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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 7:30pm-7:59pm IRST

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to the world of islam, rightly and honestly, there is a minimum of tolerance , that is, in this number, there are 190 families lost, that is , there are 190 martyrs, and 170 of them are martyrs, and there are 170 of them. this means that what is going on in gaza is a war of worship and an attempt, that is, the elimination of the palestinian people, especially from gaza. they have discovered their bloodthirsty nature, the nature of the jews , and those who disbelieve are also al-muqidon, god willing, and god will destroy the infidels, god willing, this is palestine , the land of blood , martyrs, greats, invalids, captives, and exiles
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. therefore, yes, we do not feel the weight of responsibility and this responsibility, and we are also prone to this responsibility of martyrdom in the cause of palestine, for the sake of allah almighty, for the sake of the dignity of this nation. this historical conflict with the enemy, this
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enemy has no future on the land of palestine. all things are in the name of god who created the light, i am the light. praise be to god who created the light. allah akbar allah akbar allah akbar allah akbar i testify that there is no god but allah i testify that there is no god but allah
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but allah i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god i testify that ali but allah is the witness that god is the highest .
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hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah hai ali khair good work is good, good work is allah akbar, allah is great, there is no god but allah.
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there is no god except allah. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello and good night , dear viewers of khabar network, following the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh during the terrorist operation in tehran , we will continue to analyze the dimensions and angles of this event, and in this part of the program of khabar network we are the host of dr. mohammad javad larijani, an expert on legal and international issues and political issues, who invited us to this section. from the analysis of the news network, i say hello. you are very welcome. thank you for appearing on my news network. i say hello to the dear viewers . i also offer my condolences. first of all, it is the anniversary of the martyrdom of seyyed al-sajdin zain al-abidin ali ibn hussain, peace be upon
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him, as the martyrdom of a great man. palestinian mujahid man mr. ismail haniyeh. thank you to the nation of islam and to all the free people of the world, especially the fighting nation of palestine, mr. doctor. at first glance, your analysis of this what's going on today? now, aside from the dimensions of international audacity and the red lines that this act has crossed, of course, this zionist criminal gang is not a red line. acting together in the gaza square has no hope of achieving victory . almost all the plans they are pursuing in gaza
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that will create a significant victory for them and the major goals that they announced have not been achieved, yes, they have been destroyed. houses and killing women, children, etc., did not bring victory for these people except infamy and hatred did not create well, they are also under pressure to accept a ceasefire because otherwise they are the cause of a great destruction. this operation is to define a larger circle in the operation and create some kind of advertising victories in it. i think it is very unlikely that the zionist regime under its protection, the united states, is looking for a bigger war in the region. because they could not bear this small war. in a bigger war that
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has vast fields. not america at this time, when it is on the eve of elections or in general, there is a big war in the region. an area that many times. entering and facing failure, not this regime , means this gang that is desperate for nothing but now , so the first analysis that i think is that they are looking to produce point victories to say that we have done a great job. somehow, if they sum up the gaza issue in a so-called way, i am sure that it will follow. they are confident that this operation will not cause a large-scale war, but
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they are not safe from the blows they receive. do not know that these blows. what's going on, and this attack may cause more damage to them than their own expectations and visions. now that a regime is now in gaza, on the one hand, it is finally involved, on the other hand , lebanon's hezbollah, from onur 8 to iraq's shaabi, from this on the yemenis. to open another new front in the middle, this cannot be considered as a mistake, that's exactly why i say that they are desperate to look for a short point victory. they feel that if, for example, they act at one point, it will create another long-term war, like the war that happened in gaza it fell, which means aggression against gaza due to strange resistance.
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amazingly, the muslims of gaza were forced to defeat them. it means that now the government of the zionist regime is completely. the issue in gaza has not achieved any victory, so to justify a so-called ceasefire, i need an achievement similar to this achievement. people should be found somewhere else with a discount in other places. in my opinion, they made a big mistake because the resistance is now at its peak and the resistance of its blows is not such that, for example , it starts at one point and ends at this point . let's beat them, this is the courage that has passed all of them it happened to our nation. and it became our country. this was a very big mistake. because they
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saw their audacity about our embassy last time. what misery and misery did he cause for them. the boldness of his answer is much stronger than before and they know that it can be done and they know that we work with calculations. therefore , their desperation has led them to take measures for which executions have no precise meaning in the world of military and strategic calculations. in any case, i believe that they create tension in the region. they cannot collect this tension. this tension collects resistance and the fruit of these courages is resistance layer and of course, it will have very good results for the food fight. in any case, it was an action that has different dimensions. now i
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said that it was only the zionist gang. it has other aspects. firstly, from an international point of view, this work has at least three titles, the so-called crime, and the first title is military aggression against an independent country that is a member of the organization. nations with all the accuracy in the word and with all the things that are in the united nations charter, it is a clear violation of the principles, of course, the security council is a so-called featureless imamzada. but according to the charter, he is obliged to take action against them. even prepare for military action, now it's a different matter, how is it with these facilities, the right to defend
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defense for our country and the right to respond is completely reasonable for us, so this is a red line to reject under the title of aggression against another independent country. the second title is the issue of terrorism. of course , there are different concepts in the united nations, a concept based on the previous year, having a resolution in the general assembly, and having a resolution in the security council, which could even be discussed in chapter vii of the un charter, according to this minimal concept that exists. their act is a perfect example of terrorism, and terrorism itself is a
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third title of international crime, and these crimes are actually human rights, based on human rights principles and principles. the human rights of a person who is subjected to pressure and punishment must be tried in a legitimate judicial process and after that it will be known what his crime is, he must defend himself and then be punished by the legitimate government. the type of punishment is also characteristic. well, it is not the case that a gang declares someone guilty. for example, i am against it, and he himself tried to kill, which is completely against all the approvals
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there are many aspects of human rights, due to the lack of a fair trial, due to the type of so-called punishment he has done or the actions he has done and other things, so from the point of view of the principles and international laws and regulations of this act of the zionist regime, it is a single title. there is a complete obstacle . now maybe there are other researchers or i myself will have the opportunity to find other topics for this. well , this is a discussion that creates the ground that we must follow this. in general, this regime is a monotheist regime that has no other reputation. these are crimes. their elders have been condemned in international forums to the international court there is another subtle point that i think rome threatens the security of the world and its smoke in the eyes of the united states and
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the allies of the zionist regime and the kind of military actions that they use with their own so-called punctuation method to start this punctuation point is not high technology. this happens to be for a low-cost and very general and popular type of military operation , that is, let's assume at a small distance. a zionist criminal is giving a speech somewhere, he is having fun on a beach, a quadrocopter, a very simple equipped copter , can take off at a certain distance and shoot, so this is another chapter. it's done, that is, the same way america
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paid 5 million dollars for that lebanese martyr in zahia a few years ago. it is not at all necessary to spend money on this series of military operations that they are legitimizing now, well, it comes from everyone , it comes from all fronts of the resistance, the cost is very low , this is a very serious issue, in my opinion, a new chapter has been opened for the defensive operations and measures of the resistance. cost effective and multi-purpose. it doesn't have to be centralized anymore, the destination of hi-fi can be anywhere in the world, and in my opinion, this exactly threatens international security. now, if friends in the world and countries that defend this regime so generously and are in charge of its crimes are tolerating this, he said
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, in the name of god, but i know that this path that has been opened for resistance has been opened very wide, that is, this collection or pool of targets and he made the targets very wide , made it easy and spent less. yes, iran can use it, resistance forces can also use it. the era of knocking on the door is over, so if you knock, you must be ready to accept that those who are worried about international security are the countries in the world. who are worried if they don't deal with it today, tomorrow deira and my loss does not see resistance because we are the target of terrorist intentions for a long time. this is not the first time that we have given so many martyrs
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. given, but those who are always in the dark and are afraid of everything, now they should look, there is nowhere in the world, because the operation is simple and very easy and inexpensive, and it is not necessary to lift something from far away into the water. they can do the job if they leave the space nearby. in my opinion, this chapter is very dangerous. those in the world who are concerned about international security should know that the united states and the zionist regime have seriously threatened global security, but
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they have opened up a wide field for resistance. we have an analysis at your service. condemning the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas, the russian foreign ministry called it a political assassination and completely unacceptable. russia called this action a political crime that will escalate tensions in the region. the ministry of foreign affairs of china condemned the assassination of the head of hamas's political office ismail called haniyeh an extremely worrying act and announced that this assassination will increase the conflict in the west asian region. turkey's foreign minister condemned this assassination. read sand the ministry of foreign affairs of turkey also announced: once again it became clear that netanyahu's cabinet has no intention of reaching peace. the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas with the strong condemnation of the ministry of foreign affairs of qatar. he also faced lebanese prime minister najib mikati also said: we strongly condemn the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas
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. ammar hakim, head of hikmat stream in iraq, in response to the assassination of ismail haniyeh, he said: the criminal actions of the occupying regime are too weak to destroy the unity of the palestinian people. the head of the supreme political council of yemen also called the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh a great loss for the people. he recognized palestine and the islamic ummah and announced that the responsibility for the expansion of the battlefield lies with the zionist enemy and america. yemen also announced 3 days of public members following the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh and announced that the flags in this country will be at half-mast. while condemning the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the senior member of the caretaker government of afghanistan said: the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement outlines the path to freedom slow down the ministry of foreign affairs of malaysia strongly condemned the assassination of the head of the hamas office. department of state. emphasizing its support for the palestinian people, malaysia called on all peace-loving countries to condemn the assassination of ismail haniyeh . also, mahmoud abbas, the head of the
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palestinian authority, condemned the assassination of the head of hamas in a statement and described it as cowardice. mojtaba shah soni of radio and television news agency. now these convictions that are now pardoned are mentioned in the report. now a part of those who condemn. at all, they are taking action in the square now, and it is only a statement of condemnation, but many of them raise the level of condemnation will it remain at this level or will it lead to the creation of a consensus in the world, a consensus against the zionist regime and can somehow change the equations in the region, the zionist regime is now one of the most hated regimes in the world, which means that practically day by day the countries different people distance themselves from him and then take a position against him. there are few countries in the world that do not have anti-milk, so
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these condemnations are a good thing. however, these convictions are not enough. these convictions cannot be effective against a dangerous gang. at the same time, i want to take care of america see how to emphasize. at the same time that our honorable martyr ismail haniyeh was martyred in the islamic homeland with unparalleled courage towards our nation, well, the night before in iraq, based on the statement of the spokesman of the iraqi army , an american plane came to hit the headquarters of hizb al-sha'aabi in babylon. it means that america is practically resistant and has entered into a conflict with the resistance since that operation took place in the outskirts of lebanon before that in yemen, so you see that america
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is now entering into a relatively large conflict with the resistance front, and this is actually the art of the zionists to push america into this. conflict and of course america in order to protect the zionist regime, the very day after the al-aqsa storm, asino came up on his own, that is, if it were not for america, the zionist regime would not exist now , the impact of the al-aqsa storm was so strong that this house of spiders fell down . various logistics. intelligence and themselves are involved in the battle, so see this declaration of support is very good , after that, an international movement and interstate movement should
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be found in order to turn these into meaningful coherent movements, with what mechanism can this happen? a region has mechanisms of the islamic world , it has international mechanisms, from the gatherings that we have, whether it is about the islamic world or about, for example , the arab league as a regional discussion or akko as a discussion of another region, these can all be mobilized in other regional gatherings. those who are sensitive to the security here can enter, in addition to the islamic conference of the organization of islamic cooperation and then the united nations, these paths must be taken, even a lawsuit can be filed against them. these things are done in international judicial forums, this is very good, but resistance to delaying the results of these is not resistance. the front
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the resistance is vast, it is a reality in the region, the resistance will have a strategy, and the strategy will have harmony and coordination. these are very interesting and important phenomena that are happening, that is, in a way, these crimes are showing the growth and development of the resistance. it is the problem of our nation, i hope our nation will have an active participation in tehran in the respect they will have in the funeral of this martyr, because this participation is very meaningful, this participation will show the zionist regime and the united states that this nation will not tolerate audacity to itself. we are here. at all, our iranian zeal is below the question is gone, a dishonorable government. he has
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attacked our special guest, who was in this country with a so-called diplomatic passport and has fully international missions, with the utmost language , and made him testify that the answer will be very difficult and we cannot tolerate this. the supreme leader was quite clear that this response will make our nation proud. i will be in this case. well , there are many aspects that exist in this case. i want to return to this point of emergence of the problem of resistance. resistance is the most important phenomenon that this theory of production zionism has faced failure in the region , this zionist project
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is not the project of this country at all. these are an element to realize the project that america and several western governments have been looking for for years. well, this project has had good success , it has been able to dominate a part of the arab countries south of the gulf, it has control over the entire region, and it has iran under its control in the taghut regime, here is their base. well, the islamic revolution happened. the dangers started from the first day of the islamic revolution. the most important danger is zionism. i am reviewing the articles of that time. no group in the world the zionists did not risk the victory of the revolution and did everything they could to suppress the revolution in iran . they did not know that this revolution also contained a doctrine of resistance to be followed by the initiative of the imam.
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the exact way and strategy of the supreme leader and the sacrifices of our brothers in different places especially


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