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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, good morning , the electronic bail society system was launched. with this system, people use this system in cases such as receiving banking education, depositing bail for the court, and other cases that require payment, according to the minister of economy, with an agreement. signed, the national banks of sepe saderat tejarat mellat and parsian will be the shareholders and implementers of the collateral society system. the amount of property that
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is registered under the name of a permanent sim card in the name of a golden person, which has been received by bank kargoshai or other banks of the country and has become official, and all this assets can come and sit as collateral, and god forbid, for judicial matters or , fortunately, for matters such as bank loan facilities or installment and long-term purchase of goods and the like . they can very quickly refer to their own verification account and transfer it to that bank or institution just by their own id code and make their own purchases. in a statement, the president of turkey threatened the zionist regime with military intervention. erdoğan said: turkish military forces may enter the occupied territories as they were deployed to qorbagh and libya in the past. become referring to the zionist regime's war against the people
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of gaza, he said: we must be much stronger so that israel cannot do these things against the palestinians. a few days ago, in response to the presence of the prime minister of the zionist regime in the us congress, the president of turkey compared netanyahu to hitler and said that the human rights advocates are not ashamed to encourage hitler, and the congress representatives are those who killed 40,000 children, women and the elderly. they killed him and praise him. palestinian islamic resistance in attacking the occupation positions in the gaza strip and the settlements around gaza, several occupationist military to they killed and injured. in one of these attacks, the qassam battalions targeted the location of the occupying forces in gaza city, and in the other attack, the regime's engineer unit in rafah city. qassam battalions also destroyed a military vehicle of the regime by attacking the occupying forces in the east of khan yunus. the cells are advanced
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. the cells are advanced. in the name of allah , the akbar. the islamic jihad military also bombarded several zionist settlements near the gaza strip with rockets. the shahada al-akhsa battalions also clashed with the occupying forces in khalionos, which resulted in deaths and injuries. a few zionist soldiers died. forest fires in the western united states and canada have challenged the lives of millions of people. in this fire, more than 4,000 hectares of forest areas in northern california have been burned until sunday and caused a decrease
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in air quality in a large part of the northwestern united states and western canada. the mountainous city of kohist in the state of california has been severely affected by fire and dozens of residential units have been destroyed and burned. so far, only 12% of this fire has been contained, but the firemen hope that the decrease in air temperature and increase in humidity in the next few days will be able to stop the fire. they help in fighting fires. in 2018, there was a severe fire in the forests of this region. firework fire
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at least two people were killed in a series of explosions in a firecracker and firecracker factory in the east of sofia, bulgaria. in this incident, nearly 2000 kilograms of incendiary material exploded. it is said that the intensity of these explosions was such that thick smoke covered the sky of the area and the windows of some buildings near the explosion site were broken. the political deputy of qasr shirin governorate announced the allocation of 260 hectares of parking at khosravi border for this year's arbaeen, according to mr. babakhani, 58 entrance gates and the active exit to facilitate the daily traffic of 200,000 extra. in this border terminal is considered . this place is known as karbala road. mountain paths and safe roads, this route leads from different parts of islamic iran to the official border of khosravi. i came from tehran. how many
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times did you leave the khosravi border? he came for the first time. we came with our friends for the first time. khosravi international terminal with proper and up-to-date infrastructure is one of the crossings for pilgrims to iraq . i'm dragging a lot, i'm trying this border . this border is much better than the most important advantage of khosravi's official border. this border is 693 km away from tehran, roshdah is 774 km away, tabriz is 767 km away, and isfahan is 761 km away.
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inside our own border, we have 80 gates that belong to iraqis . according to the investigations we conducted , it takes approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute for a person to enter these gates. may the country be provided , we have considered about 260 hectares from the public sector and the private sector for the parking of respected visitors travel cost per person from khosravi terminal to karbala muala. 10 thousand dinars is equivalent to 400 thousand tomans. the weather is better than the southern borders and the facilities are good. khosravi's official border is ready to serve visitors 24 hours a day. all the necessary arrangements and facilities have been planned so that more than 20,000
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people can go to atbat aliat every day through this border terminal. ashkan bajlani of sada and cima news agency, khosravi's official and international border, qasr shirin. the inauguration ceremony of the president will be held tomorrow. diplomatic delegations are gradually entering our country to attend this ceremony. in order to know more details, i will talk with the reporter of sada and sima news agency stationed at imam khomeini airport. mr. ashri, please tell me which diplomatic delegations have entered the country by this time and what is the schedule of the delegations' arrival. in the name of god
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, a special representative from the republic of malta, a special envoy from the country of mughalistan, the deputy foreign minister of libya, as well as the foreign ministers of defense and the cabinet. for niger , they arrived in tehran until the last hour last night, but we had a busy morning at imam khomeini airport today . i would like to inform you that the foreign minister of sudan, a delegation of gambia's ministry of foreign affairs, deputy prime minister shortcut special envoy of colombia special envoy of ecuador minister of tourism madagahkar prime minister of cuba time around 45 minutes in the morning. he arrived in tehran. a few minutes ago, the acting minister of foreign affairs of libya also arrived in tehran. he told you that the guests of the inauguration ceremony are supposed
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to arrive in tehran by the end of tonight and tomorrow morning, god willing, both at imam airport and partly at mehrabad airport. beshan to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the fourteenth term of the islamic republic of iran. i am very grateful to my colleague mr. ashriz who was with us from imam khomeini international airport and special thanks to be with you, dear viewers. greetings to you dear compatriots who have joined us from this moment. good morning. hello, thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch . let's go to another news event, and that is the workshop of creating a picture book. more details from ms. payim shaneh, vice president of content of kanon porvarsh publications. we will hear the thoughts of children and teenagers. madam, good morning. you are very
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welcome. thank you. hello , i am at your service and the viewers of the program. be healthy. what will happen in this creative and interesting workshop ? please, i may need to give an explanation about the picture book first . the concept and transfer of the concept is supported by images and it is prepared for children from the age of infancy to childhood and beyond. sometimes the audience of picture books are also adults, just as adults always enjoy reading and seeing children's books, but books and pictures because that the image plays an important role. the audience is much more attracted to a visual story than a text book
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. in the same way, a visual story is a collection of there are many images that help convey the concept text that is in the text. in a visual story , sometimes the author finishes writing the work , and then the illustrator is entrusted with the image of the text and expands it in such a way that we may see small details in the image. which is not present in the text , but this time in the workshop of creating picture books , something else will happen, so that it is no longer the case that the author writes the work and after the work is finished, they hand it over to the illustrator in this workshop, the writer and the illustrator side by side. they are placed together and there is a supervisor and a coach. and there is facilitation who takes the work forward and from the idea to the execution to
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the completion of the story, the author and the illustrator are together . mr. payam ebrahimi is launching navosh fekri for the first time. how many illustrators will sit next to how many writers? various authors of the most talented and best children's authors were selected for this workshop and various illustrators. each author is paired with an illustrator, and now it is possible that in a story that is completely it is written and given to the illustrator, the illustrator
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does not understand part of the content and the author's idea , but now that they are together, both of them go together, and it is even possible that the illustrator himself adds ideas to the text, which is what they are doing now. you see, writers and illustrators are not newbies, they are people who have had a history of making picture books before, when we see the word "workshop", we may think that we see beginners along with them, because an elementary education, see this interaction that happened between them it is important to see this concept that is exchanged between the author and the illustrator. what will you do for the beginners ? see, there is a discussion to transfer the experience, that is , as far as i know, most of the people
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in this circle are more than the author and 78 illustrators , these are the authors and there are professional illustrators , among them there are those whose names have not been heard much or who don't have many works, they are newbies but their work is good and they are in the group because of their cooperation and experience. professors or those who have more skills should use them, and in the end it is supposed to be for these works and these ideas what happens when these books are published and then published in the hands of children? picture books for this group should be published by the children's intellectual development center
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. what are the topics and themes you have specified for them, or any idea that comes to their mind? a story should have a very good visual story and the execution of this idea . who is responsible for deciding whether this idea can be implemented ? it is mr. payam ebrahimi, who is the head of the group, mr. ebrahimi. the workshop will last for a few days. yes, the number of meetings where the writer and illustrator friends will be together is limited or, for example , there will be a larger number, for example, five or even more, it depends on how the work
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goes . ok, so that this work is done, give this opportunity and this space. there is the thought of children and young people. the children who are interested can see that their elders are the ones who are in front of you. they are the ones who have a pen in hand in the field of children and teenagers . how do they work? member karon libraries become intellectuals from the moment they participate in writing or illustration workshops. create their own special and unique visual stories. very great and what will be the other works that you will do in the field of visual works for children and teenagers except for this workshop, the output of which will be a series of very good picture books, god willing. yes, this workshop is special for picture books that the author and
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the picture is next to this one, but there are other workshops , there are several other working groups. are supervised by friends i am mrs. baba marandi, who are also the products of some of their working groups, stories that later , god willing, are also stories written by reading books, these are also stories written, they are all stories. they create stories, but they know less about literature. another thing is that it is possible to first have a picture and then write a story for it, sometimes this happens because we now say in the tv news that we often say that we will write and then we will choose a picture for it, but the profession the idea is to see the picture and write for it. now in your work, it might be a little different, but it is not the job of the writer and
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the illustrator to move forward together and share the idea with each other. now an initial story should be told, then work on the storyboard, and then the execution stage should be done. very good , thank you very much, vice president of content of the intellectual development channel for children and teenagers . thank you for making this program special. thank you very much for visiting. please stay with us in this land. it has a chest with love there is a clear path ahead, a bright tomorrow is our share of kindness, the seal of god is not separated from us for a moment, we
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have the seal of iran in our chest. we have a long-lasting kindness, so that the seal of iran is eternal in our hearts, the future of this land is also lovers, so that the seal of iran is in our roots, the peace of this land is our thought. until the seal of iran, the peace of this land of our thoughts is in our roots. greetings to you , let's go to the glass hall of khabar and join
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my colleague, mr. kaznia, mr. kazemi. hello , reporter. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful . have a nice summer morning, a morning in which the temperature is a little lower than yesterday and pirouz, and this is quite special when our dear friends, colleagues, and dear people go out and want to get to their work, but today is also scheduled in sed and sima news agency. we have covered various programs . i will present some of the programs selectively to you and tell you what programs are going to be presented today . one of those programs that is going to be discussed at the foreign trade desk is the detector. and its unveiling is by the ministry of economy of genrak organization it is supposed to be done that the reason for the unveiling of this
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detector is to speed up the clearance process for traders and marketers, which is a help so that the goods can enter the country sooner and are needed by the people. one of the other programs that is supposed to be in the agriculture and village desk. there is a plan to plant one billion trees. i would like to inform you that this plan has been implemented in two phases. in the first phase , 116 million saplings were planted in the first phase, and in the second phase, one billion saplings are supposed to be planted to help. to the beautiful nature as well as ventilation and breathing in the urban atmosphere of tehran. among the other programs that are scheduled to be attended by the specialized groups today is the opening ceremony. there is an explanation of the holy quran in the armed forces, especially the islamic republic army , which is the responsibility of the islamic republic army, and there are also other religious and quranic occasions
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of the quranic classes of afghan citizens in these, which is supposed to have an image on the back in the form of a news report . well , as i said in the beginning of my speech , the temperature was very high yesterday and in victory. energy is supposed to be a report of increased durability and electricity consumption also, save electricity consumption, god willing, i will prepare it and make it available for broadcast, god willing, in different news sections, you will hear your opinion, dear viewers, in the ministry of science , we have an unveiling, and the title of that unveiling is the unveiling of the oyster system. the students' intellectual and valuable things should be revealed and prizes should be given to the students who get the best ranks. just like mostahrid , the inauguration ceremony of the president is going
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to be held in the islamic council. as a rule, foreign guests come from different countries and it is supposed to be in attend this ceremony and one of the programs of sedada sada and sima news agency is to portray these guests. it is strange that our dear friends in the public policy group and the parliament are addressing this issue and presenting it to you in the form of a news report . this was an abstract of some of the programs of the news agency , which, god willing, will be recorded and will be edited regularly in our editing unit, god willing. and it will be recorded and presented to your kind look, dear viewers. dear sir , i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. kazemi . part of the programs that my colleagues at the sada and sima news agency in tehran, the capital, today. it is supposed to you mentioned the news coverage of the body all over the country and my other journalist colleagues are active in the radio and television news agencies of the centers of our provinces. provincial programs at the level of the province and
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city and also some of them will cover it nationally, whether for the network. and will send news to the news network . you can watch these reports from the frame of the news network, but we are on the eve of arbaeen hosseini. flights have started there are various issues in the field of holding the arbaeen procession, which are often discussed and finally decided in the meeting of the arbaeen headquarters. mr. hamzai, a reporter of the sed and cima news agency,
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is with us in the studio. mr. good morning, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, to you and all the people of iran . greetings, i am polite and respectful . i just received a news from mr. mir ahmadi, deputy security officer and yes, the minister of the interior sent the number of registrations in the sama system to 6168 people. the trend will increase as you get closer to arbaeen, this is my request this is that those who read as soon as possible. participate in albin's ceremony, go early and register . we can do it. we can go and register. well, later on, i don't promise that a million people will go one day. it definitely won't work. yes, it won't work anywhere. now 616 thousand people are going to register.
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they must register in this system. the topic of discussion is their width and these can be provided. it will take some time to provide them. look, if you have registered today, you can apply for an offer from tomorrow . in these existing systems , there is a requirement to request an offer. registration in this system is even a registration ticket. if they want to get blitio , they must do this registration, get insurance , they can do this later, the dinar rate is 200,000 iraqi dinars that they want to get, it starts from the beginning of the trip. people are going there, usually from the beginning of the trip.
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now, on the first 29th of muharram, they will start traveling and do this registration so that they can go there and receive what they need. there are a few points. i would like to say that having a passport is not a criterion for going to arbaeen. absent soldiers cannot go, even if they have a passport, they must be required to serve. their soldiers should turn on later there, if they are given leave, if they can go later, at all, sir. i have a passport, so i can go. don't do this . you will go to the border. i will tell you that they are not from the border. later, the loved ones you went with will be upset and there will be problems. don't go to the border, if you are an absent soldier , don't go to the border at all, even if you have a passport for pilgrimage , yes, you must have a pilgrimage passport, this does not include you in the sama system, be sure to register in addition to the ticket width or any other facilities.
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make sure to get insurance. the price of insurance is from 60 to 80 tomans. do this . this insurance is very important, mr. hamzeh. now, between your words, last year we also had people who unfortunately got sick and stayed in iraq. being and not having insurance, and the costs that you have to pay for them, don't compare them at all in iran , don't compare the health care costs in iran with other countries. 80 tomans is really worth
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noting. another important point is that dear ones who are sick in iraq, the medicines that are very easy to get in our country, you can get them from the pharmacy. a crime means that you don't have money, take it with you in different places of the red crescent, if you need it, they will give you diasman, methadone, i don't know, now, i don't know, tramadol, all of them will be fined, then they will be punished. 6 land borders and one sea border, the same khordashmash border, ready to go. there are various reports on khabar hadam man network did you see that ziresta is getting ready? the border was already paved. yes, it is almost ready. there is nothing left to do . there is something more important than this. if you went to the border, did you see someone looking at your passport?


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