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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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your excellency said that today he was able to create al-aqsa battalions. erin al-aswad should be created by your excellency or the aswad that your excellency mentioned. create the quds battalions . these are all the young people who, after the real tendency of the palestinian resistance movement towards the element of islam , managed to get these young people out of the camps, from the heart of gaza, from the heart of the bank and create this resistance. therefore, the palestinians themselves came to this conclusion. the element of consistency in the palestinian resistance today is an element called islam and the quran. allow me to present this to you mr. abedini do. maybe i am not saying this point for the first time, but it has not been expressed much, and the fact that we can
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consider the qur'an as the main reason and key to the resistance of the people of gaza in the last 10 months. before the al-aqsa storm operation, the reason is that many non-muslims may be christians or have no religion . they are looking for what is in the qur'an that has created this peace and tranquility, this resistance and this trust in the people of gaza. therefore, the element of islam , the element of jihad verses of the quran today is an integral part of the movement palestinian resistance. and definitely and certainly , if there were to be some efforts that were made during the last 40 years, it ended up being a bomb. all
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the palestinians have reached this point that even if they call for the liberation of their own homeland with a nationalist perspective, their point of attachment and the center of their movement is islam, so this point that you mentioned and the quranic verses that i saw in the program it flowed from mr. haniyeh's tongue and our people saw him reciting the quran. from the khabar network, this shows that today all palestinians, especially the palestinian resistance, are an issue he knows the name of islam and the qur'an as an inseparable identity from himself, along with being a palestinian , they are inseparable from each other, that is, a palestinian considers himself a muslim and then joins the movement of resistance, that's why we can say that islam
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has had the least activity during the last two decades, while there were also non-islamic movements in the al-aqsa storm operation and after that, we don't want to negate them, but their number, the depth of their influence, and their actions are very different from islamic movements like hamas. and it seems that they were active in islamic jihad the fact that the islamic resistance has now reached an intellectual maturity in such a way that it is emerging both in the spheres inside palestine and outside palestine, this maturity is emerging, while continuing the negotiations indirectly with the power of discussion. gives for the release of prisoners who are in the grip of the regime. at the same time, he has been able
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to advance that strategic deterrence in the military field, that is, both in the military field and in the field of efforts to free prisoners, and the work that dr. sadr al-hosseini islamic resistance in especially 10-11 months. what he has done is that he has moved the call of oppression of the palestinian people outside the borders of the occupied territories in spite of the zionist empire and the westerners in the media to censor information and news, we see that an action has been taken that people from all corners of the world are on the streets and
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suffering from the oppression of the palestinian people. the role of figures who are both active and working in the political field , for example. what did shahid ismail do in transferring this idea to the international public opinion? mr. haniyeh did not stop at an old issue called the freedom of palestine. in addition, he put the main issue on the freedom of palestine, but he did not limit himself. i have to serve you wide i want to take a look at the numerous trips that mr. haniyeh has had at different prices, either he himself or the delegations that he specifies.
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that mr. haniyeh has to globalize the palestinian resistance, today we see that in different parts of the world the issue of freedom. palestine, the issue of supporting quds , the issue of condemning, hating the crimes of the zionist regime has become widespread. i think we can say with certainty. mr. haniyeh's right is to consider him a global person. not one a person who was only working for the palestinian resistance. that's why i say it. i believe that many of those who are resisting in other resistances in other struggles in the world are trying to set the palestinian resistance as their model today , and mr. haniyeh, i can say
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that they have an essential role in this regard, well, i have to do this. let me tell you that before the al-aqsa storm and before the correct direction that mr. taniyeh and his friends in hamas and islamic jihad took, the issue of palestine and the freedom of palestine was an issue that was thought to be the islamic world. of course, i will not go back to the past. the arabs are sensitive to it. well , in the last decade, the muslim world has become sensitive to it, but since the al-aqsa storm and the actions taken by hamas and islamic jihad centered on mr. haniyeh, this movement has become a global movement. the reason is that we are now observing that there is no international summit in which the issue of the gaza war is not discussed, mr. dr. abedini, i have to
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tell you this point. the stormy movement of hamas, islamic jihad, has not only effects it will be regional but international. for this reason, i can say that mr. haniyeh played a unique role in the globalization of the palestinian resistance. well , in the constitution of the islamic republic, chapter 10, one of the clauses mentions that the islamic republic must be free from all actions. the anti -dominion sector should support the system, which of course is the path stated in the constitution, and alhamdulillah , it has continued to support the oppressed and deprived during the past 45 years. the issue is that when we
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talk about supporting the palestinian resistance, it is a criminal regime and a criminal gang. he came and usurped where the qiblah of the first muslims was, the second is that he usurped the place where the great prophet ascended to the ascension, and the third point is that aside from islamic and religious issues , it is a human issue, that is, in front of the camera. about 40,000 people were massacred on our tv during the last 10 months, and the number must be higher than this because the reality of the matter is that several storey buildings have been destroyed and
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it is not possible to remove the rubble to see who was buried under the rubble. that in tehran, martyr ismail hanigeh, who participated in a in fact, the political event entered the country. it is possible that there are officials from more than 75 countries in the world, and we see that the sianist regime is committing a criminal act like this, how much can it be effective in exposing the sinister face of this criminal regime. well, the fact of the matter is that a significant part of the real essence of the zionist regime during this. last month , it came to the attention of the people of the world. the reactions that
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we observe from the people of the world, we realize that the public opinion of the people of the world is a significant part of the real face of the zionist regime, which mr. abedini, i should let me tell you this. the propaganda was such that the zionist regime said that we should be careful if we enter a village for a war. we are also the cats of that village, which means that they have pretended to be human so much, they have pretended to be so humanitarian that even the rights of animals are not violated. well, today they realized that these crimes are being committed in front of the eyes of the people of the world. unfortunately, they are also supported by american leaders and senior officials. well, this is a significant part of showing his face. in the past
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10 months, we have been talking about assassinations done. you mentioned mr. ararouri that there have been other assassinations of hezbollah brothers in lebanon, some of whom were inside the car with their children and their wives. they were martyred. in some of these. things like the murder that took place last night in lebanon, at least 11 people were martyred and nearly 60 people were injured, one of the hospitals was damaged, which means that today these crimes are openly in front of the eyes of the people of the world. well, if we assume that today, on the assumption that all currents between the regime and resistance are impossible palestine will end, what will be the judgment of the people of the world? do
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they give gifts and championship trophies to the zionist regime today, because you destroyed hospitals , destroyed schools, destroyed places of residence for displaced people, cut off water and food to the people, committed terror , or all this is confirmed in the books, in the media, in the analysis, and the regime, i can definitely tell you about the mughal people, which is clearly evident in the history of iran today, what kind of people they were, or about hitler and the actions of germany during hitler's time. therefore, apparently, the zionist regime and its supporters forgot that history it is not an issue that can be changed, they may try for this issue, but there are so many documents that it is no longer possible to whiten the black face of the zionist regime, and for this reason, we
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can say that the struggle will definitely continue until the liberation of palestine. mr. doctor, it is not the case that the zionist regime imagines that with the assassination of mr. haniyeh or the increase and continuation of the killing of the people of gaza, it can achieve a victory and consider itself the hero of this war . resistance with more power, more motivation, more punches they will go towards the destruction of the zionist regime, perhaps the al-aqsa storm was not meant to destroy the zionist regime, but from now on we cannot rule out that the palestinian resistance will continue its movement until the destruction of the zionist regime. thank you very much, we will go back to the broadcast and after
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listening to the other part of ismail, the martyr of the islamic resistance, we will go back to the conversation about the new crime of the zionist regime in tehran, which led to the martyrdom of this son of the islamic resistance and one of the leaders of the islamic resistance and who for years his long life in watering the strong seedlings of islamic resistance in palestine it passed and we will continue , god willing
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. the cause of love, including me, is waiting for a change to the believers, men who are righteous , we are on our pledge, and god is against it, so is the case of love, including me, is waiting, and is waiting for a change
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. may god reward the righteous for their sincerity and punish the hypocrites , if he wills, he will repent. martyr of the islamic resistance and the revolutionary movement hamas , we had and will continue to talk about the consequences
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and also the impact it will have on the palestinian resistance in this context with the guest of the program, mr. dr. sadr al-hosseini, we discussed the issue that happened and that was the assassination of one of the leaders of the palestinian resistance who had come to tehran as a guest to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the president of the islamic republic of iran, dr. it was an amazing event for both the people of iran and the field of islamic resistance, not only but for all the people of the world because the zionist regime
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has crossed the red lines. at any time , they will give a place to this crime that has taken place as before, in response to the crimes committed by the zionist regime, the islamic republic did not react and now some of them are in the news and some of them are not, but the second issue is the legal follow-up of this crime, which finally a person in tehran as a guest, he participated and was assassinated by the zionist regime , how can this be pursued from a legal point of view, and
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what will be the consequences? first of all, i have to tell you that mr. haniyeh according to his type of work. and their position and status, they travel with diplomatic passports , including the trip for the actual inauguration ceremony the fact that the president has come to iran, he is a political official in terms of international law , he has political responsibility, secondly, he is a guest, as you mentioned, along with nearly 80 official and political delegations that attended the inauguration ceremony of the presidency. the president has come to iran, so the international law is completely clear. and it is transparent. but the question that exists here is which international institution should reach this issue? certainly, the islamic republic
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, through a memorandum, the cases of legal issues facing the hearing and opinion of international institutions, including the united nations united will deliver. there is a right to revenge for the islamic republic. and as we know , unfortunately, under the influence of great powers, especially the united states, international institutions are usually silent in this regard, but what is certain is that the islamic republic of iran has not made a strong emotional move based on rationality and tact and based on international law will give the necessary response to the zionist regime. this very important point is specified in international law, which is clearly stated in article 51 that the issue of revenge and the act of confronting
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egypt to protect the national security of countries is completely it is a clear characteristic and all the members of the united nations are committed to it, the islamic republic will definitely take legal action and legal follow-up from the international institutions and take the necessary revenge, in fact, appropriate and proportionate to this crime. it seems that the zionist regime is taking adventurous measures in order to get out of the bombast that it created. assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh in tehran well, before that, the assassination of martyr al arwari, the deputy political head of hamas
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in beirut, and the actions he has taken in gaza over the past 10 months means no more than killing women and children. destruction of hospitals, schools and everything else , i hope we have seen it in the movies. we have seen in the movies that some people fall into the whirlpool and the more they struggle, the more they sink. the zionist regime is also
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caught in this situation. and as you mentioned, he created this vortex for himself. with the continuation of his crimes and he thought that he would have an increase in crimes or the continuation of crimes at any point, he can win. but today it has reached a point where in the zionist government itself , its opponents are talking about early elections , and many of the shortcomings that the president they are exposing what the third regime government, that is, mr. netanyahu, has done, apart from the qabilis cases and these, during the last ten months, today, the opposition is saying that we should dismiss the current netanyahu government through a civil resistance, that is, work it has come to this point that
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there is a clear dictatorship that netanyahu is ruling the zionist regime by force and is continuing the crimes and war by force . they are resigning without going through the process resignation, they don't come to their workplace anymore. this is an internal situation. well, now i will answer you in such a way that the more these crimes, these assassinations, these conditions are created, definitely and certainly, the sinking of netanyahu and the zionist regime into this self-created vortex will increase. let's say this sentence too, mr. doctor. in my opinion, in this program, josh khaliyeh, the supporters of the zionist regime , you and your excellency both
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mentioned the manipulations of congress officials, but we must not forget that these crimes are all committed with the support of the americans. shaitan akbar in this they are the stream of americans. if the americans wanted that these events, including this assassination and the increase of resistance movements against the zionist regime and their interests, would not take place in america , you would not listen. they turned and said that we will not allow you to leave america until you resolve the ceasefire issue. americans have this ability , mr. abedini, you know better than me. but they are interested in increasing the tension so that they can sell their weapons so that they can increase their aggression in the region to increase the fear of resistance in the region. so we should not in this
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the continuous crimes of the zionist regime during the last 10 months are over now, which was completely before these 10 months , when the history is completely clear, but in these last 10 months , we must not forget its western supporters, especially the united states , which is definitely the main murderer and the main criminal in these currents. the recent americans who are known as the main supporters of the zionist regime should be introduced to the public opinion of the world. dear readers and viewers, you know that the zionist regime won every war it waged against the neighboring countries of palestine before the year 2000, that is, in the wars of 1988, which occupied palestine , in 1967, which
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carried out military operations in syria, lebanon, syria, jordan, and egypt, and managed to occupy a part of the golan, a part of the west bank of the jordan river, and a part of the sinai desert, and in 1973, when it was again he was able to advance to the suez canal, everything was a victory for him, but in 1982, when he came to occupy the capital of lebanon, but the formation of the era of defeats began, he was defeated in the 33-day war in lebanon , and he could not achieve his goals in the 22-day war against the people. gaza for 55 days and the three-day wars and continuous wars it had against the islamic resistance now about 10 months passed.
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it has not achieved any of its goals, of course, the actions of the zionist regime , including the assassination of resistance commanders, which is of course in the essence of the zionist regime, which is based on terror, occupation, killing, and ethnic cleansing , will not be able to repeat the martyrdom of the leader of the islamic resistance in gaza. esmail. he says that as the head of the political bureau of hamas, we offer our condolences and god willing , the islamic resistance will avenge the blood of all the martyrs of palestine and the martyrs of the resistance in the atrocities of the world at the right time , god willing.
9:00 am
good morning, dear compatriots . in an announcement, the general public relations of the revolutionary guards announced the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, head of the political office of hamas, and one of his bodyguards was hit by an attack on their residence. the irgc has announced in this announcement that the cause and dimensions of this incident are under investigation and the results will be announced later. in a statement, the hamas movement condoled the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh . in a statement from hamas, the head of the political office of hamas was killed in a cowardly terrorist attack at his residence.
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he was martyred in tehran.


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