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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 6:30am-6:57am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] download the new version of iransada application from iransa.if. be ready for an audible journey with iran sada. in the name of god. look at the smiling sun, say hello to
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tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun. in god's hope, in the name of hazrat doust, whatever it is , good morning from him, may each one of you be good and happy
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, god willing. in your bosom, a fortune has fallen to taka, in your bosom has fallen a breeze to takapool. your dish was left too on this side and on the other side, your furrow was abandoned, on this side , on the other side, on this side, and on the other side, like this
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, you have fallen on them, like a flower from the undiscovered rock , it has flowered in the pile of my distress, like a chamomile bush and a nightshade. and in the window of my cottage
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, there is a great secret of loneliness and loneliness. in my green hanjar, there is a strange song, a strange song that is neither foam nor tyro, a strange song that you have not seen, you have not heard , like in the night of the sea, what a lyric. singing a strange song that you have not seen or heard, because in the night of the sea, what is the point of
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singing a song? in the window of my cottage, there is a great secret, loneliness and darkness are also demons. etc. there are a series of assets that these they are not physical, like patents , trademarks, etc., so it was necessary for
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these to be targeted and in fact placed on the path of commercialization, and this is the purpose for these goals to be formed, because now in the world, maybe a university professor they don't value their physical assets that much, or the companies of scientists or technological units, and that is the technical knowledge that these nobles have in order to be able to preserve these assets, maintain them, and on the other hand, put them on the path of actually creating money. the system is actually formed in this system it is registered. after it is registered for them, what will happen to this smart and of course valuable asset? see, we have a secretariat actually in the science and technology park of alborz province, centered on
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the ministry of science, the deputy minister of technology , the ministry of science, research and technology. we had the honorable scientist of the presidency. all universities and research institutes and in fact coming together as well as the research and technology fund of alborz province, in this secretariat, we will follow up on three special tasks, one of which is the issue of education, which is actually a target for this society in this connection. as i mentioned to you, these trainings will be provided in three ways: online trainings , pre-recorded trainings, and face-to-face trainings. in what areas are these trainings all in the field of intellectual property? yes, a series of
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promotional events. it has been seen that these events are designed in the same way to raise awareness and express the latest achievements of the world . it is material and spiritual that we put at the disposal of our target community . the field of domestic and foreign patents has been predicted , and in the end, the discussion we had was that our respected professors, students, technological companies, and scientists should be informed about the latest domestic patents. seeking to re-create a database that when we want , if i want to log in and see if something has been done in a field or not, with a simple search , i can get access to what
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exactly has been done in this field, even see what you can do in relation to this issue in general for this issue and to facilitate the work that in fact the target community. you can easily do all the three things that i have presented to you, this system has been formed. this is the target community that you are referring to and you have said several times that there are target communities that are only in alborz province or all over the country . i can add another point in this system. since one of the major issues that we are following up on is the same way that two other systems have already been opened in the ministry of science, the system of ideas and needs and the life of the new economic flow. in fact, this system is the oyster.
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which is the completion of the previous two systems, in addition to our polls, there is an interactive discussion between the person who patented the patent and some of the people who will benefit from this invention and can be in the field of commercialization. let them use it. we will actually create this connection in this system for them. now that we are unveiling different systems , we are exploiting them, considering that now before. it didn't exist, there was no infrastructure, a new system is now being unveiled as oysters. he has to register in the system of the oysters , he has to upload his information in which one of these systems he wants to achieve the desired result, see that the topics of all three systems are completely different from each other. if i want to liken this to a relief run, it can be likened
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that the bread system will actually identify the needs and the idea and needs system. jan's system is a very good sales system that you can have. the discussion that we are specially pursuing in the oyster system is the specialized field of intellectual property, which happens to be easier for the target community to access. in our opinion , it is better for this system to be completely separate from the other two systems, so the oyster system stands for intelligent and valuable intellectual property industry. yes , it will be unveiled today , god willing, at 8:30 a.m. technology mr. minister and other country officials, god willing. the 10,000 that you mentioned in the field
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of professors will be unveiled, of course, and a total of 85,000 in the field of subjects and functions, and your prediction is that it will be uploaded, or if these have already been done, how much more is possible? it is possible to upload information, and your prediction is how many thoughts, ideas, plans , and people we will have to study in this regard , considering that in your professors department, you have a part of professors, such as myself, who are first-rate professors. how far do you go? you see , there are 85,000 statistics of inventions that are in our system until today, which means that it is only for professors or companies of scientists, not independent people, and we actually uploaded their inventions there , this is the reason. it is possible for people
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to find out about those inventions that have been registered if they are going to have a plan and work, they should implement it a step higher than that. we do not have any restrictions on registration in the system, god willing , with this policy that has been adopted in the country and is being followed up, next year we will have a much higher number and the valuation will be done as soon as the valuation is done. it will be available and you will see it in the collection of work that you have uploaded in the sedefha system . it is in charge of registering the country's documents and real estate registration organization. well, friends, whether it is a trademark or even ask them to register their idea , they still have to serve you the invention. i offer we are still in relation to ideas to register ideas in the country. nothing special happened, well
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, legally there is the country's real estate registration organization, which uploads the verification conditions they have into the system, and we actually came to the oyster system and categorized them , which our professors are very good at. it is easier for them to have access to this issue, one of the three parts that you mentioned, which is an important part. there is also the support and encouragement that takes place so that they can commercialize their work, progress and develop. a minute about give this support and suggestions that you have considered. you see, there is also spiritual support, which i told you under the training courses of your service , it is planned to be used in the promotion of our professors. both inside the country and abroad
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, it has costs, especially in relation to the costs of registering the vote abroad, because the question of registering the vote abroad, because of the issue of dollars and euros , there are high costs that have been tried to date. until 70% of those costs are actually covered , thank you very much, mr. engineer. boss elbors science and technology park
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, thank you very much for coming to the studio of the morning program, hello reporter. let's go to the sports events. i hope you have a beautiful morning, may you be healthy, be happy , god willing, we are at your service from here in the open space studio of the hello reporter program, and like every day , we will review the most important sports topics, which of course, these days are the most important sports events not only in our country, but also in the whole world. 2024 olympic games in paris mehdi zaiei from
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sed and sima news agency's sports group is with me. mehdi , hello. in rowing, our performance is half as good. the past years have been good, we have taken a good leap , very basic things have been done, mrs. majlis, and it can be said that mrs. nowrozi and mrs. javar are in the fourth place in roing, today they will test their conditions again in repshazh, and they can show themselves there. this quality of our country's sailing shows that we can give a new impetus to these efforts over the years. recently , friends, we made history in men's trap shooting, we made a 15-year-old boy win a medal here , we made history in gymnastics, mehdi elfati. a good young man from gorgani came to our country, he had a good performance , he was able to come up and show himself, and this shows that if we invest, we have an acceptable performance
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. you can see in the explanatory table of japan's medals, when the 50-year plans fall and we always say that japan. they have planned for 50 years or they get a poor performance, their managers are quickly moved, this is the result, now in the medal table , you have been overtaken by china and america and many countries, and now japan is at the top of the medal table, maybe you can say goodbye. there will be changes , but japan is now in the world of volleyball you see, you have complete aristocracy. yes , they are taking it seriously now. australia has exactly the same conditions, in the second place of america, france, south korea and china. our winning 3 medals is an event apart from the olympics. the most important event for youth volleyball is the asian championship . if our youth team wins, it can make it to the finals , and our youths are in good condition and can perform well in bahrain and beat lebanon. the season
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of bodybuilding and the season of preparatory camps, i will press the police today until the end of the night, probably to the turkish camp it should be added that there are independents and we can get some of that investment much better . we will get better results in these olympic disciplines . we have a report. let's go see together. the second day since the elimination of three iranian athletes from the paris olympics and the promotion of fateme majalal to the quarter finals. in the singles rowing competition, fateme majalal won the second chance stage with a time of 7 minutes, 56 seconds and 48 hundredths of a second in her group and
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advanced to the quarter finals. mehsa javar and zainab nowrozi in stage the two-person rowing group was fourth in its group and went to the qualifying stage. you have seen this report together, but there was talk about the boatman branch. in the olympic competitions, for this purpose, mr. reza sabunchi, the secretary of the rowing federation, here in the studio, hello , our guest reporter is here, mr. sabunchi, hello, good morning, you are very welcome, in the name of god, courtesy and respect , dear colleagues and viewers, i have a program, i am at your service. please
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, let's start with the performance of our olympian children. well, we sent the boat to the olympic games for the first time this year. our children got a quota. we have the volume in heavy singles and rowing, and for the first time in history, our two-person boat managed to get a quota, after the japanese team, as the second boat from asia, made it to the olympics . in the previous day's competition, japan was successful , and this was a good result in my opinion, of course , not to beat their time, naturally, considering that 6 boats actually reached the semi-finals, and today , mrs. javar and mrs. nowrozi have another chance with four. other boats will compete, and there is canada , iceland, argentina, and china, and the first three boats from these also add up to the semi-final, that is, to the top 12 boats. competitions will be held today in dove. in these two
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groups, two to five boats will come for another chance. out of these 10 boats, 6 boats from each boat group will go, so they have a lot of chances to go and see. the fact is that the competitors they have now are the islands of canada and china. you know that china has finally taken a distance from asia. these three boats have more chances, but so do our children. they are not unlucky. i told them that i closed them yesterday and did not close them. of course, i will save them for today and if they succeed, god willing, this will happen. among the first three boats of today's competition, they will be rejected and join the 12 boats at the top of the table, where they will compete again tomorrow, so to speak, for the final of b. 6 boats will go to a and 6 boats will go to final b. this is for information. i myself ask these two groups of five boats, three in total are going to be added to the final tally. each group means the first three out of five will go, or the total time will be calculated as 10. three boats from each group
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will go first, so that's enough. between 5, you have to fit your boat in three of them. yes, of course , it is a difficult task. i said that now there is argentina. in my opinion, it is weaker than our boat, but our other three boats, elan and canada, they have world rankings and china is good, but despite all these qualities, we are not disappointed, our children are good. and we hope that today they will be able to beat a better time than last day and god willing, they will be among the 12 final boats. we wish success to the women of our country in the field of rowing and what are our plans for the rest of our competitions. well, tomorrow , mrs. magald joined the 24 final boats , and fortunately , she set a good record of 756 times. is not well, you know that mrs. majlis has to travel this distance at least 6 times, and
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she has traveled this distance twice so far, so she has to save her energy. may she make her way to finallah again, i repeat , it's a difficult task, but you know ms. majlis, she is 21 years old, very young, maybe i can say she is the youngest rower who participated in these competitions, and we can have her in two or three more olympics, we really hope that god willing, he will be able to join the final 12 boats, god willing. and that you said now for the first time, this representative of hamon will go to qalampik, the work of you and your friends in the sailing federation and the responsibility on your shoulders will be more difficult than before. the rowing field is becoming more serious. you see, the reality is that we need to pay more attention to the so-called infrastructure in this field. considering that it is a semi-endurance discipline and the children of our country can
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be more successful in this discipline genetically than in other speed strength disciplines, it is possible that in fact, if we provide a good infrastructure , we will hear more from this kid in the future, but i 'm content with the fact that we still do n't have a standard 200-meter track at the level of asia and the world after many years when our kids are proud of it. our standard track is azadi track, which is 1,000 meters long and is used for calm waters. and these kids, in fact, they should hold their matches in a round-trip format, but these guys are trying, and we hope that with better planning that the federation is doing, god willing, we will be able to do more in the future. let's hear from this kid, how are our canoe and kayak kids, or our calm waters, that mr. mohammad nabi rezaei and mr. ali agha mirzaei 9th from italy , god willing, will join france and their competition will start on the 17th . considering that the track that we have now is a standard track for them, god willing, the children will have more effort, we hope that they will also be able
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to get high ranks, but there is a fact that we currently have the boat according to the facilities. and infrastructure at the professional level of asia for it is too early to say at the olympic level. now , although i saw a speech by the honorable president of the federation , he said that we will promise medals for the next olympics, but it would be difficult to provide more facilities . i think the rowing fleet has not been updated for 10-12 years. now , i wanted to ask you , we have less than a minute, tell me that the infrastructures that you are talking about are a piece of cake. and the facilities are actually the infrastructure of your field. one of the most important issues is the hardware that our athletes have to deal with, the most important of which is the boat and rower. there are facilities that are used for them and what is the plan for their renovation . we have done some work inside iran, but we still have our eyes on the most modern boats in the world and a budget of 19
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billion has been allocated by the honorable ministry of sports . step in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning . the electronic bail society system has been launched . according to the minister of economy, people use this system in cases such as obtaining banking education, making bail for the court and other cases where a guarantor is needed.


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