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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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this work is one of the important duties of radio and television, which the head of radio and television emphasizes that one day the sky will wake up from deep sleep and the earth will be filled with the song of anemones. it is necessary to field someone who is trustworthy , honest, religious, faith is an important indicator , being a law-abiding person is one of the important criteria, being efficient, one of the important people who believes in the islamic republic and the islamic system from the teeth which they think is the horizon.
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nothing can be done, these people cannot be held responsible. they do not have a bad record. they will not hear about politics and these things. god willing, a group of ministers will be good, iran's efficiency is good, it means revolutionary , the government will be able to take forward the issues , in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light.
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god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god. the martyrdom of muhammad rasool. the messenger of god is the witness of god
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, and god is the witness of god.
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hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam allah is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. continuous popular correction continuous popular correction. all aggression
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al-basher, all aggression, al-basher, all appointment, one to one , one to another, one to one. al-palestine is the habit of the occupation forces and the arabs in the mazes of al-shaqaw or khazih or asfin or ghazih nasfin
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or ghazih nasfin . we condemn. we are here today to deliver this message to our enemies. the day will come when
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we will all fight for palestine. savak, mohammad hanifnejad and other staff the central organization is arrested and executed for their activities. in the 1950s, the organization was practically divided into two factions inside the prison, led by masoud rajavi, and outside the prison, led by taghieh shahram. in 1957, taghi shahram was sentenced to death by the revolutionary court, and the leadership of the organization was given to masoud rajavi. massoud rajavi's cooperation with then president bani sadr finally ends in paris in 1960. in order to bring about change and gain power, the mojahedin khalq
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resorted to assassinating the president, his prime minister, the head of the islamic republic party and 12,000 ordinary people. after failure in the assassination project of masoud rajavi with the cooperation of saddam. and the transfer of his forces to iraq and side by side with saddam in the imposed war against the people of iran. in august 1967, a few days after rajavi's resolution, in the forough javidan operation, he told the story of the conquest of tehran. an operation that fails. with the fall of saddam , the organization officially started cooperating with america. people's mojahedin organization with the policy of fighting america in line with the people. he started his political career and today he continues his political life in the name of khalq by holding annual dilpand conferences and inviting american senators.
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with the attack of some forces on the territory of iran today. critical it became more for the revolution. as the president of the country, bani sadr's path was getting further away from the revolution and closer to the path of the mojahedin organization. the revolution was going through its most difficult days. from avas from 1959 onwards, i said that the more bani sadd's confrontation with the regime increases, you will see that bani sadd was his own enemy, martyr, backhand, and the line of the imam
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. they should run the country and experts like me should run the country. bani sad said these things, then next to him, in parallel, he said the same words in the revolution. in fact, it was the product of our hands, shahid beheshti's people's mojahedin and the republican party of the children of the revolution. the irgc considered the committees and the revolutionary institutions to be its enemies, and this caused them to get closer to each other, that is, the more their enmity with the imam's line, with the revolution, with the people, with the islamic republic system increased , the closer they became to the issue of bani sadr and the bani movement. sadr, and from the beginning, the analysis of the organization was towards bani sadd and the movement of the liberals. as soon as bani sadd came to work and the unity, of course, was complete and relatively in the public eye between the hypocrites and bani sadd
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, the analysis given by the organization said that we bani sadr we know that the representative of the liberal faction at that time divided the governing body into two groups , the liberal faction and the reactionary faction. he knew bani sadr as the flag bearer of the liberal faction. his analysis at that time was this: he said that we are facing the reactionary liberal faction and the conflict between these two we use it for our own benefit . chamaq party should go to the cemetery with dastistan. in fact, this was the slogan that after 1959 , there was a conflict between the organization, on the one hand , the mojahedin organization and dr. bani asad, who was the president at that time, and the islamic republic party and its allies, on the other hand. revolutionary mojahedin organization islamic and the clerics of the community, the militant clergy and
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the rest, on the one hand, the organization is actually the body, or the infantry, well, because, although dr. benisad actually had a lot of votes from the people in the president, he did not have an effective organizational force. supposedly, tomorrow, sir, your demonstration will come. let's go to the street, but the organization was doing this for masoud, for dr. beni seder , in 1959, they were taken to this path. on march 14, 1959 , baniser's speech at the university of tehran was the height of their violence. there are no pictures of it anymore, and people have seen time and time again how people who are bani sadr he says that he orders to take these and beat them, in fact, with violence, all the members of the people's mojahedin khalq, several thousand of whom are present in this speech. anyone who thinks the party is clever. how many people say that
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there are pictures and people must see it. the bani sadr meeting was held on march 14, 1959 at tehran university. where bani sadr gave a speech on the occasion of dr. mossadegh's commemoration and the speech turned into a scene of conflict between bani sadr's supporters and his opponents. the supporters of bani saad, who were the forces of the people's mojahedin organization, came to the stage to speak. bani sadr in a part of his speech he showed the id card to the crowd with the claim that it belongs to the forces of the islamic revolution committee and talked about arresting them as clubbers. basij corps of khuzestan islamic revolutionary guard corps. i see what kind of
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people they are. you who are not from the chamaqdars , evacuate their surroundings so that i can ask the people to come to their account. bani sattar's permission to expel his opponents from the lecture hall turned the university into a battle scene. you people , take them out of here calmly. take these out. at this moment, a huge conflict started. they, who were wearing green beards or overcoats, were attacked by the forces of the mojahedin khalq organization as opponents of bani sadr and thrown down from the eastern wall.
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the guard that the president created for himself and the president's cooperation office are officially the union of these two arenas of the people's mojahedin. bani sadr became official and public, even though it had started in the past few months. after the collaboration between bani satr and the people's mojahedin organization was revealed, the organization ordered its forces to support bani sadr and
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oppose the imam on the roofs of their houses. allahu akbar they say the mojahedin organization. by spreading the rumor that bani sadr's life was in danger , he pushed the atmosphere of the society towards inflammation. from the beginning of 1959, they were gradually preparing the supporters for armed war . at the time of the shah, we also said that religious forces are our main danger. after the so-called blow when they were called opportunists who became a communist organization and became marxist , and this he said, after that we saw the main danger in religious movements, that's why we avoided them , we didn't want religious people at all. sarkar's statement means that he was on the left with them at all , they knew them as a serious enemy, and that's
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why he sought to increase the problems by gradually having these fans. it is interesting to see that they have military training . they are an organization that has unlimited weapons without any license . they work with authority and arrogance , they are not subject to any law, and the organization never surrenders its weapons he did not give it, while according to the constitution any activity up to the border of armed war was allowed, but the organization was not willing to hand over its weapons or had sent all kinds of people as infiltrators in different parts of the islamic republic, still trying to do this. in fact , he tolerated these things and did not intend to remove them
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. it is interesting at that time, even for example, figures like the merchant engineer, the correspondence that was published in the periodicals of that time , for example, he says, "you are our children, but violence does not go anywhere, for example." it means even the freedom movement in different forms and a person, for example, an engineer bazargan could see that they were going towards violence after the end of qaela on 14th of esfand. the performance of the mojahedin until this entry into the armed phase and the terrorism phase is a complex political performance. on the one hand, they show themselves as supporters of the palestinian issue.
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they broadcast the pictures of masoud raji with yasser arafat. on the one hand, actually themselves. they show the support of the squatters, and even in this regard they published journals as a union for, for example , workers , they printed journals for hardworking farmers, and they showed themselves to be the advocates of these . they were active in the field of broad publications. these conflicts lead to fighting. and it would be insulting . anyway , they mentioned these beatings day and night in their newspapers, and they made a big deal of it, even though their activities were generally and almost all of their activities were against the law, that is , they had weapons, they had building permits. without having a magazine license without a license, but the system was trying to somehow attract them and
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actually return them to the people's arms. we can see that the imam repeatedly points out in his speeches in different ways that you should be in accordance with the law , be a part of the people, be a part of the nation , bani sadr's lack of support as the commander of the armed forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps and not providing them with weapons and ammunition in the battle fronts that had led to the siege of abadan and consecutive victories of the baathist forces, and on the other hand, the report of the 3-member delegation, which considered the bani sadr's lawlessness as the cause of the events of 14 asfan, imam he decided to remove 60 bani satr from the command of the general forces on 20 khordad. taking back the position
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of commander-in-chief from bani saad by the imam due to the very wrong and negative performance of bani sad in the command of the war , which was a failure and retreats of the internal forces in the first 6 and 7 months of the war, so this title belongs to bani saad. it seems that the people themselves actually reach a point where they realize that bani sadism is protesting in front of the parliament with the slogan that now that your leader has been approved, return our vote. 30 june 1360, while bani sadr was in kermanshah, his political inadequacy was rejected by the parliament 177 votes in favor were approved. the votes in favor of mr. bani saad's political inadequacy were cast into the fund
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. 177 people voted against . the islamic republic has been removed, the slogans are back to america against america, those 11 million that banisad was always proud of , sir, i have 11 million votes, and with this title , he wanted to stand before the law, in front of the imam, and in front of the legal institutions. and in fact, the imam removed bani satr from the presidency after the vote of the majlis on june 30, 1960, we are witnessing the armed departure of the organization. rajavi was doing things to kill people
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, he was doing things to have people executed, that is , he was looking for the fact that i would say that he was completely oppressed , his trick was to provoke the society. which in a way makes the other side a private force. he should introduce himself as very oppressed, and basically, this was all planned, that is, he was looking for people to get involved , to be injured, even to be killed, the same thing he did in iraq , the same thing he did with the forces in 1990, the same thing he did to people in different fronts. he did it himself maligning is one of the tricks of the request. when the parliament was voting on the insufficiency plan of bani saraf , the armed forces of the people's mojahedin organization
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came to the streets of tehran and destroyed public property and shot at the people. you know, the imam was now the governor of the city. they said , go there, don't tell me what to do. once the crowd started, some of the children came and started chanting. after the conflict started, you know taleghani. when it ended, this crowd came and started fighting and he was practically defeated because when the tide started rising, the children of hezbollah were 30 youths
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, now he was not in tehran , the same was the case in other cities. the devotees of these people were interrogated , the majority of them are known to us, but
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approximately. we didn't even see a wick in our building , the only thing we saw was maybe a crossbow in the hands of these kids. it was said that we cannot stand against this and the islamic republic will stand forever .
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you can imagine for yourself. in the march of 30 khordad, i had a cold weapon, but alhamdulillah, it was not used, and the general line that was given to us in this regard, even before the 30th of khordad , in connection with the local march, was that the children should have cold weapons with them, which means this question. the emphasis was on our wish they were killed in the military phase by means of cold weapons, that is , cold weapons had become a standard for them and a channel for them to turn the children towards this trend . the organization said that i want the entire power of the country, not by people's vote, but by force, and everyone must submit to me , like a bright kid who says he wants everything , well, it is not right, nor right, nor logical for
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such a thing to happen, then it is an organization that no longer has an iranian identity. bani sadr shaved his mustache and rajavi changed his face and dyed his hair to pass through the mehrabad airport gate. bani sadr after five weeks of hiding in the houses a team of the mojahedin organization along with masoud rajavi, the leader of the organization, on tuesday, the 6th of august. 60, with the help of a hijacked plane piloted by behzad moeazi, pilot shah , left the border of iran and landed at a military airport located in homme, paris. the french government immediately granted them political asylum. they do not believe that people are looking for the army. this rajavi, in their own thoughts, was really rajavi, who was never with the society.
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when he was young, he went to prison, and then when he came to timi's house, or before i was imprisoned, he was in timi's house. he was never with society. he used to analyze the society through his writings and the materials he got, never paying attention to the fact that people are looking for a military. it is always easy to present, it is easy like the entrance exam . students from sixth to twelfth grade and entrance exam can receive 60% of all courses for free and free planning consultation number 5 to 3008.
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in this meeting, the government delegation chaired by the president called the unity and national unity the key to success and overcoming the country's problems and said: to achieve the goal, we must form a cabinet that is a manifestation of national unity regardless of factional categories. we can solve the problem by joining forces.


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