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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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suffocated by us imperialism, whether mr. madhurab is very energetically campaigning to explain the situation to the people, whether he is able to have done that, that's what we're going to find out on sunday. well, i think this election is very, very important in terms of the international balance. balance of power um, but in particular the balance of power uh and the relations of power in the americans. we all know that to the degree that they are able to undermine venezuela, they are able to undermine the entire american region. venezuela is key for niccaraco, for cuba, for most of the progressive forces here in this region, so the imperialist forces are quite clear. that
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they can wound uh venezuela, that they can continue to exert control in this region, so it's important that we have this gathering of international uh report, it's important that the venezuelan people are able to prevail uh against the attempts by the uh hedgemon from the north to undermine the democratic process here in this country. still in today's world with we are you, we are investigating the holding of the presidential elections in venezuela, where nicolás maduro is fighting for the third election race to preserve the legacy of hugo chávez. let
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's start with the article two days ago, you had given the title "the current election in venezuela is the most unequal election in the last decades. why do we believe this?
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its independence against foreign interference is truly unprecedented. this amount of support for anti-government candidates is unprecedented." the current government is very high. now, i myself am a supporter of madura. he is facing many challenges, economic challenges and some social challenges, which he is continuing with according to his own plans , and the current situation is much better than in the past . there are signs of improvement and maria
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cuno or gonzalo are other election candidates . they are trying to take advantage of this situation and attribute the problems caused by foreign interventions and pressures to the current government of venezuela to solve. there are problems war now venezuela is in a situation where it is fighting for its right to become and actually maintain itself as an independent country. this is a right that every country has and every nation can enjoy. but challenges have been created against this struggle. well, it was already there, now it has intensified. and they try to take advantage of some of the problems in venezuela and this positive trend in this country.
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thank you. you were referring to the problems imposed on venezuela. well, we know that since 1999 , the elections in this country have been carried out by the people. bergez. it has been seen that almost 25 years have passed since hugoz started the path and nicolás maduro continued after that. an interesting aspect is that despite all these harsh conditions, sanctions , there were inflations that were several thousand percent, and now we we were talking to the guest before you . he said that now, on a monthly point by point basis , compared to last year, it has reached 1% . in your opinion , how could the united social party and its leader maduro still be able to continue with these several thousand percent inflations after all these years? in the race to preserve chávez's legacy , this is essentially one of many achievements
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very impressive. this is actually an example. this is actually an example and a model for
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passing the difficult phase and... they are now shunning foreign interference better than before. in 2013 and 2014, which i mentioned in my article , it was really a very difficult situation. we likened it to the smell of blood from venezuela is coming because of the inflammatory situation that was there and the violence that sometimes occurs.
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by them, i mean that the americans will do anything if they cannot achieve their goals through political means , but we are ready for the preconditions. we are ready in various ways and i want to tell you that in 2018 we were in a very bad situation economically. we had several thousand percent inflation, but this year, after the programs that were implemented in the past few years, in june and july, we were able to bring the inflation to 1 percent compared to the same month last year, and this shows that
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the revolutionary plans and the society that venezuela had was successful and now it is the only thing left . it is that these important developments will take time to fully come to fruition. these require patience if there is, the value of the national currency has clearly improved, now the salaries of the employees have improved , i mean the value of the money they receive , but we still have to wait to see the better effects of these programs, inflation will be curbed more and we will export. .
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of course, i am not very interested in predicting , but what i see now, after 15 years and 15 hours that have passed, i think that maduro will win the election, and in fact, based on what i have observed , my field observations from outside and actually, i have people's opinions , i say this, and we only hope after this
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the results are coming. in fact, the other candidates will accept the results and be ready for the new term from the day after the election. thank you. there was a conversation with mr. discra, a venezuelan writer and analyst. mr. discra , thank you for being in this conversation. thank you, thank you very much!
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the fire of insults and distortions of the opponent will not become the truth. and now the second case of tonight's program. it was yesterday that majlis al-shams, a point in the occupied golan that belongs to syria, but has been occupied by the zionist regime for years in violation of international laws , has been targeted. zionist this attack and this incident was caused by a rocket launch by hizbullah claimed, but hizbullah has declared
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that this is a lie and basically this was a zionist defense missile that acted wrongly and hit that point . the zionist regime should find a means to attack and invade lebanon. before we discuss the issue with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on zionist issues , we see a report about this incident. zionists and knesset members say that the incident that happened on saturday was like this. the sound of the iron dome alarm is not heard, nor
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is there a picture of the unknown missile hit site and its parts. as a news team , we asked to get inside the stadium to film the scene of the incident , but we were not allowed to do so. the zionists say that majid al-shams was attacked by hezbollah. but eyewitnesses say something else. i heard these words of the witnesses a few minutes ago, but they don't dare to say anything in front of the camera. he occupied this area and now these people are not ready to serve in the army of this regime. hezbollah has been attacking the zionist military positions in support of the people of gaza for about 10 months, and al-manara and shatula are the last zionist bases that
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hezbollah attacked on sunday, the 7th of august. by issuing a statement , it has categorically rejected the regime's claim of targeting the people of majdal shams. more than 11,000 residents of majdal shams live in the days where more than 90% of them refused to accept the citizenship of the zionist regime and insist on their syrian identity and authenticity. saeed bell sed and sima news agency well, to further investigate this incident , i will start a conversation with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on zionist issues . all those who have the image and voice of my servant
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, see me or once, i want impartial real politics without anything at all. i will check the bias of the possible scenarios, there are two general situations, either the israelis themselves are doing this on purpose, yes , i will tell you now, or the non-israelis, now that i tell you. if the israelis themselves have made this story, there are three possible ways that an iron dome might have made a mistake, which is now one or two . they have designed one theory to make one. well, this issue is open to two. the section is divided, one is that the whole regime is making a plan, that is, they have one, especially because the olympics are near, milan is similar for each of them, and we are dissimulating. yes, the olympics are part of the olympics . all those discussions that are there, this is also a discussion that is not
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netanyahu and a part of them are doing this . one of these three scenarios is not out of the question. if we say that outside of israel, that is what the israelis say , the resistance front did this. there are three possible scenarios : one is that lebanon's hezbollah did this, the other is that other than lebanon's hezbollah , has anyone done this, the palestinian groups, all of which i am stating the facts and arguments, and a part of it is that the same israeli team has done this by designing the flow of influence in one of these groups, i.e. the game may not know that the group itself is doing this, or even that it is from the israeli forces ok, now i will check first what the israelis say in the field of hizbollah doing this. i think it happened in the 80's and then i think it happened in the 90's. military, because i don't want to use the word people , israel conducted a survey and 8
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percent of them said that the trust we have in hassan nasrallah and lebanon's hezbollah is from the officials. there are more of us, because whatever they say , it is not their job to lie. look, now this israeli censorship story has become so tense, so silly and cheap. it's so ridiculous, he officially shoots rockets and says to the side , "we don't have any casualties. hezbollah in lebanon has been giving martyrs since the first day. it says that this martyr was the commander . he uses the title of martyrs with the word leader . hezbollah has no fear. this is a second reason that father." three times in just a few days. showing your point from moment to moment, why should hezbollah, which does not want to kill citizens, i.e., civilians, come and do something like that , bring some children and do something like that, hezbollah is not at all in the shia doctrine, something like that. this project does not exist, this theory is useful it doesn't work, it ends with the ego of the other side
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, the opposition side doesn't need to do this at all, why should such an incident happen? let's take a look at some of the interesting things. we are analyzing different scenarios together. a regime killed 40,000 people on purpose, and then it accuses hezbollah that in one situation, even though hezbollah says that i didn't do it at all. accused , yes, exactly, it is completely ridiculous, it means killing these thousands of people , killing women and children. two-way reaction. now, both inside lebanon and outside lebanon, i am telling you that, for example, 5 things have happened to me on the day of the funeral. this is the druze tribe. there are people who are the target of this incident. now is the time for another scenario. now i will analyze it in netanyahu's domain . see the israelis themselves. it is possible that the iron dome
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made a mistake. it is possible that netanyahu designed it. it is also possible for the palestinian groups to see this. i don't give up either. i have to say that to be fair , look at the issue. some of their days are not very accurate that is, it is not accurate, while it happened. the news came out from the prisoners who are being released from palestine. look, this is less than a week ago. sir, the israelis are not torturing us. the ones who are being tortured are from the druze tribe. we should make a statement . i think hamas made a statement. sir, we request the tribe not to do this during the days . in islam, their approach is closer to shia than to sunnis, which means you can't say that shia is a strange people at all.
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now, the amount of courage is a special thing, but one thing i wanted to say here was to reject the hizbollah issue . 5 things happened on the sidelines of the funeral ceremony . i think this is tolerable. an israeli flag was not used. take these coffins now , if the picture comes. my child was white for not singing israel's national anthem. well, this has its own point. they booed the three israeli ministers. the fourth is not allowing netanyahu to come there to offer condolences. the fifth is not giving harsh slogans against hezbollah . knowing what is going on and what is happening is important valilat, the leader of the progressive socialist party, reacts in this field as well, that is, one of the famous and historical figures of the two-day movement in lebanon. yes, he
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has the same angle with the resistance movement. he is taking better positions , now he thinks he had an interview with al-jazeera , he said clearly his opinions, yes, he said it very harshly , mr. man said before the semester that the weapon of resistance is not negotiable. or the flow of palestine with breath or now he did this spontaneously or the israelis are doing this, but i think the truth is that the israeli option is weak, that's the theory .
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israel will attack areas deep in lebanon tonight. flights are also a thing now, neither in israel nor in lebanon, the flight is completely clear , that means there is no flight now, they will probably give an answer tonight. now this type of answer defines those two scenarios. i know that the possibility of a large-scale ground attack may surprise you. if it is on the way , the resistance front should be aware of this, especially with that scenario there is a possibility that it was the work of the zionists from the beginning, which means that they may enter into a practical conflict and intensify the region and create a crisis
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, especially since the olympics are approaching, and the american elections. conflicts may be answered by israel's actions or some kind of reaction. before israel determines the next step, what reaction will hezbollah show? the message of paskhama is that the possibility of conflict is very high, but the type of reaction of israel and the next response of hezbollah within the next 24 hours will determine that we will we enter into a regional war or not? i say no for now, but in what time frame do i know the conflict between the lebanese and israel for sure, with the amount of mr. toravi's conflict? thank you for your congratulations and your presence in the world.
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we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. they used to say that whenever you take a fish, it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to what we have not done. such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, modifying consumption habits and managing electricity consumption. now a small part of the people are out of use from the consumption pattern and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely
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return to the consumption pattern. once take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home , for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before. ready to work or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers , microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are off and when we don't need them. they should be unplugged. sometimes we pay attention to the bathroom and toilet lamps, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the light bulb. if you get into the habit of unplugging unused electrical appliances from the power outlet , be very careful when buying them. in the end, you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but we have also
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taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. dear listening friends , we are getting closer to the royal moments from this morning. good day at 9 o'clock here on radio tehran. it's easy to have a good half day at 1151 it's 16:00, listeners of tehran jam jam sports radio. good evening, dear friends . it's 17:30 in the evening section of radio ava . i'm at your service until 22:00. it's 12:00 pm here in tehran. radio javan is always and everywhere. your mobile phone is your radio, just by installing it. radio application from
3:00 am as easily. hello, at 3 o'clock, officials from libya, malta, mongolia and niger will participate. the swearing-in ceremony of mr. bishikian arrived in tehran. according to the head of the swearing-in staff, more than 600 journalists, photographers and videographers from domestic and foreign media will participate in the swearing-in ceremony. inauguration ceremony of the president it is held on tuesday and saturday.


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