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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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iranian in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, greetings and good day. at your service, dear and respected countrymen , we are in egypt. we present the news at 12 o'clock. the inauguration ceremony of the 14th term of the presidency was held this morning in imam khomeini's hosseinia. attributed to islamic iran.
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hazrat ayatollah khamenei, in his decree of suspension, referring to the completion of the decisive test of the presidential election, calmly called it a sign of stability. a stable islamic system that indicates the rationality and stability of the political environment. country and thanks to all those who played a role in the creation of this honor , the nation's vote was given to mr. dr. masoud mezikian , and they assigned him to the presidency of the islamic republic of iran . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and praise be to god, the lord of the worlds, and
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peace be upon him, the presidential election was completed with the efforts of the people and the officials in a difficult situation with calmness, and the chosen personality of the nation was ready to take on a great responsibility. the 14th presidential election the republic after the unfinished term of the late
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martyred president is one of the honors of the iranian nation, it is a sign of the establishment of a stable islamic system and indicates the rationality and stability of the country's political environment. looking at some unpleasant phenomena in some similar tests in some regions of the world does not show the strength of iran and iran. now this side would like to thank all those who have played a role in creating this honor by following the great nation and their vote for the wise personality. and honest, popular, and scholarly, mr. dr. masoud appointed the doctors and made him the president.
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i attribute the islamic republic of iran, god bless ali muhammad and others muhammad and ajl farajah, and with sincere prayers and wishes for their success, i remind them that the nation's vote and sanction on this side will continue as long as their eternal path. as long as the straight path of islam and the revolution is established, it will continue, and peace be upon ali abadullah al-salihin seyyed ali khamenei, god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, august 7, 1403, and peace be upon you, and may god's mercy and blessings be upon him. more news, foreign exchange for
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imports reached more than 22 billion dollars. according to the announcement of the central bank, from the beginning of this year to the fifth of august, 22 billion and 613 million dollars are available for imports are provided against exports and services according to the announcement of the central bank , 5 billion 190 million dollars for basic goods and medicine and 12 billion 12 billion 151 million dollars for commercial and commercial goods have been provided, also 413 million dollars for services and 4 billion 859 billion for imports versus exports. million dollar theme. with the aim of supporting consumers , currency has been paid at the rate of 28,500 tomans for basic goods and medicine. the electronic collateral society system was launched.
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with this system, people in cases such as obtaining banking education and filing for the court and other cases where a guarantor is needed from this system can use. according to the minister, the export trade of the nation and persians will be the shareholders and implementers of the collateral society system. the amount of property that is registered under the title of permanent gold sim card in the name of persons that has been received by kargoshai bank or other banks of the country and has become official , and all such assets can come and sit as collateral, and god forbid, for affairs. judicially or fortunately, for matters such as bank loan facilities or installment and long-term purchase of goods and the like, people can very quickly refer to their own verification account and send it to that bank or the institute should just transfer their own coding and
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make their own purchases. the export of knowledge bases has increased eightfold in the last 3 years . the statistics given by customs in 2019, the export of scientists was 296 million dollars. the statistics announced by the customs at the end of 402 was 2520 million dollars. that is, in this 3rd quarter of 4 years, the export of knowledge of movinians increased to 8.5 times. this is equivalent to nearly 18 billion. the dollar was the value of saving the currency that scientists spent on medical equipment and medicine during this period get petrochemical raw materials, catalysts and other discussions like this. thanks to the leadership of hazrat agha and their support, the economy of scholars
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has been well supported in all governments and will definitely be supported in the fourteenth government as well, and god willing, it will have more impressive successes. however, the center announced that the import of used cars has been stopped until the regulations, instructions and regulations related to it are set . in the notice, the central bank announced the conditions for setting up the process of verifying and confirming the origin of the bank's offer for the implementation of the regulations for the import of used cars . the central bank announced that according to the necessity the formation of the work group and the necessary adjustment of the process of verifying and confirming the origin of the central bank's offer are ordered to all legal and natural persons. avoid any action to import used cars until the formation of the working group to set up the regulations, guidelines and executive duties and approve the import plan.
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manufacturers of cardboard paper for textbooks are required to receive a mandatory standard. the director general of the office of non-agricultural industries of the national standard organization said: from now on, the cardboard paper used in textbooks is included in the mandatory standard. mr. shakuri said: the implementation of this standard will increase the quality of books it will lead to a lesson and people's satisfaction. the implementation of the mandatory standard for the cardboard paper of textbooks is now in force for the manufacturers. thank you for your attention.
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bismillah noor ali. light upon light, in the name of god
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, light upon light, in the name of god who is the master of all things. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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ashhod an alia, wali allah, ashhad an alia, hajja allah. hai ali al salah hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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hai ali khair al-alam
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, hai ali khair al-alam, god is great. stay with us on the first page. in this program, we are going to have a look at the culture
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of work and effort and the program that was followed in this direction in the 13th government, with the presence of dr. mohammad chekshian. cultural and social deputy of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare, sir, hello, very happy, hello alaikum, don't be tired, may god give you strength and live well. alhamdulillah , we have one minute of time to follow the call to prayer for the culture of work and effort in the form of a document and program. is it correct? yes, who is the picture of this document? this document was finalized in march 140 and approved by the general culture council to all organizations. it has been communicated to the country's institutions that all institutions are responsible, only the ministry of labor, which is responsible for its macro management, but in reality, it means that an executive order should be written for it or not . yes, the executive is in the process of compiling it in the ministry of labor, and the ministry of labor is responsible for the follow-up and
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how to implement it. yes, the headquarters of the national movement for the promotion of culture working in the ministry of home affairs, the secretariat is headed by the deputy head of the minister. cultural mr. doctor , let's first take a look at the field of missions and activities that you have in the cultural and social deputy of the ministry of labor, basically, what is the mission field defined for you and in the form of what program do you follow this process in the cultural and social field in the ministry? social welfare work cooperative is actually made up of several departments, a department of work culture, that is, the issue of work culture and effort as one of the specific cultural issues of the ministry of labor, it is also considered for the whole society, now a little less time for it. it has been discussed more, but among the topics it has always been the field of public culture, considering the audience of the work and production society, that is, us, everything that is followed in the field of public culture in the society of the ministry of guidance
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, we are in the field of work and production society, which has a population of about 15 million. work and production society. the field of public culture and cultural topics are followed there, what does it mean, what do we specifically follow, culture topics, everything that is in the public culture, the topics of promoting islamic education, islamic values , religious slogans, religious occasions, everything that is in the field of public culture and discussions national self-confidence there are various topics that i will open now if necessary , or the next time i enter, i will tell you in general that this section is a lot. in the discussion of public culture , in fact, actions such as the field of prayer in the work community and the production of modesty and hijab in the work community and the production of the topic of promoting the qur'an and the teachings of the ahl al-bayt in the work community and the production of religious occasions , national occasions, discussions such as the gam statement second, there
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follows the discussion of the narration of progress, there follows topics such as arbaeen, topics such as ghadir topics. all the topics that are discussed in the country in the cultural field are suitable for the work and production society here of course, a special initiative that happened in the 13th government with the planning of the honorable minister of social cooperation , the formation of camps such as the arbaeen camp , the camp was actually a hope-giving camp and the jihad of the followers of hazrat zainab stadt, the narration of progress and issues like that , which made many of those things routine and normal. which was done before , it was done much more seriously and with a new and systematic approach, that is, in fact, we have to say that the role played by this deputy in the field of labor is in the form of this activity and the axes that you mentioned, artistic discussions, literary discussions, any topic that yes, we actually usually the role we have here because the role of policy making, support and supervision
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of employers has a strong role here, that is, some of this work , some of them work on us. as a person in the iranian society of 85 million people, our worker has two roles. if this person is developed, has a high culture , is cheerful, and in fact, has hope and motivation, he is not the only one who turns the wheel of production, and the society works for production. in addition to the individual role that everyone has as an individual, we are actually the country's economy and social capital the country and the production of the country follow the economic growth of the country , so if we pay more attention to this working community, then these employers themselves pay attention to this matter, and with the talks that have been held, the cultural packages that have been presented, these nobles will work more on this matter. and we actually
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reached a point of focus, that is, no matter how much the employer reaches this point, he must have a cultural workforce for his workforce. do this, in fact, the work will be smoother , more effective, and the work will go better. again, our main audience is the working community , the next part is the social part, issues such as the gratitude festival which examines the workers and the elite , the discussion of reducing social damage in the working society and producing issues such as health and treatment services that are supported by the ministry of health and welfare it takes place socially, but its secretariat is an explanation of social culture. this is in the social field, in the socio-cultural reality of the audience.
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first of all, everyone should pay attention to the improvement of the labor society. it has a great effect on improving the condition of the whole society. we have about 14 million workers as reported to me now let's count their families, more than 40 million, 4 how many million people are there, well, 40 million means half of the country's population, if they try to do something, they will do something. if the condition of the labor society improves, this means that the condition of half of the country's society has improved
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, this is very important, mr. chekshian, please tell me that you in the ministry of labor, and specifically the vice-chancellor that your excellency is responsible for, the cultural and social vice-chancellor, for the good condition that was mentioned what did you do? before, i was dedicated to the fact that the difference between the rest of the society and the production work society is that the production work society is doing well the society is transferred because its effects are in the whole society . well, we are in the field of cultural, social, sports and all these fields that we follow in the cultural field . for this issue, for the present, the cluster, for in fact , the hope, the camp, the place of hope, for the hope, the sport , the worker, for the joy, for the health, the debate. social damage in the work and production society is a concern that we can do something to reduce the social damage in the work society so that it can actually not have these damage and therefore with more motivation and with a double view, specifically in
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this what did you do in the area if you allow me? now, i have to explain the cultures in detail . if you allow me to go now , let's explain the social issue or the cultures. now, since you said , let's sum up these two or three points together and deal with the culture of karle, the work culture, i wanted to explain in detail. in our social discussion, for the first time, the national document on the prevention of addiction in the work and production community was announced by the martyred president. this is the first time that a document is produced specifically for the work and production community to discuss the prevention of addiction, in fact , in the cartoon community, it is the first time that a document has been compiled. we had a national promotion of mental health and in the carolid community, that is, a discussion drug damage is a document, this one, another document that is actually a system. what work was done sporadically , previously we have a network of providing mental health and mental and social health services called, for example
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, behker stations, health centers , health houses network, this happened in the 13th government , there was an eye-popping growth in terms of quality, i.e. the readings, the quality in terms of quantity, we had 138 four health houses during the entire period before the 13th government. in this interval of 2 years, a thousand health houses have been added, that is, a total of 1,184 in the past two years , and 1,000 in these two years. being high means 50 to 500 and 500 and above in our behgar stations, which are in smaller places between 20 and 50 people, that is, companies of 20 to 50 people. we have actually designed behgar station for discussion. the mental service network is open, the same health house is the same health center, but in smaller companies, that is, smaller places
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, this is actually only for the workers themselves, or not for their families, workers and their families. we measured 20 to 50 people during this period in the ministry of social cooperation he was superior in the executive bodies for the discussion of the prevention of drug use, which was actually appreciated by the drug fighting headquarters in 1401 and 1402. in the social field, we identified 12,000 creative and innovative workers under the process of the gratitude festival. during the labor week, which can now be discussed there, the president was commended for recognizing this, and then he said in his meeting that there are talents in the labor community, identify them and support them, this year in his visit to jashwal emmen
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dealt with this issue of worker's ideas. someone that the creativity of having a variety of work has often been done in what areas in all the industries of different industries, agriculture, industrial services, all areas, all areas where an innovative person had creativity , had a variety of things, in fact, he was able to take an action that improved production may the productivity be improved, produce something that we have been introducing until now, make a change so that the productivity will be better. alhamdulillah, this happened in the previous years , but this period has seen a significant growth in these two or three years in terms of judging. in terms of evaluation , in terms of informing our workers, more than 16 millions of text messages were sent to the workers themselves, who knew that they could be candidates for the emtan celebration. in the statistics that i saw, 120,000 elites of the society were identified in this process, and every
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year, a provincial festival of gratitude was held in the province. it was appreciated and the best of them, that 24 people were nationalized in the presence of the president in 200. different, because in each area, separate judgments were made to ensure that all of these were actually seen it is true that there is another point about gratitude . please tell me that no, this is enough. now, i will make a reference there in the section of my worker's week. very well, let's talk about the issue of work culture that you mentioned. work culture is a very important issue, and if we don't specify our task with work culture, we don't know what to say , because work culture and effort is one of the most important and priority issues in our society today, because this is also supported scientifically and scientifically. you visit the rescue factory you can visit different information in statements.
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hazrat agha, you can see how much they emphasize this issue every year in meeting with the workers, the culture of work has two pillars, the first pillar is the dignity of work and the worker, which means that hazrat agha said in the meeting of the workers this year that work has intrinsic value in the eyes of islam, that is, the work itself is important because because work is everything, sir, saying that without work , there is no life at all, it means their interpretation about the importance, if this importance of the position of work and the view of work is not caught in the trap, day by day, the worker's position should be better, his position should be more sublime in the eyes of the society, because this value creates value. this it gives life to the society because of the worker , there is an external existence, you remove the work, there is nothing left, the interpretation of mr. without work, there is no life, this is a cultural dimension of work, the value of work, the intrinsic value of work and the view of work, which unfortunately i will point out the reasons, in some places this value is underlined. entered the second problem of the components
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of work culture, well, work is valuable. what components in the work culture can make the work sublime? components such as work conscience, responsibility, cooperation and teamwork. subjects such as learning, skill training, subjects such as hard work, subjects that promote this work, increase its effect, increases productivity. this is the second pillar of work culture. well, when we want to promote the culture of the work , we must have a concept of what we are talking about. we did this course and obtained a model of factors affecting work culture, the components of work culture , which we collected 24, 6 factors affecting work culture and four or five components that the results of upgrading our work culture to the conceptual model of the conceptual model. we arrived and said if this is a concept model
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with this special. if we look, we will find out where if we take action, the work culture will be improved . it is very interesting. we have seen in the surveys that one of the destructive factors of the work culture is the discussion of windfall wealth. this perception in the society is the feeling that there are riches and incomes in some places. it is one of the destructive factors of the work culture, one of the effective factors in the work culture, whether it is destructive or positive, the leadership style of the managers, how are the managers. they behave with the workers and with the labor force and their interaction had an effect on the work culture . how did you get these in the first survey? library studies were done, after the survey of the elites , we interviewed about 40 of the elites in the field and science .


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