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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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to the dahiya area and to beirut, especially this area , this is a red line for hezbollah and for the islamic resistance, and it was and should not be, this rule and this deterrence will actually be broken, mr. khamiar at the beginning of the conversation about the failure of security intelligence. zionists, we talked to each other. zionists, well , they claim that their strength is in assassinating people and killing personalities, but in recent weeks, we have seen that they are facing failure in this field, including the action they took today, which did not come to an end . what is this process that the zionists are going through? see, this war is actually a war it has different dimensions, which means that we are actually just one war. it is not a military war, security side, information
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side, media side, all these should be taken into consideration and this war has such dimensions at the regional level, i think that and even the technology war, we have this superior technology completely in the whole area. the resistance from sana'a to damascus to beirut and even to tehran and baghdad, we can fully see the dimensions of technological excellence, this precise targeting can be seen in all aspects of this resistance. one of these dimensions is the information dimension , despite the fact that unfortunately the system telecommunications
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and communication in lebanon and in some countries of the region has been made available to the enemy, and this program has been really planned for a long time . however, these serious failures can be seen in the field and in the information battle, and in many cases, we fail. we see the superiority in the resistance, these iron dome systems or advanced systems of deterrence and countermeasures that are planted everywhere in the occupied territories will easily and easily
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collapse completely against the information of the resistance, and this is admirable. and this is what the officials of the zionist regime say over and over again in fact , it can be analyzed and interpreted. mr. khamenyar, we had in the news that there was a difference among the zionist authorities in order to carry out this terrorist operation . netanyahu is personally the commander of these initiatives. he was in charge and in this context he also appeared in the war room of the zionist regime. considering this dispute, how do you predict the future, your excellency , these disputes have naturally continued as in the past
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. dialogue for the release of prisoners they consider it to be a zionist regime and it is quite clear that this is being decided to save netanyahu himself. and many of the heads of the criminal regime are actually zionists, and this is an obvious fact, both because of the case and corruption they have had before, and because of mr. the crime and the
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crime that has been committed everywhere in these lands , but about this attack, everyone says that even the small cabinet of israel, which actually manages the war and crisis management, even they are ignorant and uninformed. this criticism exists and this political attack on political conflicts has started immediately after the attack of the last message. a few minutes ago , netanyahu gave the cabinet and the so-called parliament or the war council a kind of assurance that the war will not expand and the war
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will remain within the same limits as before, and this is actually a kind of panic. let's pay attention today and yesterday, the resistance was under the pressure of diplomatic delegations and western personalities and politicians and western allied countries, and these created a heavy traffic in beirut to prevent hezbollah from responding to the possible attack.
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this attack will definitely be unanswered it won't be. thank you very much, mr. khamiar. thank you for your company. i will say goodbye to you, but mr. sohail kassinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, is also present in the studio. hello, good night . first of all, we have to tell you about the zionist action this evening and tonight. considering the successive defeats that the zionist regime had in gaza , it could not achieve any specific military achievements, it was expected that it would have an adventurer on another front, but immediately after
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this is happening after his return from his trip to the united states and all the efforts he made to bring the americans together. i think it has a message. and the fact that, contrary to expectations, he could not get the support he should have from the americans , because of this, it can be said that he wanted to show the americans that i had made my decision, and whether you will join this attack or not. i want to do this , of course, we know that netanyahu desperately needs an achievement that can save his political life, but this is a very dangerous option. it means that as much as it can be brought to him, it can be dangerous to me and he can give his whole life to the game, he can have it, just bringing it to him can be the start of a wider war, which, considering that it could not be done in gaza if he has an achievement, the probability that
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he will achieve there will be much less, especially as i mentioned to our guest, mr. khamene iyar, that we are also witnessing internal disputes among the zionist authorities. a recent incident was an attack on yemen, where we saw a serious difference, considering that in israel, according to the rules the decision to attack and start a war must be made in the cabinet, but netanyahu, because the war cabinet has been dissolved, actually someone had decided to attack yemen, and when it was brought up in the cabinet meeting, the representatives. the cabinet realized that the attack is going on and what should be approved now, it informed them, in fact, it informed them that this is what happened again, and this happened immediately , now the cloud news agency published that netanyahu will immediately fix the underground shelter that
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exists in talavi and the story continues. from there, he wants to follow up on internal disputes, especially with the actions that religious nationalists are taking inside israel, including the same incident that happened at the batlid base, the infiltration into that base, seems to intensify again , especially if hezbollah does not react very seriously in the coming hours and in the coming days. it is definitely an important issue that 115 israeli prisoners are still present in gaza, and this
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can give a lot of motivation to the israeli society to protest and stop the war. that is why we have a large demonstration. if the war happens in lebanon, what will happen there? there is no captivity, so this stimulus is to be motivated to fight this war if they protest it and end it, it will be less, so there is no justification for the attack on the people and the society. israel does not find justification for asking them to tolerate hezbollah's widespread attacks, why should they release prisoners when there are no more prisoners, so the key variable that can determine the end of the war in the face of hezbollah does not exist, of course. in this situation , hezbollah forces have finally shown their strong hand in taking many prisoners, and it is possible that they will take new and new israeli prisoners, this time in another front. given that hezbollah he has already announced that he will definitely react seriously to any kind of attack
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. can you predict which direction the development process will take ? the probability that a reactionary attack will be carried out is very high. it can be said that it is almost certain. if this attack is in areas far away from the northern borders of lebanon, it means that we will not see this attack in the northern province of the occupied territory. we will see it in other provinces. this will go too far
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. the israelis had informed america a few minutes before the attack that they wanted this attack. despite the fact that the united states announced salah doesn't know that israel did this, and this makes him hesitate a bit in his support of israel, and they consider these israelis' behaviors as emotional behaviors, and naturally , without support, israel at that time is forced to take risks in a new front. open parenthesis. let's do it because you mentioned the american position and their support for the zionists. the americans are now involved in the elections and the specific position of the candidates in terms of
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the type of confrontation with the third regime is very important . recent developments after the al-aqsa storm, we have seen the presence of the public opinion of both america and other western countries in front of the zionist actions. what effect will this process
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have in the future? they ask the americans to sell them that equipment, but the united states does not do this and is procrastinating. the possibility that they will consider providing weapons to the israelis is more likely, and it will definitely make it more difficult for the american candidates to work in the election contests. he did a very good job you refresh the conversation. mr. alireza sohrabi noor, an expert on west asian issues, mr. sohrabi, hello, good night, hello , greetings, courtesy, respect to you . in the attack on southern lebanon in the suburbs of beirut, i would like to inform you that the main issue here is that the zionists failed in this action and became confused in a kind of field, but if i want to have a political analysis of this matter, a political analysis and
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i have a military international, this is from october 7 onwards. both in terms of military and dimensions internationally, and even in public opinion, it somehow faced a big failure. well, two main issues regarding the zionist regime faced a challenge . it was about the balance of the threat that the zionist regime had created in the region and towards its own rivals in the region, and these two were questioned after october 7. well , after a few months of war with hamas, the zionist regime started a direct war with hamas. hamas and the use of all kinds of attacks on civilians
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in other words, in some way, civilian torture and pressure on public opinion was still not able to achieve some kind of achievement for itself, and even in relation to this issue in the domestic political structure , it was faced with a challenge, and this discussion goes back to the fact that mr. netanyahu he is looking for an achievement that can bring this balance of threat and this balance of power to you, which is the balance of power that prevailed in the region before october 7th, which we see that unfortunately he was not able to do so , so he is looking for the matter not to be created from power and abandoned. . he is also looking to open a new front in the south, well, we are witnesses this is that in 2006, in the war between hezbollah and israel, we somehow witnessed the fact that israel's destructive power was much higher, but with this attack, which i
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call the attack of divorce seekers, we witnessed a strategic failure on the part of we are the zionist regime, which is a failed assassination attempt. having so far announced local sources and international sources, well, this shows that the war in the south of the southern front will not be an easy task for mr. netanyahu, and definitely with these defeats that have occurred during these few months from hamas and the group. islamic resistance was working hard it will be difficult for them to talk about hezbollah in lebanon . we must keep in mind that hezbollah in lebanon is the most powerful non-governmental military group in the world, and one of the characteristics of the resistance axis groups is that they are not predictable at all and have no military power at all. and their strategy is not predictable and measurable, and israel should know that it will not be easy on the southern front, and i think mr. netanyahu has gone crazy
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. you mentioned the failure of the zionist security intelligence, mr. sohrabi. totally failed today but in weeks recently, we have seen another failure, that they had a second person who tried to assassinate hamas, but they did not succeed. this is the point that the zionists have already claimed that they are successful in the issue of assassinations of individuals and personal assassinations, and this is their strength. they know what happened that the zionists failed in this field. as you have pointed out in the past weeks, in the assassination of a designer who somehow believes that the zionist regime believes that the design of the 7th october 7th operation was unsuccessful, and tonight also about a few days after the incident, in a way that of course, it was attributed to lebanon's hezbollah in
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the al-shams majlis that they will seek some kind of firm response in a way that does not end in an all-out war . it is much stronger than hamas in terms of intelligence and security, but until recently, the zionist regime considered itself the same style by assassinating people in this matter, that it can assassinate all the high-ranking people of the resistance groups in a way, but what happened that it reached this point that israel in two different and two consecutive operations and important operations that somehow took place at this point in time. you could have given mr. netanyahu and the amount of domestic public opinion did not reach the straw . this is the reason. the main reason is that in the
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strategic discussion and in the security discussion, the resistance groups , after somehow assassinating several of the high-ranking officials of these axes, somehow turned to this. the issue is to focus a lot and make themselves highly prepared, and the next issue is the confusion within mr. netanyahu's cabinet. look at the pressure of the public opinion in the public opinion, in the international opinion and even the public pressure. the pressure from the supporting governments, especially the american and european ones, has brought mr. netanyahu to a point where he is more interested in providing an achievement for his own survival in government. sarabi, please make a temporary point , because we are connected to beirut, and of course , it can be disconnected at any moment. please
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stay with us, receive the latest news, and then i will be at your service to summarize the conversation with mr. wali . let's go to beirut, mr. hosseini. hello again, give you the latest news based on the last statistic that i can confirm is that this airstrike by the zionist regime has left at least three martyrs and 15 wounded . and the purpose of that target was to target a high-ranking military official of hezbollah, seyed fouad shekar, what i can confirm now is that all the evidence and the qur'an that have reached us so far confirm that this news is true. no, this claim is not true and the
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great commander of hezbollah, who is a zionist, claimed that 99 of them are probably alive in this air attack, but i am waiting for the official statement of hezbollah. the government of lebanon is supposed to hold a meeting tomorrow morning after this attack by the zionist regime, and now the prime minister of the zionist regime, netanyahu, has gone to the headquarters of the ministry of war of this regime , and they are predicting that hezbollah will give a crushing response to this terrorist attack on the neighborhood. south zahiya, which is in the southern suburbs of beirut, is a very dense and populated neighborhood. everyone is waiting to see what will happen in the next hour and the type of reaction and to what extent will hezbollah's response be
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? all the zionists in the northern cities of occupied palestine have been asked to go to the shelters or be in the condition to enter the shelters. thank you very much, mr. hosseini . we will be in touch to receive the latest news . war for mr. netanyahu and the israeli usurper regime in the south. it will be very difficult for the journalist stationed there to announce that the probability of an assassination is 99% impossible for the time being and that hezbollah
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will definitely give a strong response regarding this action of the zionist regime, but one thing that can be done the statement is that the two sides of the war, hezbollah and the zionist regime , do not want an all-out war and a full-scale war, like israel after a while. even if it was unsuccessful, the response to this debate with lebanon's hezbollah was such that it would not end in a full-scale war in the south, because the authorities of the zionist regime are also convinced that they will not have the ability to open another war front in the south. and with the difference that lebanon's hezbollah strongly. it is stronger and more unpredictable than hamas. another issue is about hezbollah, which wants a full-scale war
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it is not the same as the fact that from october 17 onwards , the hezbollah officials have been making various statements and speeches in support of a support front. you are in the middle east region and the region is at the beginning of a big explosion and the parties are at the same level. operations and temporary responses and responses that do not end in a full-scale war will proceed, and of course, one of the other characteristics of this region is that it is unpredictable, and so far mr. netanyahu's war has been the same. as i said in the beginning of my speech , he is likely to do anything for his survival in the government and in power, but what can be seen is that there are two
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sides of the war. the two sides of the conflict will not want a complete compromise, and they will be satisfied with the politics of the hands and politics in a way that can only push the opponent back. close to the front of the regime. what is this regime according to the differences that have been mentioned in recent weeks and especially in tonight's operation? the news coming from the israeli news agencies is that there is a lot of confusion in the cabinet , according to netanyahu's profession, he entered the hekaria base in tel aviv and quickly invited the relevant ministers and security officials to the meeting. apparently
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, they are supposed to have a special meeting for this matter by 11:30 tonight tehran time. one of the important points that can show to some extent how messed up the internal conditions of the israelis are is that this week the inauguration and introduction ceremony of the head of aman, which is actually the intelligence service of the army, was supposed to be held this week because he had resigned, but the israelis announcing that this has been postponed and that the head of aman is not going to be changed for the time being shows how bad the situation is for them. vital and complicated , the next point was the interview that the foreign minister of lebanon had, and in a way, it can be said that he very clearly announced that hezbollah's reaction is very definite and that they cannot , in fact, in a way, it can be said that he postponed it , it will definitely happen, but well this series of defeats by the israelis in the assassination of some of the resistance commanders
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has become very serious. well, we have already seen this several times in the gaza war, for example marwan isa's martyrdom. of course, now we say martyr, we still don't know if he was really martyred or not, so far the israelis assassinated him 8 times, even his funeral was held, but they announced again that we assassinated him again in 2024 and it is still not known whether he was assassinated or not. no, mohammad sanwar, the brother of sanwar yahya sanwar, has been assassinated 6 times so far, and the last time that picture came from inside that tunnel , and israel said it was a person. it is similar to sinwar, saying that the other person is also his brother, which means he was still alive in the situation where the israelis said we assassinated him. a few years later, they will assassinate again, but now, from the very beginning, many news agencies have announced that apparently this did not happen and that it was another failure, which means that the claim that they are successful in assassinating people is not limited to these two recent cases. the cover-up
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has been happening since 2012 until now, and until now, most of the arab and non-arabic news agencies have announced that the top commander of hezbollah, who was targeted, was not present at the headquarters at that moment, and apparently this is also a another intelligence failure in the israeli assassination of reuters was officially announced an hour ago said that because the media and news agencies are waiting for a definitive and documented announcement, i think reuters was the first news agency to announce that yes , yes , how do you analyze the situation of the zionist cabinet in the coming days and weeks? paying attention to the differences they had and have, yes, according to this


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