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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful, welcome to the news section of sehat 13. this morning, ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a ceremony and based on article 110, clause 9 of the constitution , voted the people of iran for mr. and they appointed him as the islamic president of iran. hazrat ayatollah khamenei recited gulpayganian's hujjat al-islam wal-muslimeen mohammadi in this ruling. they considered the completion of the decisive test of the presidential election with calmness and sobriety as a sign of the establishment of a stable islamic system and as an indication of the rationality and stability of the country's political environment, and thanked all those who participated in the creation of this honor played a role in the nation's vote for mr. dr. masoud
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was appointed as the president of the islamic republic of iran. god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and speed the leader. also, in the statements made in this ceremony, which was attended by more than 2,500 national and military officials, presidents and professors of the district and university, representatives of various ancestors, a group of the families of the martyrs, ambassadors of foreign countries living in tehran , the day of anfiz is the last page in the book of the thick and full of the election. they described and said thank god that this election despite the atmosphere of sadness caused by the loss our martyred president rests peacefully.
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the health, competition and moral behavior of the election competitors were held, the sweet result will be tasted by the nation. ayatollah khamenei also pointed to the management role of mr. mokhbar and the government delegation in these two months, especially in running the affairs of the country and holding elections. the leader of the revolution further pointed to the islamic democracy ruling in the country and emphasized that this democracy was not achieved cheaply. which is the result of people's uprising against the chaotic and disastrous situation that existed in this country in the past. the leader of the islamic revolution added: the islamic revolution gave the people the opportunity to interfere in the administration of the country, and in these years we had several elections, and all of them were accompanied by competition, health and motivated participation of the people. referring to today's statements of mr. medzikian, he said that it is profound and shows adherence to islamic democracy. they knew and
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emphasized that we should all help them to do their work properly. the leader of the revolution then gave two recommendations: one to the president and the people who will be in important positions of responsibility , and the other to the general public. hazrat ayatollah khamenei in the context of the first recommendation to the greatness of the country and presence people with experience and new opinions in the country pointed out and said: the suggestions and protests of these people are a sign of new innovative thinking and good experience to pave the way for the future and a huge national wealth and should be used. in this regard, he emphasized to the president: the honorable government and the honorable president, god willing ,
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should use this great capacity of the people for the people with the people among the people and use it to achieve the goals they mentioned and the path they want to take. along with these human opportunities, of course , there are our natural and material wealth as well the abundance of natural resources of our country is much more than that and the amount that we have benefited and used so far is much more than this. we can do great things by relying on these human resources and human resources and natural wealth. the condition is that the effort is high.
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let's follow the work seriously and choose good colleagues from among them, god willing. in the second recommendation, the leader of the revolution considered having a jihadist spirit as a factor for improving the quality of work, and emphasizing the necessity of having a jihadist spirit, he said that with a jihadist spirit, mountains of problems can be removed. jihadist work means what does it mean to work tirelessly, without pay, without money. the goal is to fulfill the human and divine duty and advance this universal work. he also
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considered the progress in the period of holy defense and the victory over the enemy's plots in these years as the result of jihadi work and said that martyr raisi was a jihadi worker and literally worked and tried, and they did not know much about it. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also considered the interaction of the country's organs as one of the essential points and said: the parliament should help the government. the government should count on the sensitivities of the parliament. judiciary at any point required he must be present. active presence may the armed forces be present wherever the government needs them and the people need them according to their duties . everyone should play a role. these meetings of the heads
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of forces are a very good opportunity. i recommend them. i recommend to the officials of qaba and now to mr. tesho here to take these meetings of the heads of the three powers and the exchange of views seriously, this is a very good job . it should also be from a macro perspective he looked at it from the point of view of improving the living conditions. people looked at the issues as a short-term agenda. he went on to describe the public atmosphere caused by the elections as normal for that era, but emphasized: we should not
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pay attention to the temptations of polarization and make arrangements. this is my strong recommendation. should not. the emotions that forced people to argue with each other during the election period should continue, don't let it continue. well, the nature of elections is that one person gets a vote and one does n't get a vote. this is the result of the election. it's someone else's interest, it doesn't get a vote, for example, this is normal , this shouldn't cause quarrels, this shouldn't cause differences
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and separation. the leader of the revolution and saying that he is the winner in all the elections in iran's mellat square addressed to all the people and all the activists. political and social said: some feelings of annoyance should not continue. ayatollah khamenei also considered giving importance to domestic strength as another necessity and said: "we can do it" should remain a constant slogan and none of the domestic affairs should be postponed. in the field of foreign policy, he also advised against the waves of global events the regional approach of the country should be an active approach, not a collision. the passive leader of the revolution did not consider negligence or complicity with what is happening in the world as permissible and emphasized that he should take a stand in the face of these events, if the 13th government had this approach and it should continue. hazrat ayatollah
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khamenei, following the recommendations in the field of foreign policy , pointed to looking at the neighbors as a priority and said: there are about 14 neighbors around us. this is a privilege for us. we should work on relations with our neighbors. this is a priority. one of the country's priorities are relations with countries that can expand our diplomatic field, for example , african countries, asian countries, these will expand our diplomatic field, relations with these are among the priorities, one of the priorities is to have a strong relationship with countries that have faced pressures in these years.
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supporting us, helping us, whether in the united nations , outside the united nations, or in the field of economic cooperation, etc., supporting us, we should be grateful , we should strengthen our relations with them, this is our priority policy. the leader of the revolution also explained one issue, that is the relationship we do not prioritize european countries because they mistreated iran in these years, and if it is corrected, it can be on the agenda. in another part of his statements, the leader of the islamic revolution mentioned the events in gaza and said: the palestinian issue is a global issue, from the white house to the paris olympics and the zionist regime as a terrorist gang. it shows the ugliest things. they
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left a new standard in the history of human crimes in the world in terror and brutality and strange crimes. create a new system. heavy bombs today the zionists are falling on the heads of those who don't even get a single bullet, children in cradles , 5-6-year-old children, women, patients in hospitals , not even a single bullet. not clicking the bomb is being dropped on them, why
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is this crime an unprecedented crime, ayatollah khamenei , referring to the failure of the zionists to achieve their sinister goals in gaza, despite the support of the united states and some traitorous governments of the united states congress. calling netanyahu's speech a criminal . and they added: hamas, islamic jihad and resistance in gaza are standing with full strength it caused the zionist enemy to drop their bombs on palestinian children and women in gaza. the president also said in the inauguration ceremony that only with convergence and legalism in the government system can we overcome the bottlenecks and meet the hopes and expectations of the people. mr. doctors. sincerely serving to pay attention to the above documents, observing justice and fairness
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as well as staying away from criminality is one of the commitments of the 14th government and said: a convergent and law-abiding society can make the governance stronger and empower the society and progress the country. emphasizing the preservation of unity and cohesion, the president said: "government." 14th, try hard in the field of serving the people and upliftment of islamic iran. after the inauguration ceremony, the president went to the presidential building with the head of the office of the leader of the revolution and mr. mokhbar and handed over his office.
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and the news that just now reached me is that mr. mohammadreza aref was appointed as the first vice president by the decree of the head of the 14th government. the inauguration of mr. mezikian will be held the day after tomorrow in the islamic council with the presence of foreign delegations. the speaker of the islamic council, emphasizing the positive atmosphere formed in the parliament. to review the president's proposed cabinet the president said: "the parliament, with maximum interaction with the government , examines the criteria and conditions of an efficient cabinet , and by maintaining peace and avoiding tension in the country's political atmosphere, it pays special attention to accelerate the 7th plan." continued news, supply of supply for imports
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reached more than 22 billion dollars, according to the announcement of the central bank from the beginning of this year to 5. 5th of august 22 billion and 613 million dollars of foreign exchange for the import of basic goods, medicine, commercial and commercial goods, import versus export and services provided. according to the announcement of the central bank , 5 billion and 190 million for basic goods and medicine dollars and commercial and commercial goods, 12 billion and 151 million dollars of supply. also , 413 million dollars for services and for import versus export. 4 billion and 859 million dollars of foreign currency provision was allocated according to the announcement of the central bank with the aim of supporting consumers for basic goods and medicine at the rate of 28500 tomans paid according to the customs statistics of iran's trade with turkmenistan in the
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first four months of this year with a four percent increase it reached about 156 million dollars. industry and mining products. food industry and agriculture are the main export goods of iran to turkmenistan. we in the year we exported 1,402,453 million dollars to turkmenistan. this figure has been obtained by exporting all kinds of products in the food and industrial fields. in the field of construction, goods, materials, construction issues of all kinds, from the foundation to the finishing stage of the work. food sector. agricultural goods , protein materials, in the field of discussion of energy power plants , especially power plant cooperation and technical engineering services, in this field, the attractive market of agricultural products, fruits, vegetables, and in fact , i would like to tell you that vegetables and such things, in addition to
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food, are a very important issue. there is also that in in fact, the equipment and machinery for converting and printing packaging is very important. this volume of exports is going to reach a higher number by the end of 1403. in fact, my business with termenstan is a business of one billion dollars, which i think is achievable . this is an effort to expand business relations. the country has several reasons. we have the general infrastructure. alhamdulillah , we have four customs border crossings in sarqs, bajiran , lotfabad, and what's more, we have a common border of 1,200 km. this is a common border of 1,200 km. it is very effective under any conditions that you want, even if you don't want to export, they will buy it, but for to reach this figure, economic officials, traders and businessmen should do all their efforts in the field of trade with turkmenistan, god willing, we will be able to have an exhibition worthy of the glory of the islamic republic. it is possible, but
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as an exhibition of iran. in fact, we organized the project in the past years and it was a very good exhibition. this year, it is also in the organization's plan to have an exhibition of iran and turkmenistan project, god willing. seyyed hossein kazem nia of the radio and television news agency. a comprehensive electronic collateral system has been launched became. with this system, people will use this system in cases such as receiving banking education, giving bail for the court and other cases where a guarantor is needed. according to. with the agreement signed by the minister of economy, the national banks of sepe saderat tejarat mellat and parsian will be the shareholders of the collateral system. the amount of property that is registered under the name of a permanent sim card in the name of a golden person that has been received by kargoshai bank or other banks of the country and has become official, and all
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such assets can come and sit as collateral. done for judicial affairs or fortunately, for things like bank loan facilities or installment and long-term purchase of goods and the like , people can very quickly refer to their own verification account and transfer it to that bank or institution , just transfer their coding and make their own purchases. the central bank announced that the import of used cars has been stopped until the rules and regulations related to it are set. in a notice, the central bank included the conditions for setting up the process of verifying and verifying the origin of the bank's credit against the executive regulations. he announced that he had worked on it. the central bank announced with regard due to the necessity of forming a working group and the necessity of setting up the process of verifying and confirming the origin of the central bank's offer, all
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natural and legal persons are ordered to avoid any action to import used cars before forming a working group to prepare the bylaws, guidelines and executive regulations and approve the import plan. . 88% increase in electricity consumption compared to last year, the managing director of tovanir company said that due to the occurrence of unprecedented heat and pressure on electrical equipment and accidents that occur intermittently, all operational, technical and specialized colleagues of the electrical industry are on full alert to provide electricity. to have stability i will discuss this with the manager operation and control of the country's electricity grid system. hello mr. jamshidi. please tell me. please tell me how effective the closure of offices was in reducing electricity consumption and how much the demand for electricity this summer
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was higher than expected? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you and all the respected viewers, just as you said, today is a holiday , and the consumption has decreased a bit compared to the previous days, based on the experience we had with the change of office hours in the previous days, about 1,000 to 1,200 we had a megawatt reduction in consumption. for today, we are predicting approx at the time of peak consumption , we reach a number of about 7750 megawatts, which, although it has decreased compared to yesterday, is still a large number, if we compare it with the previous year, which was about 71 thousand megawatts, an increase of 6 thousand megawatts, we have an increase in consumption of more than 6 thousand megawatts. which is an increase of about 9%, as you said. we have a significant number , we request our fellow countrymen to continue their voluntary cooperation with the power grid in order to reduce consumption and save money. it may
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cool down a bit from tomorrow, but again in the following days, we will continue the heat. we will have to on the 20th of august, these conditions are in place, and we actually request that our dear citizens pay attention and manage the consumption during the daily peak hours, which is from 11:00 to 17:00, with the same usual solutions that we have mentioned, especially in the case of air conditioners. gas should be set at a temperature of 24 degrees and above, and water coolers should be used as far away as possible, and high-consuming devices should not be used during peak hours. we would be very grateful if i could do these things. thank you very much to mr. jamshidi, the manager of system operation and control. the electricity network of the country, but as you were informed compared to the same period last year, the amount of demand for electricity consumption in the hot days of the year is approx. it has increased by 9%. the spokesperson of the electricity industry said that about 35 thousand megawatts of the country's electricity consumption is the share of air conditioners, and by changing the temperature of the air conditioner and setting it to 24 degrees
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alone, electricity consumption can be reduced by 20%. the overload that has fallen on the shoulders of the national network and gives a serious warning to the consumers in these hot days, why should we ask for electricity consumption so that we will not have power outages, at least if we don't, the factories will be without electricity for a few days. the bedroom should have electricity and water everyone can use the same thing. well, here we can, for example, by turning off a part of the store's decor, adjust the temperature of the split in a way that does not put too much pressure on it . we can set it between 21 and 24 degrees. look at our lamp. it's not clear. now , if you take your camera, you can see
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that it is a high-consumption city and we all have to spend on electricity. mohammad hossein mehmposh of isfahan sed and broadcasting news agency. orange weather warning for 9 provinces of the country based on this announcement in areas of gilan, mazandaran, ordville, azerbaijan provinces. east, west azarbaijan and the highlands of tehran, ghazvin, alborz and zanjan provinces, there is a possibility of floods. in order to obtain more information and the readiness of relief and service systems, i will talk to the spokesman of the country's crisis management organization, mr. zafari . hello, please tell me in which areas the rains
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are the most and what is the condition of the rivers and seasonal rivers. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful hello and polite, at the same time that we are experiencing a heat wave in many provinces of the country, in the provinces that you mentioned , they have announced the orange weather warning that we are with the affected provinces and the governorate and managers of kalmon should be ready , we have set up a crisis management headquarters there if needed. they should pay attention to the areas where dredging is needed, and do the dredging quickly if necessary. meanwhile , my advice to the dear people is that, as always , they should refrain from digging near the areas and going to heights in these are the one or two days that we are facing, and of course, the emergency equipment and the monitoring that we had
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. thanks god. thank you very much mr. zafari spokesperson of the country's crisis management organization. however, the incident yesterday evening in the occupied golan region, which killed 12 people and injured 30 people , had a wide impact in the region and the world. the zionist regime claimed that this attack was carried out by hezbollah, but the lebanese hezbollah movement declared resistance in a statement. it has nothing to do with this incident and categorically denied the allegations in this regard. in this regard, i am talking with the reporter of sed and cima news agency in beirut who is our guest in the studio. hello mr. hosseini, you are very welcome. thank you for the details of the story say. what happened yesterday is almost unprecedented in the last 10 months of the war. the second point is that experience has shown that if hezbollah is the same as in the 33-day war in 206 ad. this happened
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, if hezbollah made a miscalculation during the war in firing hezbollah's forces , hezbollah will take it as a joke and announce that what happened yesterday is remarkable because after 10 months of failure of the zionist regime. we witnessed this in the conditions of this regime in the southern and northern fronts of occupied palestine in the south and south of lebanon. located in bombest there is a shooting incident in a residential area in the majdal shams area of ​​the occupied golan heights of syria , and the zionist regime quickly declares hezbollah to be the culprit, and a wave of threats begins, and the mass media of the west, most of these media, ride this. they are taking this wave forward while witnessing it in the first moments.
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they announced that they saw that an anti-missile missile belonging to the israelis fell here, but this matter was quickly contained . the israelis did not allow the publication of this news. they said that this was a miscalculation of the air defense system itself. the iron dome is coming back, what can be said about this ? look at what happened, i said that the witnesses prevented me from appearing on the mass media to announce this issue. zionist regime after this incident , there is almost a consensus among the officials of the zionist regime in these threats that they announced that they will launch an unprecedented attack against lebanon. the second point is that hezbollah
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emphasized and they also know that if there is an attack on lebanon or sensitive centers will be targeted. hizbollah will definitely respond , the sum of these two issues actually raises the third point , and that is that if this issue leads to a large-scale war, the conditions and results of this war may be completely unprecedented for the zionist regime in 206 ad. . in the 33-day war, hezbollah acted defensively. in a large-scale war, if it happens , hezbollah will definitely not act only defensively, and it is possible that the war will go towards the phase of hezbollah's offensive operations inside occupied palestine, and definitely if this happens , we will witness events and developments. fundamental and existential.


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