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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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hello, at the same time as the inauguration ceremony of the president, social media users repeatedly used the hashtag "oath of pledge". it was an hour before the swearing-in ceremony of the president, and the internal and external cameras lined up here. a ceremony that is the topic of discussion for many users with hashtags such as ahed khemet. became social networks. this souvenir photo
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and the guests of the ceremony came to the eyes of many. the presence of more than 14 foreign delegations in the inauguration ceremony shows iran's authority and good diplomatic relations with the countries of the region. this means the authority of islamic iran and the interest of these countries to maintain and develop cooperation with iran. some republished their favorite parts of the president's speech with the hashtag ahed khemat . those who provide for the welfare of gaza cannot teach others a lesson in humanity and tolerance . no one in the world will accept it. as an iranian , i really enjoyed the president's speech today in support of the oppressed people of gaza. some wrote about a chair where the former president usually sits and it was empty today. at the presidential inauguration. there is no place for someone whose
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main task was to serve the people. we hope that the government of mr. mezikian will complete the goals of shahid khemat republishing the revolutionary leader's description of the oath of service of the martyred president was the subject of some virtual posts. i often advised him to rest for a while, that is, he always said , "i don't get tired, i don't get tired in the morning." mr. president's words at the inauguration ceremony and the presence of dozens of foreign delegations that came to honor this ceremony caused many to write like this: authority , authority, authority, at the inauguration ceremony , we saw nothing but the authority and greatness of the islamic republic . holding the swearing-in ceremony of the president, mr. mezkiyan, in 14 days he has to
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introduce his proposed cabinet to the parliament. a cabinet that had criteria for selecting its members. it was around 5:00 pm when the president took the oath here at the house of the nation. as the president , i swear to the almighty god in front of the holy quran and in front of the people of iran. today, the ninth man with the end of the last sentence.
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honesty, good reputation, belief in the general policies, belief in the law, the program, believing in the system of the islamic republic , you go to panj tir, the public meeting of the leader of the revolution on the anniversary of ghadir eid, just 3 days before the first round of the presidential election of the leader of the revolution they advised the candidates to make a promise to god to choose their cabinet members. that if you are successful and manage to gain responsibility , don't choose your employees and workers from those who have an angle with the revolution, akbar allah, akbar allah, of course, one more thing, the one who is close to america and imagines that
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he can't do without america's favor step by step in his country will not be a good partner for you. now a list of criteria is before the eyes of the president of the parliament, so that every name proposed for those 19 ministries was measured with that list. mohammad javad reza soltani radio news agency. since the beginning of muharram, more than a million people have applied for passports from the virtual space of police offices plus 10, most of which are printed and distributed to the public. has been delivered. the commander of arbain faraja camp said: currently, three types of passports are being printed, including international passports, pilgrimage passports, and passports for special servants of foreign nationals inside the country. for the sake of ease and convenience
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in the traffic of our beloved pilgrims, we have defined a single window between ourselves and the country of iraq for data and information. regarding our beloved pilgrim , it enters the system on the iranian side at the same time as the iraqi side it receives, therefore , there is no need for re-control, as soon as the identity of the appearance is determined and the approval stamp is placed, it can be taken out, and we defined this to be done in less than 5 seconds and 4 seconds . dewar and santifish were localized with the efforts of nuclear industry experts, this equipment is widely used in the nuclear, petrochemical, petroleum and medical industries. before this, the knowledge of making these pressure gauges
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was available to the countries of america, germany, russia, china and england. lutetsium such as 64, fdg and gallium, radiodiagnostic and therapeutic drugs by nuclear industry specialists for. all types of cancers have become endemic in the country. the superiority of this new radiopharmaceutical compared to the old radiopharmaceuticals makes it possible to focus and identify tumors anywhere in the organs , which makes the radiopharmaceutical to target that organ. for the production of these radiopharmaceuticals, the uranium enrichment chain and the nuclear industry were localized inside the country. a chain in which one of the sensitive and strategic parts is centrifuge pressure gauges. these are part. products that we cannot bring directly, because they come directly to the engine, as well as inside its software the hardware is highly likely to be sabotaged, and later on the chains will be created with many problems. the equipment that
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has been localized with the efforts of nuclear industry specialists. or chains that work in a process, such as peter. chemistry is used in places where there is positive pressure . in fact, it checks the pressure of centrifuges or medical equipment or maintains the pressure of the gas that is inside the pipes . it shows this pressure because there is a positive pressure to prevent the leakage of the technical knowledge of making these pressure gauges, which are widely used in the industry, and now iran is the sixth country that manufactures them. it is considered to be a widely used equipment. now it is fully localized, either mechanically or electronically. in addition to being used in the nuclear industry, industrial pressure gauges are also used in the petrochemical, oil, and medical industries. mohammad ghasem kiaei, sed and cima news agency. the next part of the news
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at 2 o'clock. greetings and good time, dear viewers , welcome to today's economics table as you have learned in the news , compared to last year, wheat production has fortunately
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increased by 17% and the production of oilseeds has increased by more than 80%, as well as in other discussions of basic goods such as chicken meat and eggs. we also had an increase in exports . in today's program, we will discuss the issue of the latest production of basic agricultural products in order to stabilize this increase. what are the production challenges and of course the solutions we are facing and what measures should the 14th government take in this regard at the beginning of the program since the farmers' demands from the government are discussed, which anyway they delivered their own products to the government but did not receive the money. we will deal with this issue at the beginning of the program . strategic products, of course , the strategic product of wheat and following up on the demands of wheat farmers
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. let's see this report together. let's go back and start the conversation. the officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad say that this year wheat production has increased compared to the previous year. on the other side, the farmers are grateful for this increase in production. thank god, our enclosure is very good, with good quality. we are very satisfied. we are happy with this. we have a crop of wheat that we harvested and it was good . we planted wheat this year and got a good harvest. the yield of taj is due to the rains. this year the crop is good and more fruitful. this increase in production is while the farmers have requests. we followed this issue and this is one of the wheat phenomena. it takes a month
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, it takes four months, it takes so long, a farmer wants to buy goats for next year, but he can't , either he doesn't pay, or if he gives me money, he has to give a percentage of the rest. after this farmer's swelling , the money is really heavy in mezigan. he wants a truck, he wants money, he wants gas, you go, you buy money he wants all of these, he wants money, and i want them in the first days of next week , god willing, they will be paid on saturday or sunday, until saturday
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, sunday, so the remaining demand will be paid in full. and we have given 3 , we will pay another 42. the remaining 95 thousand billion tomans will be the same. in the same way, it should provide its resources gradually. when will the rest be? all the efforts of the government is that it is actually short tarin zaman will be able to pay the demands of the dear farmers. announced with this increase we will be self-sufficient in wheat production. the price of wheat has been set at the government rate of 1,700 tomans this year. hosseini bai of the radio and television news agency. thank you to mr. hosseini bai, our respected colleague, and introducing the guest of the program, mr.
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they will be added to our group, mr. sohrabi , greetings, good times, and welcome, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings, politeness and respect. i am at your service and to all the viewers, greetings to you, mr. sohrabi, let's start with this report that was broadcasted , please tell the viewers, first of all , what is the latest state of wheat production in the country at the moment and how much are the demands of wheat farmers now, yes, this year. it should be noted that the total area of ​​wet and dry wheat in iran is about 6 million hectares, and the harvesting of this operation
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began in the first week of april in hot and dry provinces in the south of the country, such as hormozgan province, sistan, baluchistan, south of kerman province, and continued after that. the last report that we received, based on the system of the state trading company of iran, the amount of land purchase exceeded 900,000 tons, which was also about 1,400,000 tons in your report. compared to last year, the amount of purchases has increased and we had a 17 percent growth, and this is unique in its own way. so far the basis of this amount of purchase is the value of the wheat purchased at 170 thousand billion tomans and so far 64 thousand billion tomans of the demands of the wheat farmers have been paid, that is, about 38. the news we received today said that 164 hemats were paid, not 170
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hemats of the value of the purchased wheat. yes , the payment amount is 64. i was telling you that the news that reached you today means that about 30% of the wheat money has been paid. which is a number of 30 thousand billion tomans in the next few days , the payment will be made to the account of the dear farmers, and you followed up on this anyway. yes, the collection of the ministry of jahad agriculture , the honorable minister of jahad agriculture, the deputy minister of agriculture, may be informed that the deputy minister of planning of the ministry of agriculture, head of the iranian government trading company, will sort out the issue. they are following up in a special way, and now promises have been made , which i said, god willing, dear ones, you will definitely come to the program, i think it
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should be at least 5 years now. your excellency , yes, we had a meeting in various programs and discussed the issues of agriculture we had the discussion in different years of this discussion about the delay in the demands of our beloved wheat farmers . why do we have this story every year ? isn't it possible to plan our planting and harvesting according to it? we are increasing the production per unit level, so i would like to be allowed to explain more about this issue and the reasons for non -payment, which you explained that the guest of your program will come from the country's budget program organization. what is our duty is that that is, we only pay for this every year
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. you have a problem. what is asked of us is what level you planted and how much production from this level. how much will be purchased from this production ? they ask us by month , they ask us by province. providing financial resources, but you mean that the organization of the budget program knew that, sir, on what date, sufficient information regarding the amount of production, the amount of purchase, the conditions. year we informed the current. let's ask mr. chenanari. mr. hassan cheranaei, head of the budget consolidation affairs of the program and budget organization. mr. chenarani, hello, good time. hello, your time. peace be upon you mr. chenaranani, you are in the discussion. the discussion is about the arrears and the demands of wheat farmers.
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please tell me what is the reason for the delayed payment of claims in this period. and according to the approval of the pricing council , in which the head of the program organization was also present , the claims should have been paid within 24 hours , which was not done. in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, once again, greetings to you, colleagues and dear viewers, thank you for your very good program. we are one of those members, and in fact, the head of my council, who is the honorable minister of jeshavarzi, finally , the budget limits and budget capacities in the government will be closed, and the minister of jihad should, as a rule
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, make the price in the council, considering that the organization does not have one more vote, and the main point is the second rule is that you and i are many i would like to tell you, dear viewers , what has happened to the amount of wheat expenses in these few years, so it will make your minds and expectations more realistic. 7 times in 2019, as you know , the resources that we pay from the targeting of the helpers come from the sale of our products, gasoline, gasoil, gas, and now if we export, which unfortunately we had this issue in the previous years as well, this year as well. it is repeated
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that the harvest and purchase of wheat starts from april it is possible, but from the month when the payment of claims starts, look at the organization's work plan. its work is that they manually collect resources based on the powers given by the law and the priorities they have for the current affairs of the country. it has been done and the cost of resources that is collected should pay those costs. well, this number, whose price has increased 7 times in 2019, so far, mr. seifi , only this number is 2 numbers that i am presenting to you. please pay attention. we are in 2019. i have already mentioned that we have probably paid 17,800 until the end of the year. 64 hammat well, look at these multiple numbers that you have multiplied by 90.
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we used to import wheat. it's interesting that when i was talking to the experts, when we were talking about importing wheat , it wasn't about non-payment of claims, that is, wheat was imported , and my import money was paid. in this way , he will be faced with corruption, and the second point is that mr. chenarani was the head of the budget planning organization in the meeting. it is completely in progress, i think that these reasons that you mention are not very consistent with this management logic, you are 50 times, for example.
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i say that the financial burden of a certain number will increase by 50 times in a few years. it should also increase by 50 times in the field of resources. everyone is the same friends who say that our jihad is only to spread and produce, and he is the head of the council. after all, these numbers should be let's eat together and we will be able to, in the end , this is it, in our opinion, in terms of the amount of payments we have made, that is, we have made 64 efforts. recently , last night, i would like to present to you with the arrangements made in the government, which now needs my permission , god willing, in disclosure. when it is issued, we will follow that these permits are issued, then it will be looked for the resources of the resources through the coordination that we have with the devices that provide our resources, we are actually now even helping from the public budget so that this issue went away earlier . when we accept this issue , you have a correct order. you, instead of importing , produce domestically. this is not a button that we push a button once. the resources in the country will increase by 50 times. there must be a coordination and
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cooperation . and assign assignments that can be paid and secured because you see, we do not do anything special , the organization takes a series of other priorities from the most important of the current and construction costs of the country , and allocates them in this matter. as a rule , we need to better balance this and all the needs of the country at the moment. one of which is wheat, with pride, well , look at this number of 64 hemti in four months, we did not get more than 50 allocations from amun's food in four months, 205, this has been a priority for us . legal licenses, because this number is now provided for legal licenses, we are ahead we will settle in other years. and it has always been like this, because if you look at the season , it makes a pike once a month, well, you talk to me, i am honestly my servant, i don't know why our friends in jihad
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don't admit this, they don't emphasize that most of the farmers, considering the fact that these numbers of multiple growths have happened in this government usually means many and special thanks to all the officials who are present in these provinces and cities . we should have had a good interaction . it is difficult to do, we hope god willing, now with more accurate and realistic pricing and consensus. the sooner
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it is planned, and anyway, since there is a law , there is a resolution, and as a rule , their demands should have been paid within 24 hours. now, mr. chandari , let's skip this. now, according to what mr. sohrabi said , about 38 of the wheat farmers' demands have been paid now. please tell me exactly when and on which date the demands of the wheat farmers will be paid, at least.
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if i can give you a definitive number , this is almost a certainty. all the demands of the wheat farmers should have been paid according to what hazrat mardad said, so you say that it is the middle of the month of mardad, yes, yes, because of the speed , for example, the speed of the day
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. thank you, mr. chenari, for your participation and your explanations, the head of budget integration affairs of the country's planning and budget organization. well, mr. sohrabi, let's go to other agricultural products, such as rice and barley, and how is the situation there ? we would also like to thank mr. chenarani from the group of loved ones of the budget program organization there are some limitations in following up and doing them, but a few things in mr. chenarani's orders were to see that in the council, based on the law of the honorable islamic council, this task was given to the government. it happened that in those undergraduate sessions and the main session.
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there were a lot of discussions and finally, after all the technical, scientific discussions and analyzes that had been done , the number of 17,500 tomans was approved with some considerations, and this was the consensus of everyone, and the next issue that was mentioned was the number of the guaranteed price for the year of the head of the budget program organization. he was also present in that meeting. yes, the minister of economy , the head of the budget organization, the minister of jihad agriculture and other members were also present. the next issue is that it was mentioned that the guaranteed price in 2019 was one number, so look at the four indicators that have changed, one of the indicators is production costs, the production costs of 1399 are very different from 1400, the price of kot, the price of herbicides, the costs of agricultural operations, plowing , etc. the costs have increased to a fever and the guaranteed price should also increase, but i
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would like to mention what happened in wheat when the production increased, it is necessary to say that of course in many other products that i will explain in the following, please give me time so that we can address my other issues that these events caused us to have this increase in production in the agricultural sector, the indicator of that product is wheat. during these few years , it helped us in this year's climate conditions in the spring season. we had a good time in terms of precipitation, distribution of temperature, planning and measures taken by our dear managers in the research department of our researchers, our experts . we, who are at the tip of the arrow of this issue, and we are one, this wheat production in the country is the result of the efforts of 1,300,000


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