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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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when the caravans arrive in the evening and they talk, hazrat sajjad speaks, many of them say, sir, we had not seen this islam, we knew the islam of muawiya, we knew the islam of yazid, this was not clear to us yet, and after that, an enlightenment that madam hazrat zainab, this is what you are doing here, this is the blood of 40,000 oppressed martyrs, which is much more than this. this will cause an awakening . they say this, sir, we did not know this, although many people still do the countries of europe and north america still have the same idea that we have about qaza and palestine . i have the same idea about israel. it is interesting that you are in australia. moment by moment, this turk that he is taking means that
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the social body and the support body of america for israel will decrease. now, let me tell you something. it is true that many representatives of the congress are clapping for netanyahu. the effect is the same as awakening that is taking shape, another point. it is important to note that, in addition to all the changes in the process that have happened, we are witnessing the numerous failures that they have , despite the constant claims that they make zionists , we are witnessing the failure of the security intelligence of the zionists in various developments, including the terrorist act that took place tonight, from this point of view, the conditions how to analyze the scenarios? yes, look at the series of israeli intelligence security failures
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. it is becoming very interesting. now, because we are involved in these issues , we cannot sit and analyze the news at the moment , but you can see what is happening since october 7. i have already said that gaza is the paradise of spies in the world, there are 30,000 spies in the mossad, or even in aman, many people know the mossad, that is, in our country. is not. amanah aman is the army's analytical device that analyzes the future issues of these in predicting the storm operation , the failure in the subsequent operations that happened, the failure in many of these events in the field of prisoners , in the field of tunnels, in the field of operations that were carried out. giving, i say, it might be possible to write these 300 days in one book a book of at least two volumes of these failures of information trends.
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i think it is very useful to express the blows that have been received. i would like to make a point. the emirates are coming to buy a technology from israel after the october 7 operation and the lakhsa storm . that is, a part of the security field is the field of technological failure, still this is a question for them, how does this hezbollah penetrate deep into the soil of the zionist regime, and in addition to those security issues, i think you mentioned one point that where, for example, we see that we in relation to gaza, in some other countries , they are seeing each other about the zionists. well , as a result, you said psychological operations, media operations, and in the more famous term, the places of executioners and martyrs are changed between godmothers. in spite of all these measures that
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we talked about, we we can see that the world's public opinion on the issue of ghaz in recent weeks and months has been completely different than before and it can even be said that these psychological and media operations have not worked anymore and the world has been informed of what they are doing. what is happening is unique in several ways especially what is happening in america is happening in western europe. the first issue is the amount of people who show up. well, this number is very high. you see, many of these people pay for a rally, a few tens of dollars, sometimes even a few hundred. i have lost money , they see people who bring them to the floor of the square for the march . they are from different walks of life. you can see that there are students, there are christians, there are jews. he is a university professor. i don't know
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. the third issue is that it continues. they have some hope during this time. no, when you put all of this together, it is happening to people with the same kind of behavior and the same development is happening and people are seeing the truth , how many of these are hidden by the tools
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of the media power that they have, and in my opinion, i will say this again. the blessing of the blood of these martyrs, thousands of whom are children, oppressed children. when he sees these pictures, he gets really upset and i don't think god will let the blood of these martyrs go to waste. the most important thing is that we are witnessing in gaza that despite the fact that the zionist crimes are becoming more widespread day by day, more people are being martyred. people gaza doesn't really make a difference to them. you mentioned , your excellency, that children, women, men, old men, old women are all targeted by akshar. but the resistance in gaza is increasing day by day, that is, we have passed 300 days of the al-aqsa storm operation , we have actually seen the 300 days of resistance in gaza, which is increasing day by day, and this religious and islamic view that the people of gaza have towards the resistance against
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yes, i think these 300 days of resistance are 300 days of epic, and this epic that is taking shape , if we didn't see this, maybe we would have said it. it is a legend, this kind of courage, this kind of patience, this kind gratitude for this type of resistance. this is how people stand up to work , stand up for an idea , stand up for an ideology, in all kinds of hardships , they have no water, no food, no clothes , there are various diseases, they are killed, martyrs are killed, thousands are killed. the problem is that the hospital is not a suitable treatment environment for many of them, but they are brave enough to
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say something, which i have said before. this is not the way to reach this mood now, it is going to the end of my path please, our young generation should go and do a study about, for example, the issue of madrid or oslo or cam david. yes , look, i want to tell you the whole story. sir, let us come here to accept the minimum, and you also have to fulfill a commitment, for example , you did not complete the construction of settlements, which now i am condemning and saying what happened in the united nations. you should leave this area. this is one of the effects that public opinion has on the world and these they can no longer resist in this area
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. for example, in the area of ​​mr. israel never adheres to that time. this thing that is happening, we must tell a little bit of the history of this issue, this resistance did not form without a reason, and let me tell you that what is coming from cyberspace until now in palestine, this generation that is seeing 40,000 martyrs, is definitely its resistance. will be more for those who don't see these and resist day by day.
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let our politicians use the opportunities, but there is one thing i want to say in the area of ​​whether there is hope or not , there is no other way. there is no more path , there is no more strategy and grand strategy, and that is resistance. this barbaric regime does not understand any other language than the language of force, and it is only power and getting stronger that can cause this regime to retreat and from the right that ghazb if he falls short and give it back to his original owner, in continuation of what we talked about in the previous section, this is the question for the public opinion, inside the people of gaza
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, unfortunately, we hear bitter news about this massacre on a daily basis . considering the zionist crimes, in your opinion , in which direction will gaza go, what will happen in the future of gaza? let me tell you something. i mean october 7 on the 15th, i think i was here one hour or two hours after the operation . seeing us in different places in cyberspace, they thought that we were delusional, and what they said was, sir, the zionist regime is so powerful, i don't know how much power there is in the world. he will come here, he will take it, he will destroy it. well , in order to know what will happen in the future, let's see what is the state of israelis now . they announced 5 goals. in fact, now we want to consolidate 6 or 5 goals. first, they said: we will destroy hamas, the sovereignty. we will destroy hamas
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, we will kill the commanders of hamas, with different interpretations, we will kill them , we will bring them, and i don't know , we will do this, and then we will release the prisoners and destroy the tunnels, so which one should we do now? which one was able to reach the commanders now , the story of the assassination that happened today is a disgrace we are like trevor muhammad. weak that they couldn't kill 100 people in khan yunis and didn't reach their goal. therefore, i strongly hope for the future. in the next four years , it is very high to have continuous conflict. during this last year, my analysis is that the conflict will increase day by day and
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the resistance front will do something that will lead to the liberation of quds, and i do not see this issue too far and i do not see it too late. holy to its original owners return, god willing, to this issue that you mentioned in the analysis of the situation that we went through, that the zionists only had a confrontation with one group of the resistance axis groups. well, tonight i wanted to confront hezbollah in lebanon, and of course you analyzed the conditions of fear faced by this axis of resistance. i want to emphasize here once again that i know that israelis and especially americans see our content and analyze this issue again. i want it deciding to attack iran
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, before attacking iran, they carried out a simulation which was the most expensive simulation and maneuver they had done in the persian gulf until then, called the millennium challenge, the 2002 millennium challenge. if we get involved in the marine corps , what will happen? i am asking that our people see this on the internet. search for the millennium challenge 2002 30 below and what happened to you. the outcome of this problem was that two broadcasts of the red team, the blue team, and one of the commanders was left by the iranians as the red team of the americans, becoming the blue team. 16 or if i'm not mistaken, 18, they are wrong to say that on the first day , 20,000 people will be killed, and then they will face a major crisis. then coming to this exercise to make some changes so that america will win the issue, saying you don't have this
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, don't have that, we are doing this, now why am i saying this to you, i have a request that i don't know, an advice i have a suggestion for the italians who have interests in the eastern mediterranean, the british who are active in cyprus, the french who have influence in lebanon, and the americans who have interests in the region. now they have nothing to do with germany. let 's do the same simulation in the war with lebanon and lebanon's hezbollah. i think these answers show that doing this simulation. who do not dare to deal with hezbollah, first of all, you should know that hezbollah is not under siege and hezbollah is not like gaza . second, in the shiite doctrine, you are faced with a strategy and a doctrine that says what it says, i will not strike first, but if i know you want to strike and if i receive the first blow, i will answer you in such a way
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that he will regret. the technological power and the power of hezbollah in lebanon are far too high. you saw his eyes. the air defense that lebanon has achieved , the ground forces that are willing to sacrifice their lives are present there, the tens of millions of yemenis, iranians, iraqis who are counting the minutes to liberate quds and destroy this regime, the missiles that lebanon's hezbollah has , the training that the rezvan brigade and their special operations unit. the weak points that they have, including the hacking of their system, including the ammonia tanks that are, for example, in haifa, which can act as a part of an atomic bomb. national media, let me say this now, i have already i said some things that maybe for the first time
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or definitely for the first time . i am saying to the israelis, you saw something in the 33-day war that you never saw in your previous wars . it was not used in this war, and know that you will not be an opponent of hezbollah's believing forces in the field of metaphysics and the supernatural, because shia is connected to a power that will paralyze you, so i put all these together. my advice to europeans is this that they should do a simulation if they want to do mc 24 20 24 and to know what happened and the situation of 2024 is not comparable to 2002 in many ways, either for the axis of resistance or for the zionists themselves and the public opinion
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of the world, which we talked about in different sections . let me go back to the previous section. i asked your excellency about the future of gaza regarding the situation in gaza. well, there is a view that how far the resistance of the people of gaza will continue, which of course shows that they are still resistant. especially in gaza, this sentence is the key to understanding the issue of our negotiations. if we want to know what stage the negotiations are at, this is the key know the word the key word is that now that we have come this far, the lebanese say sorry, the palestinians say that now that we have come this far, they say that we have killed 40,000 people, why should we go to negotiate before we go under fire and bombs again ? we came here and experienced a week in october. if we accept this path again
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, two things will happen any time there is a stop in this war for any reason. israel's defeat in netanyahu's case will destroy israel's political shield forever . it should continue until they achieve a victory, and i said before that becoming achemez means a condition in becoming achemez, they don't know how to go back and forth, and their destruction will be close to god's grace, and i feel that we are witnesses to this issue. putting pressure on the zionist authorities
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raises the question of why the zionists are not willing to accept a ceasefire. people inside the regime are thinking of immigrating , well, this is a major issue in their minds, whether israel has the ability to maintain our security or not, well, that's a clear thing. who does not have, does not have immigration, immigration means that the existential philosophy of the regime will be destroyed. acceptance of this issue by the rulers of the government. the men of the regime convey this message in the minds of those who are in the regime that we are not able to protect your security, sir, and
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they have a basic question: what is the guarantee that the next week of october will not be in the works, which i am going to tell you. i think i have already said that the resistance front will have a very high probability of surprises, and in my opinion, these surprises will not come from gaza, but from other places. the resistance will respond from a place they don't imagine, that is, the jedi from netanyahu, who you mentioned, if this case is closed, he will have no political future , the politics of europe will come to an end. separation from the fact that he should be accountable to the zionist judicial system is a zionist complex. they don't see any promising future for themselves. yes, i already said that they are finding an area in argentina called patagonia. they are going there
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. they have other places in mind. now i remember that a meeting was held in brussels a few months ago. as the world without israel and not only israelis but also europeans and americans, this is the problem of thought they make you see how this fear and terror is one person , they are all different passports of psychological burden on us that we cannot bear this problem and this is bothering them a lot and in this situation when no one is ready to live and that's why i said that i wish lebanon's hezbollah would continue this process for a few days, because this fear is far more deadly. of course, it shouldn't be corrupt and have the opposite effect and be lost, but i think that it is a sinusoidal function when it is
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coming down, this pan should be there. lebanon's hezbollah should strike and put this level of terror into the regime for as long as possible. in addition to hezbollah, we also had our colleague mr. hosseini from beirut in the news. it is announced in the news that the lebanese government and the lebanese prime minister have taken a position, and this means that a confrontation between the government is happening, that is, the zionists are not against only hezbollah. the lebanese government is now claiming and protesting against the terrorist act of the zionists in beirut . yes, i do. the other day, when i was at the service of the dear people , i spoke here. every time i
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met, mr. jumblad, who is the head of the progressive socialist party, said that he had been like this for a while. for years, it had an angle with the flow of the resistance front , now one or two years. relations have improved , the head of the druze leaders in lebanon is officially announcing that, sir, this was not the work of lebanon. well , look, i have already explained the scenarios of who can do this. it is neither necessary nor rational to see that it has the power to see why it should be in different parts of the system. he is not a savage, why should he come and spend two days there, well, he will leave all this to me, and of course, the government of lebanon it resists. now, although within the lebanese movement
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, i would like to say one thing in parentheses: lebanon is very complicated, that is, i have seen several countries that have become a lebanese, palestinian, and iraqi, which means that lebanon is one of those very complicated countries, which means that it takes a lot of people. he should study the history and get to know some of the material. it's very strange to digest. lebanon has many countries inside lebanon . there are many people. there are anti-hezbollah positions and anti-resistance , but on this issue, almost what i have seen now, everyone is unanimous that the answer to this should be it is appropriate and israel made a mistake, very well we are in contact with mr. hosseini, a sada vasima reporter in beirut. hello, mr. hosseini. please tell me the latest news. i
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would like to point out the latest statistics: six martyrs and 65 injured are the latest statistics we have from this aerial attack. or even there is an increase in the number of martyrs. the palestinian resistance groups hamas and islamic jihad emphasized in their statements that this attack will not go unanswered and that they are with hezbollah. they announced solidarity and now, as i said in previous reports, for the first time in the last 10 months, we are witnessing an unprecedented emergency situation.
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inside the zionist regime, the army of this regime is on full alert, as well as asking the zionists to go to the shelters, even inside talubib , in the areas of gestan and rish siyan, the zionists have been asked to be ready to go to the shelters, and the shelters have been opened. that this attack has taken place now and hezbollah had announced that any attack on residential areas will not go unanswered. now the question is what next what will happen from this incident and what will be hezbollah's response? i will now talk to mr. mohammad pishgar, an expert on political issues in lebanon. mr. pishgar, we witnessed that after this air strike, a large number of people, especially they showed up at the site of
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the air strike and chanted the slogan of labik or hossein. now the question is, what will happen to the field situation after this air attack by the zionist regime? al-shia, who is very important to consider: labik or hussain means that the sons of al-dahiyah al-janubih do not care about these israeli attacks and all these attacks. the effect of resistance is to come. with hizbollah and with the leaders of hizbollah, we are leaders, of course , the question is , what next? there will be developments and there will be a joint stage
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, there will definitely be a response from hezbollah, what will be the nature of the response, you don't know until now the timing of this response , but it will definitely be appropriate for what happened in the southern suburbs of beirut, that is, his attack will be rejected. i believe that hezbollah is completely in the hands of the israelis, and i believe that the israelis are preparing for them now, as we have heard in the media, and they are in a state of anxiety , that is, waiting for the rejection of hezbollah, which is definitely at the stage. allow me to translate the words of this expert on lebanese political issues. the people at the site of the air attack and the poems of labik or hossein minutes after this attack, well , it has a clear message that the people's atmosphere of lebanon, the base of the lebanese resistance, is a ready people's base, and
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despite this war, which is now in its eleventh month, these are at their peak. they are mentally prepared and definitely hezbollah will respond to this air attack, but when will this response be, in what form and at what level will it be? these are the questions that the security and political officials of the zionist regime do not know. hezbollah's military secrets are there, everyone is waiting to see what will happen, what is certain is that this response will be crushing, decisive and strong. and from a military point of view , it has an important situation and position, and well, this is the next stage this air attack will be completely different from the previous stage, and now is our time.


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