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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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the most important thing is people's motivation. people are motivated to vote at the ballot box and this has always happened and always existed. alhamdulillah, the recent elections were done well. thanks to god, the people elected a worthy president. the statements they made here today are profound and suggestive of being based on the true foundations of islamic democracy . we hope, god willing, that god will help them .
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let them and their government do these great things. well, these are our appeals about the essence of the case. how many i want to give my advice. this advice is also for the government and the officials who, god willing, will be placed in important positions of responsibility. it is also for the general nation, we recommend it to all of us, we recommend it to ourselves . the first recommendation is that i would like to say that our country is a great country, our nation is a great nation, among our nation are those who have ideas, those who have innovation, those who have experience. the owner of countless new opinions, when
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a person sits down to talk about this and that , he hears so many new words, new thoughts, new initiatives in the words of different people from different walks of life that he is blown away. the suggestions that are given in writing, the words that they are present, what they say as protest, what they say as suggestion, all of them are good news for humans because it shows new thinking, new initiative , good experience and paving the way for the future. this
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is our country. i say this is a great national wealth. this should be used. the honorable government and the honorable president, god willing, for the people, with the people, among the people, use this great capacity of the people and use it to achieve the goals they mentioned and the path they want to take, along with these opportunities. human beings, of course , have our natural and material wealth as well the natural resources of our country are much more than
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that, and the amount that we have benefited and used so far is much more than this. we can do great things by relying on these human resources, human wealth, and natural wealth. . the condition is that we have a lot of courage, follow the work seriously , and choose good colleagues from among them, god willing. this is our first advice. the next advice is related to jihadist work. what does it mean
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to work tirelessly, without pay, without purpose? do it it is a human and divine duty to place and advance this universal work. of course , there are legal and administrative frameworks that must be followed, but jihadi work is quality, it is a type of work, and 100% work becomes legal. he did it in a jihadist way and in a different jihadist way . there are many people who follow the law, but
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the work does not go forward. the product of his work from morning to night is not a significant product , it is not a useful product. on the other hand, we have done great things in the holy defense country with jihadi work. for 8 years, we have progressed with our jihadi work and countered the complex and colorful plots of the enemy in these 30 years and 40 years with jihadi work
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. i really didn't know him day and night. he was really looking for afarin and ahsan for all the work he did. we saw it closely and felt it. in the true sense of the word, he was trying , he was doing everything he could. in front of people's eyes, but it works this is our next advice, that the jihadist work of entering the mujahidane square and avoiding control from afar
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is not possible if a manager wants to control things from a distance, he must go to work. the next recommendation: the interaction of the country's organs cannot work without this. the parliament must help the government. the government must count on the sensitivities of the parliament. the judiciary must be present wherever it is needed, an active presence. may the armed forces be present wherever the government needs them and the people need them according to their duties. everyone should play a role. these meetings
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of the heads of forces are a very good opportunity. i recommend them. i have already advised the previous presidents . i advise the officials of qaba to take these meetings of the heads of the three powers and exchange of views seriously. this is a very good work. we have used this experience for many years. the next recommendation is to respect the priorities. to cultural issues. cultural issues are very sensitive, social issues are very important issues, perhaps more important than anything , today, in terms of time, priority is given to economic issues
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, a calculated economic mobility, strong, persistent, required work, of course, done during the course. previous state valuable works must be continued . other works must be added. in economic issues , from the point of view of macro issues, the economic issue must be addressed. the issue of the value of the national currency. the issue of production. the issue of investment . people's living conditions, which can be done urgently and short-term , and god willing, let's do it.
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of course, some work has been done in both fields and it is good that it continues . the next recommendation is related to the atmosphere of public sentiment caused by the election. the audience of these members are people, activists, political and social activists. well, the election naturally, it is challenging, people are on both sides of the issue in the elections , there will be challenges, you should not pay attention to the temptations of polarization, and the arrangement worked, this is my strong recommendation. the emotions that
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forced people to argue with each other during the election period should not continue , don't let it continue. well , this is the nature of elections. one person you like gets votes , another person doesn't, for example, this is normal, this shouldn't cause quarrels, this shouldn't cause differences and divisions. be it in the islamic republic. various from the beginning of the revolution until now, coming up, down, some voting
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today, tomorrow, others voting, my picture, this is the same , this is the same, and the rest of the people, this is the test in all these elections that have happened. i tell you, the iranian nation has won, we don't have defeated those who entered the field to support a candidate and that candidate didn't get the vote, this is not defeated , these are the winners of the iranian nation, they are part of the iranian nation, the iranian nation is victorious. therefore, that state of anger or annoyance
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and longing that is possible now during arguments electoral debates have happened sometimes, this should not continue, the person whose candidate has voted should feel informed. no, the person whose candidate did not vote should feel defeated , none, this informs, not that failure , feeling defeated. this is our next recommendation, which is addressed to all political, social, economic, election activists , etc. the next recommendation is to value the country's internal power
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and rely on the internal power of these honorable officials who, god willing , will be responsible for the country's leadership and the country 's progress. the slogan remains the same, that's the truth. of course, this does not mean that we are from foreign powers. we should not use it, no wise person would say this, so we should use all the facilities , internal and external facilities, friends, even sometimes our enemies make a move that is in our favor , we should use it, we should use it, but we should not take any internal problem without seeing the internal power.
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stop and hang on a thread. foreigners should not do it. this is our width. do everything you can do in the world at the world level. good deeds . work that is honorable is honorable do it but don't neglect internal strength, internal power, internal initiatives. this emphasis. of course, there are many examples. the next recommendation is about issues related to foreign policy. the first thing i want to say about foreign policy is that
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the country should be active in the face of global and especially regional waves and events. it should be effective, not a passive approach to various issues , whether politically, scientifically, or in terms of extraordinary and strange scientific advances and initiatives , such as artificial intelligence. let's not collide. let's deal effectively. it is not permissible to ignore what is happening in the world and what is happening in the region. every incident happens, we have a position towards him. let's express this position clearly, clearly, with strength and stability, so that the world knows
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and understands what islamic iran is saying in this matter. the 13th government had a good plan in this regard, may god have mercy on the martyr of the late amir abdullahian , he was a very good diplomat , he was a very good negotiator, and he had a good effort and activity. . in foreign relations, one of the words about foreign policy is that we have priorities. one of our priorities is our neighbors. we are among the countries with many neighbors. here
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, one of the privileges of a country is that there are about 14 neighbors around us. one of the priorities is a strong relationship with the countries that have supported us in the face of pressure in these years , helped us, whether in the united nations or outside the united nations, in the field of economic cooperation
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, etc., and we appreciate their support. we must recognize that our relations with them must be strengthened to do this is our priority policy and there are such priority works in this field , but of course it is not a motive to oppose some countries, for example european countries, which i did not mention among the priorities. let's say we have an enmity with them. the reason why i do not mention european countries as a priority is that they have treated us well for many years. not treating us well in the case of sanctions , in the case of oil, in various cases in fake titles
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such as human rights, this is treating us badly , don't treat us this badly, of course we are one of them. our priorities are among the things that our relationship with them is a priority for us. of course , there are several countries that we do not forget their troubles and their generous behavior. this was also about our recommendations that we discussed. i think today is a global issue, one day the issue of palestine. this was a matter of islamic countries only. today, the issue of palestine and the issue of gaza is a global issue. from inside
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the us congress to the united nations to the paris olympics and everywhere else, this issue is spreading today. israel. the ugliest face of a gang he is presenting and showing the criminal himself . this is not the government. this is a criminal gang. a gang of killers. a terrorist gang. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. allahu akbar.
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these are strange crimes in terror and crime stories. leaving a new pattern in the history of human crimes in the world, creating a new pattern today, the heavy bombs of the zionists are dropped on the heads of those who are not even hit by a single bullet, the children in the cribs. 5-year-old children , 6-year-old women, patients in hospitals, even
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a bullet is not hurt, the bomb is being dropped on them, why is this crime an unprecedented crime? is the power of resistance. day by day , it is becoming more and more clear that the zionist enemy, with all the help from america, with all the help that some treacherous governments have given him, has not been able to ground the resistance force , has not been able to defeat them, the declared goal was to eradicate hamas. today, hamas , with the power of hamas and resistance jihad in general
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, is standing in full force in palestine, they can't do anything with them , they are dropping bombs on the heads of the oppressed people of gaza, the world must stand in front of this incident. make a more serious decision. they have to decide separately. governments, nations, intellectual and political personalities, in different fields. at that time, with this view, one will understand what a great shame the us congress is. he prepared a day for himself to sit and listen to the love of this criminal. this is a great shame. man in america, man in america. death in america, death
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in america, death in america, death in amen. we hope that almighty god will win the oppressed palestinian nation. we hope that the almighty god will guide the great and motivated nation of islamic iran towards its goals. above all, we sincerely ask the almighty god to help our dear new president and the government that will be formed. they are looking for the things they want to do and they declare that
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they will achieve these great goals, god willing. make the nation of iran proud . we ask the almighty god for the pure soul of the noble imam, the pure souls of the martyrs, the soul of martyr soleimani, the soul of martyr raisi and their companions. . and may allah's blessings and blessings be upon khamenei, well, in this way, the 14th inauguration ceremony was held in the history of the islamic republic of iran, and the 4-year presidency of dr. the president started in a ceremony
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attended by more than 2,500 national officials , chiefs and professors of the university and the representative university in tehran. as the presidency of the islamic republic of iran , i will once again read the text of the supreme leader of the revolution. it is in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, and praise be to allah, the lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings of god be upon muhammad and his family. once again, making islamic iran proud and shining the face of the huge nation, the decisive test of the presidential election
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was completed with the efforts of the people and officials in difficult conditions with calmness and calmness. the nation prepared for a great responsibility. the 14th presidential election after the unfinished term of the late president shahid, is one of the honors of the iranian nation as a sign of the establishment of a stable islamic system and indicates the rationality and stability of the country's political atmosphere. look at some unpleasant phenomena in some similar tests in some regions of the world showing prominence iran. and it is iranian, now this side thanks all those who have played a role in creating this honor , following the great nation, their vote for the wise , honest, popular and scholarly personality of mr. dr. masoud al-madiziyan, and appointing him to the presidency of the islamic republic of iran. i attribute and with sincere prayers and wishes for his success, i remind that the vote of the nation and the approval of this side
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will continue as long as his constant desire to walk the straight path of islam and revolution is established, and peace and blessings be upon ali, abbad allah al-saliheen seyyed ali. khamenei , the 7th of august 1403, the day after tomorrow, tuesday, the 9th of august inshallah, the inauguration ceremony of mr. president will be held in the afternoon and evening in the islamic council, god willing, for the president of the islamic republic of iran dr.


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