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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear watchers . 230 minutes and we are at your service with some news. the senior member of the taliban cabinet condemned the assassination of the head of the political office of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas. anas haqqani, reacting to the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political bureau, at his residence in tehran, while expressing his condolences to the palestinian nation , said: "although the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh is a great loss , the veins of the blood of such great men draw the path of freedom."
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in response to the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, the head of tabian social cultural activities center said: zionist operatives killed ismail haniyeh it can hit the resistance and achieve the desired results of victory in the field against gaza . they were martyred in tehran. hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimeen seyyed isa hosseini mazari added that the shedding of the blood of martyr haniyeh will create a movement to mark the beginning of the end of the hateful and childish zionist regime of israel . the commander of arbain faraja camp said that since the beginning of muharram, more than one million passport applications have been registered. according to sardar sharfi , there are three types of passports, including the international pilgrim passport and the khadim passport. there is a servant's passport. this
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passport is for non-iranians residing in iran according to the agreement, this booklet will be provided to them, and our nationals will all cross the chazaba border, god willing. the national migration organization announced the registration fee for participating in the hosseini arbaeen ceremony. in the announcement of the national migration organization. it has been stated that the registration fee in the guarantor offices is 30,000 tomans, the cost of issuing a khadim farajat certificate is 100,000 tomans, the cost of arbaeen insurance is 100,000 tomans, the cost of printing and issuing an insurance policy is 20,000 tomans. it will not be given from the border at the same time on the night of imam's martyrdom sajjad peace be upon him, mourning ceremony.
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it was held in mashhad with the participation of afghan immigrants. 25th of muharram, coinciding with the martyrdom day of imam zain al-abidin, peace be upon him. on this occasion, a mourning ceremony was held in mashhad with the presence of afghan immigrants. imam sajjad, peace be upon him, was present in the karbala incident, but he did not participate in the war due to illness, and after the martyrdom of imam hussain, peace be upon him , he became imamate. the martyrdom of imam sajjad zain al-abidin was entrusted with the responsibility of leading the shiites . i offer my condolences to imam reza and all shiites. after the incident of karbala , they stood like a mountain in front of calamities and sufferings to preserve the religion of god . after the ashura movement, they expressed the ashura movement in different ways in the society.
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this in turn was a useful role in the struggle they had with that society and that time. revival of the culture of quran and prophetic sunnah, imamate and explanation of religious teachings in two forms and revival of ashura movement was the mission of imam sajjad (peace be upon him) after the event of ashura. imam sajjad's personality is the same as it is known from his name, seyyed al-sajdin. it means that we should learn more from imam sajjad about their prayers let's use
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afghan youths also have a lot of enthusiasm and their whole life is imam hussain. in these days of mourning, they have a prominent role. alhamdulillah , god bless you. and at the end, with the arrival of the flag of the royal court of imam hussein (peace be upon him) and hazrat abulfazl abbas (peace be upon him), this ceremony took on the scent of karbala. afghans in iran and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, it is enough to join our channels in the virtual space of sain mohajeran 23. you can
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also follow more detailed news related to afghanistan in iran by visiting our website at from the beginning of this year to the end of july, a ton of mineral dust was imported from afghanistan to the border customs of do gharoon. according to seyed hassan rahimzadeh , the first import of this soil from afghanistan to iran started at the end of last year. and production of synthetic fibers from recycled waste. these fibers are produced in one of the factories of herat industrial city. the herat chamber of industry and mines says that due to the improvement in the quality of the production of this industrial town the province of exporting domestic products to different countries has increased, the quality of the representative of the german company
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was exported to this country. hasher eknaati, hrout province, about 750 tons, we signed a contract with germany, and the goods we produce are made of glass, mineral water, and the value of the goods is about 21,000 to 20,000 dollars per 24-25 tons before these products. this factory has also been exported to kazakhstan and uzbekistan. the chamber of industry and mines of herat says that due to the improvement in the quality of the products of the industrial town of this province, the export of domestic products to different countries has increased. we were typical of liliaf's products, which, god willing , will be exported abroad, and this is in a trial form, just as we have tested other products that we produced in the past, which later became popular in the foreign market . polyester or synthetic fibers from
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plastic tongues are obtained. these tongues are brought to this factory after being collected from the cities to produce this product . there is work in our own country and it is not necessary for us to become immigrants and other countries based on the statistics of the chamber of commerce and capital in the last 3 months, 15 thousand tons of domestic products worth more than 43 million dollars have been exported from herat. samayah hosseini , sed and broadcasting news agency. thank you. good evening, dear viewers. in the continuation
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of khabar network's analytical programs about terrorist operations and the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, in this part of the program , we host mr. mirabian, an expert on political issues. and the international community, to whom i offer greetings and courtesy. you are very welcome . hello , dear viewers. thank you. we have tried to analyze the different dimensions of this story . what is your analysis of the scenario behind this story and why did the zionist regime, which is involved in different fronts, make this mistake ? the terrorist operation was committed against mr. ismail haniyeh in tehran, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful. hizbollah, what is happening? the third stage of haniyeh will be carried out in tehran. this cannot be an accident in the supply of 408. these cannot be unplanned. this is one side of the case, i am the other side, although the us foreign minister has clearly announced and said this today that the us did not know about the assassination of haniyeh. he had no hand in it. this is no longer acceptable from the americans because netanyahu was in the united states and he got up from there
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and came and something happened, that is, in fact , what happened, neither the israelis can hide behind the americans, nor the americans can claim that we were not there and the information we didn't have an american unlike in the past, they must accept the responsibility for what happened and what israel did was done with the coordination of america, despite my claims, but why are the israelis really doing this in this situation, thinking that the result of the 9-month war in gaza is nothing in israel's hands. if not , their tanks may be moving on the ground, but the casualties of their soldiers are extremely high, their injuries are extremely high, social and economic crises. the borders
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of the northern lands in the north of palestine are practically out of control, the people are being destroyed, and most importantly , the west bank is on fire, getting out of control. the zionist regime is withdrawing, which means that the situation of the zionist regime itself, that is , losing the border, may become like gaza in a few more areas, and this is actually a great calamity for the zionist regime. therefore, the month of hasr was that, finally, the prisoners' conclusion was that the month of hasr has zero after 9. months and there was no result, so they should do something to push this crisis to a region, make the crisis regional, but on the condition that america comes behind the scene, in fact , comes to stand behind israel. this is what they say about responsibility now. the operation you mentioned in iraq, which was carried out by american fighters, and it is said
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that the zionist regime somehow managed to bring the americans into this. now, if this happens, this time , unlike in the past, the americans cannot declare their innocence, they cannot take responsibility. americans should express and accept their responsibility, they will not accept it from now on, if there is actually an answer that will be given, and in fact, it will be a pardon for us. taking them out of the red sea, now sending their other ships in the way, well, hezbollah, mr. sabalah, has already answered
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, so from now on, according to their defense minister says that if israel is to be attacked, we will support it. if it is to be supported, the americans cannot take responsibility this time, as in the past, and the americans , who are currently involved in the elections, will have to pay their heavy costs in this operation. after all, he has to hold the presidency, how is he willing to get involved in such a story, he can't let it go behind israel, they want to win the elections, they want to come to power inside , take away their support, let israel itself take responsibility and pay for this. but the war they are placed behind the scenes to help themselves and disclaim responsibility from here. this is not possible. in fact , it cannot be the same as before.
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the cost of the assassination of mr. haniyeh is far less than if the zionist regime in gaza, for example, wants to go towards a ceasefire or if it wants to kill itself out of this conflict. he should have paid a lower cost with the assassination of mr. haniyeh , which did not happen. how much do you agree with this analysis, your excellency? this is a mistake based on this analysis , because the cost started from now on. israel has not achieved anything in gaza and the occupied territories not in the west bank, not in gaza, not in the north of the occupied territories of palestine, so from now on, there will be heavy costs , there will be no results, definitely the costs will be heavier than in gaza, the west bank and other places, and this
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will be shown in the coming days. the fact that many countries are now condemning this incident. do you think that even before this, for example, the chinese tried to play a role in the gaza conflict by inviting the leaders of the palestinian groups and predicting and proposing the three-point plan ? do you think that after the assassination of mr. hamiye? see if the countries, especially the russians and the chinese, will play a new role in terms of changing the equations in the region. naturally, the reservations that they had with israel before will be broken, and they have been broken , which means they can no longer carry the zionist regime's reservations like before. it seems that the statement that both
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the chinese and the russians gave was a much clearer and more explicit statement. he gave the other side to the countries of the region and this is not acceptable for the islamic republic. naturally, therefore , the resistance front will come into action as a whole, and it does not matter who did it or who did not do it, and this operation will be very fragile for israel. and it will be breathtaking, and israel will pay a price that has been paid in the past. in fact, and god willing , we will witness this issue in the coming days . very well, we are talking to mr. miroyan , an expert on international issues, and you are also a viewer of khabar network.
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they are blessed by their lord. happy with us, may god grant me grace and give good news to those who did not follow me, their successors, except for fear of them, and those who are sad, give good news to the grace of god and grace , and may god
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put him behind the scenes, but on the other hand, many believe that the zionist regime did not carry out this assassination. it will be presented as an achievement. and by the way, his feeling is that now with this success, because he can have the upper hand in the ceasefire negotiations , he will be more willing to do this, or in some sense, justify the brokenness in gaza to enter into peace in a dignified manner. that there is no recompense, the resistance front will do its job and recompense must be repaid, because you see, if they are doing this for this reason, or because they are telling their people in the world that we have regained the power of deterrence with this work, because everyone believes this now. their soldiers, both the people of the zionist regime and others, who mr. israel has lost, want to gain credit by doing this and take back the loss, but it does not mean that they will pay back the compensation, whether they are looking to sign a cease-fire or
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to restore deterrence. this contradicts the principle. there will be no reaction or response. these should pay for their own behavior. above all , after all, the islamic republic of iran is the bloodthirsty of this deceased. he was our guest. we were his hosts. all leaders say to this issue. that means we cannot be indifferent to this issue. naturally, resistance is their own work. now, separation from tabani that the sekiniti regime will give to this story. do you think we got closer or further away from the ceasefire? see, a borehole is an event. they are saying that, sir, if we go with this situation , we will be left empty-handed, so let's go with our hands full, and tell the world or our nation to find the strength to fight back. we did. if this is the case, these contradictions with the principle will not actually be the reaction of the resistance front, and what dimensions do you think the bloodlust of the supreme leader of the revolution will have, and how
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will countermeasures be taken ? but the political policy for the implementation of the military policy is clear , the clear statements of the leadership and the statements of the president in his positions. adopting because we are one side of the case in the sense that this incident happened in our land is a violation of sovereignty . this happened in our land, of course , israel must pay for it, and the american is the best way, as they told the israelis in the discussion of the reaction of al-wad al-sadiq, that, sir, we recommend that you do not respond to iran after we have reacted. i recommend that if we do not see an iranian response, this
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time they should leave israel behind and not stand behind israel because they themselves will be harmed, naturally , that means we cannot witness the americans supporting israel and their presence in the region being free and doing whatever they want. do naturally this with tolerable. does that to the operation on the other hand, this time, from the honest promise that we witnessed before , definitely because i say that the incident happened in our country, that time our testimony was right in our embassy, ​​but it was a part of another country, but now something has happened in our country, they were our guests, this makes sense. after all , if the islamic republic of iran does not defend its dignity in this situation, then who will defend its dignity? now is the time to defend, and the israelis should do this with the americans
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. how much capacity do you think mr. haniyeh's testimony can create ? do it for a serious consensus, that is apart from the verbal and verbal condemnations against the regime of 3, it is effective in the world, it is definitely effective, and now we are in the statements that we see from the countries that usually tried to stay away and be indifferent . in fact , i saw many other countries taking good positions in this field because this is no longer justifiable. after all, you went, you assassinated, and you questioned the sovereignty of a country . you questioned the sovereignty of a country. well , from now on, well, many countries, maybe other people. they also assassinate in the air in other countries on the routes to assassinate a flight, that's it. tomorrow means, finally , this should have a limit. the one who can create a limit for israel is the resistance front, and in general, the effect
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it will have on the regional equations , what will you do to the regional equations after the assassination of mr. haniyeh? i know for sure that after this incident and after the reaction of the resistance front , the position of the resistance front will definitely be much higher , more elegant and stronger. beirut, iraq, tehran, if it is an accident, the scenario has definitely been determined in advance, that is to emphasize that it
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will happen in tehran. in iran's words, they have destroyed iran's deterrence , and in a position of strength and authority , they want to express this, and they want to tell their nation what to say now.
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i heard that some of your family members, your close relatives , have 60 martyrs, my family , the great family, and my grandchildren, my brothers and sisters-in-law , the mother of abd salam, my wife , my cousins, my cousins, and my sisters-in-law, that is, like the families of gaza, all of them, that is, about 60, god willing, at least the house of samahtak, that is, in it. the number of there are 190 families lost, that is, there are 190 martyrs in my family, and 170, and so it means that we are running in gaza.
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the palestinian people, especially gaza, these murderers of the criminals, have discovered their nature, the bloody , savage nature of the jews, and those who disbelieve are also al-mekidoon, god willing, and god will destroy the infidels
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. the leader of the revolution offered prayers on the body of martyr haniyeh, the head of the political office of hamas, in tehran university. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in the tragic incident of ismail haniyeh's martyrdom, which took place in the territory of the islamic republic, is bloodthirsty


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