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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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let's follow and have good results and continue the process . mr. sediqpour, please tell me what measures we should take now in order to keep this situation stable. note that for the stability of any system , we must pay attention to the economy of that complex. i mean, unfortunately , in the past years, we witnessed these fluctuations that one day we had too many chickens, it was not absorbed and those heartbreaking scenes were created, on the other hand , it caused the removal of productive flocks at one point and we had a shortage, but considering that the economy of this collection is at the top of the list the ministry of jihad has identified exactly this point , we will stabilize our production and our own producers will be less than maybe due to these conditions.
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we will follow up on this matter in order to preserve their economy. of course, this production was export-oriented . there were some difficult conditions for the meat units, but considering that the export infrastructure is ready. fortunately, in recent times, there has been an increase in the export of chicken meat, and certainly with our export-oriented attitude , we will see the stabilization of production and its continuation, mr. sediqpour. production you mentioned about the economy of production, which was discussed in my discussion, can you tell us a bit more in detail, what measures have been taken, we should note that if we price. the price is over now, whether it's a chicken, a
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day-old chick, or an egg, if we can take this into account that our producers don't suffer from economic problems , they don't suffer losses. sometimes, in order to have an abundant product, we have to pay attention to the overflow of our products. well, this is the issue that the issue of export has been brought up but, god willing , we should also consider the infrastructure of these issues. if this infrastructure is ready and our producers don't suffer, we don't have anything called new railways for production in the country today . today, we know that we can produce up to 3 million tons per year. our suppliers don't need to create capacity and we don't need to produce more. the only thing that the previous government, fortunately, paid attention
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to this issue , is to put the economy of the agricultural sector at the top of the agenda, because the agricultural economy of our products, especially day-old chicken, is not something that for example, we want to keep because of this morning our chicken is born from the egg, it should be done by noon , these products are more, and in the agricultural economy, these issues are completely foreseen and god willing, with this attention. because of this, we will have this product stabilization. i understood from your words that it is true that you said that we operated in accordance with this capacity , that is, now the entire capacity of this industry is active now , according to the conditions that have been created, it has the capacity to work under certain conditions, and there is no history that we, for example, have a 200 million chicks have been laid, this is the result. well, there must
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be an economic condition and our producers we will be at your service again, mr. sediqpour, mr. sohrabi, to be encouraged to such an extent. regarding the guaranteed purchase price of agricultural products, now, like wheat and rice, these should be determined by the end of july. we have conducted the preliminary numbers and preliminary analysis, anyway , the meeting of the pricing council and adoption of support policies should be held as soon as possible, god willing, and after that, after the price is determined, god willing, it will be communicated to the farmers. council to determine the price of autumn crops it has not been held yet, and god willing, it will be held, but the policy of the vice president anyway. agriculture
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and the collection of the ministry of agriculture is looking for that the guaranteed prices of agricultural crops should be selected and determined in a way to establish a balance between the crops. cultivation should be carried out optimally, because just as we need wheat in the country , we also need barley , we also need oilseeds, vegetables, safflower and other crops that exist in the cycle of rotation should be selected appropriately because if this does not happen, we will definitely be doomed to failure it is possible for us to have success in the production of wheat or other products in one year, but if the rotation and cropping pattern are not carried out properly , it will definitely cause problems. the soil is important, the climate is important and other factors that exist in it, and attention to
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the farmers' economy, all of these are taken into account, and in the meetings, maybe we can say that the farming model should be the basis of the country's agriculture. the cache pattern should be observed and it is one of the most important its indicators are the issues of the guaranteed price, in which farmers choose what crop to grow, and we will talk more about it . mansoori for the viewers, tell me about the latest production of oilseeds. how was it in the reports, we had an increase in production , thank god, please tell me the reason for this increase .
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in particular , greetings to the rashid nation of iran and dear farmers and farmers, we are proud to announce that in the current crop year, i.e. the crop year of 1402 1403, with the cultivated area of ​​150 thousand hectares of rapeseed , we have witnessed the production of more than 280 thousand tons of oilseeds from this plant. at the end of the season, with the harvesting of 90,000 hectares of rapeseed , we saw the production of 140,000 tons of rapeseed, and with these figures that i have presented to you, we have seen an increase of more than 100 % in the production
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of oilseed rape in the country. mr. doctor, see us in addition to the subjects technical scientific promotion that these are defined packages. there is that in modified seeds, for example, hybrid seeds or proper nutrition or training of farmers and experts , this is a continuous and sustainable process that is applied every year in the country's agriculture in most dry plants by experts and relevant departments . i know that this is mostly affected by the proper pricing . i know that determining the proper price of rapeseed is twice as much as wheat, because your excellency explained that our agriculture is wheat-oriented, and all farmers calculate profitability in
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the agricultural society based on the price of wheat. since rapeseed and wheat are both harvested in the fall and at the same time, the appropriate rate is doubled compared to yendon . i think this executive policy will continue next year. canola cultivation can always be done in autumn cultivation along with wheat in rotation, with a suitable price that guarantees the profitability of the farmer, and the farmer can decide whether to not plant canola or grow wheat , and calculate his own profitability, this is twice the price . we compare rapeseed to wheat
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thank you for your participation and explanation, mr. mansouri, head of the oilseeds plan of the ministry of jihad agriculture. i think we have about 7 to 8 minutes. mr. sohrabi, before the program , i received a letter that was sent by our farmers. to mr. dr. mezikian , the 9th president of the islamic republic, the point that has been raised here is now a very long letter , for the generality of which i would like to share, in order to maintain our stable judicial security, four and a half million tons of all kinds of chemical fertilizers, as stated in the letter we need that the rest of the domestic production should be included in the company we are almost like this in the report.
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we have 100% potash, 30% phosate, and 20% domestic production of zarut coats, the rest must be imported from the petrochemical companies that produce those azote coats , i.e. the 100 that are being produced domestically, due to the use of various subsidies, according to the law , a part of it must be imported. the 400,000 tons that are being produced in the country are based on the price approved through the agricultural service companies should provide the farmers, but it seems that at the end of the last crop year and the new year, due to the industrial debt of more than 30 hemtas, the government limited the supply of urea and even cutting it off, which has reduced production, and this process is stated in the letter that if it continues , it will cause more damage to agriculture, and as a rule , our storage has decreased drastically now. as stated in the report and the letter, we can almost say
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that we need at least 7,700,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer for the beginning of the crop year. now we have 170,000 tons, which means there is a significant gap . this the importance of the time when agriculture can no longer wait for our decisions and meetings, what is your plan , what do you want to do to compensate for this in time, and the farmers, as mentioned in the name , expressed their concern, it is right to say that since i have little time, i need to address a few issues. here in this program, we must tell you to see without exception the most powerful countries in the world. they produce and export basic products, and a kind of
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basic products in the agricultural sector is a powerful tool for iran, in order to establish its complete security in the region, it must support the agricultural sector. for developed countries in the world, between 50 and 60 percent of the value. and we should give more help to farmers in this sector. i mentioned it at the beginning of my application. a large part of the increase in crop production in the last 3-4 years is due to the balanced consumption of chemical quotas. we should subsidize the chemical coots. it must be said that all of these financial sources are correct.
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necessary follow-ups have been done and it should be said that fortunately, you mentioned about fertilizer , iran is an exporter of urea fertilizer, that is, we produce more than 7 million tons of urea fertilizer in the furnace sector of the country. it should be said that we have been following up on this issue for more than two months, so that we can solve this problem
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. i said that if the demands are met, if the financial resources are provided , we should raise this issue regarding phosphorus and potash fertilizers, which we were tasked with , mr. god willing, the doctors who will be informed about this issue need a deadline, if it is not reached on time, it may cause many problems for our agriculture, mr. sediqpour, we are in the discussion. well, some producers have herds , how is the situation now, and finally we don't have much time , if you want, you can summarize and the program that you think should be the program. the main thing that should be the priority of the 14th government is in the field of exports, of course, yes, there are two points that i have to point out. well, this infrastructure that was created for production, we hope that this infrastructure will continue. i have to thank the officials who put in place today. due to the abundance in this country , last year at this time we
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used to send cars of soybeans to poultry farms, but alhamdulillah, today our corn and soybean institutions are in good conditions, and this sector of production and the increase in production that has been achieved today should be maintained, and we hope that the government will the future of this please pay attention to the matter. on the other hand, regarding the issue of imports, well, the honorable minister sought help from the relevant organizations of the national organizations in relation to production planning. we hope that this discussion of production and consultation with organizations will continue in the future . how about exports, sir? we. leave the production planning to the organizations. today, we are producing the country's chicken, and we consider at least 10% of the capacity for export, so that this production has continuity, and this has been the approach until now, god willing . in order to solve export problems, we need to talk about production and export
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the import of these should all have a due to the vulnerability of being vulnerable, they should pay attention to the fact that we can do enough production , i have created a sample for the export of the construction, which we have now predicted by the relevant organization, god willing, we can do this. let's have a plan and the proposal is what the 14th government should do, that this process should definitely get help from the producers' associations , don't just go ahead with a series of directive issues, and this has definitely worked in this one year. well, last year, you used to see chicken lines but today all the shops, alhamdulillah paul muhameh and this is the result of the approach and thinking that has been and god willing, this is the continuation, god willing, always paying attention to the private sector has always given good results . i think we have 30 seconds. you wanted to sum up . in the seventh program,
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the self-sufficiency of 90% of some products is emphasized. if the restrictions are met, the subsidies are provided, the appropriate price is determined, and the payments are made on time, it will definitely be possible , god willing. thank you very much to mr. sohrabi, mr. sediqpour, mr. chenarani, and mr. mansouri, and special thanks for their cooperation with the economic desk today. greetings. you and god. we have a duty to support healthy economic actors. the head of the judiciary emphasized on cooperation with the government to solve the country's economic problems. if we help the government, we actually helped ourselves, that is, we helped the judiciary . he said that economic issues, which are one of
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the priority issues the governor of the country should also be concerned with the macroeconomic issues of the country and the daily issues of the people's livelihood, that is, it cannot be neglected either. sir, i am 50 months old i have a history of the front from various people who gave me their recommendations. before the return , after the arrest , he had done very effective economic activities and created a business . he is not a person who will run away. he has not run away now. let's face it, the issue is so clear that what
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will happen if we don't take action right now, that is, if they called me, they would say that this is the issue, sir, it might be solved, or they could take another action later. he says, i went on the plane, he came from inside the plane with me for example, suppose a certain person was brought out with a certain position, they took me to arrest, he said, i was expecting you, now something has gone wrong, now that i am going, i introduce myself, i say, sir, i am so-and-so and who knows me, give them a call. for example, if you ask them about my history , i will not be charged now. for example, they come and say that it's fine, now you ask questions, i'll provide proof at all, none of this happened, when a person like this comes , then you think you will be hurt because of this , so be it, so who is responsible for it? certainly his responsibility is mine, and then directly to the prosecutor and directly to the investigator and maybe
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other people, then he issued orders to the judicial authorities. the first order to the police prosecutor to reduce restrictions on economic operators. we try to provide investment security. and the next order. the head of the judiciary to the head of the country's prisons organization to prepare a list of the prisoners of delay and rehabilitation and to determine the assignment of the case of these convicts, the damages for the delay of rehabilitation, in this way , i agree for everyone, one party's right cannot be sided , he must have lost his right, the other party has done it to the bank. okay, if there is another creditor, i don't want to say that we should ignore his rights. but of course this situation is an unfavorable situation, unfavorable situation, what can i say , it is a bad situation, but in the second part of the meeting, the head
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of the country's prisons organization also gave a report on the development of employment in some prisons of the country, in line with the strategic programs of industrial-oriented employment in prisons, which before that, more prisoners will be employed before the year after the opening and operation of the workshop. industrial workshops based on engine building in qom and bicycle building in ghaz al-hassar this year during the judiciary week, industrial workshops in zahedan and we opened khuzestan and this workshop was the third industrial workshop in kurd city and we set a goal that by the end of the year, at least 12 industrial workshops will be established in prisons and put into operation, and to determine the assignment of the cases of those sentenced to retribution who have been in
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the regions for years. the country is permanent. muhammad was playing like these children, who got heatstroke . we went out like that, it was sunny at noon, and this is how heatstroke happened, especially in sensitive groups. it is said that children under 5 years of age are more prone to heat stroke in children, pallor is more often seen in a lethargic state. and that children are not paying attention to compensate for fluids like an adult, and that following this lethargy and paleness , their blood pressure may even drop, they may vomit or have diarrhea, and
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in fact, the temperature will increase, and the lack of compensation and failure to correct the processes. in children , especially in healthy people, it is possible to fall into a coma due to a decrease in the level of consciousness . many of them experience severe muscle pain because they lose a lot of salt water through sweating. doctors for children suffering from heatstroke. proposal we advise parents that if their child suffers from heatstroke , they must take them out of the environment where the child is suffering from heatstroke , compensate the heatstroke with fluids as much as they can tolerate , and not force them to give their children fluids , cool liquids, give them water. bloody fruit of the body. don't use fruit juices from the factory and take the baby to the bath. the shower should be lukewarm, not cold. in order to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet light during the day
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, it is better to use sunscreen creams with spf of at least 3, hats that have it is a mask, use sunglasses now they should wear large cotton clothes, and now they should be light in color, preferably not in dark colors. doctors have warned that if heatstroke is not treated, there is a risk of brain damage in children. recent studies show that, unfortunately, those who are specifically affected by heat shock after the period of the cerebellum are one of the parts that are severely damaged and the special cells that we have in the cerebellum are called perangular cells. the damage they get during thermal shock and heatstroke. life is good and until the end of life, in fact, the cells related to doctors advise children to
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avoid being outdoors during the peak of heat if their cerebellum is irreparably damaged. hani jalil nejad of sedav and radio news agency used to say that a fish is fresh whenever you take it out of the water, what does it mean to turn to the things we have not done , it is never too late, such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and that's all. modification of consumption habits, management of electricity consumption, now a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and one of them, if they start and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. one time for 5 minutes let us check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, i.e. when they are ready to use or when they are sleeping, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave ovens, chargers, computers,
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tvs, etc. these. electrical devices consume electricity when they are off, and they must be unplugged when we do not need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the bathroom and toilet lamps, but you see the air conditioner we leave it on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet and take utmost care when buying them , you will see that you have done a great favor not only to your pocket. rather, we took a big step in the direction of preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
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this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store , where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety , then take it to your home with an unbelievable price, long-term sales and free shipping. the simplicity of the sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. hello, akbar is our master , i want it. my father said to count. dad , you have a lot of credit.
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i pay with tara credit. tara ahead. we have a lot of credit . tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for all dear and respected retirees. our appointment will be here in two hours. they told us that everything can be done here . the purchase installment is correct. yes, it is with the floor price. as i said, i do not have a check. i will go in the car until come on, why are you going? they said that they don't want a check, they don't want it, they don't want it, so give me a flame, i'll go and see. do you have money in my hand? i want to pay in advance. he doesn't want advance. sir, this is a guarantor . the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all. we did not go to the bank. gentlemen, there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for dear retirees. social security from the city of household appliances.
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no prepayment, no need to go to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances, after azadi square, facing tehran, sir. in the name of god the compassionate. rahim, greetings to you , dear viewers, we are at your service with the news section at 16:00. mellat house is ready to hold the dedication ceremony. elected by the people, according to the executive vice president of the parliament and the chief of staff of the inauguration ceremony, mr. mezkiyan will be sworn in as the 9th president in the next few minutes.


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