meeting, the first meeting i
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saw with my husband, was almost 25 months ago, exactly, this is a human rights thing, it doesn't matter where it is, my lawyer can go to the prosecutor's office, that is, another team. a team that promotes a project and lawyers that they choose themselves, they have to defend me . we were unaware of my father's situation for a long time. two years in solitary confinement in the most difficult conditions of living in solitary confinement was very difficult for me , only god knows, and i was more upset with my family. they make you lose your soul and spirit, especially someone like me, and you think more about suicide and things like that. for example, what do you
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do? they strip you completely, that is, once or twice a week . half an hour naked in another room, it's very difficult, they throw a head. you made your cell . the swedish embassy in tehran is under strict surveillance in the presence of the officers here the prison is under the control of the police, they are allowed to use the phone, on the phone for half an hour, what can i say, just hello, alik , why did you take my wife , what is my situation now, what is my case, what is the plaintiff, nothing at all, just hello. my dear, i'm fine
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, what's the matter? yes, they only beat me once. 3 officers took me to another floor, to another room without a camera. three people beat me for about 20 minutes. sadi's beating yes, yes , i said this in my court, no one objected, there was no prohibition. separate the complaint, the separate complaint, even the lawyers they hired themselves say it's useless , you can't come here, the officers can't do their own thing, then they say film, take the film, when i was taken away by their own lawyers, well, no more follow-up, nothing , nothing, nothing, i kept hearing in my head. it still hurts, and i'm not saying this so that people don't get upset
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, where was it like real human rights that insulted these words and made fun of these words and these same words, believe me, they are making fun of me, i am in solitary confinement, they confess to themselves, another lawyer inevitably, he said the reputation of the system you won the judiciary when i was 3 years and 3 and a half years old, the lawyer had to insist. i was there, tell me, he protested , and said, "you are ruining the reputation of the food system. nouri, in 3 and a half years , you set the record for solitary confinement in the whole of europe and in sweden. it was more than 30 years later. it has been 4 years , 4 months, and 13 days. i am two years and four
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months old. i'll say the same again. do not damage the reputation of the judicial system and the swedish government because of this organization. it's a cartoon family that says i was an office secretary 40 years ago, 40 years ago, these stories will start , what should i do, mr. rezvani, what should i do? what should i do? what should i do? how many hours did you see your family in total in these 5 years
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? i haven't reduced it at all. you count 20 hours . you had 20 hours of visits in 5 years. kamel met you in 5 years. well , there were many of them with the presence of the police. at all, the meeting itself is the story of the torture of his soul. first, the inspection, then they strip you. he humiliated you. they eat you, it means that you are suffering when you are going to visit, it means that we are worried, we are taking care of him, sorry for making him naked
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, i am here, lady. it is impossible to get involved with prisoners they don't provide space for you. i was in solitary confinement, no, you didn't see anyone in solitary confinement. does that mean we didn't see anyone at all? no, no , you want to go to havakhori again, just see. i did not question that you served in evin , because now we have witness statements. we know that your testimony is not a question of who you were and what was the sentence that was given to you. forever and ever, the trial court
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, forever and ever. forever must be forever. let there be no other ruling no other punishment can be given to abd except imprisonment. mrs. targem got an interpreter, because whatever they wanted to convey, they would get a telephone interpreter. the lady said that your sentence has come for life. well, i will control myself soon. individual cell. it means that i have to die there, it means that i will die, it was very difficult, now here it comes to you forever, mother, sister, wife , other children, it's long, it starts from here
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, then there was a photo of a handwritten document, a signature of something from you, only sir, they are all lies, all of them are criticisms. half of this student. or they say that he was a guard in 1967 in a guard uniform, they say half of it it was the bailiff, well, dad, now you are condemning the bailiff, you are condemning the bailiff, assistant bailiff, who do you have, none of us were convicted , god knows that we were not there at all, the judge himself knew that the judge was acting, it was a play, he was deceiving me he was laughing and shaking his head , i thanked him. i was complaining to the judge that they were playing a play. it was a play . take this play and do this trick . i said all this in my court. i said that this is a play. i entered this play by myself. was i went to your mother's house. how did your mother say that
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my son should come, and now we want to see that movie that is the moment when you hug your mother .
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i said that my mother, kim, said, "you will not go again, so tell me." in the conversation, it is the same as their prison clothes, right, mr. nouri? yes, why did you want to wear this so that i would always know where i was? this is in our house. i will always remember the time of captivity . first, tell me who is behind this story . let the people see the plaintiffs. in fact, we can divide mr. nouri into categories. both groups are actually members of iranian terrorist groups they are abroad. the hypocrites and the left and bringing in the accusation is actually an execution according to their words . fans or members of the hypocrites of the 1960s, yes , exactly the 1960s, but the executions were actually in the year 1967.
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we asked the prosecutors to inform us of only one case, just one case. tell us, mr. or mrs. x, by these committees that we call committees. his death sentence was reduced, but the prosecutor could not bring a case, and this is where the lawyer actually failed. who himself was the former minister of justice of sweden, he used to get angry and said, "what kind of judicial system do i have that is violating legal principles?" it changes that he was an office secretary there, even in my opinion, maybe even less than a secretary, that is , he had no judicial role, no judicial position, and had no influence, a very simple agent, a very simple employee, who was not involved in any decision-making anywhere , at all. the decision of one person
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to get caught under the pretext of these events was not something that 2009 or 201 was brought up in 2009 or 201 at the oxford university and the preamble of the vote was actually drawn from there, so if mr. nouri's place was even in fact, the motorcycle courier and how insulting and disrespectful to the family you see, not only in front of the court, but they even followed their children or their families to their hotel and to different places , while a small child was with them. they were cursing, creating a disturbance, and the interesting thing was that
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the swedish police did not take any action. our love will be confirmed. you see , what happened to the 17,000 people who died, so there are more of me. the dirt in this city is not yours at all. go away, you are a bunch of dirty garbage. and he is going back to the country, what happened, may god have mercy on martyr raisi, may god have mercy on martyr amir abdullahian, who really gave all his strength to getting a job to bring their own citizen with a powerful diplomacy, exactly, citizen is important to us, you see, mr. nouri was neither an official nor a judicial official, he was a simple employee from the same decade, i think in the early 70s, he had nothing to do with the devices the government has
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been suspended. there was nothing that we wanted to say, yes, this was an important judge, it should be for no, because of being a citizen , because this family came and said what kind of situation they are in, that is, actually, see when i was talking to the swedish lawyer, do we have a way to be freed? mr. nouri used to say to ben there is nothing else to do. he did it unless he spends a large part of his imprisonment and later wants to be released on parole, that is, for example , 20 years, 25 years, exactly the same, for example , something should serve at least 10 15 years, and the pressure of our country made it short to say what happened, see exactly , a synergy. between the ministry of foreign affairs, the judiciary , the ministry of information and legal measures, all of these were together, and when the government really felt that its citizens were innocently being harassed and their basic human rights were being violated
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, they used all their efforts and within the framework of diplomacy. authoritatively he freed his citizen from captivity, from that solitary confinement, from that dungeon. it is a very important, hard work. it is really an important work, and i think this important message for the hypocrites is that europe and the west are even the place. there is no politics for you. we wanted you to
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say one sentence at the end of the program with your family in this beautiful frame. working very hard, working very hard, what difficult days are you going through, to be fair, please tell your wife, your daughter and your son, but i was hoping that this would happen , in my last letter i wrote to my wife, my wife, i am patient , see, wait, wait, be patient, do something, i will come back, i said, i am from isra asr. wait, not now
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this is yours in prison and maintaining health against possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim . personal hygiene items such as soap, especially soap paste for hand washing, personal toothbrush and body shampoo in a small container, a light towel and a light and compact bed sheet , suitable sunglasses are recommended as a barrier against dust and heat to maintain hygiene. the eyes are helpful . using the right sunscreen cream and applying it every two hours will help prevent sunburn
3:58 am
. keep in mind that you can walk continuously without taking into account the rest time. for the health you and the children of the elderly who are with you are dangerous, so be sure to rest at appropriate intervals . daily washing of the nose with serum is recommended to prevent excessive dust and respiratory diseases. to brush your teeth, you must use clean water such as bottled water or tap water . do not use spring or river water for drinking. to avoid the transmission of diseases, avoid eating food in a common dish . it is very helpful to have your own spoon, fork and glass. plunging glasses and pitchers into containers with water and syrup inside them is not also , avoid using ice that is stored or eaten in unsanitary conditions and on the floor. do not eat open foods that are exposed to air and dust. do not eat vegetables and salad at all. and if you use fruits, be sure to peel them . and finally, pay attention to the fact that eating hot foods
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is healthier than cold foods because the possibility of poisoning is less. cooked foods. they should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours and should not be heated more than once, so the cooked food should not be used for meals. do not keep the next ones and do not consume even after heating. if you have a special disease or are elderly, it is necessary to have a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you. i have a problem with lesson planning advice , but i don't have a good guide. this is gilana publications, and we have made this problem easy for you. to get 60% of these resources for free
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will be closed today, saturday, august 7. head of the air health and


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