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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 5:00am-5:29am IRST

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according to the law, in addition to the additional amount received, it is equal to the amount received as a fine from the lessee or owner. mr. stanlow also said that if the lessors do not comply with the allowed ceiling , they can increase the rent of the house. complain to landlords by referring to the 135 system. the maximum allowed rent increase in tehran is 25%. at the same time as the national skill week , the third national skill festival was held with the aim of honoring the activists, pioneers and benefactors of the technical and professional field. heads of the best technical and professional centers, professional ambassadors in this ceremony, skills were presented and received a plaque of appreciation . i am in the 8th grade, the school was closed and
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i chose the field of mechanics in order to guarantee my future career. according to the statistics of the ministry of labor, the unemployment rate has decreased to 7.6% this spring. more than 79 of the trainings of this organization either provide income or direct the person to employment, but at the same time as the national skill week in order to promote culture skills and training the third skills festival was held with the presence of the representatives of this area and a group of parliament representatives. the seventh program has created assignments.
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who has learned to work, created a workshop and took people under his wing and became good himself in a way, nothing makes us happier than this , but among the 40 thousand trainers of the technical and professional organization who
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entered the field four years ago i became an agriculturist and in the professional technical center of isfahan province with the help of professors dear management, we started working and thank god we were able to expand our work in 3 years . ai training centers at the end of the national skills festival, 31 artificial intelligence training centers in the country were unveiled . some of the business applicants were able to get the license to start their business completely electronically and online from this portal. facilitating and improving the business environment was one of the recommendations of the leader of the revolution in the inauguration ceremony of the 14th government. today in terms of time. prioritizing
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economic issues from the recommendations of the leader of the revolution to the government 14th again, the number one priority of the country was the economy, and among the mentioned economic issues, the issue of improving the business environment, the basic and general issues of improving the business environment have a law, the law that was approved in june 2018 was approved to end the difficulty of doing business. to facilitate and improve the business environment, the strategy of article 7 of the law on the implementation of general policies, principle 44 is a strategy that no one knew about a decade or two ago. until march 99, as evidenced by the monitoring reports of the majlis and the narrative of the people was that the goal of the legislator was not realized. principle 44, which is not just handing over, is more important than handing over, removing barriers to investment, participation in business activities, and prosperity. sir, leave it alone, the original law
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has been amended many times and the problem has been removed. business was also seen in other laws, including five-year plans. returned from 1400 sheets. what should have been done 13 years ago was done, but it was delayed. alhamdulillah, it has reached here, and today it was a report that could be presented completely. setting up a single portal for issuing licenses, removing unnecessary conditions, registration of trade licenses and so on. automatic attendance the license in case of delay of the devices was among the works that were done in these two or three years. simplification and transparency of all conditions for the country's 4,700 business license titles, removing 100 difficult conditions or golden signatures from the conditions included in business licenses. since
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the launch of the national license portal, 2 million and 200 thousand licenses have been issued in electronic form. now the 9th president has been executed in his first meeting with economic activists. the same path as we said in the government, our duty is to facilitate the way so that we can open the platform, you can work easily. fatemeh khan ahmadi. a system to transform science and technology into added value was unveiled in the ministry of science, research and technology to register the inventions of researchers and inventors. the unveiling of a system for registering patents and types called "sedefahs". this system aims to unify the registration of votes, create motivation for technologists and display research products
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designed by scientists, thinkers and types who use creativity to create a special knowledge or technology. it can be bought and sold, it is registered and it is offered somewhere so that different industries can communicate with that type of person who is the owner of the voting registration. and they buy their intellectual property. the purpose of creating this system is to help the knowledge-based economy and commercialization. it has been technology since 6 months ago, in fact , the system design and processes started, the implementation time of the system actually took a month , currently about 85 thousand domestic inventions can be searched in the system, and there is the ability to access it for users, and from today users can they can
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visit and become a member and use the services of the system, and apart from that, they can use its general services, such as searching for inventions. the topics that are followed in the oyster system. three issues will be pursued in this oyster system. the first issue is education. the second issue that we are following on the system is the issue of providing facilities and assistance in relation to the issue of intellectual property. the last thing is the interaction with the industry in the field of inventions. researchers can refer to a system of goals to patent patents . the smile of the sda news agency is the following : 6 o'clock news:
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chapter 3 that day, when we were returning home from the paddy field, the weather was sunny, my mother asked for a poem on the way.
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go to the world of stories with iran sedah's telling books. you can use iran sada application from iran voice. in tonight's special news talk, we want
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to talk about the latest arbaeen walking arrangements , samah system, the number of registrations that have been made , what services are available to those who register in this system , and what services are available to those who do not actually register. they are denied , let's inquire about the latest approvals of the arbaeen headquarters , mr. mirmedi, the honorable deputy minister of the interior to the head of the arbaeen headquarters, they are with us in the studio , mr. mirmedi, i greet you , may god give you strength. and respected in the 13th government we can almost say that three time periods and three language sections were planned for the arbaeen walking trip by the ministry of interior . you said that they were all at the top of your decisions for this year
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, which issues were observed, which problems were solved, and which issues were planned to continue, in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful. in the discussion of arbaina, of course, this is not only the record of the government, but the record of all ministries, organizations , institutions, and the armed forces, and me as the president. arbaeen center headquarters, on behalf of all of this organization and respected preacher , we are presenting the report of those dear ones. well, we came first , we felt the basic problems and challenges of our pilgrims, and the focus of management and resources. we focused ourselves on these basic challenges. in this very first step
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, what are the challenges of travelers and pilgrims? one of the first challenges, dear ones , was the arrival of pilgrims to the border terminals. the roads from ilan to mehran were in traffic for hours, and now how much less today. from half an hour this has become in the crowded conditions, that is, we are in the third week of the month of travel, when we have to replace the trips of our loved ones, we do not have traffic for more than one and a half hours on this road, on the road leading to khosravi, shalamcheh chazaba, all traffic groups have been removed, and many accident-prone spots have been removed. roads. the remaining work of more than 320 kilometers during the period of the 13th government of these
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roads, in fact, various tunnels were built, and today our pilgrims have minimal problems in reaching the border and leaving the border, and this is a great success of more than 12 thousand billion tomans for the 13th government. facilitating this cost is our second challenge the issue was crossing the border, well, now our appearance has reached the border and wants to cross the border , mrs. emami, i myself, because i was directly involved in arbaeen for more than 12 years and i was present until the 13th round, of course, i don't want the hard work and effort. dear friends, i will ignore the facts of the matter. i am telling you that at the border of mehran, we
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were always faced with the crisis of crossing the border. it could be the police force or faraja had created more than several huschas. the special unit mobilized all its forces in order to keep the people in different times of grief to protect their safety and their lives because there was no other way but to manage in this way . 3 minutes in the most crowded conditions, our pilgrims cross the borders and it is as
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easy as a flowing river. we are one of them well, the actions that were taken in this government were border development, mehran khosravi border, shalamcheh chazaba, tamrchin and bashmagh, and for this year the sea border has been added to it . the average time at each border that you mentioned is three minutes, and it takes less than three minutes to cross the border. and this is a big event and a transformative event , it is true. mr. mirhamdi, you mentioned the blue border, it is allowed to agree with you and the viewers about this very important issue in your talks , which was one of the challenges, and of course , it was resolved in the 13th government, and it was arranged to see a report, let's go back and continue the discussion and the program. let's give this to the travelers of karbala they are trying to provide travel conditions for days
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, including preparing a passport. did your passport come or not? why did it come? the registration process was easy, easy, very easy. this year, the new news for the pilgrims is to cross the sea crossing. i came to get my passport . if god wants us to go to imam hussein's pilgrimage by sea this year, why do we want to go by sea because the conditions are a little easier. the distance between haradhar city and basra port in iraq is 19 nautical miles. it is about 40 minutes , this distance from bandar abadan to waslieh port in basra province is only one nautical mile and less than 10 minutes to the terminal. passengers with a capacity of 200 people passengers are assigned at each turn. this port is equipped with x-ray devices, internet and office automation. we have a 6,000 square meter international passenger terminal in khorramshahr port . it has a capacity of 2,500 passengers during the day. it has
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a fixed passport and an air conditioning system. excellent floating catamaran. we have provided 320 people through the private sector, a crossing that seems to make crossing the border easier considering the weather conditions. this was thought of by the islamic republic of iran and in the negotiations between the ministers of the interior of iran and iraq in basra. we discussed the necessary preparations iraqi authorities are trying to make the sea crossing in basra, iraq ready for pilgrims. we serve pilgrims from the land border of shalamcheh with a daily traffic capacity of 120,000 people, and next to that, a water crossing with a capacity of 5,000 people is ready to serve. among the advantages of the arbaeen sea trip, we can
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mention the shortening of the travel time from khuzestan province to basra province of iraq, the booming of the marine tourism industry and the reduction of the time pilgrims have to cross other borders. pilgrims after entering brother vasil. in this report, we saw that one of the issues that the ministry of interior observed as a challenge, planned for this year and the minister of interior also talked about it, the durability of the procession and of course the strengthening of service to the pilgrims is one of the serious problems of our beloved processions, which was more than 3 thousand processions, usually these stay behind the borders of iraq for a long time, sometimes the items are rotten. they have
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been facing serious problems since last year . it has been resolved this year with much better coordination with iraqi loved ones. god willing , it has started to move. with god's help , we will not have any problems. for example, 541 was added, the sajaat project was completed , the previous culture was sour, and you even strengthened the transportation system. the addition of roads, the blocking of roads in yes, i will discuss in your presence, i mentioned the gita , i mentioned imam sajjadeh's plan. the close coordination and the formation of a joint camp with the iraqi loved ones at the provincial level and a series of measures made this happen
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. the next challenge is to serve the pilgrims of mr. mir ahmadi haminjo in the processions. whether in front of the border or at the border, even in our iraqi territory , this tahmid is performed in the processions. in all trips we gave the necessary predictions to prevent the heat . i give this assurance to dear zain. this fear of heat that is taking place is a line that the enemies are fueling. the current situation of the islamic world and the region and in the interpretation of today's supreme leader. the issue is a global issue, not just the issue of the islamic world. arbaeen issue is an important issue. we
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saw special arrangements for this issue both on this side of the border and on the other side of the border. no worries in this regard thanks to god's cooperation with visitors and travel management and attention to we do not have the recommendations that we will say in various announcements, and the necessary forecasts for both water supply, suitable space, and forecasts for the possible treatment of heatstroke victims, god willing, this is well managed. this year's trip is a lot, but let me ask you different questions in the form of different questions. from the first of muharram , the sama system started working until now that we are at your service.
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paying for their own insurance the sama system registers a person who is a pilgrim from our point of view, now he can not register and try the arbaeen pilgrimage we strongly advise them not to do this because if they do not insure themselves, if something happens due to injury , death, illness, hospitalization , it will really cause significant problems for them. the cost of treatment in iraq is extremely high, beyond our apparent means generally foreign with one digit. 80,000 tomans , 90,000 tomans for themselves, and interestingly, ms. emami, our three packages that we announced
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are the more expensive ones, which of course have higher services. and it has a higher insurance coverage, the majority of those who choose this package choose it, and this shows that the culture of this topic is finding its place among the pilgrims, thank god . those who register in the samah system only get insurance services, or other services are also included. we, those who register in the samah system , allocate the pilgrimage time to them. plane tickets and bus tickets are given priority. and through this system, we give and sell, all our goal is to be able to oblige our beloved visitors to the sama system is only for the sake of comfort and the possibility
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of planning for us, and we thank you. last year, i think that more than 80 % of our visitors registered in the sama system . god willing, this year this number will be higher . bus hint iranian passengers go on a pilgrimage by iranian bus to tarabi road and we have made efforts to bring buses from different countries into the country to provide the same services as today in the central headquarters of arbain and in the meeting held by the arbain headquarters. the ministry of roads is in the domain of mr. basbash it was reported that currently 400 iraqi buses have announced their readiness to transport pilgrims from tehran, mainly to najafi or karbala, along with
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iranian buses. iranian buses currently have this capacity, but we are looking for this, and the friends of the ministry of roads are willing to develop this capacity , while the respected government approved the purchase of 2,000 buses with the necessary facilities, a part of which, of course, is being done. it is possible, and one of the facilities that was in the arbain headquarters today was the facility for the entry of private cars and buses for the entry of the iraqi government. the days of arbaeen means that he has banned travel since the first of the month
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. he knows the reason for this is the traffic problems on his own roads. arbaeen had some approvals. this meeting will tell us the details of these approvals. the members who were present. today , in addition to the members of the arbaeen headquarters, the representatives of all the honorable ministers of organizations and institutions were also invited to report on the implementation of the commitments that were communicated to them. completely divide the tasks and the face. yes, mr. mokhbar personally organized two meetings with the central headquarters of arbaeen to communicate the same tasks and follow up on the same tasks. one, in fact , they set up a camp in their own office jointly with us and their own office, which continuously thank god, contrary to what was thought as a result
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of this change of government, these obligations may be paid less attention to it. in a proper way, all the honorable ministers , institutions, institutions, and the armed forces have fulfilled their obligations. there were one, two, or three institutions. commitment announcements will definitely arrive on time and for example, we had committed more than 200 million bottles of water, production factories, dozens of ice production factories, all these are trucks , lift trucks, please note that because these numbers and figures, if i want to explain them, it would be a book. it is possible to take measures and there is no time, but for the transfer of only this water that has been prepared, more than 3 thousand
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doors. the truck device should be given to the issue that, thank god, these things are being done and there was no special problem, the other issue was the arrangements approved to facilitate the entry of these buses, which mr. dr. vahidi, who attended the meeting they were formed to make the necessary decisions in accordance with the law so that they can receive the necessary corrections. about customs and supply. the departure of the truck and the discussion in reality, dear, should have been taken , the necessary arrangements and decisions were made.


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