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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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let it be written that in fact, as mr. alsaq said, we should clarify what goods and in what time frame we want to support, and after that we leave the rest to the business sector. the second point is that at the moment during the last decade , we have seen the inconsistency between our horizontal policies and our commercial policies, unfortunately , in some years we have seen that the contradictory elements of these policies were combined , if the government as a single management should align these policies. he used to think that if we want to talk on the ground right now i would like to say that in the implementation phase, the problem of our import and export is the issue of prohibitions and the issue of contracting. in the matter of contracting, which actually
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affects the export sector, there is the problem of the exchange rate , in fact, as mr. lauk said, no exporter will actually say that i will not return my money, it will not return to the economic cycle , but the point is that with what rate, were we able to motivate the exporters in these years with the rate set by the government in an orderly and mandatory manner , that the exporters are facing the economic cycle. they are a failed policy and also in the matter of imports despite the fact that we have several mother laws , including articles 22 and 23 of the law of permanent decrees, which actually mention in those articles that the imposition of any non-tariff barriers is prohibited in the matter of imports and exports. actually, the meaning
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is that the government has no right to stop the export of goods in order to regulate the market, because as you mentioned, export and import is not a one-night thing. bring on the distribution of exports and we will come overnight, in fact we will ban it, this is the biggest challenge exporter. it is ours, and i mentioned in the discussion of my import that now, apart from these articles which are actually included in the permanent decrees, we also had several other articles, including the decree of the heads of the forces, which was actually valid until the end of 1402, and in 1403, in actually, these bans have no legal basis and it was a long time ago that in the 6th plan, in fact, the bans
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were considered until the end of the 6th plan. the procedure is continuing and i hope that mr. medzikian pays enough attention to these matters to be thank you very much, mr. lauti, the same point you mentioned, both contracting and other points that mr. alashaq and mr. harorani added, what do you see as the solution if contracting out wants to solve the problem, or the same issue of the policy of applying overnight policies that we mentioned, which is wrong. articles 24 and 30 of the regulation on improving the business environment , other articles that we have discussed here many times , we think that in order to reduce these problems , what should the 14th government put on its agenda? i think that before i will answer your question in the following comments mr. al-ishaq, on the day that mr. president came to the room and the talks we had with the activists of the khost sector, we specifically
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presented 5 proposals to him on behalf of the export commission and export confederation, and for the short term, our request was that in this find five entry issues, the fifth of which is the establishment of the vice president of trade in the presidential institution, which means that, as mentioned so far, 3 governments have requested about the ministry of commerce. but in the end, because of this, the parliament has remained unmotivated, and for this reason , the issue of trade is under the control of the industry and mining department. and that we point out that services, not technical services, engineering services, commercial services , is a huge and extensive industry in the world today, which has the largest share of currency creation and the least outflow, therefore, it seems that since currently
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, the country's trade manager, apparently, the organization there is trade development, but due to currency issues, this is affected. and the policy making is actually done elsewhere and the trade development organization has somehow been left aside , and since we have this experience in several governments, we suggested that if the ministry of commerce is not formed, at least the deputy foreign trade in the presidential institution is a subsidiary in the form of the vice president who has a guarantee of implementation . when you look at the slogan of the year. you think that we are supposed to have a jump in production. the jump in production means raising domestic production capacities. does the market have internal tension? definitely not with the amount of production that if all the activities from now that
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are around 20 30 finally reach 50% to 70-80 , you have no choice but to export. to export these problems until they are removed from the exporter's feet. otherwise, we will be limited in this current situation. when will the mutation happen? to remove these problems from foreign trade. the issue that mr. alsahaq mentioned again is the issue of imports. all over the world, the criterion of trade balance is positive. not the volume of exports and imports. that is , when we come, 85 of our imported hats are used for production, which will later result in exports, and when we come, we will quota, the events that happened in the last 6 months, when we come , we will limit the import , we will not use the export currency for the import. we force the exporter to supply the value in the nima platform or in places where there is a mandated rate.
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on the one hand, we increase the demand because of the cheap price, and on the other hand , we face the production units with a shortage of raw materials. due to our import restrictions and lack of raw materials , we have an increase in domestic prices, that is, a cycle that is exactly the opposite of what we want to fight inflation, we are fueling the increase in inflation, so as an example, we are talking about the return of the currency. anyway, you mentioned that the private sector wants to bring its value into the country . what is the method that you are considering as a representative of the private sector in this program? mr. president in the 14th government. we don't expect them to clearly mention in the economic discussion that haj agha was present that we are against the multi-rate width, we are against the creation of rents, so we believe that the problem of currency return for exporters is only a matter of rates and there are ways to return the width,
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we are ready we have to hand over our offer to the central bank and receive our rial at an agreed rate, but provided that the central bank and the policy-making bodies have the same platform , the conditions of sanctions do not hinder their work, and we can easily exchange our currency anywhere. knowledge available let's put those or whoever is approved by the central bank, this is the first step , that is, our discussion today is about the price. it is possible that the product is not available to the final consumer at the rate that is given. therefore, in a way, we suppress exports and encourage imports due to the attractiveness of criticism in the discussion of imports. i emphasize that i am a defender of imports.
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because our imports serve production. our production helps in increasing exports. our subject there is a price issue. our importers are also more receptive to single-rate conditions and single-rate width and are interested in it happening because these quotas, these processes , the 3-month and 4-month placements on the land purchase page will definitely decrease, business as usual. normally, it will return with the value and demand, and the government can manage the market based on the monitoring tasks it has in the channel and that certain ceiling and floor. let him supervise you, make a regulation and find an entry where it is needed, either for buying width or for the supply of currency mr. al, you also have an opinion with mr. lahoti in regarding the return, there is another offer or proposal. see if the exporter will issue once when it is finished , he wants to continue this work, that is
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, you are here to export, to bring the income back to the country, so that he can export, so this is the impression that the exporter he doesn't want to bring in money, that means he has to cut his work, that he wants to bring in something that doesn't exist, it's important to be economic and the same points he said means how to make economic profit from this operation . we need our policy in relation to import and export, the balance of which is certain so be it, import for production in the direction of export , if we have such a line in politics , then the more you import, the more you import, so that in the free market, instead of 100 billion dollars, the export will be 700 billion dollars, which means 700 billion jobs, 700 billion jobs, i will allow it again. let me tell you another way, see us in relation to the issues. business and growth business development and all these policies, because business work is not an abstraction
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, for them, the field of activities is in several direct and indirect areas, that is, if we want to develop business , we need to develop horizontal economic development, we must have the central bank. our ministry, our position, our business strategy, our financial monetary policy strategy, our currency policy should be homogeneous as mentioned. we should have our industrial strategy , our foreign economic diplomacy should be out of the picture, our security issues , our international relations issues, all of these should be in one club , that is, if it is built, the minister of economy, minister of industry , minister of the central bank, head of the ministry of foreign affairs, each to the issue of trade and the external interface is a kind of thinking that it remains the same as the car that every turn. on the one hand , the more gas the body leaves, the sooner it will go away, so now they are making a good offer in my opinion
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considering that the growth of our economic development depends on a set of actors, we must have a supra-departmental body that coordinates these , or we must have a foreign diplomacy council with the membership of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of security , the ministry of the central bank. the security issues of the private sector , especially if there is a council under the supervision of the first vice president or national security, if this group is not coordinated, the minister of foreign affairs will go and negotiate, the central bank will say to mix everything up, or the minister should mix positions. if we want to work operationally, if we want to break if i want, there should be a place of unity of opinion and unity. to make a decision regarding foreign relations , and this is such a proposal, in my opinion, if
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mr. chiz wants to pay attention, a foreign diplomacy council consisting of the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of economy of the central bank, the minister of private sector, and the minister of security affairs should be a place where these when he went to talk, he negotiated so that his back was strong, so he signed a contract so that no one else would interfere. therefore, if i want to think deeply, one of the suggestions is the same issue, the next issue, as well as pointing out the main issues, challenges, such as discussion. the exchange of this commodity with the commodity, its volume, its amount, its width, and this exchange of money is related to these monetary policies and methods of territorial money and back and forth, making decisions, this is one of the main challenges, from its price, to its variety, to its quantity. let it be said that there are views on the issue of width in our foreign relations
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, it has a lot of effect in the field of our internal issues, i want to say that even our cultural issues are related to this issue, it must be decided somewhere, that is , going towards monogamy, which is a very good way. it's the same as you said, but there are some requirements , at least a managed system should be thought of the relation b with the issue of exchange rate should always move in a managed manner in a clearly defined range so that we go towards a single rate. otherwise, if this is the case, it is a round , it is an abuse. therefore, my opinion is that one of the main challenges of the work is the issue of organizing the system of horizontal obligations and exchange return. and the policies of export and import, i say that it is definitely possible with this approach of import for production in the direction of export
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. it should have a single management and a single command , which you now believe has not happened, mr. harorani, for the points you mentioned, if you want to give an example, please suggest some solutions . if you do this , i will be grateful. if you allow me, i would like to add two more points. one is that in these agreements, we now expect to take a step forward , that is, in fact, this agreement. so far we have seen that these agreements are trade agreements, that is, we did not move towards a free trade agreement, of course, now the region eurasia, which was recently concluded , can be a positive step, but the point is that the negotiator himself, who actually goes
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to talk to the other side's country , is not in sync with our businessmen, that is, our businessmen. show lose and base traders.
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and practically, because these bans have not achieved a positive result, and the only main victim is the consumer and the government, because the money that was supposed to be used for the bans is actually saved and actually used elsewhere. we can see that the need has been solved in the form of smuggling. so the tax government he did not interfere with his imports and the rights of the consumers were actually ignored and his rights were neglected. if it was not for this ban and it came in a transparent and official manner, now with the government's tariff tool , he could have increased his commercial profit, but he could not have banned it.
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it should be a source of income for the government and have a representative from that side . if i thank you every two days, i will thank you very much. mr. harorani, the foreign trade expert of the islamic shura majlis research center, who was with us in this conversation, mr. lahouti, the foreign trade priority of the 13th government was trade with neighbors, mr. my doctors have emphasized on this topic in the talks you have had so far . what do you think were the most important challenges in this field ? what gaps should the 14th government fill in the field of foreign trade and how should it be resolved ? now that we are geographically neighboring with 15 countries, it is one of the facilities that is available to few countries, therefore , our targeting to increase exports and trade with these countries is very important for us, especially in the current situation, which is limited anyway. it dominates the economy, but for each of these markets, we we must have certain definitions to be able to
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move according to the wishes of the opposite party. as mentioned, we are only interested in exporting but not importing and the trade balance is always positive in our favor. this will definitely not last . there is a need for us to move towards joint ventures instead of exporting goods before they impose import definitions for us like our own, or a market like syria, which is intended to do business with anyway. if this market increases , it is exactly the policy of policies like ours, that is, it strongly opposes imports , it is mostly looking for domestic production and supporting domestic production. we must
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prepare our production units for them based on their needs, especially in the future. . the security of their investment means that the government will give the necessary guarantees to the investor in iraq to the investor in syria to jointly produce its products there , so that both our counterparty's demands are met and we can achieve our own production goals. for example, in the brics debate that was raised or shanghai, well, if our tariffs are supposed to be equalized based on the agreements that have been made, do our industry believe that they can compete with each other, for example, in the discussion of textiles, in the discussion of clothing, will this create such resilience in our industry? from the point of view the infrastructure and foundation reinforcements of these units have been done or not . if these are not seen, the other party can definitely take over our markets easily. well, since
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we have two minutes less time for you , at the end of the discussion, i would like to ask you again. i propose the fourteenth government as follows just as mr. president promised, their goal is to implement the high-level approvals and laws and announcements of the supreme leader. yes, the most important order for us today is export, the issue of resistance economy, the essence of the issue of resistance economy can be summed up in endogenous production, which means the importance of export, supporting export -oriented production, and removing obstacles. if there is a problem, it can be the discussion of our economic and political policies with other countries.
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it means to produce sex according to current conditions for the world and the region. the second point is the government's sovereignty in order for this to work, one must remove the stones on the way, which is a bureaucratic obstacle , there are regulations, there are rules, all of these, one must provide the necessary support, that is , political support, legal support, and many other supports that this economic activist the third point is intermediary institutions such as chambers of commerce, banks and other institutions. these people should be the ground-builders , that is, they should be able to understand the problems and they should be able
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to inform the government that the problems of the private sector of the activists is to take from the policies of the government, they should apply the role of mediator with power and the powers they have are organizations, unions, chambers of commerce. there should be a professional operational presence in your work, god willing, thank you very much , mr. altar, the president of the iran-iraq chamber of commerce . i also thank all the good viewers of the economic table for accompanying us until this moment . may god protect you, ali.
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they collected 50 dinars from the market . in response to the daily spread of fake scans, the central bank decided to collect them from the market. 50 dinar notes were identified in four different versions. but the central bank has now realized that collecting 50 dinar bills will lead to oil money. in the economic cycle , there will be a sharp decrease and it will overshadow the daily life of the people. therefore, he re -introduced the banknotes into the market, and in this way, some
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libyan people were forced to give the bank's gift to him and withdraw their capital from the bank. i withdraw cabbage from the bank at the end of every month so that i don't have money in the bank. trust in banks because. actions taken in the past are completely lost. problems and troubles libya's economy has been left behind since the 2011 uprising in this country. an event that led to a long conflict and political instability in libya. since 2014 , the country has been divided between the eastern and western factions. each of these factions has their own financial system. the eastern wing of the support.
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the central bank plans to print new banknotes with high security and strengthen the security of existing banknotes. but such an action takes time and requires resources. with the deadline of august 29 approaching, the government is struggling to restore the lost trust and create economic stability. at meanwhile, the libyan people no longer have much trust in the financial institutions of this country, but they have another option in
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front of them. not supposed to the gathering of southern people in the zagros with the intensity of the thermal dome, especially on the southern half of the country here in the middle strip of iran and the heights of the zagros, is a mystery for the southerners. we live from rafsan. how was the singing here? they say it's really hot, the temperature is another 50 degrees, we ran away , the truth is, we came to kurang, then we came, brothers , he came here last year. sharjah, but it is cool here, on average, in the last month, the city of kurdin, the capital of the province, has been very cool, at least 10 degrees and 15 degrees.
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the numbering of imported vehicles has been resumed in arvand free zone after a 6-year suspension. the numbering center for imported vehicles in the port of khorham, shahrhar witnessed the start of the numbering process of many trucks, trucks , trailers, minibuses and buses. the secretary general of the supreme council of free zones of the country said that with the provision of the numbering platform and the required width and the cooperation of the central bank, the clearance of these cars will be done soon. mr. abdul maliki also emphasized the importance of using economic activists and businessmen.


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