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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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and the islamic republic party and its allies, which are actually the mujahideen organization of the islamic revolution and the clerics of the fighting clerical society and the rest, on the one hand , the organization is actually the corps, or the infantry , well, because, well, dr. benisad, even though he actually got a lot of votes. the president was from the people, but the organizational force of the university of tehran was the peak of their violence . there are no pictures of it at all, and the people have seen time and again how the people whom bani sadr says that he ordered to arrest and beat them. real with yourself. the violence of all the members of the mojahedin
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khalq, who are several thousand of them present in this speech they are beating anyone who thinks they are hizbullah, and there are pictures of it , and people must have seen bani sadr's meeting on march 14, 2019 at tehran university, where bani sadr gave a speech on the occasion of dr. mossadegh's commemoration and gave a speech to the scene of the conflict between the supporters of bani sadr and his opponents became. supporters of bani sadr, who were the forces of the people's mojahedin organization, came to the speaker's stage. in a part of his speech, bani sadr showed some identification cards to the crowd with the claim that they belonged to the forces of the islamic revolution committee and talked about their arrest as chamardars.
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the expulsion of his opponents from the lecture hall turned the university into a battlefield. you people get them out of here calmly . get them out. at this moment, a huge conflict started. those who were wearing green beards or overcoats were attacked by the forces of the mojahedin-e-khalq organization as opponents of bani sadr, and they were attacked from the eastern wall. they were thrown down.
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the guard that the president had created for himself and the office of the president's cooperation officially made the union of these two arenas of mojadin khalq bani sadr official and public . after the collaboration was revealed
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bani satr and people's mojahedin organization ordered its forces to support bani sadr and oppose the imam and say allahu akbar on the roofs of their houses by spreading the rumor that bani sadr's life was in danger. these are ready to have fans little by little. the organization was already looking for this, even later in the meetings in iraq, rajavi said it. since the time of the shah, we have been saying that the religious forces are our main danger. became a marxist and he said that after that, we saw the main danger in religious movements, that's why he avoided them . we didn't want the religious people
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to come to work in any way, that is to say, they were on the left at all . gradually, these fans are taking themselves in a different direction, in addition to having military training, it is interesting that this is an organization that has unlimited weapons without any license, they have a special patrol, they do not have a rescue and treatment section. i know they have a printing house having different offices, working with authority and arrogance , not obeying any law. the organization never handed over its weapons, while according to the constitution any activity up to the border of armed war was allowed, but the organization was not ready to hand over its weapons or
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it had sent all kinds of people as infiltrators in different parts of the republic. islam was trying to tolerate them , actually appease them, and tried to eliminate them. consisting of his own representative, mr. mahdavi keni mohammad yazdi, as a representative of the trustees of the ishraghi nizam , was assigned by bani sadr to investigate the events of 14 esfand should look into the performance of the mujahideen until
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this entry into the armed phase and the terrorism phase . on the one hand, they show themselves as supporters of the palestinian issue. with yasser arafat, they broadcast on the one hand, in fact , they show themselves as supporters of the slum dwellers, and in this regard, they even publish a magazine as a trade union for, for example, the workers, for the hardworking farmers, and they call themselves lawyers. the defenders of these show that they are active in the field of wide publishing, these designs that they penned were very important, these designs that were penned they used to lead to conflicts, these conflicts led to beatings, anyway , they mentioned these beatings day and night in their newspapers , and they magnified them even though their activities in general and almost all of their activities
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it was against the law, that is, having weapons without a building permit, having a magazine without a permit , but the system was trying to attract them in a way, and in fact, they returned to the people, even the imam, we see many times in his speeches in different forms. he points out that you should be in accordance with the law and be a part of the people and a part of the nation be the lack of support of bani sadr as the commander of the armed forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. and not providing them with ammunition on the battle fronts, which led to the siege of abadan and consecutive victories of the baathist forces, and on the other hand, the report of the 3 -member delegation, which
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considered the bani sadr's lawlessness as the cause of the events of 14 esfan, prompted the imam, who in 20 khordad 60 to remove bani satr from the command of the general forces. taking back the position of commander-in-chief and qaba from the imam due to the very wrong and negative performance of barisad in the war command, which had caused the defeat and retreat of the internal forces in those 6 months. in the first 7 months of the war, this title will be taken back from bani, the people themselves actually reach a point where they realize that bani sadism is protesting in front of the parliament with the slogan that now that your leader is approved, vote. his political inadequacy was approved by the parliament with 177 votes in favor. the votes that were in favor
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of mr. bani saad's political inadequacy were thrown into the fund. 17 mr. bani saad as a president was removed from the dictionary of the islamic republic. the million that benisad was always proud of, that i have 11 million votes and wanted to face the law with this title in front of the imam and in front of the legal institutions, they should take back their votes from bani hasad, and in fact, the imam also after the vote of the bani majlis. he removed sadr from the presidency at the same time, that is, june 30, 1960
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, we are witnessing the armed departure of the organization. rajavi was doing things to kill people. to provoke the society, he was looking to somehow introduce our side babylon as an enemy force, a selfish force , he was very oppressed, and basically this was all planned, that is, get involved, people get injured, even get killed, the same thing he did in iraq, the same thing he did with the forces in 1990, the same thing he did to his own people in different fronts . when the parliament was voting
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on the plan of inadequacy of bani safar, the armed forces of the people's mojahedin organization came to the streets of tehran and destroyed public property and shot at the people . once the crowd started, some of the children came and started chanting, what was my slogan? the harsh slogans started from the death of beheshti leaf to non-vazale. after the conflict, well it started until you know taleghani, when it ended, this crowd
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came, the conflict started and it was practically defeated , because when the current started to rise, the children of hezbollah themselves started to see the rebellion. it was june 30th . now it was not in tehran, it was the same in another city. coming to the middle, it's too much to get stuck and not let it go.
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fighting and loyal guerrillas. some people are interrogated. most of them are known to us, but almost 90% of them are not ready to play and do not tell their names. but a few of those little people who were deceived and now confess admitting that they are fooling themselves, they are willing to be interrogated and tell their details. there are about 90 of them, 90% of them are not ready to tell their profile and why they wanted to do these things. we went there to support bani sed, and this is what you got . we were in our building, and the only thing we saw was that these guys were going here and there. i didn't know why they were going. they only told us that they were going to the side of bani sadd. the only thing they told us was that we cannot stand against this, the islamic republic will stand forever, of course
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, they justify this to us by saying that the phase is a military phase and the confrontations must be with a military spirit. on june 30th , i had a head weapon, but thank god it was not used, and the general line that was given to us in this regard even before june 30th, in connection with the local march, was that the children should have cold weapons with them, which means that this issue is it was specifically emphasized that they wanted to kill us the military phase had become a standard for them by means of cold weapons, and a channel for them to lead the children to this stream. the organization said that i want all the power of the country, not by the people's vote, but by force
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, and everyone should submit to me like a light child. who says he wants everything and well, it is not right, nor right, nor logical to do such a thing , then it is an organization that no longer has an iranian identity. bani sadr shaved his mustache and rajavi changed his face and dyed his hair to pass through the mehrabad airport gate. bani sadr after five weeks of hiding in the organization's team houses mojahedin along with masoud rajavi. the leader of the organization left the border of iran on tuesday 6th of august 2016 with the help of a hijacked plane piloted by pilot behzad moeazi and landed at a military airport located in homme, paris . the french government immediately
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granted them political asylum. they do not believe that people follow the system. this is rajavi in ​​your thoughts. on the other hand, rajavi was never really with society since he was young, he went to prison, and then when he came to timi's house, or even before prison , he was never with society. all the things he heard through the writings and materials that came to him analyzed the society , never paying attention to the fact that people are looking for a military. bring back the school, oh god, the castle of the school,
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and the speeches of god, in the name of god , god is great.
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animation students in a tehran conservatory depicted their works in an exhibition . during the twelfth year, we have to do some digital work and we do this in the blender software . to make these characters, we wrote their stories first, idea generation, and all this work is a child's work. and then we designed them in 2d and then we entered the world of 3d and... modeling hey, all the kids are doing their own characters , from making bodies, clothes, and weapons to texture paint and rigging, animuto, all these things are the work of children. i was also interested in animation and there is anime in other countries as well. i was very interested in it and i was good in my studies. i could have studied mathematics or experiment
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, but my interest was in art and animation. and art, but since my personal interest in art is more than studying mathematics or now i want to work in companies. i preferred to follow my interest and create what i like. in the 10th and 11th, we have character design, space design, writing, and we also learn directing . and we wrote it ourselves to bring it to the picture. well, other media might not have time to make it into an animation because it takes more time to work frame by frame. we can see how many pages the children are able to collect deliver the complete work with our own authorship. the young artists of this conservatory
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sell their art products in the market. within art fields in general, whether in animation, graphics, or even clothing design. children can display everything they learn from the 10th grade , and they can also sell according to their art or field of activity. whether it's about design, calligraphy, or even photography, i personally have social pages where i can display my work , and my clients can see my work there, and if i had a tendency to order from me, and there are even sites where we can display our work and buy from us . when children work with interest from the very beginning and have a job behind them , they will build a strong and international resume. they can present their work on different sites
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. according to the interest and talent that children have , they produce products and from the very beginning of their school days, they enter these products into the labor market, and they enter the labor market in a very professional manner. since their student days, they have been very successful with their experiences especially every year in our exhibition, children gain with these experiences, they can really enter this market as a professional artist , and from now on, children can too. learn this entrepreneurship and professional work. young artists choose their field according to their interest. it was my interest and
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i checked all aspects and my parents supported me a lot in this regard. 100% if someone follows his interest, he will support my work more and he will present his work better. but when we go into a field that we are not interested in, it is possible to go somewhere because of the pressure that is put on a person, he will be beaten and that will be for him. it doesn't matter. when i was a child , i liked creating new things a lot . i worked in the theater for a while, then i saw that in that part, i liked the part of creating and making something new much more than the rest of it, and that's why when i was with the consultant. i talked to you and suggested animation. if you come and enjoy your education in art fields , you can flourish better than what you are not interested in, and here you can create much better for yourself. they should go on their own, because interest is really a very important thing in a person's life, it helps a person to progress, and they also have to be very hard to listen
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to. in whatever way they want to go , i ask them to trust their children and that is the root. i mean , when you study in fields like mathematics and experience, which are certainly important fields , i think most of the people are interested in that field. it is easier because it has a more specific path, that is, you study in your high school and take the entrance exam you see and enter the university until you find a job, but the conservatory has a few more paths, it may cause people to fear that we should send our children to this field now, but by the way, it has many futures that people they don't know about him, ahmad amin.
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and maintaining health against possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim . carrying personal hygiene items such as soap, especially soap paste for hand washing, personal toothbrush and body shampoo in a small container, a light towel and a light bedding. low volume glasses are recommended proper sun protection as a barrier against fine dust and heat helps to maintain eye health , using a suitable sunscreen and reapplying it every two hours. it also helps prevent sunburn . consider that continuous walking without taking into account the time of rest can be dangerous for your health and the children and elderly people who are with you. so be sure to rest at appropriate intervals . daily washing of the nose with serum is recommended to prevent excessive dust and respiratory diseases. to brush your teeth, you should use clean water such as bottled water or tap water do.
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do not use spring, stream or river water for drinking. to. to avoid the transmission of diseases, avoid eating food in a common dish . it is very helpful to have your own spoon, fork and glass. it is unsanitary to dip glasses and pitchers into containers with water and syrup inside them . also , avoid consuming ice that is stored or eaten in unsanitary conditions on the ground. do not eat open foods that are exposed to air and walnuts. do not eat vegetables and salad at all. and if you use fruits, be sure to peel them . and finally, pay attention. consumption hot foods are more healthy than cold foods because the possibility of poisoning with them is less. cooked foods should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours and should not be heated more than once. so do not keep the cooked food for the next meals and do not consume it even after it is heated. if you have a special disease or are elderly, it is necessary to have a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you.
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it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever you are going to buy a piece of furniture. the consumer price of the remaining cash means what i am telling you now. let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million. now calculate the remaining cash together, if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price, that is , 20 minus 4. this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. at the same time, be aware that the payment in installments should be from zero to at least 1%
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. hello, akbar, mr. mast, i want to tell my father's eyes , he has a lot of credit in your father's account, i will pay with tara's credit, tara is very creditable with us, tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for everyone, wow, i can't believe it, yes, how long has it been? was before if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go look around, then reach the bazaar, the bazaar of each one. i said that here all the specialized markets near me were good. we came to serah afsariye. it was good. we came to sarai irani, the big iranian sarai, the only tehran branch in serah afsariye. unbelievable prices and long-term contracts without prepayment in the big house. iranian in the cities of qom,
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isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. in the name of god. hello and good evening to you, dear viewers, dear and respected countrymen , we are in egypt, we present the news at 16:00. after the inauguration ceremony, the president went to the presidential building with the head of the office of the leader of the revolution and mr. mokhbar and handed over his office. mr. bizikian announced the livelihood of the people and solving the economic problems of the country as one of the priorities of his program in the 14th government. now what to do.


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