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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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hello, the president said in a phone call with the president of france that we are ready to improve relations with france based on honesty and building mutual trust. while announcing the readiness of the islamic republic of iran to continue negotiations on the lifting of sanctions, mr. bishikian said: the implementation of all commitments by the parties and the cessation of oppressive sanctions against the iranian nation is a good basis for the continuation of talks. the president also expressed his concern about the crimes committed by the zionist regime in the genocide
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of the people of gaza and renewed tensions on the lebanese border and warned about the consequences of the zionist regime's attack on lebanon. the president of france also congratulated the election of mr as the president of the islamic republic of iran, medekian expressed his hope that iran's relations with france will improve. the head of the judiciary on the cooperation of judicial authorities with. the government emphasized to solve the economic problems of the country: mr. mohseni ajarei ordered the police prosecutor of ghazad to remove the unnecessary restrictions of economic operators in order to provide investment security, we have a duty to support healthy economic operators. the head of the judiciary stressed on cooperation with the government to solve the country's economic problems. if we help the government , we actually help ourselves.
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we helped the judiciary, mr. mohseni, especially in the meeting of the high councils the judge criticized the illegal arrest of an economic activist. he said, "i went on the plane. they came from the plane in a certain situation. for example, let's assume that they brought me out with a certain position. they took me to arrest. he said, "i expected you to be there. now there is a mistake, now that i i'm going to introduce myself , i say, sir, i'm so-and-so and who knows me, call them, for example , ask them about my background, if i 'm not charged now, they'll say these things, for example, and they'll say, well, now you ask me, i can offer you none of these things happened when a person like this comes next, you think that he will be harmed because of this, so be it. well , who is responsible for it? it is definitely my responsibility , and then he
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issued orders to the judicial authorities. the first order to ghazat police prosecutor to reduce restrictions on economic activists. we try to provide investment security. and the next order of the head of the judiciary to the head of the country's prisons organization to prepare a list of prisoners with delayed execution and determine the assignment of the case of these convicts. somewhere the right of a party cannot be lost, the right of that party must be lost, the bank is another creditor ok, i don't want to say that we should ignore his right, but this situation is certainly not desirable , but in the second part of the meeting, the head of the country's prisons organization gave a report on the development of employment in some prisons of the country. we set a goal that, god willing, at least 12 workshops will be held by the end of the year.
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it should be built and used in prisons, and the determination of the case of those sentenced to retribution, who have been in prison for many years , were among the other orders of the head of the judiciary in this meeting. malih pejman of sedav and sima news agency, jana's social innovation student competition by presenting 300 projects. student in different fields a social event was held. in this project, students plan. they presented their application about solving the social problems of the country and i was honored by the three selected projects of this event. to create employment for 60 people. this was the way that he could fix a series of extra points in hoze atyar that he was able to benefit from this plan.
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create employment and rehabilitate the sleepless persons. the next plan is job creation for young people from less privileged areas , it leads to used electronics. for example , unusable mobile phones should be repaired and donated to the needy. first , he should collect electronic waste from individuals and organizations , then recycle the part that is not unusable in a green and ethical way, and the rest , such as most of them include phones and laptops , repair them and donate them to the poor people who do not have access to these devices. and then have a skill training for them. revival of the historical context of the city among the other plans presented. because the historical fabric of diz is connected and it is also a chain, these houses are abandoned and one after the other
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are in a state of destruction. our goal is to restore one of these houses and provide them to the private sector. these were just a few examples of 300 student projects that were presented in the social innovation student competition event. a competition that is supposed to help solving social problems in the eyes of the country's students. considering that the young generation of the country, the youth generation of the country are the future builders of this country and play a serious role in solving the social problems of the country in the future have. in this event, more than 400 student projects of social innovation reached the secretariat. and after completing the evaluation process of about 300 selected projects, including 80 selected students of the country, in a two-day event, we are at their service. the social innovation student competition
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was held in the four areas of innovative product, policy proposal, social service and social business in the presidential prosperity innovation fund. sami naseh, sed and sima news agency.
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we found a tree and were able to pick fresh seeds on it, which was a historic moment for me i planted and managed to grow it, which is now considered a gem for south africa. this person, who has a booth at the fair , used his background in engineering to invest in his passion. he is a manufacturer of industrial devices and...
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if you are on a hot or cold or rainy day or in any other situation, the device takes this issue into account and the output of the product changes. this exhibition ends on friday. its focus is on variety and improvement of sensory skills and learning more about the science of coffee and the growth of this business and its culture. we have been with coffee magazine for 7 years and we cooperate in creativity week in coffee. this cooperation is more and more successful. coffee is a way to bring people together. in fact, more than two-thirds of south africans drink coffee. this topic. it's something we want to collaborate more on. the next part of the news at 4 o'clock.
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in the year 13, he executes. in the 1950s, the organization was practically divided into two factions inside the prison, led by masoud rajavi, and outside the prison, led by taghieh shahram. in 1957, taqieh shahram was sentenced to death by the revolutionary court, and the leadership of the organization was given to masoud rajavi take massoud rajavi's cooperation with president bani sadr finally ended in paris in 1960. in order to bring about change and gain power, the people's mojahedin
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resorted to assassinating the president, the prime minister, the head of the islamic republic party, and 12,000 ordinary people. after the failure of the assassination project of masoud rajavi , he cooperated with saddam and transferred his forces to iraq, and they are not side by side with saddam in the imposed war against the people of iran. in august 1967, a few days after rajavi's letter was cut off, in forough javidan operation, he planned to conquer tehran, an operation that was met with failure. with the fall of saddam organization to the official form turns to cooperation with the united states. people's mojahedin khalq organization started its political life with the policy of fighting against america in the direction of creation and today by holding annual conferences, it invites american senators to its political life .
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with the attack of baathist forces on iranian soil, the critical days for the revolution increased. bani sadr, as the president of the country, every day, his path is further and closer to the revolution. he was exactly saying that the clerics have come and are reactionary
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. these are illiterate people who cannot run the country . experts like me should run the country. the dam builder said these things, then he was next to him, parallel to him. the same words are said by the mojahedin of the people, the same words that, sir, we worked hard for the revolution, the revolution was actually a product of our hands, the mojahedin of the people considered shahid beheshti and the republic party, the children of the revolution, the irgc, the committees, the revolutionary institutions, to be their enemies, and this caused the closer they got , the more their enmity with the imam's line, with the revolution, with the people with the islamic republic system , the closer they became to the bani sadr issue, the bani sadr movement, and from that beginning, the analysis of the organization in relation to the bani sadr movement and the liberal movement. it was as soon as benisaad came to work and ittihad of course. complete and in public there was a comparison between the hypocrites and bani saad. the analysis
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given by the organization said that we consider bani sadr to be the representative of the liberal faction. of course, at that time, the ruling body was divided into two groups, the liberal faction and the reactionary faction , and it considered bani sadr as the flag bearer of the liberal faction . his analysis at that time was this. he said, "you are reviving the liberal wing of reaction." and we use the conflict between these two for our own benefit. chamaq party should go to the cemetery in the hands of dastistan. in fact, this was the slogan that after 1959 there was a conflict between the organization, on the one hand, from the mojahedin organization and dr. banisad, who was the head at that time. president on one side, the islamic republic party and allies. in fact, the mujahideen organization of the islamic revolution and the clerics of the fighting clerical community and the rest
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, on the one hand, the organization is actually the corps, or the infantry, well, because, well, dr. benisad , although he actually had a lot of votes from the people, he is the president. it did not have an effective organizational force, which is supposed to be a demonstration tomorrow. you can come to the street, but the organization used to do this for masoud for dr. banisadr in 1959. banisad's speech at tehran university was the peak of violence there are pictures of it, and people have seen time and time again how to beat the people whom bani sadr says that he orders to arrest them . in fact, they are violently beaten by all the members of the mojahedin khalq, who are several thousand of them present in this speech . anyone who they think that they are going to get hizbollah
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, they are going to beat up some people who have pictures of it and people must have seen it. the bani sadr meeting was held on march 14, 1959 at tehran university. where bani sadr gave a speech on the occasion of commemorating dr. mossadegh, and the speech turned into a scene of conflict between bani sadr's supporters and his opponents . the supporters of bani sadr, who are the forces of the mojahedin organization people were on the stage of the speaker. bani sedek in a part of his speech. he showed some identification cards to the crowd with the claim that they belonged to the forces of the islamic revolution committee and spoke about their arrest as chamaagdars
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. evacuate so i ask people to come to their account. bani sadr's permission to expel his opponents from the lecture hall of the university turned it into a battle scene. you people , take them out of here calmly. this take them out. at this moment, a huge conflict started. those who wore green beards or overcoats were attacked by the mojahedin-e-khalq forces as opponents of bani safar and thrown down from the eastern wall.
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the guard that the president had created for himself and the office of the president's cooperation officially made the union of these two religious areas of the people of bani sadr official and public, although it started in the past few months and the closeness after the cooperation was revealed bani sadr and the people's mojahedin organization ordered its forces to support bani sadr and
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say allahu akbar on the roofs of their houses against the imam. by spreading the rumor that bani sadr's life was in danger, he incited the atmosphere of the society towards inflammation. since the beginning of 1959, they were gradually preparing the supporters for armed war. at the time of the shah, we also said that religious forces are our main danger. after the so-called blow that they called opertonista , the organization became communist and marxist, and this he said, after that, we saw the main danger in religious movements, that's why we stay away from them. we did, we did not want to be religious in any way , that is to say, he was on the left with them at all
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. the fans are taking themselves to a different side, besides the fact that they have military training , it is interesting that they are an organization in a law-abiding country. they have unlimited weapons without any license. having different offices , they work with authority and arrogance, subject to no law the absence of the organization never delivered its weapons . while according to the constitution, any activity up to the border of armed war was allowed, but the organization was not ready to hand over its weapons or other types. he had sent all kinds of people as infiltrators in different parts of the system. still, the islamic republic tried to tolerate them, in fact
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appease them, and did not intend to remove them . it is interesting at that time, even for example, figures like eng. barzargan, the correspondence that was printed in the periodicals of that time says, for example, you are our children, but violence does not reach anywhere, for example, even the freedom movement. so after the conclusion of the 14th of esfand, the imam appointed a three-member delegation consisting of his representative, mr. mahdavi keni mohammad yazdi, as a representative of the trustees of the nizam and ishraqi from bani satr, to deal with the events of 14th of esfand. the performance of the mujahideen before entering the armed phase and the phase of terrorism is a complicated political performance. on the one hand, they
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show themselves as supporters of the palestinian issue. they give a living wage and in this regard they even publish a trade union publication for, for example, the workers hardworking farmers. they work in the field of extensive publishing. these advices were very important. these are the things that were recommended. lead to conflict. these conflicts would lead to him being beaten in any way. they recorded these beatings day and night in their newspapers and exaggerated them a lot. although their activities in general and almost all of their activities were against the law, that is , having weapons without a permit, building without a permit , having a publication without a magus, but the system was trying to
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attract them in some way, and in fact, these returning to the embrace of the people, we see that even the imam many times in his speeches refers to different ways that you should be the stamp of the law, let's be part of the people, be part of the nation. bani sadr's failure to support the islamic revolutionary guard corps as the commander of the armed forces and not providing them with ammunition on the battle fronts, which led to the siege of abadan and the successive victories of the controversial forces , and on the other hand, the report of the 3-member panel that the lawlessness of bani sadr considering the events of 14 asfan as the cause of the events , he made imam to remove 60 bani satr from the command of the forces on 20 khordad. withdrawal of position
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the commander-in-chief of bani sed was appointed by the imam due to his very wrong and negative performance in the war command, which caused the defeat and retreat of the internal forces.
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the honor of the islamic republic has been removed, the slogans are back to america against america, those 11 million that bani sadr was always proud of. assad withdrew, and in fact , the imam removed bani satr from the presidency after the vote of the majlis. that is, on june 30, 1960 , we are witnessing the armed departure of the organization, rajavi at all he used to kill people, he used to kill
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people. to be executed means that he wanted to show that he was oppressed at all. his trick was to provoke the society. he was looking to introduce the other party to a good force, a private force, and that he was very oppressed. basically, this is all planned. it was petty, that is, he was looking for people to get involved, to be injured, even to be killed. the same thing he did in iraq, the same thing he did with the forces in 1990, the same thing he did to his own people in different fronts . when the parliament is in session the voting of the proposal of inadequacy of bani was only the forces
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of the people's mojahedin organization. they came armed to the streets of tehran and started shooting at people by destroying public property. 30 eating in this crowd was on weekday morning , you know, the imam was now in charge of the city, they said , go there and fight. once the crowd started , some of the children came and started chanting , what was my slogan ? they started shouting slogans, from the death of beheshti's leaves to non-vazaleh, and then after the conflict started, you know, when it ended, this crowd came to fight. it started and was practically defeated, because when the current started to rise, well, the child himself
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hizbollah is tired of seeing the rebellion. it was the 30th of june, now you were not in tehran, there were no other cities , it was the same, they came to the middle, they came to the middle, well , close the clamp, don't let it get too high, the lighter that is used to set fire to the committee cars and patrol cars, a lot of j3 cartridges , different cartridges a whole lot of sewing knives to call a lot. bow arrows and chains for fighting and sarahi wicks and a number of sarahi that have not been made, a lot of photos of mr. bani sadr and some of this pistol for painting on the walls and writing slogans and other tools. a number of publications belonging to mujahideen and pikaar groups and loyalist guerrillas were interrogated. most
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of them are known to us, but almost 90% of them are not willing to play and do not tell their names, but a small number of those small people who were deceived and now confess they admit that they have deceived themselves, they are ready to be interrogated and tell their details, but there are about 90 of them, 90% of them are not ready to return the game and tell their details, tell them why they wanted to do these things, we went to support beni sadd. we were there just like this that you got even. we didn't even see a wick in our building. the only thing we saw was maybe a bow arrow in the hands of these kids . they were going this way and that. i didn't know why they were going. they only said that they were going to support bani sadd. that's all they said to us. it was that if we can't stand up against this, the islamic republic will be destroyed forever, of course , they justified this to us by saying that the phase is a military phase and the confrontations should be with a military
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spirit. imagine in my march 30 june march, i had a cold weapon, but alhamdulillah, it was not used and the general line that was given to us in this regard, even before june 30 , in connection with the local march, was that the children should have cold weapons with them, that is. this issue was specifically emphasized, they wanted to kill us in the military phase with cold weapons , that is, cold weapons had become a standard for them and a channel for them to lead the children to this trend. people must submit to me by force , like a child who says nono.


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