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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 2:30pm-2:48pm IRST

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the 9th place in world steel production is still held by iran, according to the report of the world steel association , in the first 6 months of 2024, iranian steelmakers surpassed brazil to become 9th. iran's production during this period is 16 million 600 thousand tons and about 6 more than the same period last year. in the first four months of this year, 17
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billion and 500 million dollars of non-oil goods were exported from the country. customs announced that this amount of exports reached one billion and 350 million dollars with an increase of 8 percent compared to the same period last year. a significant reduction in the number of dengue fever arrivals to the country. deputy health ministry of health said bandar. in hormozgan, most people have dengue fever. the public relations of the third region of the islamic revolutionary guard corps announced the seizure of a delinquent oil tanker carrying more than 700,000 liters of smuggled oil in the north of the persian gulf. this tanker has the piral j brand name. with the flag
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of the country of togo and owned by an iraqi living in dubai near the arash oil field , he was loading smuggled fuel from iranian barges, but he was stopped by the order of the judiciary and by the irgc soldiers. now this oil tanker along with its 9 crew members who have indian nationality was transferred to imam khomeini anchorage and is under surveillance. well, we want about traffic in the western borders of the country let's visit the border of mehran and talk with mr. shafiei, the governor of mehran, mr. shafiei . i am at your service .
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tell us the stop and also the final border facilities of mehran. yes, hello, we have your voice, mr. shafi. mr. shafii, if you have my voice, please report. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , greetings, politeness and respect to the viewers and our beloved countrymen all over the country, well, just as our loved ones are calling us, we are slowly getting ready for the arbaeen congress in ilan province is the capital of arbaeen worshipers, the border of mehran is at
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the gate of atbat aaliyat, all the roads that are connected to mehran, thank god, in the years 1401 and 1402 , which lead to this year, it is from the center of ilam province to the border of mehran, thank god , there are four points. the accidents that existed before , the traffic jams that existed have been resolved, and we do not see any special problem in the discussion of the roads leading to the border of mehran, both last year and this year. our arbaeen parking lots are getting ready to receive our dear pilgrims from all over the country in the arbaeen congress. i would like to ask you to make a mistake canopy in the parking lot and video surveillance, lighting and creation of light towers, license plate reader camera, zoning of the prayer hall and the construction and establishment of processions in
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arbaeen parking lots number 1 and 2 are being done. mr. dr. bahramiya , the honorable governor of the 18-member committees of the district headquarters of arbaeen province , we are working in the field of parking lots this year , we can accommodate about 300,000 cars in parking lot number 1 and 2, public and private parking lots, and defense parking lots on the border of mehran and the city of mehran itself and the suburbs of mehran will be established, god willing let's talk about the transportation fleet. good mat at shahid raisi terminal, the same as barkat terminal , works are being done quickly . let me tell you that our procession committee is working to place processions, and our passport and
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entry and exit gates used to be one, now it has increased to 5. i found that last year these actions were also carried out. our sajai system is ready to serve you . serving dear pilgrims, the amount of time it takes us to stamp the passport from mehran border is between 3 to 5 seconds and leaving the border is about 3 to 5 minutes from the border to iraq. let's go out . all the necessary infrastructures are available at the mehran border. we have prepared a large catering facility at the border terminal to serve our pilgrims, and i can tell you that it will be ready on the 10th of august. all the necessary infrastructure will be at the service of our dear pilgrims at the mehran border. thank you. mr. shafii, governor of mehran, i bid you farewell. the forty-third
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consecutive week of the zionist regime's invasion of the gaza strip and the martyrdom of dozens of other palestinians. israeli warplanes bombarded an area in khan younis and a house in the south of gaza city this morning . so far, the bodies of eight martyrs have been collected the patient was transferred to nasser hospital complex in khanyounes and 3 people were transferred to al-moamdanani hospital in gaza . at least two children were seriously injured in these attacks. field sources also
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reported the martyrdom of a palestinian as a result of the occupation army's quadcopter firing in the south of gaza city. four areas of this city are still under israeli artillery fire. the ministry of health of gaza announced that the occupiers killed 39 people and injured 93 people in three massacres in the gaza strip. khanyounis is still under the fire of intense air and ground attacks of the zionist regime and the conflict between the resistance forces and the occupying forces it is reported severely in the eastern areas of this city. the action of the occupiers in the explosion of the main water reservoir in rifa ham has made it difficult for people to access drinking water in this city. it was specifically located in an area
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that the occupiers had declared safe. those roads warned that 86 people from the gaza strip were under the evacuation order of israel. find a solution for us . it's enough. where should we go? they destroyed our houses. they killed our children. they displaced our men and women. where should we go? it's enough . where should we go ? his representatives ten many times in a few minutes, they are clapping for this person, the prime minister of the occupying regime, the one who created this disaster , the war, the destruction, the killing and the slaughter, the person who
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is now known as the biggest criminal in history is a criminal who is killing so many children , he is a disgusting person. . if he is really a human being , he would not do such a thing, like this killer himself , if it were not for the killers who do not encourage gaza , it would be destroyed and burning under the rain of bombs and rockets. thousands of innocent women and children were killed in blood and were martyred by the order of this person. those who encourage him are also of their own kind, because their weapons are sold through this hand , although he was cheered dozens of times in congress for his crimes, but outside of here, thousands of people demanded the trial of this war criminal. our goal of holding this demonstration is to arrest the war criminal benjamin netanyahu, a request that
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is being demanded more than ever. this is a shame and it should not happen in our time. i don't know why human rights is sitting silently and watching this like this . the international community should think about this issue. he is a war criminal and should be tried. public opinion thank god, the whole world is condemning this, surely this will not have a happy ending. his fate the city of khanyounes is exposed to intense air and ground attacks by the zionists. the world food program has announced that there is no safe place in gaza and people have been forced to evacuate this city. the people of gaza are human beings, not soccer balls or chess pieces, said philip lazzarini, head of anorwa, in describing the displacement
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of the people of gaza during the 10-month war. people who just to escape the bomb they have to collect all their lives to find a safe place to live in gaza. in barikeh, there is no safe place anymore. there are no safe zones in gaza and the fact that the israelis say that some zones are safe is just a claim. from the bombings , those who stay in imam become playthings of the soldiers who get bored and shoot at them . in an interview, 6 zionist soldiers told about their presence in gaza during these 10 months of war. from killing people aimlessly. the purpose of killing people was to count how many people we killed today. every soldier wants to show that he is a great man. imagine
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it was that all people are terrorists. sometimes a commander would suddenly ask for statistics, and then the army officer would go from one brigade to another and enter it in the army list. if there was even a sense of threat, there was no need to explain. when soldiers see someone approaching, they are allowed to shoot him. no, shooting in the air is allowed for everyone, young girls, old women, zionist soldiers say they are allowed to shoot people , everywhere they say, anyone who enters the area will become a potential target if they cross the red line. do not wait for permission you can shoot and burn the houses before you leave. this issue is supported by the battalion commander. this is done so that the palestinians cannot return and if there are any ammunition or food left, they cannot use them. the freedom of action given to the zionist military in this genocide has caused the martyrdom and displacement
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of thousands of people in gaza. people who, if they return to their homes one day, instead of beautiful neighborhoods , they will face a pile of sand, dirt and iron. i didn't take any before and after photos of gaza but i will never forget what a really beautiful neighborhood it is it turned into a pile of sand. 5 people were martyred and wounded in the drone attacks of the zionist military in southern lebanon. i want to talk with my colleague based on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. mr. azimzadeh, i greet you. please let me know in which areas of southern lebanon these drone attacks were carried out. mrs. khalji, dear viewers, hello, your time. well, the aggressor drones of the zionist military
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attacked a motorcycle and a car on the way to shakra and hola to mithljabal. during this attack , the zionist soldiers, abbas hijazi and abbas salami, one of the fighters of hezbollah, were martyred. a lebanese, including a young child , was seriously injured behind me, at a distance of about 2000 meters from the zionist military base of mutallah, behind this base in the upper galilee region, according to the media of the zionist regime, several loud explosions were heard, followed by smoke. weak as you can see, it is caused by a fire that broke out in different areas in the upper galilee region in the northeast of the occupied territories. lebanon's hezbollah issued a statement a few minutes ago in response to the attacks of the aggressor drones of the zionist forces. baghdadi base of the zionist military
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it was targeted with dozens of katyusha grad missiles . also, the zionist regime's fighters had attacked the hula area in the southeast of lebanon . this morning , the zionist regime's fighters had attacked rab selasin . the zionist regime's artillery fired six rounds at mithljabal region in the south-east of lebanon was attacked. yes, thank you very much, thank you for your report, my colleague azimzadeh, located on the border of lebanon and palestine , i bid you farewell. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs congratulates the nation, the government and the elected president of the country on the successful holding of the presidential elections in venezuela congratulations: mr. kanani stated that this election, which
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was held despite some cruel threats and sanctions imposed on venezuela, with the wide participation of the people and under the supervision of hundreds of observers from countries and international institutions, indicates the institutionalization of the democratic process in this country. the spokesperson of the foreign policy department also emphasized: the islamic republic of iran renews its support and solidarity with the republic of venezuela to advance national development programs and strengthen bilateral cooperation. nicolás maduro won the venezuelan presidential election for the third time. venezuela's electoral commission.
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maduro announced with


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