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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the point i want to emphasize here is that the impeachment is both a guarantee for the realization of the pillar of religious democracy and the legitimacy of the president's performance, god willing . therefore, it is both of these, what has finally passed and what is in the future, so the point that you you also mentioned that we can say that one of the foundations of even tanfiz. it is considered that you mentioned at the beginning of your speech that the imposition and inauguration are the legal and shariah limits of the powers of the president for the four-year process of the executive branch. will what we are referring to now be done at tomorrow's ceremony by the supreme leader of the islamic revolution or on tuesday? check whether it is conditional or not in the nation's house during these four years, absolute and irreversible. when we
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look at the repressive decrees that have been passed in the last 40 or so years, how about referring to 13 years later ? yes, exactly what repressive decrees were issued by the imam, may god's mercy be upon him, and what are the repressive decrees issued by the supreme leader of the revolution? for the president, we can say that he defines a road map, we are in the literature of leaders. islamic revolution in the literature of the imam , we can see that this prohibition is for example as long as you, for example, act within these frameworks. observe the shariah frameworks , observe the legal frameworks, therefore, with this view , we must say that this restriction is finally being realized in these frameworks, i say this is a road map, but the jurist, the one who is at the helm, will ultimately rule. religion in the political system. it is considered that for the president who
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is the highest position in the country, see our constitution . the interpretation of the president is that this is the highest position after the leadership in article 13, with the same broad powers that i mentioned, the constitution and normal laws grant the president, but what a great imam which supreme leader specifies a road map in the order of suspension and emphasizes that this suspension is until you finally act within this framework of sharia and law. let's talk about the duties and limits of the powers of the president according to the constitution . there is a two-day gap between the inauguration and the swearing-in. during this time, mr. mezikian can choose his own deputies or the elected president can choose his own deputies or not. according to the constitution, the inauguration and oath should take place in the house of the nation and then this process and the limits of authority should begin. yes, see the same discussion. banning is also discussed. swearing these are processes that
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must be completed eventually, i said, "tanfiz", which is what i mean, in fact, infiltrating is actually implementing a legal process, and it has some effects. which must be passed, just as you mentioned , well, the time interval between these two is usually very small, for example, there is a period the next day. the oath that the president recites in front of the house of nation representatives. yes, look at this issue. well, in the 122nd principle of the constitution, even the text of the oath is in terms of importance after all, this position is
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included in the constitution and mentioned. look, i told you that we have several processes after the elections. the first thing we mentioned today was the question of the validity of the election , which was done. to certify and turn this into a document that this election was held, with what quorum, for example, the president is mentioned in that credentials, i don't know the details that are finally mentioned in that credentials, after that we have the discussion of the imposition and then the discussion inauguration finally, according to the constitution, the president has to take this oath in front of the nation, or rather, in front of the representatives of the nation, he must learn about the important things mentioned in this oath that he should guard. for example, the guardian
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of the constitution should be the guardian of the people's rights. the articles that i mentioned are in detail. now people can refer to us , so in other ways. after all , we may compare the legal systems, there may be some cases, but my opinion is that this is based on the constitution, it is a process that must be followed, in terms of form , well, it is a ceremony, domestic guests, foreign guests. they are present, but the constitution emphasizes a number of issues and has specified that this should be done in the islamic council , naturally, in the parliament, that is, in front of the representatives. people, this should be done and finally in front of the people, yes yes yes, and also in the presence of the head of the judiciary and in the presence of the members of the guardian council, these three cases are the cases that i would emphasize this point in terms of being mentioned in this principle. we have in the constitution that the
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president is against the people, against the leadership of the jurist and against. people's representatives are responsible and accountable it should be. if i want to present this to you separately, before the people, because he has voted from them, naturally he must be accountable to the leadership. as long as he acts within the framework of sharia and the law, and in front of the parliament , we can say that, in practice, with this agreement that takes place, he accepts this oath that he recites , and as the famous saying recites the oath that he is a guardian against them. no matter what, these are processes that must be followed one by one i believe that we
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are at the end of this process, mr. dr. tahanzim, from the beginning of the program, now in the text and in the essence of the constitution , when we travel this path, it means now the election of the elected president, the inauguration ceremony, the inauguration ceremony, the selection of the cabinet. ministers and vice-presidents of the 14th government and later, we will deal with the affairs of the country, examine the issues and priorities that are important for the country. how much do you think that carrying out different steps and linking each of them can achieve the results that we mentioned at the end , that is, dealing with the issues and priorities of from the legal point of view, it must be passed. this is from the legal point of view, which means that the situation is such that these cases must be passed one after the other, and
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it has a chain mode, that is, until the election is not held, the election has no meaning. when the election is held, the validity of the election means that it is valid. because all these processes have been completed in detail , after that discussion, i said signing the letter of credit , which is actually documenting this process . his future actions can be validated in terms of shari'ah , legally, and the discussion of the authorship. naturally , when this process is completed, the president-elect will slowly enter the serious and real atmosphere of governance. we used to hear that the president has meetings, maybe one of the most important, maybe even the most important task of his, that is
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, he is finally forming the cabinet, he thinks, he consults , he consults , he listens to the opinion of different groups and naturally he is looking for the best person. he can choose in any field that he is assume the ministerial field or entrust him with the relevant deputy. these are the processes that are going on in his heart in a formal sense, but in his heart there are events that, god willing, when he actually takes the helm of the country's executive department and the helm dar is considered to have normalized the situation to deal with what is important to the people. for the country, now in the domestic arena and in the foreign arena , i think we have one minute and 30 seconds of time. face yes, you see, i actually said that the process of which, god willing,
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the ceremony will be held tomorrow, that is, the discussion of sanctions will definitely have legal and shari'a effects for the president. i said that it means permission to exercise power and permission to implement the power that the president can finally wield in order to serve the people. may this process be done according to what is stated in the constitution and what is stated in the ordinary law, god willing, and we hope that the honorable president, god willing , from tomorrow, we can say that his four-year term will actually start as soon as possible according to the election law. god willing, a cabinet will be formed in which the people who will finally come to the polls and have their own vote for him, and of course those who may
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have a different vote, but now mr. mezikian is the elected president of all the people of iran, and he should. he will follow up on their issues in the end, god willing , we wish them success, and of course, all institutions and all forces are obliged to cooperate for their success, god willing. . i will say goodbye to you tomorrow in the studio of special news discussion the ceremony of the execution of the presidential decree of mr. behzikian will be held in imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh, and this is the 14th time that the execution ceremony will be held in the history of the islamic republic of iran. thank you very much for being with us. good night and god bless you.
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this week, the islamic council held public meetings on sunday, tuesday and wednesday. prior to this, the parliament did not hold public meetings for two weeks, and due to the events in the country, including the holding of the second phase of the presidential election and the mourning of aba abdullah al-hussein, the representatives were present in their constituencies. in session publicly, on sunday , the speaker of the islamic council, mr. qalibaf , gave a speech before the order regarding domestic and international issues, and the elected president, mr. medzikian , appeared in the public hall of the parliament without prior notice and without notice. in his speech, the speaker of the majlis, referring to the enthusiastic presence of the iranian people in the mourning ceremony of aba abdullah al-hussein (peace be upon him) and his loyal companions, said that this is the heart and affection for seyyed.
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let us consider participation in the next opportunities as our first goal. then, in the third axis of his speech, the speaker of the islamic council said that the zionist regime should know that it will not be able to maintain the security balance with any amount of killing. their losses have changed in the media and in the field . today, at the start of the official session of the parliament, we witnessed that our president-elect, after the speech of the speaker of the islamic council, mr. ghalib, who
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had noticed the intrusive presence of the president-elect in the public hall without prior notice, asked him to take the speaker's place. and talk to the representatives, as a child of the parliament who has been a member here for more than four terms and this is the fifth term . and we also found out from his presence here, i also welcome you, sir first of all, the president-elect thanked the members of the parliament and said that the country cannot be governed by disputes and disputes and that we must join hands so that we can get through the crises that have been created for us and the problems that exist with coordination and empathy. and answer people's problems. this will be my best effort. yesterday , i told a series of brothers that we can
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be accountable to the people, we are the people to solve the problems of the people , we are the ones to solve their problems. someone with the vote you gave us , i will try with all my heart, with your help, with the help of the officials, with the help of the group of people in the country , to join hands and respond to the needs of the people. the proposal to amend article 38 of the internal regulations law , meanwhile, in a public meeting on sunday, the islamic council of parliament reviewed the proposal to amend article 38 of the internal regulations of the parliament. what was approved by the ayname commission was that the ceiling of the commissions should
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not change, because any change in the ceiling of the commissions , it causes the commissions that do not have many applicants to reach the quorum, but the ceiling of the commissions is based on the necessity of forming them was approved in such a way that a board consisting of the members of the internal regulations commission and the speaker's board of the parliament can appoint at least the members of the commissions that are the quorum in each term. failure to comply with the regulations can actually change that floor. until now, some of our colleagues have not yet been assigned. and one of the ways is to vote for this proposal. and at most, let's consider 6 of these high-profile specialized commissions, which is mr. salimi's proposal
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, and based on that, the remaining number of colleagues. today , the issue of culture is an important basic issue for administration country what happened that the cultural commission has to beg men or sisters to complete its members. what is the logic in public culture that i have a problem in my constituency, so i must go to the same commission to solve the problem of my constituency. is n't culture an important issue of the country? commissions for private cultural and judicial rights, which are very important for us, if the previous quorum of 23 people is not reached, the bylaws commission and the board of directors can specify a ceiling
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. the process prescribed in this law, if the members of the specialized commission does not reach the minimum quorum mentioned in this article, the joint board consisting of the members of the internal regulations commission and the speaker of the parliament is obliged within one week after the implementation of note 3 of article 37 of this law to appoint the minimum members of that commission for a to determine the burden in the same period, but in the session of the islamic council on tuesday, which was also the monitoring day of the parliament, the minister of cooperation, labor and social welfare, by appearing in the public hall of the parliament , while presenting a report on the actions taken in this ministry in the 13th government, he also answered the questions of the representatives. the way the ministry works and the progress of the ministry cooperation, work and social welfare in relation to the consolidation of all the support and assistance of the executive bodies
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through the information contained in the iranian welfare database , including the axes of mr. rousat's report. mortazavi told the members of the parliament that although the welfare base of iranians has reached its peak, it needs to be renewed every day, and the ultimate goal is for us to be able to take care of the people's affairs. currently, the single window system has been completely designed and loaded, currently there are about 500 loaded, its main goal is to complete decimalization. it is iranians who exist in the tenth, well , there are many citizens and iranians who are traveling in families,
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there are still daghdaq, why drag 10, why, for example, dagg 5 in the same ratio. in fact, they suffer or in fact benefit. in order to deal with the indicators of justice and the structures that exist, it is natural that the parliament should have a good opinion and come in for monitoring and it has been seen in the honorable representatives today. the fact is that today we are seeing the one who is in the field today and we have an assessment that all the efforts that have been made for this work are very worthwhile. is ahead it goes and there is a serious problem that the parent and policy-making bodies, especially the budget program organization and the ministry of labor, which are responsible for this , still have specific indicators
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that can pay attention to these deprived areas and groups. the islamic council had a public meeting on wednesday. representatives of the islamic council in the meeting on wednesday this week. officials in article 71 of the civil service law , when the parliament announces that those who meet these three conditions will be registered, and their inquiry is a positive invitation from the point of view of the supervisory bodies. they will be interviewed in a committee called the court of accounts committee, where about 11 people are selected by
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the program and budget commission to elect the head of the court of accounts. mr. seyed ahmadreza dastghib ​​and mohammad darza timuri were nominated by the program and budget commission to the speaker's board. i am committed that the court has we considered two approaches: trust-building supervision and facilitative guidance. finally, in this election , 272 votes were cast, and mr. seyyed ahmadreza dastghib ​​was elected as the head of the court of accounts with 211 votes. representatives.
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the transformational measures of this center were discussed in public we had a special concern in this new era, that justice and fair explanation of opportunities with the concern of removing deprivation from different regions of the country , whether it was in the seventh plan or in the laws that were examined, we considered these as the concern of justice, the election of supervisory representatives in the continuation of the public session of the house of representatives of the islamic council , they were elected and introduced in some assemblies and councils. the islamic council will hold public meetings next week, while the swearing-in ceremony of the president-elect is scheduled to take place on tuesday, the 9th of
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august, with the presence of state and military officials, as well as foreign guests will be held in the public hall of the majlis in the spring of the islamic council of iran 's islamic council.
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it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference, no, it didn't make a difference
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, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, yes, it made a difference .
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islamic republic of iran. in the name of god. hello, the fighters of the zionist regime targeted areas in the south of lebanon . news sources reported about the zionist air attack on basur, khayyam, tir harfa, borj samuli, bazourieh and kafarkala. no report has been published on the number of possible dead or injured in these attacks.


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