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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. energy production of renewable power plants increased by 9% in july this year compared to june. according to the renewable energy monitoring center, renewable power plants produced 261 million kilowatt hours of energy in july this year. since the beginning of this year , the production energy of renewable power plants has reached more than 923 million kilowatt hours. now there are about 600 in the country. a renewable power plant with a capacity of more
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than 13,000 megawatts is under construction. it is expected that the share of renewable energies in the country's electricity production will be more than 15% in the next two years reach it was possible to see the approval of academic records for candidates entering the university. the center for measuring and monitoring the quality of the education system in announcements. confirmation of academic records is active again and the possibility of viewing and confirming academic records has been provided for all entrance exam candidates. based on this announcement, daf applicants to the university can refer to the national exam community system at to view and confirm their academic records. screenwriting training workshops organized by science and technology park of cultural industries. held at the university of science and culture
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has been the main goal of this four-day workshop is to strengthen the script by supporting young talents. these roundtables, which are held at the university of science and culture these days, are workshops of the cinema type. an event for screenwriters. the event started with a call and about a thousand of. workshops that turn the creative ideas of young writers into a screenplay in four days . 10 people were chosen as the candidates of this period. as such, 10 people as group leaders are divided into 10 groups, the rest of the greats are actually colleagues of these 10 group leaders. ideas in two short film formats. and long without restrictions
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some of the designs were creative in their structure and some were creative in their characterization. the work chosen in this workshop will be introduced to the cinema cycle for further production. the same startup or type of screenwriting . what happened to cinema 3 decades ago resulted in the production of movies. the best movies that were made were the result of screenwriting workshops, for example, mr. jirani's snowman was mr. arbabi at that time, a movie that according to some members of the screenwriters' association , has no hand in telling good stories. research is another point, the weakness of the story, and a large part of it is external pressures on the screenwriter to produce the actors, for example, you
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have a very good script, but we have to wait for a long time because of 3 actors . the kurdish part of the screenplay was left out of receiving the most important film award in the country. judges in this section only present a diploma of honor. many screenwriters were upset, but the reality was that we felt this weakness in the scriptwriting and screenwriting department. thanks to these workshops the simorghs of the 4th and 3rd festival will once again sit on the shoulders of screenwriters. zohra adizadeh of sed and cima news agency. the president of venezuela said: those who try to impose a fascist coup on this country will fail again. supporters of the candidate supported by the west, after the defeat in the elections in venezuela, rejected the election results and started rioting in the streets. when it became clear that the candidate
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supported by the us and the west did not win the election, his supporters took to the streets and questioned the election. those who identify themselves as election protesters and supporters of gonzalez were wounded by war bullets. they also went to the caracas airport to stop flights and travel. prosecutor venezuela has warned that closing the street and any violation of the law will be dealt with decisively. america has rejected the venezuelan elections. we are seriously concerned about the results of the elections in venezuela. the governments
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supported by washington in the region also said the same. venezuela considers this action as an interference in its internal affairs and said it is calling its diplomats in these countries. maduro announced that those who are planning a coup will fail. they are trying to stage a fascist and anti-revolutionary coup once again impose on venezuela but this attempt fails. according to the announcement of the presidential election institutions in venezuela, nicolas maduro got more than 51 votes and his rival edmundo gonzalez got 44 votes. non-recognition of elections in venezuela already has a history. khan guaido, the candidate supported by trump. in the previous period, when he could not defeat maduro, he said he did not accept the elections , he staged a coup and went to the united states and called himself the interim president, but with trump's departure, his term ended, and washington was forced to recognize the candidate he had voted for in the elections. to know
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the situation of drinking water in tunisia is critical according to channel 5. he goes to reach the water. this is the only water well in a radius of several kilometers. this is one of the few wells in the region that many villages depend on . if we had water at home, everyone would be comfortable. at this age, i take two buckets of water and spend the whole evening in this heat. but every year the problem
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gets worse. the well is gradually disappearing and the heat is fueling this situation. the waiting line is long. we leave the house early in the morning. for this reason, the water situation is considered critical and it should be approached with awareness. the effect of good old age on the society is very deep. successively, in generations, young people
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leave the region without hope of water returning. i at least hope that in the last years of my life life will change thanks to a little water. our children they leave the area due to thirst and lack of work. the problem goes far beyond this area. according to the united nations , 650,000 people in tunisia are deprived of drinking water at home. the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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at the beginning of the 20th century, the levant was one of the most important regions of the middle east. syria was part of the ottoman empire in 1516 and until the end of the first world war in 1918, it remained a part of ottoman. palestine , which was a province in the south of the levant, was an active part of the ottoman world. in commercial centers of palestine, including quds, jaffa and haifa, the trade market was prosperous. palestine had its own nation, it was a lively, active, intelligent, intellectual and very creative nation. but world war i changed everything. in november
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1918, the allies including britain, france, italy and japan defeated the allies. allies include germany, austria, hungary, bulgaria, most importantly, the ottoman empire b. britain and france agreed to divide the levant in some way which is in the best way for their benefit. be but they could not agree on the future of palestine. as a result, the league of nations temporarily placed palestine under british rule or trusteeship. some christian and jewish zionist writers described palestine as a land without a nation. the non-jewish christian zionist movement 200 years ago and even before the jewish zionists made the false claim that palestine is a land without a nation and a handful of
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uncivilized bedouins and farmers live there . they claimed that there is nothing of value in palestine. even hertzel said the same thing. but this documentary looks at this region in the 20th century from a different angle. in this film, the words of historians and the words of the king. we hear dan zind saying that palestine at that time was not only a barren and uninhabited land, but a dynamic arab country with a developing commercial and social infrastructure. this documentary is the other side of the story of palestine. allahu akbar! this is quds, this is the voice of palestine from quds
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, dear listeners , i greet you from the new part of our programs. the palestinian society in 1920 was a living society. the era of globalization in the last 20 years of the 19th century it had caused some development. this situation was especially evident in the cities of jaffa, haifa and to some extent in quds. ghods. like the ports of gaza and jaffa , it had become an important commercial center. together, these areas
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turned palestine into a center of trade with europe, north africa and the middle east. these old commercial documents in the quds documents center are indicative of the commercial activities in these areas. quds used to export soap to egypt, italy and greece through gaza. the export goods of palestine to egypt were from the port of jaffa. export. hembe to france and the city of izmir and antiques and religious items to istanbul, italy, portugal there was also spain. gaza and jaffa imported rice and clothes from egypt, textiles from istanbul, glassware from china, cashmere fabrics from india, and lead from france and the netherlands . at the end of the 19th century, palestinian cities
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could keep pace with the development in other regions of the world by relying on trade. at the same time , transportation infrastructure was being created in palestine. a railway network was being built to connect jerusalem and other large and small cities with ports near the mediterranean sea. the opening of the main quds train station was a turning point in this part of the ottoman world. main station flesi train was opened in quds in the last years of the 19th century. the exact date of that year was 189.
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this event was unforgettable. a high-level delegation that represents. the ottoman government had come from istanbul , they entered jerusalem, the ruler of jerusalem was also there , all the ambassadors and consuls in jerusalem were also there. the family and prominent men of the city also participated in this ceremony. a red carpet was introduced and all kinds of food and drinks were available for reception. people waited for 3 hours. with the arrival of the train, palestine became prosperous and the
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coastal cities were connected to the interior cities. prospered all this caused the prosperity of palestine. there were other trains in other areas. not that they are only in quds and jaffa. trains also went to egypt and the levant region. around the second half of the 19th century, the ottomans decided to invest in creating an extensive transportation network to somehow connect jaffa to different areas of palestine. marine transportation connected jaffa to neighboring arab countries such as lebanon, egypt,
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and later the raheen project appeared. people by train between jaffa. ifa, beirut, damascus and cairo used to go back and forth. i remember that my grandfather likes lebanese folk music very much, the same zajal music, he and his friend always take a taxi from the jaffa clock tower square. they take them and go to the street in beirut to see the performance of these songs. salma jaffa was an industrial and lively city. the shops in this photo are mine when i was 25 years old. now that there are 92 blacksmith shops and other types of shops in jaffa, there
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were only 11 tile factories in jaffa city. jaffa was the main port of palestine during the ottoman period, but the port of haifa quickly took the place of jaffa. in 1905, with the arrival of a branch of the hejaz railway, the port of haifa grew a lot. the railway went from damascus to the city of daraa in southern syria and from there to haifa. . receipt. as a result, people could go from haifa to damascus and the city of medina in present-day arabia. the importance of the railroad was that it connected sea routes used for european colonial expansion and industrial development to land roads. later, this same
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network expanded so much that it extended to the city of kirkuk in northern iraq and this city. it connected the oil-rich city to other parts of the world. practically, this railway line strengthened haifa's economic development, such as exports and imports. became more a strong line was created that connected this city with the three continents of africa, asia and europe.
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connecting jordan to haifa, this situation has increased places like horan in syria, lebanon and the east the population of haifa increased, and as a result, services increased, and the number of economic, cultural and social institutions also increased during the ottoman reforms. made europeans interested in this region in terms of investment, trade and communication. this issue caused the growth of quds and haifa and especially jaffa. economic growth also occurred. the area was open. investments were activated and trade between cities was flowing. people who live in beirut, sida and sur. they had invested in the cities of akka, haifa, jaffa, and gaza
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. businessmen in nablus, al-khalil, quds, gaza, everywhere in palestine invested in business initiatives there. time. it was very strong. naturally, for this situation , a large number of workers were needed both for the railway itself and for the trade inside the city, because this port was growing during the ottoman period, as a result, hundreds of palestinians, syrians, lebanese, and even iraqis and hejazis came to this city to work. the trend to the growth of construction and progress in the economic sector and, naturally, to the prosperity of social life. i was saying that people from
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all over the middle east came to work in jaffa and other places in palestine, from lebanon, syria, jordan, egypt , yemen, hijaz, and they came here from everywhere. tens of thousands of workers. port workers and city dwellers the palestinian authority of jaffa port has decided to prevent the employment of unlicensed workers in the port. but. this radio report shows how the british protectorate
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controlled arab workers by imposing regulations on the influx of foreign workers. nothing demonstrates the development of palestine's infrastructure at that time more than the efficiency of the new railway network. if a train. it would be known if you arrived in haifa a few minutes late. delay in damascus- haifa train. we found out that the damascus train was 5 minutes late yesterday. this news shows that there was definitely a definite schedule at that time, and people agreed time is very important for business agreements. businessmen who go to jaffa by train from dem eshq have to pass through haifa in order to reach their destination and finalize contracts and business agreements. this shows that the train delay
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definitely affects their schedule. palestinian cities became famous for their manufacturing sector. each of these cities had its own specialty. nablus in the field of producing a famous type. hebron was famous for the production of leather products , and acre became famous due to the activities of the alkert company in the field of construction and oil exploration, as well as other companies. it was also established in cities other than haifa, for example in jaffa there was an active casting company that made metal structures and other types of equipment for buses. he produced vehicles and prospered . there was a metal foundry company in jaffa, which
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was called sekb al-falestini company. there was a school there and several factories. we learned the trade there. i studied there for 3 years to become a 3rd grade worker. i passed the exam and when i turned 22 i became a 1st grade worker. other palestinian companies also. they were established to import modern luxury products. botaji company was one of the most famous of these companies. this company in several the city had a branch and
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imported electrical appliances, bicycles and a new music player. using the gramophone, it was possible to listen to music at home. when the gramophone was invented and spread all over the world and the region, butaji was one of the first companies to import the gramophone, this shows that people are very interested in listening to the gramophone , and as a result, other companies started to make it. the gramophone page was established. you know, according to our elders , the sound of songs, especially songs, was heard all day long in the streets and bazaars of haifa. the songs sung by the famous egyptian arab singers, at that time, the sound of music came from homes and shops in haifa. this music played with the soul and spirit of the people, and people were
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very happy to have a phone . 1920 automobile exhibitions slowly appeared in palestine. became. this issue was indicative of several points. the first problem is the network situation. land transportation in palestine was so advanced and roads were built to connect the different cities. in my opinion, it was not only about buying and selling cars , but this part had become very important. a series of services had been created that would boost the palestinian economy grow in all different sectors.
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when talking about the history of palestine , several issues are usually neglected . these issues start from the second half of the 19th century. in my opinion, these issues are very important because they profoundly changed the shape of the palestinian society , for example, from the beginning of the century 19. today's schools in jaffa exist, some of them are ottoman schools, and some foreign schools estimate that at the beginning of the 20th century, only 2% of the palestinian population, with subads, these people are generally religious scholars and intellectuals in 1948, more than
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50% of palestinian children are literate, this statistic is extraordinary in the world, not only in the arab world, there were many forms of education in palestine at that time. in the 1920s, there were a series of public schools , a series of arab schools, and a series of foreign schools. international like the german school and the russian school, so we will see that time. there were many schools in palestine. palestine was distinguished for having outstanding and excellent professors and teachers. they were famous in the arab world and even in the whole world. there were different schools in palestinian villages. this is a very important point. i am not saying that we have the best education system generally.


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