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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am IRST

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despite the fact that we have entered the 11th month of this war, they are at the peak of mental preparation and hezbollah will definitely respond to this air attack, but when will this response be, in what form and at what level will it be? it is that now the security and political officials of the zionist regime do not know it, and this is definitely one of hezbollah's military secrets, everyone is waiting. to see what will happen. what is certain is that this answer will be decisive and strong. the place where it was attacked is the southern suburb, which is also the suburb of beirut security has an important situation and position and characteristic both politically and militarily, and this stage after this air strike will be completely different from the previous stage, and now is the time.
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we see the news of occupied palestine and the reaction and situation of the zionist regime, which they are very worried about now. thank you very much, mr. hosseini, to you and your honorable guest, god willing, we will ask for the latest news in the next communications, but our communication in this section with mr. ajarlo is in place , an expert on west asian issues, mr. ajarlo. hello , good evening. i am at your service and also dear viewers of the show hello, i am at your service, sir. what is your analysis of tonight's terrorist act by the zionist regime in the attack on zahiya beirut, first of all , i would like to offer my condolences for the martyrdom of a number of lebanese citizens in this crime, which in fact, considering that this area is a residential and very crowded area, this area called everyone has their own passion.
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hasnain mosque is located there, where friday prayers are held, next to it is a public library , next to it is a hospital and an area that is full of traffic and many people used to go there, and this action was exactly at the time when finally with paying attention to the lebanese culture in this area , there is a lot of traffic and a high number of martyrs as a result of this crime. after the storm operation in gaza shahid.
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there are many more crimes in the court, and it seems that this regime has taken a new action and a new adventurer for its own survival and for the survival of netanyahu. especially after the majdal al-shams incident , they want to do this in the field of creating narratives against the resistance and announcing a big action . recently in the strategic field it is not considered a big operation because these have been several targeted assassinations in beirut in the last few, almost 9 months , the assassination of sheikh saleh aruri, these actions are similar and it practically shows that the zionist regime with all its claims that it considers itself to be a powerful army in the region and is in a state of balance of power with hezbollah, which is a balance. it seems that the balance of power
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is in favor of the resistance forces, who announce that we have taken one action and are not looking for continuity , which means that this shows that hezbollah's resistance in especially in the last 9 months, he was able to establish a balance rule that the losers are the zionists, and the purpose of assassination is to enter into dirty wars and targeted assassinations by actors . it means that we can analyze what we can and dirty war means hitting civilian infrastructures and places, this area is completely a civilian area, although the resistance forces are present everywhere in lebanon, they live and their livelihoods are there, but it is a demilitarized zone and targeting it is an illegal act
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it targets them in the form of an assassination, and that too with very high human casualties, as i told you, this is a sign that the cist regime has entered a space, that space is a space that proves every day that it is no longer a scientific regime. not only is there no regional power in the military field, but the power does not have the power to defend its borders and surroundings, and every day there is this security circle whose vulnerability is increasing, we see that it is expanding and now as ansarullah's operation was carried out in qalb, it seems that the next operations will follow
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hizbollah is beyond the reason of jalil olya and jalil sefala and it seems that in the near future we will increase new developments in its own fields step by step according to the new adventurer of the scientific regime and no matter how much the zionists violate and enter this area. expanding to more fields, that is, the geography of operations , increasing the type of operations, increasing the number of
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civilian martyrs, especially civilian martyrs , have increased. their own censors have always censored these operations, but they have been hit hard by the zionist party. in 2006, after that debate , his forces quickly entered south lebanon and started a big war. today, he has reached a point where his so-called revenge operation is limited to a targeted assassination, which he did this many times. has done and this shows that hezbollah will continue this rule because if it does not continue this trend , it seems that the sunni regime may take a further step. considering the intelligence of the commander of hezbollah, we are witnessing one action
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, one action. be amazing in the field of military and command, which is possible, maybe even with black censorship face again, but that blow. they will definitely feel it, and this kind of news that is coming from the occupied territory and the kind of reaction that is now in korea on the war front of the esanist regime and on the home front, the news that is being published seems to be from the internal sources of the zionist regime. they believe that lebanon's hezbollah will not remain silent in this regard. on the other hand, lebanon's hezbollah is the issue that is considered as a point for lebanon's hezbollah. this is popular support. we are now witnessing the images coming from beirut according to that i know that area well i know those surrounding areas, the fact that this amount of people are present in that area and are supporting them, coming to donate blood and the slogans
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they are saying shows that hezbollah has the support of the people to take its own actions, but this is what i emphasize. . there is no expansion of war and unrest in the region, and lebanon is not going to war , but it wants to be able to balance the military, which it always emphasizes, and it never means an intention or some kind of movement. in order to almost violate the sovereignty of lebanon , it has taken direct and extensive military action in lebanon as we can see , this operation is almost the result of this balance and this is the rational movement of hezbollah in response to the threats
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of the zionist regime, taking into account the actions that the zionists had before this operation. there were serious differences in the operation. in your opinion , in which direction will the situation of the cabinet of the zionist regime go? the scientific regime is facing a crisis. it is a serious political issue. when we study a little about his background, this situation has been going on for almost 5 years, and now it is in a critical situation. it seems that the cabinet will collapse considering that netanyahu's opposition or those who oppose netanyahu do not have a child and a unity to carry this situation forward, it seems to be the internal situation of the scientific regime in the political field. also , even if netanyahu remains
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, there is a fragile situation between the parties, which means that now we see the biggest conflict is within the cabinet itself , which means that smutsich and benguir are strongly pressuring the government to discuss the continuation of the operation and the increase in violence in the gaza strip. and even in the northern front , but on the other hand, there is some opposition inside me. these they are looking for a ceasefire with the american agenda and somehow find a breathing space for the internal reconstruction of the scientific regime , which seems to be trying to take advantage of the internal differences and games shows that, including the trip to the united states of america and those meetings that sometimes
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resolve these political polarities in the scientific regime after the unrest that happened, but considering the current conditions within the political regime, this situation will seem unstable. netanyahu was facing a lot of problems to continue his work it will be, although maybe the fall due to the lack of cohesion of the opposition and problems within the cabinet may be out of the question in the near future, and this is another issue that i must mention here. in the zionist internal front , it is that basically, it seems that part of
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the ruling currents in the government and the cabinet of the zionist regime are looking for the task of the presidency in the united states of america to be determined in some way , especially with the arrival of trump and obtaining special privileges for some kind of the issue of the reconstructions caused by the gaza war , which is very heavy, and also in the strategic area of ​​some of the weapons that seem to be it can give an advantage in the political regime at the regional level, but according to the approaches that even trump has adopted in these few days , it seems that doing so is a fantasy for the zionists , because the realities of the region are the games between the powers. this situation has big problems. it causes that the sangsi regime is becoming a costly ally for the west, and on the other hand, the actors who
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are in front of the zionist regime are getting stronger every day and their internal alliances are strengthening, and this situation is very strategic for zionists. it is challenging, that's why we we see that part of this political instability and even social bipolarity that exists inside the scientific regime has become a conflict between the military and security forces with the political current and practically the efficiency of the defense system and in a way the war machine of the scientific regime in particular thank you very much, mr. hajerlu. thank you. i will say goodbye to you. mr. dravi
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. to go out of their conditions got worse, they got caught in another swamp . yes, lebanon will definitely respond. the same hosseini will also respond. i checked the news in a few minutes. in a few minutes, lebanon's hezbollah will issue a statement and in that statement it will be specified that what happened something has happened which until now is characteristic of a time when the past seems to have been an unsuccessful assassination attempt. if their assassination is successful, hezbollah's response will be much sharper. it will be more severe, and if the response to terror is unsuccessful, the response will be at the level of entering lebanon and rejecting lebanon's territory and hezbollah's red lines. it will be and all in all, this issue will be clear in a few minutes. the time of hezbollah's response
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is still ambiguous in my opinion. it will be soon. at what time will it be ? our people, follow the official news . it will be clear in the next few minutes. in other news, we have that although the heads of the zionist regime are going to the shelter , the army is also ready to be announced. yes, i just read a news that they are bombarding rome and they are giving an indication that, for example, we are ready and we are on full alert, and that there is a lot of conflict and fear within the regime itself.
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i went to the channel and reviewed some of these for a few minutes. the ugly words are also because of the fear that they had and that they knew that hezbollah's response was unlikely. among the other topics that are discussed in the first part of the speech of your excellency
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. from a technical point of view , when they fire 3 rockets, it has this message that they want to make sure in that area that that person has been killed. a view i was also thinking about this topic in the last few minutes. why netanyahu didn't inform the cabinet about this attack, maybe this issue can be looked at from this angle that it was possible that the movement of the resistance front and hezbollah had influence there and could identify the news because this person, haj fahad shakir, who they
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are looking for the assassination of a very big character. one of the close associates of haj rizvan emad moghniyeh was influential in many operations and usually the people who do not sleep at this level for two nights in one place means that they observe security issues so much, now they have to he waited to see if this assassination was successful, but what is now evident is the lack of information. announced, but he faced opposition and that's why he went to the war room alone for
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this attack . but for the moment, it seems that he did not inform them about the operation. now this is still news. america has clearly opposed this attack . yes, america has clearly opposed it, of course, this does not mean that they do not support them. right now, i have news that their ships are moving and announcing make it official that we stand aside if there is a war we are israel, they are complicit in every crime that the israelis commit, and their signature is based on this. there is a problem, but the fact that netanyahu has done this because he also announced that he will give an interview soon, there is a news conference , it is clear that with what purpose and with what approach , we can better judge america from these additional news. he announced his support again, but he does not reduce the differences, nor does he exacerbate them. you see, now
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america itself has some differences, and now its experts have to talk about what is happening . we are on the eve of the elections, which will be held in november. on the other hand, the regime itself is faced with the type of support that is given to netanyahu or gans, now the democrats do not want netanyahu to be present, from this side netanyahu wants to drag out the war, and he hopes that trump will come, so we have to be patient . thank you very much, mr. mamnoon, for your company . stay safe, but stay with us . we are in touch with mr. mukhtar haddad, an expert in west asia. mr. haddad, hello, good night . let's hear your analysis and the terrorist act of the zionist regime in the attack tonight. i greet zahiya beirut in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, your excellency and dear viewers, well, the zionist regime
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has been looking for arson in the region during this period, and one of the most important goals of these behaviors, well, the zionist regime suffered a big defeat after the operation. al-aqsa storm and until now these failures continue in the security, political, military and economic spheres and even in the social sphere within the zionist occupying society . well, that's why we witnessed that a while ago he used that claim about the incident that happened in majdal al-shams in the occupied golan of syria as an excuse and today he carried out this terrorist operation inside dahiya. with these behaviors, he tried to
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create a crisis and start a war. for example, in 1982, when he attacked beirut, the reason for his attack on beirut was that a terrorist operation took place against the ambassador of the occupying quds regime in london, and mr. haddadton. i will interrupt because we have established communication with beirut. it is possible that it will be interrupted . please allow me to have a short conversation with our reporter. we will return later . we will continue the discussion with your excellency. the news that the lebanese ministry of health in a statement he announced that the number of injured in this israeli airstrike has reached 68, and the statement of the lebanese ministry of health emphasized that the condition of 5 of the injured is extremely serious, and this actually
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shows that there is a possibility of an increase in the number of martyrs. at the moment, we have six martyrs in this airstrike, until now, the debris removal operation at the site of the airstrike, which is a five-story building. it has not been stopped and this operation is continuing, and it should be seen how many injured and martyrs will reach after the completion of the debris removal, and i say that there is still a possibility that this number will increase. the wounded were taken to 5 hospitals in the southern part of beirut and beirut itself, the lebanese foreign minister said that israel crossed a red line with this attack, so far hezbollah has not issued a statement about this attack, but hezbollah's position and the chapter of hezbollah's speech is as experienced it has been shown that it will be in the field
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and that is why the latest news we have from occupied palestine is that the anti-missile systems in tel aviv have now been activated, but when and how and at what level did hezbollah respond to this aggression and this attack. air will respond to zahiya area south of beirut, it is a matter that in ambiguity will remain, and this will cause the zionist regime to be in a state of emergency and be on full alert until this operation begins , if this attack begins, and we will enter a new phase if israel wants to respond to hezbollah's operation. we may have hot days ahead in the battlefield . thank you very much, mr. hosseini . we will be in touch with you again, but continue the conversation with mr. mukhtar haddad , an expert in near asia. we witnessed, well, on that
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pretext for his developmentalist goals and that, for example, with the palestine liberation organization countered and attacked southern lebanon, that is , it launched a large-scale attack on southern lebanon and the entire country of lebanon, and now it has reached the gates of beirut, but today the zionist regime is pursuing other goals , it is looking for an excuse that this war . continue the war, well, the most important reason is that i mentioned the failures of the zionist regime, that is why he is looking for an excuse to start a fire, especially netanyahu, who is taking these measures for his own survival, and also that the regime, because of its existence today it is in danger that this regime of this war continues yes, the resistance has stood against the regime with strength, but the action they
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have taken today is an action. it was dangerous, that is , targeting beirut was the resistance's red line, and in my opinion, today we will witness a new stage in the confrontation between the resistance and the zionist regime, that the resistance will definitely make important decisions in the next hour and will implement them. so maybe we will witness that the operations will go beyond the occupied palestine and the reason for that is, well, i said that crossing the red line was targeting beirut and the areas where the people were present. that is, the area that was targeted a few meters from the bahman hospital in the southern corner of birut, and now as a result of this operation, it seems that a number of lebanese citizens were martyred or injured , but another part of this operation
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was the important point of this operation that the zionists once again , failure in the security field means coming to make a claim, and so far they have not been able to prove this claim, and now i say this, the resistance, if a member of the resistance forces or even the commanders of the resistance is martyred, he will definitely announce this with pride. well, this person if he was martyred in confronting the regime he was a zionist and after years of jihad he was martyred and he announces it and we have seen the names of the martyrs in this period. and it will be announced at the same early hour, but it seems that the zionists did not reach a result in this operation and faced a security failure, and netanyahu performed a show today after this operation, which due to the possible failure of the zionists. in this operation
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, we are witnessing the bad consequences for netanyahu inside the occupied territories and among the zionist occupiers of netanyahu and the costs that he has created for the regime. social divides are getting deeper and economic problems are increasing. for example, on the northern front in occupied palestine, tens of thousands of settlers are fleeing their areas and entering other areas. yes, and finally, these actions of netanyahu and the decision makers in the zionist regime today have resulted in the accumulation of economic and
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security problems and numerous failures. attention , dear viewers, i invite you to stay with us as the programs continue to broadcast on the khabar network .


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