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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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a law is enacted in the parliament immediately , they are obliged to revise this law as soon as the law is promulgated , check it with the previous laws and upload it to the national system of laws and regulations of the country. sir, it has already been installed here , it is now valid, which means that it is actually a work at the same time as the country's laws and regulations are established by it means that every provision that is made in the country now , the deputy of the laws of the deputy enema, they immediately enema it and distinguish the valid from the invalid and upload the items that are installed. they put a red mark or write with a red line so that the judges who are judging , the lawyers and the people of the institutions know what is the current valid law in each area or
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what are the current valid regulations in each area. this is actually the most valid system. which is extremely necessary for all the members of the iranian nation, especially the experts and especially the food of the devotees. this is something that is actually being done at the same time, but the fact is that we have a huge backlog in this area , there are about 90 thousand government regulations, which are from the past and have not been enemad, and we are still in this area. the government approved 16,000 of these government regulations, we enema 16,000 regulations and 20,000 regulations out of these 90,000 regulations are actually about to be implemented now, and we hope that by the end of this year, we know that these 20,000 regulations will also be criticized. we refined all the regulations from 1985 in our country until 1998 . we kept the valid ones, the rest of the ones that
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are invalid, and they were implicitly repealed . in fact, we also announced that, for example, let's assume that we have come to this government in administrative violations, all the provisions of administrative violations have been reviewed and criticized. we identified a number of valid regulations, which are now being drafted, where it has been determined , regulations will be re-drafted , and we have also announced the invalid ones, and we will take them to the government for approval . all the tax regulations from the beginning of our tax regulations until now have all been enemas , we have identified the valid ones and the invalid ones, so that in fact the rights of the people are not lost and the people are not oppressed. and now
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this is also being done, this is one of the things that was done during this period, almost a leap in enema the regulations were done in this government, of course we also have the enema of the laws which is being done with the cooperation of the parliament. it has a heavy technical issue, that is, some of their work is to revise the regulations that are established immediately and distinguish the valid from the invalid regulations, install the previous regulations and make them red so that no one cites them anymore , mr. doctor. sometimes it was possible in previous periods the government board should attach a regulation or law , so that the audience, which is the people, is not available to them
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. where should i actually implement this law? should it be published and i should see it, or should the government discuss it as soon as it is published? i will look for it myself and if it has not been published anywhere , what is my duty? one of our problems in these years has been that we did not have an orderly way of making regulations. we have ministers who are actually going to be uploaded and people will be informed about this, but different institutions of different managers during this period , in fact, the factory of establishing regulations and by-laws and by-law orders that the ministers sign, and
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one of the things that was done in this government with the cooperation of the islamic council was that, first of all, we in the field of business and we said, sir, it was approved, it became a law , and now, how long will anyone understand, the rights of the people here will be lost, and then they will say, sir, where did he come from and who said this, sir, this is taking a toll on you, he says this, he says , sir, i did not know. you didn't know , it's your fault, it's your problem
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a regulation is not valid until it is uploaded to the national system of laws and regulations and must be implemented. no, we just said, sir, that we have ordered all the institutions to act according to the by-laws that we approved in the cabinet. you can appoint the appointee, give us their names, what authority can appoint the appointee, and what are the limits of the authority of the authority that you introduced, that is , suppose that a general manager who
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is given fever or zineft does not rise to be informed, or for example it was established tonight, the loading number of mick is very good, very good, technical questions, really, look, by the way, one of the works that was based on article 24 after almost a decade, this article 24 was left on the ground , it was done with our follow-up and with the cooperation of the ministry of economy, as we said. sir, someone wants to write a regulation, in addition to that, it should be known who has the right to establish the regulation and the highest authority of the system should inform us which one of these people can prescribe this one and what are their qualifications . he said that before we made a letter based on this constitution, we approved the cabinet of ministers sir, those who want to enact a regulation should
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inform the zinefans beforehand, so that the zinefans know that a regulation in this area is going to be enacted . once the regulation is enacted , it will be at least one week to upload the regulations to the national system of laws and regulations. so that people know that this regulation is going to be enacted , this is a new thing that has been done in this government and in my opinion, it is a change in the regulation. according to his excellency, today's regulations were applicable today, but we are doing this now we said to each other, sir, give me the draft first. come , upload it to the system , let people see the comments, then come, when you get your comments, set it. when you set it, if you don't say anything , it should stay for at least 15 days and
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you will upload it to the system. this is valid for 15 days . if it was an urgent matter of death, the country benefits , in fact, only the highest authority is harmed. the system is allowed to say, sir, this will be implemented from tomorrow, if he is the highest official of the system , then at least 15 days should pass before this. the regulation must be implemented, so these are new events that fortunately we entered from the point of view of economic stability, but gradually this shadow included all the regulations and in each field, if we counted the executive officials , we saw about 540 references. with these actions that were taken in a short period of time, in the past one year, the customs announced to us that 50% of the regulations have been reduced.
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in my opinion, this is a big event that has happened in this government with the cooperation of the parliament and a new railway for the future of the country is for economic stability, mr. doctor , do you have a report about the work done by the legal assistant and the duties he is entrusted with, we will see this and then we will raise questions in this framework. in 2008, legal affairs and the presidential assembly were separated into legal affairs and assembly affairs. the legal deputy of the president is a subset of the presidential body and a member of the government board, and like other deputies elected by the president, he does not need a vote of confidence from the parliament. pursuing the implementation of the constitution and citizen's rights, conducting the legal affairs of the presidency and the government, impeachment and declaration of violations of the constitution. to the president and other responsible authorities, creating uniform legal procedures in the executive bodies, coordinating and
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supervising the legal affairs of the executive bodies and resolving their disputes, compiling and refining the laws and regulations of the electronic government, documenting the government properties, checking the membership of the government in the organization and international assemblies, and setting up and amending the text and bilateral or multilateral agreements between the government of the islamic republic of iran and other governments , including: the important duties of the legal vice president . we regularly have a follow-up committee in place of the constitution, we monitor the cases so that we can actually let's make an impact on the correct implementation of the constitution. in one example, 48 exquisite carpets are missing in saadavd palace , carpets worth 127 billion tomans belonging to the presidential institution, which was reported to the media a year ago through one of the news agencies. after publishing the news, a special team was formed immediately. in cooperation with the supervisory organizations in the 13th government
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, it unfortunately happened in the previous government, our legal vice-president investigated and a group of their opinions reached 10 concerned people from the previous government and a case was filed. investigations in the legal department continued and legal follow-ups will be concluded, reference judiciary. who was following up on the issue of saad abad palace carpets and the case was there, with the legal assistant's follow-up, this has reached a good result and it has been fully established for him, the main crime has been established regarding the accused . interrogating them similar to dozens of other cases that were followed up in this deputy's plan. lawsuits against america's cruel sanctions in the hague court until the vindication of iran's right in
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the currescent case. we condemned america , we started a lawsuit against canada now, and this is ongoing , and god willing, we will rule there in the court of justice. iran's american court, in fact, we got 43 million dollars there, 243 million dollars, we got 243 million dollars in bahrain at future bank, 530 million dollars from england and we were able to return it in time. two and a half years after the establishment of the 13th government, with the follow-up of this deputy, more than 14,000 resolutions of the board of ministers were amended and the differences between 120 executive bodies were resolved with 61 votes. what was the latest status of the stolen saadabad carpets? report in the same western government as
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the 12th government, report by the officials of the same government to the authority it was announced by the judiciary , it was announced by the legal deputy before us, and it was followed up in this government , fortunately, the matter is being followed up in the judicial authority. first, the previous government report was that 48 carpets were stolen from sadaad palace, and then the judicial authority said no. 42 carpeted beds were stolen and 6 carpeted beds were actually wrongly said, but the 42 carpeted beds that were stolen are clear, their accusers are now almost clear from the point of view of the judicial system, and what actions a good judge should take is now in charge of the case and is being followed up. we hope that as soon as possible, now we are really talking about this carpet exquisite and it is very important from
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a historical point of view, because this carpet is a part of the qajar era , we hope that this carpet will be returned as soon as possible and the accused will be punished naturally, and we are waiting for the judicial system, which is based on what the special prosecutor for the clergy has announced and announced some of the charges. god willing, this issue will be resolved as soon as possible , mr. doctor, one of the discussions that the legal assistant is pursuing is international lawsuits, and the crime committed by the united states regime against the martyred commander sardar soleimani will never be forgotten. this is also being pursued in the legal assistant. your excellency and dear viewers, let me tell you that all international lawsuits are the responsibility of the center for international legal affairs under the supervision of the vice president. yes, we
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have nearly 20 international cases. we still have 5 important cases in the international court of justice and we had one case in which the verdict was issued in our favor. which obliges america to damage within two years to pay iranian companies , we have a sanctions case based on the modat agreement, which is a very big case in itself. in this government , we have prepared 10 volumes of documents and they have been registered and we are about to hear that we hope that this vote will be issued in our favor against the united states. in fact , we filed a lawsuit against canada because of the violation of the responsibility of the government of the islamic republic of iran, which is also it is almost at the beginning of the work and the counter bill is being registered.
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there is a case against us that four countries of england. it was necessary to negotiate on the issue that we said , maybe america has not responded and we should to have a conversation with the american side, and naturally, there is a preliminary discussion that needs to be done, a preliminary discussion at the iran-american court , where we naturally
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have our legal discussions with the american side, because these are legal discussions, not political discussions, which are very in fact , it is very natural to have tense debates or to be highly sensitive. since the beginning of the revolution, we have had the american court of iran, where about 4,000 cases have been heard, and both the american parties are there , and we have three judges, and they have three judges. there are other sides there and they have a representative, we have a representative we are having our conversation, we need a permission , we need a permission to have this conversation , and immediately the period is over for us to register our bill. our case is finished , except for 17 cases, the most important of these 17 cases is now on the agenda, perhaps one of the most important cases that has been pending in the iran-american court since the beginning of the revolution until now. the case actually involved military equipment that
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we had paid for from the united states. and not giving the money, not giving the equipment now it is being processed. that we bought, we paid for it, but he could not come to the items . there is also an ongoing case, and the cases of the iran-american court are of course nearing completion. palestine has fallen in different places , the american petitioners are going to the domestic courts of the united states , going against the tapestry conventions , complaining about violating the sovereignty of the islamic republic of iran, and getting a vote. these votes, because in america, we do not have the money to receive them, take them away. they want to recognize and implement the votes in europe, so far they have not been able to get even one vote in europe, they have not been able to get even one dollar
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. france was exported. with the follow-ups that were done in italy, all the judicial seizures that existed on our funds and there were risks have all been resolved. it is being followed in asian countries it is being followed up and there are a series of business cases. there are foreign banks between our banks, our companies with foreign companies, our oil company, our gas company. the legal management of these cases is with the center of international law affairs, which is done under the supervision of legal transactions . for example, suppose a case is a case , for example
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, there is a noise inside the country from time to time. we take care of internal considerations, not the considerations of our competitors and our counterparties, that is, foreign it is part of our internal conversations. don't use it, we don't use it. naturally, some of the words can be expressed , as we said, some of the words cannot be expressed because it affects our case abroad, so we have been very careful until now in our case and usually the international affairs center. there is little talk about the cases so as not to harm our case in the foreign field , this is a part of the cases, so we have about 200 cases, and now i, the head of our center , requested that they list all the cases and we have a let's see a description of this to the new president, mr
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medical doctors and new officials who are coming to the government should have this because the governments sometimes forget these cases , which means we have about 60-70 new cases that were already there, but the governments forgot when these cases were changed. we have revived these. of the 4,000 cases that actually existed in the center, other than the iran-american court , these have been dealt with. this has been done or neglected in order not to repeat the experience again, we have prepared all the files to hand over to the new officials . in fact, it should be pursued in the future to secure the interests of the iranian nation. mr. doctor, you were present in the islamic council, in the guardian council
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, and now in the legal vice-chancellor. how can these three lawyers, each of them doing legal work in a different way, help each other and is there a difference in the way they look at legal issues in these three. it is all the same, i have four parliamentary terms i was there and i was also the legal committee of the parliament, and before i came to my parliament, of course, i got my doctorate, then i came to the parliament, i had studied, i knew. i got good grades in the 12 years that i studied at the university, and for almost 16 or more than 15 years, i was in the law commission and did legal work, and during the time when i was in the guardian council, i did not work and pay. on the one hand
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, i was in the government for nearly 3 years because of the nobles i found the situation of the country, you know that all these approvals that go to the government, we must have supervision, we have to understand the issue in order to be able to give a legal ruling, so even though those experiences were very effective for us to be able to do our duty better, but what in the government , in fact, it was the completion of all those experiences, because here it is implementation, it is not on paper anymore , it is not talking anymore , here it is not just legislation, it is implementation, that is, you have to implement this law here , so this is a very valuable experience. it was for the nobles on the state of the country. and in order for the rights to be given to the subjects in the practical stage and to see what happens in the practical stage
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, this was a very valuable experience for me to say in my government that we are members of 212 international organizations monitoring this organization. yes, the duty is actually the legal assistant, that is , like shanghai brics, this is also the case with all the organizations. we will be paid after our confirmation. this is one of the big things and we are a small judicial system within the government to settle disputes, god willing , you will be successful. may you, dear viewers, be under the protection of god. thank you.
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at the same time, mr. masoud mezikian officially took the helm of the country's administration. the supreme leader of the revolution gave recommendations to the people of political and social activists regarding unity. challenges arise. we should not pay attention to the temptations of polarization and arranged the effect. this is my strong recommendation. the unity of the king is the key to the success of the country, a strategy that is on the agenda of the 14th government. it is this unity and cohesion and holding on to god's rope that
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can take us to that place. which we deserve. the heads of the forces consider unity and empathy to better advance the goals of the system. majlis means the fourteenth government and the twelfth parliament , both of them started working together for 4 years. the 5 -year plan is their national document and covenant. everything is ready for good, effective and efficient work. if now from really compassionate forces. now the political and party spectrums have declared their readiness for unity and cooperation with the government. since the government is the axis of the implementation of affairs, everyone should help, and god willing, with the strength of this path , it is the government's responsibility to continue the implementation of the country. everyone should help, god willing
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, for it to be implemented, it is not a coalition, it is not extra-criminal , which means that all those who, according to the eyes of mr. dr. medzikian, have a place in this government, god willing , a government based on national unity. if it takes place , he has very heavy responsibilities to run the country. and everyone should say with his help, i believe that passing this difficult conditions will be possible only with empathy and cooperation of all groups, but what did yesterday's competitors say , after the events , they are all friends to work, work, serve the people. they demanded political from the authorities
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, not two hands anymore. and some gloom, let him say something, let him say something, let the enemy take advantage of us. let's deal with this president. if we can do something, if we can't , don't throw a stone in front of us. we all should try as iranian citizens to support the president. it requires a kind of empathy and unity that we should be at the forefront of cooperation with the president and other executive agents of the country to advance the goals of his programs. please help him. god willing, he will achieve his wishes and our country will prosper and become better. sajjad wahabi of sed
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and sima news agency. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. energy production of renewable power plants increased by 9% in july this year compared to june. according to the renewable energy monitoring center, renewable power plants produced 261 million kilowatt hours of energy in july this year. from the beginning of this year until now the production energy of renewable power plants to more than 923 million kilowatts.


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