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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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now that there is a war in ukraine , many news and reports are published about it, and politicians and the media deal with it widely, but not about the killing of thousands of palestinian children, despite the warnings of the united nations and international organizations of european and american leaders. they only do nothing for the palestinians, but shamelessly to israel to kill. paying attention to the common and
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beautiful nature of peace and solidarity reminds people , therefore, the presence of athletes of the israeli regime, which violates the goals of this gathering , is another scandal for the supporters of this regime, which is against democracy and human rights. they speak all the people of the world saw better the deception of the west and its double standards during the war in ukraine and palestine. in my opinion , the situation is gradually becoming more difficult for westerners because they can no longer hide their racism and double standards. in the paris olympics , the double standard was just to roll out the red carpet for the athletes of the zionist regime , some of whom were revealed to be directly involved in the gaza war and the killing of palestinians. but by banning the presence of
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french muslim sportswomen with islamic hijab , it has also fully revealed the double standard regarding the claim of freedom of women's clothing. presence the israeli regime in the paris olympics, at the same time as the massacre in gaza, has been described as approving the genocide of the palestinians and violating the spirit and truth of the olympics. for this reason.
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the culture of iranian people is very rich and seeing this ceremony was a very beautiful experience. i hope the people of my country can come to iran and see this event closely. this ritual with this order is very attractive to me, how so many interested people gather together and mourn for one person who was thousands of years ago. i participated in the muharram ceremony in iran for the first time. although i
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am a sunni, i consider myself a follower of imam hussain this oppression of the oppressed has not ended, it continues in gaza right now. this is my first trip to iran. most chinese do not believe in religion. during this trip, i got to know more about the islam of muslims. i have never seen such a ceremony in my life where the people of ambohi gathered for a person named hossein, the herald of freedom, peace and justice. and the devotion of the people of this country to seyyed al-shohda is an example of this brother. in every koi and barzan, the flag of sacrifice has been raised and the sound of hossein's mourning can be heard from its 360 hosseini. oh, my heart is weak for 63 thousand people last year round.
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in fact, it is germany and spain that we introduce them to the philosophy of imam hussein's uprising during the muharram ceremonies. every year, tourists from different countries participate in the mourning ceremony in yazd and the surrounding cities to learn about this traditional ritual.
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and the context of breast-pumping in yazd delegations is also unique both in the rhythm and poetry and in the praise and breast-pumping of hossein. every year, many tourists from
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different countries come to iran in different provinces to see the ceremonies and rituals of ashura. country. especially the province which has various programs and is more attractive for foreign tourists cities like kashan , zanjan, and special rituals that are held in different provinces of the country are of interest to these tourists . in addition to the yazidis' special ceremony , taft ashkar's nakhargardani tradition and ardakan's mourning processions are also among the mourning rituals of the people. the province of yazd is your voice, the same as that of the monkey, my heart. perhaps it is these differences that have attracted foreign tourists more
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to iran's hossein mourning ceremony, says nesan beikpour of mashad hazira yazd broadcasting news agency.
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famously, in najaf and in iraq, we went there, again, a hosseini, very well-equipped, very tidy. and different halls for the so-called rest for food, they themselves and their families, men, women and children , are working in this hosseini.
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when their daughters are nine, their great-grandsons are all working hard, their life is hajiya 97, i have no nights , god willing. i am tall, and i am tall
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, and i am tall, and i am tall , and you are my helper. you are my guide. what is the age of grace, the strength of the mind, and the grace of god ? and i will grant you the mercy of al-fajra, my refuge for you, and we will not make
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you happy in my efforts , and we will not make you happy. and the food of paradise, the touch of the signs, the meaning of al-jud
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and the sunnah, fahi-allah, musa'akum ,
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wela-talqa'm, al-mahanah elahi, we later found out that we entered the procession of the lebanese. that reading was the same, thank god
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, they were sitting and taking a rest, then we saw that they got up to make room for us and stood up by themselves. all these lebanese men, women, old and young found a special relationship with us that we performed two programs here and there, the cries that they used to cry, masha'allah, made us cry. o people of al-jawd, thank you, o my god al-hussein, i said, and i swear by god , o my god al-hussein, i am tall, and i am tall, and i am midi, you
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are the most powerful, we are short. my reward is good , and my nation is a great blessing. for my age, i have a wealth that surpasses the intellect and the intellect. qatam leh, o shia al-zahra, hi al-hura, i praise you and give you my reward tomorrow.
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we are with you, dear friends. khair al-ahbab, o people of al-jawd, thank you, o god al-hussein, i did not receive you, and i swear to god, o god al-hussein, i am tall , and i am tall, and i am your guide. the power of all the visitors is my grace, and my food is in heaven.
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o allah, help me, and i will not meet you. the divine trial , i am used to you, will see the fire, and curse the people of the glory, and the messenger, and i will be the people of the covenant.
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the power of all visitors. saqina mankam al-kawthar, saqakam fi al-ali haidar. abul ahrar yaraak, and zahra bakm testar and abbas. allow us to obey and pray for god to protect us from the unbelievers and from the unbelievers
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. badal nah al-ahrar nah al-ahrar o ahl al-jawd thank you, my god al -hussein, i said, and i swear by god, o my god al-hussein , i am tall, and i am tall, and i am tall, and i am short
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, but my power, but my power. being from whatever nationality you say means who is this imam hossein shaar, who is this hossein really what did imam hossein do? these nations that everything has become permanent, thank god, now i say a lot
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, they are hearing a lot, they are repeating it, just as we are sitting here, our voice is echoing in this space. group. after all , they put everything they have in the category of sincerity. well, we thank god for giving us this voice, this divine gift that he has given us, god willing, let's try to spend this voice in the way of the qur'an and serving muhammad and his family. we were also able to use this voice. in return. we are grateful for the services of these loved ones we don't have anymore, but with this voice, god willing, we were able to do something small for these dear ones
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. peace be upon you.
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at the same time, mr. masoud mezikian officially took the helm of the country's administration, and the supreme leader of the revolution gave advice to the people, political and social activists regarding unity during the inauguration ceremony. one should not pay attention to the temptations of polarization, and it worked. this is my main recommendation . the unity of the king is the key to the success of the strategic country, which is on the agenda of the 14th government. this it is unity and cohesion and holding on to god's rope that can take us to the place we deserve. the heads of the forces
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consider unity and empathy to better advance the goals of the system. the parliament means the 14th government and the 12th parliament is that both of them started working together for 4 years, the 5 -year program is their national document and covenant. everything is ready for a good, effective and efficient work . according to the commandment of a certain authority, let's express our work with a spirit of jihad and join hands. i believe that the best help will be for the government itself. now the spectrum both politicians and parties announced their readiness for unity and cooperation with the government. the government is the axis of the implementation of affairs . everyone should help, god willing , to continue this path with the power of the executive burden, which is on the government's friend, everyone should help, god willing, for its implementation, god is not a conspiracy, it is extra-criminal, which means
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that all those who follow the view of mr. medical doctor have a place in this government, god willing. a government based on national consensus is formed. we hope that the 14th government will be the first national consensus government of all abilities . he has very heavy responsibilities to run the country and everyone should help him. bayan, i believe that passing through these difficult conditions will be possible only with the empathy and cooperation of all groups, but what did the competitors say yesterday, after the splits, everyone is friends for work, work, work, serving the people. we were friends before, during the competitions , and after. we will be, god willing, the people will demand political unity from the officials, not division and some darkness .
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all of us should try as iranian citizens to support the president , it requires a kind of empathy and unity that we stand with the president. it is better to be in the forefront of cooperation with him and other executive workers of the country to advance his plans and goals, and help him achieve his wishes, god willing, and make our country prosper. sajjad wahabi of sed and sima news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the goods that do not have an order are not allowed to enter the country. does not have. based on the export and import regulation law , if the goods are unloaded without registering an order in port and customs areas and are not returned after one month, they will face the new abandoned mechanism. according to the head of customs, with this method, the process of importing goods is done more easily. goods after sabbath was ordered. allocation and supply.


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