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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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get a gift from gilna publishing sources by sending 5 to 3085. in the name of god. hello. permanence of air heat in the country. the history of air temperature in 10 provinces of the country reached more than 45 degrees last night. due to the continued extreme heat and in order to preserve the health of citizens and manage energy consumption, all government offices and banks across the country will be closed today, sunday, august 7. boss. air health
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and climate change, the ministry of health emphasized the need to minimize exposure to sunlight and self-care in the coming days and said that the uv index peaks between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. it turns out that it is better for the compatriots to be less exposed to sunlight at this time. tovanir company requested all the compatriots to help the electricity industry in providing better service by respecting the comfort temperature and setting the gas coolers to 24 degrees, avoiding the use of water coolers and not using high consumption electrical appliances during the hot hours of the day. the general director of the islamic revolution housing foundation of ilam province announced the implementation of hadi project in 450 villages of the province in the last one year. naderabad village, maleksha city.
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remove the juice of deprivation in our village, thank god for the area that was woven in the form of the rural guide plan developed in our days, now about 6500 square meters of asphalt has been completed, a new vitality has entered our village, the population has returned to the village. how to expand the village in the future will be followed. previously , our alleys were gluline, now with the services that have been done , this is the result, alhamdulillah, people are using it well. this place, which you can see, is at the end of the road. previously, due to its dirt , steep slopes and poor condition, even traffic and cars were not effective when necessary. plan hadi village has been notified based on article 7 of the islamic revolution housing foundation's statutes. includes implementation.
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operations such as base sanding and warm asphalt of the roads , creating hydraulic sections, including the canyon atmosphere , securing the village environment through the implementation of retaining wall operations, flood control channels and protective dikes at the village level. in the last two years, more than 407 billion tomans of credit have been allocated for the implementation of hadi project in the villages of the province. in ila province , we have 607 inhabited villages. 378 villages above 20. there is khanavar. we consider all these villages with more than 20 khanavars among the top provinces in the country, we have an approved guide plan , we entered the villages with less than 20 households, in total, both villages with less than 20 households and more than 45 villages in the province now have an approved guide plan and plan. it is on the way to the goal of tourism. over the
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past year, more than one million square meters of asphalt has been laid in the villages of the province . mohammad agal, radio and television news agency. literary workshops have been organized in the centers of intellectual development centers for children and teenagers in the summer. these workshops are held with the aim of learning persian language and promoting it for children and teenagers. without exaggeration, we can say that ferdowsi, this precious poet of the 4th century, in his book, which took 25 years to finish, means that the shahnameh has stories for all ages, children , when in the middle of the hafez class, you are reading with old words and new words. they are familiarizing themselves with hafez's poetry , researching their meanings and learning those words. reading them correctly also helps, it's good that
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we iranians can communicate with them cultural heritage from the past. this is a literary and artistic workshop for creative writers and story writers where these children learn how to write stories with the creativity of their minds. first, they start with creative writing . they learn a series of features. write a story , they will become familiar with the features of a good story and a correct writing. i became one of my stories, the gas of a grumbling refrigerator and a lazy pressure cooker . what does writing teach you? writing teaches me. for example, i can write things that i don't know , when i have a job that requires me to write an example, then i must have some knowledge. i would like to know that what is in my mind is not in anyone else's mind and to write on paper these
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classes for children and teenagers between the ages of 4 and 16 will be held this summer at the center for the intellectual development of children and teens. with the development plan for the promotion of persian language and literature, focusing on golestan saadi in 1403, specially in the field, well, this is the demand of mr. minister, dr. sahrai from the center, that we should continue this seriously, golestan saadi, in fact , the text of golestan itself was adapted for the group different ages and literary workshops of khanesh maton ma alan they are working on the text of golestan saadi for both children and teenagers . they do not want to take a snare from him and trap zinhar minadam
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. the police to pursue this issue existing social inflammation in this country. the british authorities have promised to follow up on the fear of spreading the protests. the publication of the images of the violent behavior of the white british baris at the manchester airport with the members of an asian family provoked a wide wave of public anger and protest and caused rallies. protests and street demonstrations of justice.
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pictures published on the internet show how british armed police forces beat the members of an asian family at manchester airport while the young people of this family are lying on the ground in front of the muslim mother of the people and the children. and the people protesting this behavior are threatened with taser guns and violently arrested by spraying pepper gas .
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millions of images of this violent behavior of the police and the widespread reactions to it made the chief of police, the mayor of manchester and the british interior minister to react. and after massive protests, announcing the suspension of one of the police forces. according to official reports published in england, in the year ending last march, more than 51,000 complaints have been filed against the police of this country, of which only 1,169 cases have been completed .
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there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in
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your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i offer my greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers, companions of the khabar network. the effort and program that was followed in this direction in the 13th government with the presence of dr. mohammad chakshian , the cultural and social deputy of the ministry. work cooperation and social welfare, sir, hello, very happy, hello alaikum, don't be tired, may god give you strength and live well. alhamdulillah, we have one minute of time, so we followed the culture of work and effort in the form of a document and program . yes, yes, when was this document approved? this document was finalized in march 140 and was approved and communicated to all organizations and institutions of the country by the council of public culture. the department is responsible , only the ministry of labor is responsible for its macro management with the ministry it works, but in fact, it means that an executive order
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should be written for it or not, each device has its own, these are the general additions, what each department should do, but the executive order is being compiled by you in the ministry of works, and the responsibility for follow-up and how to implement it rests with the ministry. the work is in charge of how it will be implemented. yes, the headquarters of the national movement for the promotion of work culture should be formed in the ministry of home affairs, under the chairmanship of the deputy minister, the head of the deputy head of culture, mr. dr. a cultural view of the ministry of labor, it is also intended for the entire society , now there will be less time for it. it has
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been discussed, it has been discussed more, but it was among the topics always the field of public culture, according to the audience of the work and production society, that is, everything that is followed in the field of public culture in the society of the ministry of guidance. . and the cultural topics you follow there , what does it mean, what do you specifically follow , culture topics, everything that is in public culture , topics of promoting islamic education, islamic values , religious rituals, religious occasions, everything that you believe in the field of public culture and national debates. national , different topics that i can open now if necessary or after i enter, i will first tell you about this section, very well, we are talking about general culture. in fact, measures such as offering prayers in
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the work community and producing the subject of modesty and hijab in the work community and producing the topic of promoting the qur'an, the teachings of the ahl al-bayt in the work community and producing religious occasions , national occasions, debates such as statements, the second step is followed there, the discussion of progress narratives. there, topics such as arba'in, topics like ghadir, and all topics that are discussed in the country in the cultural field are followed. the idea of ​​the honorable minister of karfa social cooperation happened, the formation of camps like the arbaeen camp , the camp is actually a hope-giving camp and the jihad of followers of hazrat zainab stadt was the narration of the progress of issues like this, many of the routine and normal things that were done before. show made it much more serious and more systematic with a new approach. in fact, we have to say that the role that this
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deputy plays in the labor field is in the form of this activity and the axes that you mentioned , artistic discussions, literary discussions, any topic that yes, we actually usually play a role here. we have the role of policy- maker, supporter and supervisor of employers here they are in bold, it means that some of this work, some of the employers themselves believe in this. that the cultural field of the working community should be taken into consideration because the worker has two roles, all members of the society have a role as an individual in the iranian society of 85 million people, but our worker has two roles. ok, and in fact, it should be with hope and motivation, it is not only him who turns the wheel of production, and our production society, in addition to the individual role that everyone has as an individual , actually follows the country's economy, the country's social capital, the country's production, and the country's economic growth. do
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therefore, if we pay more attention to this working community, then these employers themselves. they paid attention to this matter and with the discussions that took place and the cultural packages that were presented, these dignitaries worked more on this matter, and we actually reached a point of focus, that is, no matter how much the employer reaches this point, he must have labor for his workforce. do it culturally, this is actually a smoother, more effective work and the work goes better. pilgrimages , various programs that bring joy and witness to the field of labor sports and social fields, we have the same audience. sima is the next working community in the social sector, there are issues such as, in fact , the thanksgiving festival, which examines the workers and the elite, the discussion of reducing social harm in the working society, and the production of issues such as health and treatment services, which are carried out with the help of the ministry of health and social security, but secretary khanesh is explaining social culture, this is in the
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social field. in the socio-cultural reality, the audience of the society is the work and production of each of them. first of all, everyone should note that the improvement of the labor society has a great effect. it has a role in the improvement of the society as a whole. as reported to me now, we have about 14 million workers, and if we count their families, more than 40 there will be a million and 4 million people, so 4 million means half of the country's population, if an effort is
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made to do something to improve the condition of the labor society, this means that the condition of half of the country's society has improved, this is not very important. obviously, the deputy that you are responsible for, the cultural and social deputy, what did you do for this good incident that was mentioned? well, in my previous speech, i was dedicated to the fact that the difference between the rest of the society and the production work society is that the good state of the production work society is transferred to the society because its effects are in the whole society, well, in our area cultural, social, sports, and all these areas that we follow in culture, for this issue, for the present, cluster, for actually, hope, camp, hope , for hope, labor sports, for joy, for
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health, the discussion of social harms in the society, work and production with concern is that we can do something that harms. social work in the society should be less so that it can actually not have these harms and therefore work with more motivation and with a double vision . what did you do in this field ? let's go to the social discussion now do you want me to explain the cultures? now, since you said , let's sum up these two or three points together and deal with the culture of karla. it was announced by the martyr president that this is the first time that a document has been produced specifically for the work and production community to discuss the prevention of addiction in the work and production community. for the first time
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, we had a national document for the promotion of ongoing health in the work and production community, that is, the discussion of drug harm. this document is another document that will actually be organized it was done sporadically. previously, we have a network of providing mental health and mental and social health services called, for example, behker stations , health centers, and the network of health houses, this happened in the 13th government, there was a significant growth, both qualitatively , i.e. revisions, and quantitatively. we had 1184 health houses during the entire period before the 13th government. in this interval of 2 years , a thousand health houses have been added, that is, the total before 1384 to these two years, 1,000 of us in these establishments are actually 50 and above, that is, 50 to 500 and 500 and above in our behgar centers that are in places being smaller between 20 and 50 people means companies
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with 20 to 50 people. we came here and actually designed the behgar station. again, to discuss the mental service network, this is the same health center as the health center , but in smaller companies, that is, smaller places here. and only the workers themselves or not the families were actually appreciated. in the social sphere, we identified 12,200 creative and innovative workers under the process of the gratitude festival, which
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can be appreciated by mr. president during the labor week that is now there. it was this identification that later hazrat agha also said in their meeting that there are talents in the labor community , identify them and support them. in this year's meeting, cheshval emtan addressed this issue . having done something often in what areas in all industries , different industries, agriculture, industrial services, all areas, all areas where a person was innovative, had creativity , had innovation, was actually able to take an action that would improve production, improve productivity may it produce something that we have been importing until now and create a change that is productivity it will be better for us, alhamdulillah, this happened from the previous years, but this period
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was one day in these two or three years, they were appreciated, and the best of them , 24 people, were nationalized in the presence of the president in 20,000, in which areas were these 2,400 in which department was it, not all in different areas, both services , industry, and agriculture, being different areas, that is, all different areas, because in each area there was a separate arbitration, so that all of these were actually seen. yes , tell me no, this is enough. now, i will make a reference there in the weekly part of my work, very well let's talk about work culture. yes , let's leave my sport after that. yes, because my sport is a mustafai discussion, let me explain about work culture . it is a very important issue and if we don't define our duties with work culture, we don't know what to say. work culture
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and effort is one of the most important and priority issues of today's society. why is it because this is supported scientifically and in terms of field, you can visit the factories, visit different places , you can see how much information is in the statements of hazrat agha. they emphasize this issue every year in the meeting with the workers. work culture has two pillars first of all, the dignity of work and work means that this year in the meeting of the workers, hazrat agha said that work has an intrinsic value in the eyes of islam, that is, work itself is important , because work is everything, sir, he said that without work , there is no life at all. he does
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not fit in the society. day by day, this worker should improve his position, his position should become more sublime in the eyes of the society, because this value creates value, this gives life, the society has an external existence through the worker. there is no work in life, this is a dimension of culture work, the value of work, the intrinsic value of work and the view of work, which unfortunately i will point out the reasons, in some places, this value was included in the script. the second issue is the components of work culture. work can elevate work. elements such as work conscience, responsibility, cooperation, teamwork , topics such as learning, skill training, topics such as hard work, topics that promote this work , increase its effect, increase productivity , this is the second pillar of work culture . if we want to improve our work, we must come up with a concept that we have, but if you are a model let's keep in mind that one of the things we did in this course, we got a model of factors
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affecting the teacher's work culture. we arrived at the conceptual model of the conceptual model and said that if we look at this conceptual model with this feature, we will find out where if we take action, the work culture will improve. it is very interesting . this is the feeling in the society that somewhere there are riches and incomes that can be obtained without any effort. this is one of the destructive factors of work culture. one of the effective factors in work culture is either destructive or positive managerial leadership style. how managers behave with workers and workforce and their interaction has an effect on work culture. how did you get these? in the first survey, book studies were conducted, then the survey of the elites, which according to the elites,
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approx. we interviewed 40 of the field and scientific elites , we actually felt the work of a library, and how did the workers themselves get their opinion? they give that, for example, yes, sir, this component is more important, this component is effective, this component is demanding one of the things that many workers emphasize is the relationship between our work and our efforts and our wages , which we conveyed to our friends in the supreme labor council, how effective this ratio is in the perception of justice that our workers what is his perception of justice? does he feel justice? this is one of the effective factors in another. justice from the same point of view as the previous section that you mentioned, the relationship between work and effort. once he sees the relationship between work and
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gold . this is due to the fact that if we do not look at it carefully, it is the level of skill that the worker has his income will increase. sir, he also said in the meeting with the workers that one of the things we should do for the worker is to improve the worker's skill. when the worker's skill increases, his share of production increases. when his share of production increases. the basis of the satisfaction of the government men is that in order to improve the skill that he has more than his income, therefore he said that one of the tasks of the skill training movement was formed in the technical and professional organization in the ministry of labor . i will tell the friends of the technical organization professional and all skill students and skills, so this issue is an important issue for us to know what are the effective and positive factors of the work culture and what are the destructive factors. and
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let's work on these, and this is what we are actually doing for this issue, so where did it come from, for the importance of this issue, well, our first task was to produce this model, so that we know what the components of work culture actually are. we didn't have 24 components, that's what we 24 we have felt the component, there were effective factors in the work culture , then we came and set up a headquarters of the national movement for the promotion of the work culture , headed by mr. minister. it should be followed. the first step of this work was the same conceptual model that i presented to you. it was felt and our task was clear with this issue, what should we do? then the document for promoting the culture of work and effort was assigned to the general culture council, that is, by the honorable minister of guidance, the chairman of the culture council. publicly, it was raised as a priority in 1402, it was placed as a document and it was communicated to all the institutions, haj mr.
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khosrupnah, his secretary. now it is held until august 20th, everyone can send their works and god willing, the end of september will also be held with the cooperation of
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islamic revolution art field.


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