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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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and those who believe and do good deeds will enter paradise.
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they will enter the heavens and the rivers , you will live forever in them. let them have pure marriages and enter them in the dark. may allah, o merck
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, give the alms to the family. and if i am wise among people, then i will rule with justice. god bless you. he admonishes you that allah is
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the all-hearing , the all-seeing, o you who believe , obey allah and obey the messenger
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and your guardian. you believe in god and on the last day, that is good and good. raheem ana
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atinak elek wrote the chapter of lerbak and nahar may god bless
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you, especially the lord and master of the martyrs of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, and with respect to the brave soul of imam rahal, the founder of the islamic republic of iran, the martyrs of the islamic revolution, especially the
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eternal commander of the resistance front, the martyr hajj qassem soleimani and the seyyed martyrs of service. : ayatollah raisi and his companions, and i wish health and dignity for the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, and send my greetings to the presence of his highness and all the dignitaries of the high -ranking lord, who, with his infinite grace and mercy, has given us all the success of serving the nation. sharif iran in the system of religious democracy, he granted and along with this success , he made it possible to hold the elections of the 14th presidential term. one of the great achievements of religious democracy
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is political freedom and the presence of the people in the stages of determining their own destiny , which has been held in 44 elections since the beginning of the revolution. undoubtedly, the flag bearer of this great national movement in line with the horizons of progress and justice is imam azim al-sha'an and the supreme leader , who have always taken care of the country's movement towards the heights of proud and strong iran with their wise leadership. so thank you for this opportunity.
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mattat and taking the values ​​and ideals of the islamic revolution in his speech and behavior , set a new quorum for assuming responsibility in the islamic republic and promised the truth that the clear path of the islamic revolution in the second step of the revolution with the collective will of revolutionary rationality and jihadi efficiency. on this side , i thank god for giving me the honor of serving in a government whose president was accepted in the divine door after many struggles with martyrdom, and the
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glorious scenes of the great destiny of the great people of iran from their servant in the historical saga of bardagha ve, a seal of approval from the nation. on'. his record was leadership the supreme leader of the islamic revolution praised him in many of his statements and called his martyrdom his death. the 13th government and the ministry of interior are proud that they were able to conduct elections based on general election policies and four strategic lines in the view of the supreme leader, security, health , competition and participation, and in compliance with the law governing political peace, neutrality and trustworthiness.
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to finish the election process of the 14th presidential term so that another golden leaf can be added to the record of the holy system of the islamic republic. now that the election process is with the people's vote and approval of the council dear guardian, it has ended, while congratulating and wishing success to the elected president, mr. dr. masoud bizikian. i would like to give an overview of the election process to your excellency. in the first step , the meetings of the leaders of qaba were held in order to plan the major issues of the election process after the martyrdom of the president . subsequently, the election headquarters of the country has its various committees, along with the inspection board and the election security headquarters, as well as the headquarters. held elections in 31 provinces. in the next step, according to the
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presidential election law, the central executive board the ministry of interior was formed and by holding numerous meetings , it made the necessary decisions in order to facilitate the process of holding elections. in addition, 1,300 executive boards were formed in the city and district as well as constituencies abroad for the implementation of the presidential elections. according to the decision of the guardian council in defining and announcing the criteria and conditions necessary to recognize a political man , a religious leader, the resourcefulness of presidential candidates, out of 278 applicants, the ministry of interior found 80 eligible for registration, which after receiving and confirming the documents to the guardian council were introduced and this council also finally 6 recognized the person as having the necessary qualifications.
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in order to create a platform for competition and to ensure that the presidential candidates have the same access to government facilities, as well as review and monitor advertising programs in radio and television and other spaces, according to the law, the election advertising review commission formed and held 26 meetings. the opportunity for each candidate to attend for 35 hours and thousands of hours of explanatory and promotional news programs from national and provincial networks was one of the commendable actions of sedav and radio. it is worth mentioning that an average of 520 million advertising sms messages are sent to each candidate and the capacity of internal messengers was also used properly so that for each candidate in the message. the presidential election
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was held on the 8th and 15th of july in 5864 polling stations across the country. about 600,000 executives were deployed in these branches. by the ministry of foreign affairs, the necessary platforms for the presence of azim compatriots living abroad. the country was prepared in such a way that elections were held in 98 countries in the form of 336 polling stations. the election security headquarters with a large collection of military and police institutions and security intelligence to play their role payment so that people can come to polling stations in complete peace and security on election day. the unique role of these dear ones during the election process and especially: the presence of 240,000 people from faraja and basij under the command of faraja in ensuring the security of polling stations and
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also the preparation of all military and law enforcement units from the borders to the depths of the country is commendable. through the formation of the central election inspection board and the organization of more than 6 thousand inspectors, the safe and legal conduct of the elections will be fully monitored. about 20,000 observers of the guardian council were also present at the voting booths. also, in the first stage, 37 thousand and in the second stage, more than 66,000 representatives of the respected candidates were present from the voting to the counting of the votes in the closed branches of the vote collection centers in the governorates and districts. the representatives of the central headquarters of the candidates also
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monitored the entire election process in the country's election headquarters with full access to the election society system. log in. the preventive action of the judiciary and prosecutors in order to prevent any possible violation and create a healthy competitive environment was very effective in such a way that the least number of court cases were filed in this period. elections in all branches across the country in each two stages at 8:00 a.m., the start of electronic authentication throughout the country online until the end of time. it was done through the election society system, all the executive processes were managed well until the last minute , there was no problem regarding the lack of tariff, communication disorder and election violations. during this period, 61 million 452 thousand 321 citizens
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were eligible to vote. in the first round of elections. 2453585 votes and 30 million and 53057 votes were cast in the second stage . this presence of dear compatriots made the participation of 498 tenths of percent in the second stage. as a result of this participation a total of 55 million people, his excellency dr. masoud mezikian , were elected as the president of the islamic republic of iran with the number of 16,379. some election issues. holding an early presidential election in two stages and within 35 days with a large amount of duties and actions. d. registration of
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election candidates in a reasonable framework and far from reflecting the distorted images that are in the dignity of the election system. it was not a country and sometimes existed in the past. political calm from the beginning to the end of the elections with complete health in the midst of intense competition among candidates. four ensuring the security of the elections despite the fact terrorist and cyber sabotage threats. 5. creating and facilitating the presence of all political tastes. and at the same time not accepting the slightest biased interference. efforts by the organizers and observers of the elections towards each faction and candidate. 6. implementation of election campaigns by candidates, headquarters and supporters in a legal atmosphere, without expensive ads and also in compliance with political ethics, according to the approach of the commission for reviewing advertisements and creating
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suitable opportunities for national media for advertisements. accuracy of work. in the second phase of the election, compared to the first phase , summing up and thanking a special thank you to the respected head of the presidency as well as the heads of the forces for their support. effective and you. i consider it necessary to take the necessary measures to carry out the elections on time. in the presence of his highness , i would like to express my gratitude to all the following institutions and organizations for the implementation of the election : the central election executive board and the county and district executive boards. the national election headquarters . the provincial election headquarters. and
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the villagers, employees of the ministry of interior, about one million. on the executive, supervisory and policing factors of the elections at the level of the last branch, all of whom participated in the great jihad. from the interaction and effective constructive cooperation of the guardian council, from the broadcasting organization to create a positive election atmosphere and provide opportunities for advertisements for candidates and timely notification of electoral headquarters news from the ministry of foreign affairs , as well as: for all efforts to hold elections abroad from faraja and the basij organization to ensure the security of the branches. from the armed forces and the ministry of information for the necessary support and support in providing security from the ministry of defense and the support of the armed forces for technical cooperation in holding
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elections from the judiciary and the attorney general for timely attendance to prevent possible violations from the ministry of communications and technology information and telecommunications companies, first mobile and irancell, to provide complete and stable communication. from the strategic management center of afta to cooperate in cyber security, from the national center for cyber ​​space, and the message of the domestic media to create advertising opportunities for volunteers from the ministry of culture and islamic guidance, as well as the press and domestic media to cover the election news and public awareness of the ministry. force for the stable supply of electricity and the elimination of shortcomings from the country's program and budget organization for the timely provision of financial resources for the holding of elections. i also have to thank all the
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social activists. elections from the authorities of my members, imitating the clergy and scholars of golan qadr for guidance and inviting participation from all election candidates and their supporters, who all played an important role in this national event, from the effective middle circles in the social and political atmosphere of the country, including party centers and political groups, non-governmental organizations, jihadist groups, student and faculty organizations, elders , elites, academics, trade associations, trade unions, and unions, who participated in this national celebration. in the end, i feel it necessary to express my special thanks again to the great leader of the islamic revolution i have. while all the presenters were deeply saddened by the martyrdom of the president of service, piety and knowledge, the comforting orders
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, ingenious guidance, path-breaking guidelines and revolutionary blessings of hazrat ali and the epic presence of the great nation of iran, once again the glory of democracy . it showed the religiosity and strength of the internal structure of the system and provided a new opportunity for sincere service in the direction of the country's progress . peace be upon you, and god's mercy and god's blessings, peace be upon muhammad and reward!
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, while offering greetings and greetings to the dear guests and a thousand respected dignitaries of the supreme leader, the grand ayatollah. on the occasion of the inauguration of the elected and respected president, mr. dr. mezikian, he issued that now i will read it in the name of allah, the most merciful.
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the decisive test of the presidential election was made brilliantly by the efforts of the people and the officials in difficult conditions, and it was completed calmly and calmly, and the chosen character of the nation was ready to fulfill a great responsibility. the 14th election. the presidency after the unfinished term of the late martyred president is one of the honors of the iranian nation and a sign of
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the establishment of a stable islamic system and indicates the rationality and stability of the country's political environment. look at some unpleasant phenomena in some similar tests. in some regions of the world, it does not show the prominence of iran and iran. now this side, thanks. from all those who played a role in the creation of this honor , following the great nation, i approve of the wise, honest, popular and scholarly personality of mr. dr. masoud al-bazikian and assign him to the presidency of the islamic republic of iran. may god
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bless him for success. i remind him that the vote of the nation and the sanction of this party will continue as long as his usual policy of following the straight path of islam and revolution is maintained.
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in the name of god. if you don't become a master and become self-righteous and in your own character shut up the field that your existence is the veil of your path , sit with yourself, whenever you get tired, i honor the memory of the late architect of the islamic revolution of iran, imam khomeini , may god bless muhammad and his family, and the proud martyrs of dear iran, especially the soldier of the homeland, qassem soleimani, clear
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i send my greetings to the heads of the government of martyrs rajaei with the art and martyr service of ayatollah raisi and all the martyrs of the nizam . i am grateful for the kindness and tact of the martyred leader of the revolution, who set the stage for the effective participation of the nation and the meaningful competition of different thoughts and policies in the 14th term of the presidential election. they opened a republic i am still the soil at the feet of the honorable noble nation of iran, who consciously stepped in this field and with their vote for change put a heavy burden on the shoulders of this humble person in a dangerous situation. those who voted for me or for competing candidates or even did not enter the election arena due to the concern of criticism and protest, the victory of the expectation of transformation in front of my system and the government.


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