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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 8:00am-8:32am IRST

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you have enumerated the resistance, i want to say this point, the zionist regime's computing system is based on terror , occupation, betrayal of others, and violation of other people's rights, so when the computing system is based on a crooked wall, as we iranians say , it is definitely and definitely loaded. no matter how long the life of this regime passes, this wall will be destroyed. it will not be smooth and we will see all these crookedness, crooked thinking and crooked behavior from the zionist regime . that is why the honorable imam, may god's mercy be upon him, said 40 years ago that the cancerous spot and this spot and the zionist regime are facing one. point a cancer that can spread, if it could be operated on, the imam would not have said that it must be cut off and thrown away. it is obvious that
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it cannot be cured. why can't it be cured, because the essence of this regime is that the foundations of this regime are based on rape and betrayal. for this reason, as long as these actions continue, as you mentioned, this resistance has been created and will continue even in countries such as japan. he says that japanese culture has nothing to do with the subject the name of resistance has no meaning after world war ii , but why do we see people chanting slogans in favor of palestine and against the zionist regime in the streets of japan ? that is, i want to serve you. dear mr. abedini, until there is a public awareness of this cancerous tumor
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, even if the zionist regime is destroyed in the past years or now, everyone will see it as a historical point that existed and is not now, but it should be understood. let it be the case that he came into existence and should not come into being he came and everyone should help to destroy him , so this assassination and actions like this will definitely have a significant impact on public awareness and on increasing the power of resistance . he participated in many friday prayers in gaza and gave speeches as a preacher. in addition , he had a decisive role in leading the resistance and... this
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caused that during this period, more than 30 people from his family members were martyred during the al-aqsa storm, that is, during the last 10 months, and we saw it that whenever his children or grandchildren or people close to him were martyred, he would come back again and talk about the palestinian resistance , a resistance that i have repeatedly said from his own words during the interviews we had with him in tehran, that the palestinian resistance the opinion will continue until the sea until palestine is actually free, that is, from the west bank of the jordan river, not until the debate. which is actually mediterranean and he
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was very sensitive to this issue, is this person and this character from our point of view as those who consider martyrdom as the highest honor for a muslim, this causes it is possible that his family or his fellow soldiers will actually become a little weak in resisting and fighting against the zionist regime, or on the contrary , it will cause the rise of resistance against the zionist regime. you said that in each of the testimonies of his relatives , his loved ones, our grandchildren
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, we saw a determined face of resistance in the face and movements of mr. haniyeh more than in the past, that is , today all the people of gaza are more. out of 40 thousand martyrs and a large number of missing and displaced people are still standing. certainly, the testimony of this man boghor, who had studied in sunni seminaries for years. i will complete your order. he was the friday imam of one of the big mosques in gaza for more than 16 years, and after being forced to work at a high level in political affairs and traveling more often and not being able to be stationed in gaza, he was forced to become a friday imam. hand over therefore, he was a person who was completely familiar with the verses of the qur'an, he knew
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that martyrdom is the pinnacle of life, and he always wished for martyrdom in the martyrdom of other oppressed rulers of gaza. it seems the blood of this noble martyr is enough can have a new movement in the palestinian resistance . dear mr. abedini, i would like to share this point with you. during the last 10 months that you mentioned, this cooperation, coordination and harmony of the various fields of the resistance front showed itself in such a way that with the smallest move made by the zionist regime. give or give, all resistance currents will accompany for revenge. i am sure that in the shortest possible time, all the different fronts of the resistance front will give the necessary answer as a unit and
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they will give an answer that the zionist regime will accept these actions. regret fruitlessly. dear doctor, one of the topics is very important. this is how the international system reacts to the adventurism and terrorist actions of the zionist regime. the fact that the zionist regime assassinates a party in another country is a matter that can be a benchmark for international institutions and even western countries. how will they react to this crime committed by the zionist regime ? this is not a battlefield. we see that in the 10 months since the storm of al-aqsa, not even a
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senior commander of the resistance in gaza has been able to fight against the zionist regime. he will testify, but he will destroy the houses , destroy the schools , occupy the hospitals and commit crimes that are rare in history, but unique in terms of the crimes that take place, in your opinion. there should be a world system both from the un security council and from international organizations and western countries that claim . in the fight against terrorism, in fact, it is very hard to show how the zionist regime will react to this recent crime. i
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have been reviewing your excellency's response for the past 10 months. during the last 10 months that one a great test for all human beings and international institutions of authority. he was senior and the leaders of the countries, we have to see how it was. this massacre is considered as genocide and international courts are reacting to it. did we see an effect in the act of confronting egypt or a human reaction in the senior officials of the countries of the world? the answer is negative. by no means. there is no hope for the international institutions of the senior officials of the countries, mr. abedini, the nations must take one action, and the nations must decide today, as you mentioned, in more than 92 countries. screaming death to the zionist regime and supporting the people
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of gaza, the representatives of 146 countries in the united nations general assembly issue a resolution in favor of palestine and against the zionist regime. today , public opinion is more important than the position of government officials. it happens, therefore, for this reason, among the intellectuals, thinkers, members of the most effective media in different countries, the topic of change in the international system is being discussed and discussed as an issue that can be investigated. these institutions are to support the rule of the system of rule and the established western countries cannot
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take any action for the benefit of the people, for the benefit of the nations , so there is no hope for international institutions , but what is important and dear friends, your colleagues in radio and television, you are completely facing it, the reaction of the independent media in it is the world that you are facing from today, what the educated people. the world is dealing with him with this type of crime and this terrorism that took place today, these are important today. it is true that the authorities are silent. but what is public opinion and judgment in today's world, mr. abedini, except for hating the zionist regime, except for supporting the people. palestine, except for the use of the palestinian name, this
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means that today the oppressors of the world, whether they are in the authorities of the countries or in various institutions , have disappeared from the eyes of the people of the world today, and it is true that we are not unaware that the affiliated media are starting to analyze to justify this terror in some way, but definitely and certainly the conscience of the public. the world will not accept this, so this assassination is nothing but a loss for the zionist regime it will not give. the zionist regime is based on a big lie that the british state told in balfour , which was actually the beginning of the occupation of the palestinian territories, stating that the land is uninhabited for residents.
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the west continued in the depth of islamic lands , and the last case we see is that netanyahu, who is a war criminal, is taken to the congress and they stand up and clap their hands for him more than 70 times . and the first is to be encouraged in this way. body and welcome the
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continuous support of the west, especially the united kingdom and the united states, to the zionist regime the crimes that exist in food now have been effective. dear mr. abdini, you are well aware that the formation of the zionist regime was created by the british and the support of the americans. definitely in this. we don't have the opportunity to have a census during the last 75 years, but in the last 10 months, all the pictures are in front of us. the narrative that this picture gives us is that if it were not for the support of the zionist regime and part of the nato member countries, the zionist regime would exist today. he did not have a foreigner, that is, one of the reasons for mr. netanyahu's trip to new york and washington last week was to meet his own needs there
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remove it because in the weeks leading up to mr. netanyahu's visit, the senior officials of the zionist regime announced that we do not have the necessary weapons and ammunition to deal with the palestinian resistance , officially announcing that we do not have the ammunition for our own military facilities we need new weapons. and one of the reasons for netanyahu's trip to america was for this. that is, this clearly shows that during the last 10 months, all the reports that the cargo planes for him have weapons and the possibility to go, but that mr. netanyahu will go and this criminal in america will feel the need for getting new weapons and new killings and the continuation of killings shows that without the help of america and some western countries, the zionist regime
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would have been destroyed, that is, except for the past 75 years when it could not continue its cursed life in these 10 months by the resistance. he was suffocated and suffocated , but all this help was due to the issue of being able to keep netanyahu and the zionist regime alive . rather, they live in the presence of their lord.
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they are afraid, nor are they sad. hamas revolutionary movement. of course, for many years he was both a preacher of friday prayers and one of the prominent religious figures in gaza who played an influential role in the field of resistance for many years. martyr ismail haniyeh was a model for the palestinian resistance
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and will remain a legend because he was able to during these years , he provided the ground for the unity of palestinian islamic and jihadi groups against the zionist regime , and since he was elected as the head of hamas's political office after mr. khalid meshaal, he was able to do great things, including the storm issue. al-aqsa one, which was one of the biggest islamic resistance operations against the zionist regime in the past 75 years, in such a way that the al-aqsa storm was able to break the zionist regime's false pretenses, and according to all experts and political observers of the zionist regime, they never
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looked back before the al-aqsa storm operation. the storm will happen especially when the zionist regime claimed that it was able to control the resistance, but both shabak as the internal security force of the zionist regime and mossad as the intelligence organization of the zionist regime beyond the borders of the occupied territories. and aman as an organization the information of the zionist regime's army failed to predict this operation. we once again
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offer our condolences to all the resistance fighters of the world, to all those who support the palestinian cause, mr. dr. sadr al-husseini. in the past, he was able to reach a unity , that is, islamic jihad, hamas, erin al-asud , the popular front for the liberation of palestine and other groups that are actually small and big that are for the liberation of palestine from the perspective of the sea. what was the role of martyr ismail haniyeh in this empathy? mr. dr. abioni i have to tell you that perhaps one of the most important actions that can be discussed now after the martyrdom of haniyeh was this point of connection of all palestinian currents. after
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various ups and downs that arose for different palestinian militant and palestinian resistance movements. two years ago , there was a coordination between the islamic resistance front of lebanon in the person of mr. seyed hassan nasrallah and mr. haniyeh that how can we coordinate the group of palestinian fighting groups based on the discussions that took place and the plans that were made in this regard. a covenant was prepared and all groups and palestinian militant movements 2 years ago in a meeting in lebanon with the presence of mr. haniyeh and mr. seyed. hassan nasrallah read the coming of this agreement , expressed their opinions, it was modified and a final agreement
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was created for the unity of the palestinian resistance movements, and mr. haniyeh took the center of this movement , which made these coordinations that we had during last year and especially after the al-aqsa storm , we see all the resistance groups coming to this square and doing their jobs, and during the last 10 months, you have not seen any opposing views , no opposing voices from the palestinian movements. you don't see that the point of unity that was accepted by all palestinian currents was martyr haniyeh, according to the records that you mentioned, most of him was in the field of secret campaigns. it did not cause them to play this role of greater charisma for the palestinians and to be able to
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align all currents with the statement that hamas gave during the last 10 months , and all the resistance currents were in fact with the statement. hamas seems to have put their own signature under him and there was this point of unity. in fact, the zionist regime was trying for this, not only the political secretary general of a resistance party such as hamas should destroy this point of unity , but the zionist regime is unaware of this issue, that the work and indicator that mr. ham haniyeh has put for the unity of the palestinian currents is not an issue that with their absence , this unity will definitely increase, and the palestinian currents will definitely be closer and more coherent and
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conduct more joint operations to confront the zionist regime. martyr ismail haniyeh had a decisive role at different times, which can now be seen in places like syria he said, and in coordinating and creating harmony between those who are refugees who were expelled from the occupied lands and are now living in syrian camps or those who are now living in lebanese camps, he was even able to reconcile between the forces loyal to the palestinian cause who have been fighting for many years. from the land the occupied people were forced to move from their own homes and villages to create an alliance that had conversations and visits. one of
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the most important issues raised by martyr ismail haniyeh was the return of refugees to the occupied lands, and we saw how successful he was in this regard. and he was able to create this thinking among the resistance field , what do you think will happen in the future? in various meetings, it was stated that there was unity among the palestinians because they had to return to their homeland in order to establish this palestinian sovereignty. therefore, in this regard
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, mr. haniyeh made a lot of effort and it seems that the sweet nectar of this effort is in the taste of many palestinians in different places, even i complete his statement. some of the palestinians who are not living in islamic lands today because of their forced departure, being forced to go to western countries, even today, one of the most important supporters of the palestinian resistance are those who are in other countries today, but their palestinian essence is their own palestinian identity. not forgetting that mr. haniyeh was able to coordinate their financial and spiritual aid to reach the palestinian resistance in gaza. this was a great work done by mr. haniyeh. for this reason, i want to tell you that without him, the issue of unity between the palestinian group and movements
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the palestinians who are in the camps, as you mentioned, and the palestinians who are not in the camps today and are living in europe as a non-european citizen , will definitely increase, because seeing that the person who proposed this plan tried he did a lot of things for its implementation. today , he poured his own blood into this plan. definitely and definitely, this plan will be coherent, it will be completed, and definitely mr. haniyeh's opinion will be continued by other mujahidin who will be introduced immediately in his place. yes , one of the when we review the history of palestine for the past 30-40 years, we see that first palestinian resistance is formed in the framework of nationalist issues and
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emerges. but a new generation is emerging among the resistance, who are moving from nationalism to being islamic and shaping the islamic resistance, one of the prominent figures of which is martyr ismail haniyeh , whose actions in this field will never be forgotten. by the way, the days of resistance started when we actually witnessed the movement of the palestinian resistance from nationalist to islamic, because we nationalists finally saw that despite what happened during the era of mr. arafat, but the zionist regime itself he also poisoned arafat as a witness. all
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the medical certificates that were later published in france and ms. mr. arafat expressed, but that resistance came, negotiated and compromised in madrid, annapolis, cam david , oslo and other places, and no serious role was taken for the liberation of palestine, but now we have witnessed this. we are at the peak of islamic resistance, and not inside palestine, where you have taken from yemen, iraq , lebanon, syria, and other areas of islamic resistance. how much of this resistance can still be established with the islamic support of the likes of martyr ismail haniyeh? at
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may the future play a role in the freedom of palestine. you have well expressed the change in the direction of the palestinian resistance during the past 40 years after the islamic revolution . in fact, today, because of this, the palestinian identity still remains, the palestinian resistance still remains, the element of islam to the element of nazism or nationalism was added in palestine. of course, it is good to remember imam, may god's mercy be upon him, that the palestinian nation owes this to imam and the islamic revolution. i would like to convey this point to you that even this islamic element exists , mr. abedini, you should not worry about the martyrdom of the nobles. and be men of jihad like haniyeh. why? because islam considers martyrdom as a great power. and this
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has been proven in the history of islam, those who are martyred for their own correct goal, their goal will be accelerated after them. therefore, this islamic element that your excellency said was able to create the al-aqsa battalions today, let erin al-aswad , which your excellency mentioned, or the al-aswad mentioned by your excellency, create the al-quds battalions . these are all young people who follow the real trend of the resistance movement. palestine, with the element of islam , has managed to get these young people out of the camps gaza should leave the west bank and create this resistance, so the palestinians themselves came to this conclusion. the element of consistency in the palestinian resistance today is an element called islam and the quran.
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allow me to tell you this, dr. abedini . maybe i am not saying this point for the first time, but it has not been expressed much and that is it. that we can be the main cause and the main key to people's resistance.


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