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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:28pm IRST

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there is no god but god, there is no god, there is no god , there is no god, there is no god, we are welcome
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, we are welcome, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you, we are with you , we are with you, we are with you. my colleagues , we submit that the criminal and terrorist zionist regime prepared a harsh punishment for itself following the martyrdom of the head of the political office of hamas, the leader of the islamic revolution , in a message of condolence for the martyrdom. mr. haniyeh, the brave leader of the prominent palestinian mujahideen, to the islamic ummah, the resistance front and the brave and proud nation of palestine they said: the criminal and terrorist zionist regime martyred our dear guest in our house and grieved us, but also prepared the ground for a harsh punishment for themselves. hazrat ayatollah khamenei stressed: we are in this bitter incident that we are in the privacy.
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the islamic republic has happened, we consider his bloodlust our duty. the leader of the revolution praying over the body of martyr ismail haniyeh. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , will offer prayers on the body of martyr ismail haniyeh mujahid, a prominent palestinian resistance leader, at 8:30 tomorrow morning at tehran university. and the basis of the announcement of the coordination council islamic propaganda the body of martyr esmail haniyeh, head of hamas political bureau , will be canonized after prayers in the presence of people from tehran university towards azadi square. the palestinian islamic resistance hamas also announced in a statement: the body of martyr taniyeh will be buried in doha, qatar after being cremated in tehran. leaders of the forces.
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in separate messages, the eminent authorities of taqlid, the chairman of the expediency council, the secretary of the guardian council expressed their condolences on the martyrdom of the head of the hamas political bureau. the president, while stressing the islamic republic of iran's protection of its horizontal integrity and national sovereignty, said such actions are a sign of impasse the arrival of the policies of the zionist regime. stating that the people of iran and palestine are grieving this great calamity, the speaker of the parliament said: islamic iran and the resistance front will not shed the blood of their martyred brother. the head of the judiciary also said: the elements of shaqi, language and criminals involved in the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh should know that the pure blood of this martyr has doubled the passion and anger and greatness of the front of resistance against the zionists of the usurper and is subject to severe punishment and revenge. will
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be placed. expressing his impression of this tragic incident, the head of the expediency analysis group said: "definitely, the zionist regime will pay a very heavy price." haniyeh became a martyr for the jihad for the liberation of quds and palestine. osama hamdan, one of the leaders of the hamas movement, in response to the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, declared: our blood as resistance leaders is not more valuable and colorful than the blood of the palestinian people, and the hamas movement became stronger with the martyrdom of each of its leaders. lebanon's hezbollah also announced the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh over the determination of the mujahideen. the palestinian islamic jihad movement condemns the enemy's criminal assassination against ismail haniyeh and declared its unity and solidarity with the resistance movement hamas. qassam's necks, the military wing of the hamas movement, in response to
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this assassination announced: the zionist regime will pay a heavy price for its crimes. al-aqsa martyrs brigades also emphasized the assassination of the leaders of the resistant palestinian nation. it will make the resistance stronger and more stable. many countries , including yemen, pakistan, algeria, malaysia, iraq, egypt, oman, afghanistan, turkey, syria, jordan, lebanon, china, qatar and russia, condemned the action of the zionist regime in martyring the head of the political office of hamas . today, students of the university of jordan gathered in response to the assassination of ismail haniyeh, head of the political office of hamas.
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today's meeting of the government board is chaired by the first vice president mr. aref expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of haj ismail haniyeh to the islamic ummah , especially the palestinian people, and considered it a great loss , and said that we
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had the honor of hosting him for the inauguration ceremony of the president, and we are more saddened and impressed by this. i would like to offer my condolences to the martyrdom of the grand shahid and our dear esme al-hasaniyah to the great islamic nation and to the resistant people of palestine . we are god to the islamic ummah. wait and we condemn this barbaric and flagrant operation that happened, god willing, with the efforts of the security forces
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, it will be reported to the people as soon as possible. it has become interactive . mr. aref also with he stated that according to the priorities of the 14th government, relations with friendly countries will be expanded and agreements with other countries will be followed up . the attorney general's office in an announcement from activists the virtual media of the country wanted to address the issues that disturb the psychological security of the society. avoid the attorney general of the country has also ordered the relevant agencies to monitor the cyber space and introduce the media or people who are spreading rumors or disrupting the psychological security of the society to the judicial system. in the announcement of the prosecutor general's office
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, it is emphasized that people who, in addition to making irresponsible statements , are disrupting the psychological security of the society by publishing false content, publishing lies and insults. they do legal action. tehran prosecutor's office issued a subpoena and filed a case for a number of activists of the virtual space reported on the accusation of making the psychological atmosphere of the society insecure after the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of hamas. the prosecutor's office of tehran also announced that this judicial complex will deal with those activists of this space who, by ignoring the warning of the prosecutor general's office, create tension in the psychological atmosphere of the society by monitoring the cyber space. this evening, the people of tehran gathered in palestine square to condemn the terrorist crime of the zionist regime in the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office. in america, allahu akbar
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, death to israel. abraham in response to the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas, hatmikia, the film director of our country, wrote that the people of iran , regardless of their ethnicity, language, religion , have long been famous in the world of five continents for one trait: the hospitality of the zionist baby killers by killing our dear guest and the dear oppressed people of palestine. undoubtedly, the last in the heart of our country. they beat on their coffin, so it is deserved that they should wait for the blood of
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the bereaved nation of iran in the members of our oppressed guest. koresh zarei, writer and actor, and tv also reacted to ismail haniyeh's assassination in this way. for years, america, israel and they claim human rights , they claim that they are fighting against terrorism. they do it, but the real terrorism is their own, israel, the terrorism of the americans, terrorism, etc. they are terrorists, who are actually guests who have come to a country to attack our country , attack our country's sky and our security, and kill guests, and they are our guests. i was insulted and martyred in our country , while being convicted, i believe that our country should
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give israel a more crushing answer than the previous answer, which should be the last straw . it makes these mistakes. the zionist regime in all the embassies increased the level of warning and alertness in the world. this decision was made following the assassination of ismail haniyeh, head of hamas's political office. public relations of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in an announcement of the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh this morning. he reported that his residence in tehran was hit. the irgc has announced that this crime will face a harsh and painful response from the resistance front, especially islamic iran. however, the meteorological organization warned of strong winds in the southern waters of the country and an increase in the height of waves up to 2 meters, as well as the occurrence of showers and... electricity in 18 provinces. the expert meteorologists are here in the studio with us to
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give us more information. mr. zarabi , we are with you, please. in the name of god , i say hello to you and all the viewers, let's start with the air temperature. well, for a few days , the heat had decreased a bit. today, compared to the previous days, the air temperature increased a little, especially in the southern slopes of alborz. for example , compared to yesterday, when the temperature of tehran reached 36.35 degrees celsius, today its temperature reached 40.6 degrees , which means that tehran had a temperature increase of 5.3 degrees. but many times there are no special temperature changes. we still had the persistence of warm weather. like ahvaz , whose temperature reached 47 in the hottest hour today. qom was in the second place with a temperature of 45 degrees, as i said, the southern skirts of elbert. there was an increase in temperature, the temperature in yazd also reached 44 degrees. among other cities and regions, we can mention shahdad with
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a temperature of 49 degrees. it is hoped that the temperature also reached 48 degrees . it will be the same as today, even some places will face a decrease in temperature, on the other hand , we will have summer showers in many areas. caspian coastal provinces, we can mention parts of golestan province, such as kalaleh, where this situation happened, we expect the same situation in the afternoon in the south. sistan baluchistan , the southern highlands of kerman, this afternoon and tomorrow , even the day after tomorrow, parts of hormozgan province, the southeastern regions of fars province, even the parts of which we will face both the merciless and the merciless, while in the provinces caspian coast , for tomorrow, these conditions are more than the northwest heights of our country, north of west azarbaijan and eastern parts
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of ardabil province and especially the provinces of gilan, especially its eastern region, mazandaran highlands province. central borz will affect parts of the northern region of estmanan and even parts of northern khorasan, so tomorrow we will have the same conditions, but for friday , it will strengthen for a while in the coastal provinces of khazar and especially in the northern part of our country. on the other hand, in the south-east, due to the humid southerly currents, the conditions for the growth of convective rains in the south of sistan baluchistan, the southern highlands of kerman, and areas of hormozgan province in fars province will be completely ready. it is not unlikely that these local rains a point can also bring floods and waterlogging , we consider wind sports to be a dominant phenomenon in the eastern half of our country, especially in the southern slopes of alborz, central qom provinces, as well as isfahan, it can bring a decrease in air quality, and on the other hand, in in the southwestern parts
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of our country, in the provinces of ilan and khuzestan , the wind speed increases in such a way that the wave height in the coastal parts of the provinces of khuzestan in the persian gulf and also in the strait of hormuz can even reach up to 1 meter, although our water the waters of mojajo matlat, so these conditions are necessary it makes the conditions not suitable for the traffic of light vessels and pleasure boats. thank you for your cooperation. yes , let's continue with the news. one-way trips, the prices will increase . for people's well-being and easier access, due to the hot weather this year , we have established a special service from tehran to najaf directly using
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the iraqi fleet . it is now available on all ticket sales sites. from the sixteenth day they should prepare their tickets until the second day of shahrivar at different times and make the journey to najaf without any trouble. direct service from tehran to najaf now costs 2 million 600 thousand tomans through a foreign fleet, which is in terms of safety and actually the quality of the fleet. it is also very high and approved. the secretary of the airline companies association , referring to the start of arbaeen flight ticket sales from the province to baghdad or najaf ashraf and the other way around , said: the price of one-way plane tickets from tehran and other provinces, with the exception of 95 million tomans and tickets two-way 10 million toman determined. the price of a one-way ticket from the provinces of khorasan, sistan-baluchistan, kerman, hormozgan, fars, mazandaran and golestan to baghdad or najaf ashraf
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and vice versa is set at a maximum of 6 million tomans and two-way tickets at 12 million tomans. the head of the arbaeen headquarters of the country's police command announced the issuance of more than one million passports for visitors. referring to the preparation of the police to manage pilgrims' journeys, sardar sharfi said: there is no need for the physical presence of citizens to apply for the issuance of pilgrimage passports, and applicants can register their application online and receive it within 72 hours. do the head of the arbaeen headquarters of the country's police command advised the pilgrims to travel from the khosravi terminal and the somar border due to the crowding at the mehran border. the import of rice was banned by the order of the minister of jihad agriculture in order to support domestic production until november 15 this year. mr. nikbakht, the minister of agricultural jihad, in a letter to the deputy minister of agriculture affairs
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of the ministry of agricultural jihad, to import 287 thousand tons of rice in 3. in the first month of this year, he pointed out and emphasized that in order to support domestic producers during the harvest season, necessary measures should be taken to ban the import of this product within 4 months from july 15 to november 15. it was approved and communicated. in this letter, the minister of jihad agriculture also requested that the width of the imported rice should be allocated to the importers instead of the preferred width. thank you for your attention.
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings of god be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, dear viewers , have a good time. in a message, ayatollah nouri hamadani condemned the cowardly crime of the zionist regime in the martyrdom of ismail haniki. in the message of this taqlid authority , it is said with condolences for the martyrdom of this mujahideen character that these assassinations are a sign of the regime's stupidity zionism and approaching the last days of this regime is illegitimate, and the martyrdom of this mujahid man will undoubtedly pave the way for the erasure of this brutal and murderous regime. ayatollah javadi ameli issued a message of condolence for the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh and pointed out: israel is a predatory traitor who has been abandoned by nothing. he also emphasized in his message: it is expected that the revenge of the martyrdom of the young men who
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martyred our dear guest, dr. ismail haniyeh , will be carried out in addition to the decisive response of the islamic republic of iran, with the reaction of the mujahideen and fighters of islam in different regions of palestine and the west asian region. in the message of the community of teachers the seminary of qom said: surely this zionist crime will not go unanswered and the decisive victory of the front of truth and freedom and the liberation of the oppressed palestinian nation will be the result of the blood of martyr ismail haniyeh and the martyrs of quds. coinciding with the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam sajjad (peace be upon him) in a ceremony in qom, the works related to the noble book of sahifa sajjadiyeh were unveiled. it is a translation of the subtitle of sajjadiyeh's book with the title of the new translation. mrs. fatemeh ahmadi worked hard and the teachers prepared . one of them is the book of the message of life, which is based on the lifestyle in the teachings of safiha sajjadi, which is
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hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen by mr. asad mahdi shamsuddin. do this. extracting very precise points. one of them is dr. hojjat manganchi, one of the university professors, who wrote a book on the description of the 24th prayer. in relation to the duties and responsibilities of children towards their parents , as step by step until the feet of the parents with the same humility and secretary that is in safiha sajjadi. we introduced a book about the life of imam sajjad by the late ayatollah mr. ashakh abdul nabi namazi with the title of political analysis of the life of imam sajjad, working and preparing the holy shrine. hazrat fatima masoumeh, peace be upon her for hosting the arbaeen pilgrims hosseini, the head of the arbaeen headquarters of the holy shrine of the lady of karamat , said in a press conference: this holy threshold, as
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in previous years, at the 10 80th perpendicular on the road from najaf to karbala , receives 4,000 hosseini arbaeen pilgrims every day. on friday of this week, the leading team will be sent to prepare for the service, god willing. it has been determined that for the end of the service in these days , there are 10 and 80 days of arbaeen in iraq, the number of servants who are sent from the holy threshold to provide service is 159 people from the field of health and treatment , there are 42 people who are sent from the field of health and treatment in the field of women and men, and 65 people will be settled there in the field media and various areas of presentation. please serve an order. recently, the honorable tully said regarding the provision of services to create a teenage relationship for our dear girls, and god willing, this service
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will be done with strength and power, god willing, where a good service will be provided, god willing, thank you for your attention and cooperation with this news section. have a good time , god bless you. mawtani mawtani al-jalal wal-jamal wal-sana wal-baha in rabaak in rezak hel ari
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i heard that some of your relatives, your relatives, have also been martyred, my family , the great family, and my grandchildren and my brothers and sisters.
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abdul salam, my wife, my uncle's children, my cousin's children, and my daughter's children, that is, like the families of gaza, all of them, that is, about 60 of you, give me a reward, give me patience, you have given honor to the islamic world . that is , there are 190 martyrs in my asari family, and 170 , and so on. this means that what is going on in gaza is a war of worship and an attempt to eliminate the palestinian people, especially
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from gaza. god willing, this is palestine the one who is on the plants and on the leaves is the reign of blood, martyrs , great people, exiles, exiles and exiles of the seven million palestinians.


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