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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 12:30pm-1:02pm IRST

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a statement condoled the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh and announced that the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement was martyred in a cowardly and terrorist attack . the palestinian islamic jihad also condemned the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh. the resistance has made our people from continuing the resistance to the end. paying attention to the crimes of the zionist regime, which has exceeded all limits, will not deter the islamic jihad , it has also emphasized on solidarity with hamas to resist the zionist usurper regime, in the special national media program of the khabar network, we are with you, mohammad qadri. the expert and analyst of palestinian and international issues are with us in the studio, mr. dr. qadri , i greet you. have a good time . let's talk about this terrorist act and
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what the head of the political office of the hamas movement and also the palestinian islamic jihad movement announced, while announcing right now that the government delegation, on the occasion of the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the head of the political movement of hamas, announced publicly for 3 days about let's talk more about the dimensions of this terrorist act. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would also like to offer my greetings to the official service of all the dear viewers of the noble nation of iran i offer my condolences for this unfortunate incident and this terrorist operation. i hope that the high spirit of dear martyr ismail haniyeh will have sustenance and sustenance in the presence of the martyrs' year. and the war is
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happening outside the international rules by the criminal and fake zionist regime . the important point is that mr. shahid haniyeh was present in the islamic republic of iran with a diplomatic passport as an official guest to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony. having come to tehran, well, this is from the point of view of the legal debate the international community is important , it has gone beyond that , it does not pay any attention to any international rules anymore, not only is it looking for international rules and they are not looking for an increase in tension, especially now
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with the support of a will beyond the regime itself. it is shaping these events, and it is the visible hand of the united states of america behind the criminal zionist regime. if we consider the war space after the al-aqsaf storm to be limited only to the occupied territory of fima. the relationship between the zionist regime and the palestinian resistance groups is taking shape. then a model should be evaluated and analyzed. but on point on the other hand, we see that netanyahu is trying his best to expand the dimensions of the war beyond the geography of the occupied territories, especially after the storm until today, that is, after these 9 months. even the terrorist incident of our consulate in damascus was done for the same purpose. he is trying to understand the dimensions of the war.
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expand it to a regional and international dimension and bring other elements into this war , bring other factions into this war, because any end or truce or peace at this point in time is the main loser in the person of benjamin netanyahu , not because in fact, we are from the outside about it let's talk about all the media inside the occupied territories that you review when you review the political currents against netanyahu. and the political and security experts and analysts in the western countries are in fact completely convinced that netanyahu is the main loser of this war, both from the point of view of the final outcome of the war and from the point of view that it will be the end of his political life . 15 mehr, when we review the developments, i want to analyze the point you mentioned more, wherever
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we see the crimes of the zionist regime and the cowardly actions of this regime. we see the clear or hidden hand of the united states of america, despite the fact that after the events of october 15 or week. the people of the world, the public opinion of the world, with the people of palestine, with the aspirations of the people of gaza, why despite the successive defeats of the zionist regime of the united states and even the western countries, they still want the flame of war to burn, see from the point of view of the united states and the white house, if we want to see the issue. let's analyze , it is quite clear that joe biden, who we are talking about in these days, the last days of his government, is actually going through the life of his government , from the very beginning, there are several important cases in the field of politics. he had his own foreigner who announced them in his foreign policy doctrine that he wants these within 4 years, i.e. between 2020, when biden won
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the election, and 2024, which is actually the end of his working days. he was determined to be able to follow up and resolve them. one of the most important cases was actually the issue of resistance and the issue of palestine. in other words, it can be said that netanyahu's behavior was out of line in the attack on gaza after the storm. al-aqsab somehow changed the path that the americans had planned, but the united states muttahida refused to support the zionist regime in various dimensions. give it to him. you see, from the point of view of military equipment, weapons and discussions of financial and logistical support, to this day that we are talking to each other, the united states is playing the leading role, even from the point of view of media and credit. we can see that the same
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thing happened in this recent speech of netani in the congress, which was met with continuous applause from the congress representatives in the united states. in fact, it was a license for netanyahu's behavior to continue in his own behavior now, in the words that i said, the united states in no way he can't actually try to get himself out of this assassination story. i was checking before i came, and i saw that some american officials declared ignorance and that we don't know what the story was, so we should investigate. this is a blatant lie. without any doubt, the united states has a clear hand in this terror, and from the consequences of this evil, netanyahu cannot remain in the imam, mr. dr. qadir, always the united states of america, the zionist regime and their allies in the scenario of creating scenarios and in fact
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the plans that they make are pursuing the same goals. they do, but they find and hide something else they receive even in this terrorist act of martyrdom of haj ismail. haniyeh , we want to talk more about him, because the resistance and unity of the resistance axis will increase, but as i mentioned, the government delegation announced three days to the public members, let us present the news to your presence following the martyrdom of mujahideen commander dr. ismail haniyeh. the head of the political office of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, the government of the islamic republic of iran , issued a 3-day notice to the public members and announced that the text of the notice is as follows: the martyrdom of mujahideen commander dr. ismail haniyeh, the head of the movement's political office. islamic resistance of palestine, hamas, the islamic ummah grieved the supporters of the school of resistance and all the free people of the world. this assassination
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added another leaf to the shameful list of crimes committed by the criminal sect and the zionist usurper. the government of the islamic republic of iran: this brutal act, which was carried out with specific goals at the beginning of the work of the government of national unity and violated all humanitarian principles and rules and international law, and the official and diplomatic guest of the islamic republic of iran to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony targeted and condemned it as another obvious sign of being a terrorist. the zionist regime and not being safe at any point on the planet, they know that the evils of this height are corrupt and irreparable. the government of the islamic republic of iran expresses its condolences to the martyrdom of mujahideen and the great leader
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of the resistance front, mr. ismail haniyeh, to the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, the noble nation of iran, the zealous oppressed people of palestine and the entire islamic nation and axis of resistance, all independent governments and free-thinking and honorable personalities. with a criminal gang. the ruler of the occupied territories calls. the government of the islamic republic of iran, while expressing its sympathy with the oppressed and resistant people of palestine , the survivors of the martyr haniyeh, on wednesday, thursday, friday 10th to 12th of august 1403 in the entire islamic iran declares as a public member. this is the text. the message of the government delegation on the occasion of the martyrdom of the mujahid and the great leader of the resistance front, mr. ismail
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haniyeh, which we read to you, let's address what the disbelievers always follow in implementing different scenarios for the resistance front and ultimately the unity that results from what they implement. can be see how many goals the zionist regime has specifically achieved from this action. he is following this series of measures. the first point is that he somehow wants to reduce the pressure of domestic and international public opinion on himself. it is coming in. it is coming in from the point of view that the regime has suffered numerous failures after the storm, especially in various dimensions of military intelligence , cyber field, and especially in the field of public opinion and media. and you know those media structures that have been trying to show a pacifist image of themselves
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to the public opinion, well, all of this has brought down popular uprisings all over the world, none of which were actually planned. it is being done completely spontaneously in the past 9 months, now we can see this action in the paris olympics this is actually the expression of hatred, well, this is not something that we have witnessed before to this extent and to this extent. well, this is one of the important aspects of this failure. well, the first goal is to remove oneself from the pressure of these failures, that is, after the failures. after the successive failures that he is suffering, mr. dr. qadri went back to the scenarios that are always followed throughout the years , the assassination of terrorist acts. from palestine. it means killing women and children, etc. this has a very clear statement it reminds us that the
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zionist regime led by netanyahu is now at the height of desperation, that is, the idea that they claim is an invincible army, a stable established government, well, all of this has collapsed after several groups of authorities. in a small strait called gaza, they couldn't really tell whether this terror, from their point of view, means the end of the resistance, and they want to show off their authority with such an act, of course, they are wrong. the light of the public opinion of the world has no more authority in fact, there is no respect or closeness to the zionist regime , even in the western system and societies, so they want to claim superiority over their own power. to cause a wavering in
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the interlinked ranks of the nations of your resistance area, in these days of the last 9 months, a big event happened, which was not like this in the past, and the cohesion, in fact , is fragile, between the resistance groups in lebanon and palestine. it happened in iraq and yemen under the leadership of the islamic republic of iran this overshadowed them one by one . this happened before, that is, for example, if something happened before, the zionists did not care much about how the iraqis or yemenis would react. let's examine more than before the axis of resistance of this alliance which is between different components and that now they have a miscalculation in the middle, they think it is an assassination attempt. it can create a fear in the ranks of the resistance, which will lead to the weakening of the flow of the resistance
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, this is the same miscalculation because basically resistance is the secret of its victory. we believe that blood is victorious over the sword. their idea is that by assassinating and martyring the leaders and the resistance , they can disrupt the united ranks of the resistance , while we see the blood of soleimani's martyr from the martyr's. sardar soleimani himself had more influence in the field of resistance. the blood of the noble martyr abu mehdi mohdesh, the blood of the iranian, lebanese, palestinian, iraqi, yemeni resistance martyrs, all of these showed that their blood was far more effective than when they were alive, and this will definitely be the case in the case of ismail haniyeh, you are sure. may the consequences of this wickedness of the zionist regime take their toll far more than in the past, in the message that the supreme leader of the revolution published and the emphasis on our bloodlust, the bloodlust of the islamic republic of iran
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in relation to this incident shows that they must wait for something to happen. be big and this is the point that i want to emphasize. according to the wrongdoers, it will definitely give the opposite result. their idea is that, for example, if they assassinate ismail haniyeh in tehran, it will lead to a split in the public opinion within the resistance area. the second point of their opinion is that a fear, for example, will cover the leaders of the resistance , even in the case of a trip to iran, for example, but it will definitely not be something like this, the reason is quite clear, because we believe that the current of the resistance believes that the blood of the victorious sword and the boiling of the blood of these martyrs will definitely be more widespread than the ratio.
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you mentioned the past and the hamas movement as the leader of the resistance movement in occupied palestine will definitely continue its movement with more power than in the past. first of all , we want to announce from a diplomatic point of view as well as international laws that following the martyrdom of the great leader of the people's resistance front. tehran at 17:00 today they will hold a rally in palestine square to condemn this terrorist act. from an international point of view, for example, al-hossei, a member of the political office of the element of allah, has declared that it is a terrorist crime and a clear violation of laws and ideal values. today's system that governs the field of international relations, well , we have a series of legal diplomatic frameworks and rules that
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are accepted by all human beings and all political systems, which are adhered to by more than 200 countries in the world today. in fact , the united nations legal system also emphasizes these has the interesting point is this: a fake regime, a regime without land, a regime that has come to usurp, is trying to establish itself with crime, is actually destroying all these rules. where is the important point? it is that this is happening at the will of a superior power. i want to emphasize that if the will of the united states, the white house, and european countries were not in support of such a criminal regime, netanyahu would not have been able to violate international legal rules in such a brazen manner. the second point is international rules and laws. one on each topic it has a specific mechanism and framework, even in the case of war, that is, we have rules of war, we
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have a law that governs war, that is, this prediction has been made that if there is a war between two countries, between two groups, in any form, there are a series of rules that govern this war. for example, he says, sir, you should not target the population gatherings of women and children, you should not use models that are actually unconventional and unconventional , you should only go to war with the military, for example , and the same rule regarding the diplomatic atmosphere. we have a law. but the point here is state terrorism that dominates the thinking of states the united states and the zionist regime are even violating this . we also saw this in the assassination of the martyr hajj qassem soleimani, which was clearly stated by the president of the united states, donald trump, that we
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planned it. and we assassinated general soleimani, he was also in another country. incidentally, general soleimani was also a diplomatic and official guest of the iraqi government, who had entered baghdad at the official invitation of the iraqi government. well, we are faced with the fact that international rules and laws in this sense have nothing to do with it. a value for those who claim democracy and claim human rights they don't know that if there was, the united states and the western countries should have taken this position seriously now, but what is happening in practice shows that in the face of such a lack of a body in the international system internationalism is the only resistance that answers. the key to the thinking, character and behavior of the great martyr. this is that the only way to achieve the right of resistance
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is during the past 75 years of the occupation of palestine . martyr ismail he says that his special work and behavior and the key to his thinking was that resistance is what can return the palestinian nation to their holy motherland, completely, that is, from the perspective of the future, completely, not two states, not in any way. another one we want to talk about the continuation of the path of resistance, despite the terror and terrorist acts that are taking place and the killing of the senior leaders of the resistance that you mentioned, this path will continue. we saw and heard this clearly and clearly in the statement and in the announcement of the palestinian islamic jihad, but let the telephone connection be established.
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we are with mr. qadri in the special studio of the national media program of the khabar network . we are currently on the phone with asghar zarei, an expert on palestinian and west asian issues . i greet you, mr. zarei. have a good time. the goals of the zionist regime of the united states of america and also western countries follow. they engage in assassinations and terrorist acts, as well as arresting senior leaders of the resistance, so that they may think that they will end the resistance or bring it to an end, but we see that the palestinian people and other commanders are still more determined than before, declaring that the path of resistance is still it will continue with unity and an unbreakable bond between the palestinian people, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ms. emami, your servant. the people of iran, the people of palestine, and especially the families of martyr haniyeh and the martyrs
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of palestine, as you mentioned, see what happened was not a new incident, these incidents have always happened during the period of resistance, we witnessed that a few years ago, the commander of the hearts qassem soleimani and abu. assassination if these assassinations were supposed to hinder the resistance and slow down the resistance , there would not have been any resistance in the region today. the cowardly and heartless actions of the regime leaders the flow of scientology and their terrorist supporters is taking place in the united states of america and europe, causing the resistance to grow stronger and to boil and grow more , not only in islamic lands, but also in the whole world. today, the thing that caused the resistance in iraq to gain more power and gain strength has come to fruition, and today we
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are witnessing its effects in confronting the jahri senshi regime by the iraqi resistance in firing their rockets and missiles into the occupied land. it was a boil that was formed by the thickening of the blood of martyr soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis, and today our dear guest haniyeh, dear abu shohdai. palestine was our guest in tehran. and the blood of this palestinian martyr was spilled on the ground in the land of islamic iran and the cradle of resistance, and this causes the formation of greater unity, cohesion and strength between the two nations of iran and palestine and the resistance front. definitely, in this strategy, the fake sinisi regime suffered from strategy mistakes and failed, which it has already experienced. well, you saw that a few days ago, mr. netanyahu participated in the circus that was exhibited in the us congress. and mr. netanyahu was looking for a license to attack the southern lebanese and destroy them put the resistance of hezbollah on the agenda, but
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considering the very, very destructive and dangerous effects that this trend could have , it could not get the support of the american government at that level, but it definitely authorized the assassinations, and the hand of the united states is behind these assassinations. the actions that were taken last night and today actually somehow. it was america's green light, and its effects and actions will definitely be aimed at the white house, the supporters of this regime, and the terrorist, criminal, and barbaric leaders of this regime. mr. dhareh and mr. qadri analyzed one point in the studio, and that is after the al-aqsa storm and the october 7 operation. that is, the 15th mehr, the changes and rotation of various issues in the international arena in favor of flast. for the benefit of the aspirations of the people of gaza, progress and what the zionist regime of the united states of america and their western allies have done in this period of time are
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nearing their end point. which was used against them and the global blockade that happened against the people of gaza and palestine , a new regime by using all the hardware and software support that they could not make the slightest mistake in your situation and none of the achievements of the dog have been achieved for them, but then it is more important than the war field and hardware, then software and discourse that happened after sokan al-afza
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, and this is much, much more dangerous and erosive for the ignorance regime, and it is also the discourse of resistance. until the storm of al-khasgah , the discourse was limited to a few the country in west asia and the birthplace of this resistance is the islamic republic of iran , the lebanese, syria, iraq, yemen and some other countries, but after supan al-khasa, in fact , we are witnessing the formation of a very huge wave of a very powerful discourse in the world, which until nothing before that. no one in europe or america and different parts of the world dared to go against the myths if the regime of jarihesti, hulk, and the like were to come up with something, they would be severely tried, condemned, and dealt with, but this function was broken . today, by the hand of god, you can see that the flag of resistance, the discourse of resistance, and the slogan of the liberation of palestine have become a global demand. this is no longer limited to a few countries in the islamic world.
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palestine and the flag of the islamic republic of iran and the resistance to be hoisted for more than a hundred and several 13 40 american universities, you are the american university and the american elite , the movement of the american citizens in different states today is the movement of the fake regime and nazism and they are condemning the crimes that this regime is committing and demanding that the sexist regime be dealt with in europe. likewise, we are witnessing that from the palace of the us congress to france to the rest of the countries, today we are witnessing widespread attendance and gatherings every day. european citizens are happy to support the palestinian nation and the brati slogan . in this story of the 24-24 sports festival, i would like to point out that you can see that in this olympics, the flag of palestine and support for palestine as a global demand is so- called in the public opinion of the world. it is found and reflected a lot
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thank you.
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with sohyounim or haider, we are known in two worlds with hossein, or haider, we are the children of fekke and majnoun, or haider, or haider, or haider, our iranian hirt is visible , our soleimani generation is visible.
1:01 pm
do you remember that you are stuck in the parties, your life is declining. if you get old
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, you are involved with the second lion in this interview . you are involved with the second lion in this interview. it's ready , i'm your opponent, i'm your opponent, i 'm your opponent, i'm tehrani and ahmadi roshan, i'm your opponent , you're my opponent.


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