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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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politically, we went to our cinemas, watched shows , listened to music, and did everything. along with trade and culture, a dynamic political movement also grew. during the ottoman era, palestine in the house of representatives or majlis. fly osmani was represented. but with the beginning of the british protectorate, the palestinian national movement was gradually formed in quds , which sought the independence of palestine. in 1919, the local muslim and christian groups held the first palestinian conference. 30 people present in this meeting rejected british guardianship and demanded it. that different groups present in the form of a
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unite the united community. most of the big businessmen joined the existing political movement in palestine. most of the businessmen , those well-known businessmen , became members of the esteghlal party, the national defense party, and other parties that were close to the hosseini family. they played a significant role in this case. but let me also tell you that the economic situation was very good, it was very good, as a result , people had more facilities than their basic needs. in 1931, quds was the host of an exceptional event, the like of which was never seen even in the 20th century. it is also the islamic world congress, which has more than 150
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people from 25 arab and islamic countries in the world attend the meeting this meeting continued for 10 days in quds. several committee meetings were held and several decisions were made, including some important political decisions. it was said that political issues will not be discussed in this summit because of the fear of british guardianship, but it turned out the other way around. they talked about political issues and took a stand against colonialism. they criticized french colonialism in morocco, italian colonialism and their crimes in jabal al-akhdar and libya. they also criticized the french colonialism in syria and lebanon and the british rule itself. making multiple decisions it was especially about palestine in terms of cultural enrichment and the establishment of al-aqsa mosque university, but
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unfortunately, this plan was not successful for many reasons. the whole world is talking about this summit. i am still reading materials about that conference of foreign writers who wrote about that book even now. but all the decisions that were made in these summits in the 1920s and 1930s were heavily overshadowed by the phenomenon. it was growing. this was the migration phenomenon. the zionist movement had grown in europe at the end of the 19th century and was discussing the creation of a land for the jews. the pressure this movement exerted on the british government led to the publication of an important proclamation in november 1917. it was called the balfour declaration, which was named after arthur balfour, the british foreign minister at the time. the announcement was a letter he
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had sent to the leader of one of the british jewish communities. in this letter, it was said: his majesty's government looks positively at the establishment of a national homeland for the jewish people in palestine and will make every effort to make this goal possible. of course, it should be clearly understood that something should never be done that goes against and to the detriment of civil rights and religious non-jewish groups. be a resident of palestine. the final effect of the balfour declaration was to encourage european jews to immigrate to palestine. but until 1920 , this motivation was not very strong. i can say that the implementation of the zionist colonial project in palestine was completely failed until 1919 or 1920.
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of palestinian arabs who played the main role for the revival of its economy. the saseti project was mainly considered in the vicinity of jaffa, because jaffa was the most important city in palestine, the palestinians did not see them as a strategic threat because their project had failed. statistics confirm this tick between 1882 and 1919 , there were only 2,000 jews in yayaf and the suburbs northeast of yayaf. most. the jewish immigrants who came to the country could not survive. weather, food, culture, they could not adapt themselves at all. as a result, they migrate from here to other places . actually, in the first 40 years
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, i can say that the zionist project was a complete failure and they could not do anything at all. but the situation. changed. that is when the victorious powers in the allied front, i.e. britain, france, italy and japan, discussed the division of the ottoman empire. they paid. in the conference of april 1920 in the city of sanremo located in the north of italy, palestine was granted to britain. the league of nations accepted this plan in july 1922. but inside the guardianship structure there is a fundamental contradiction. there was. members of the zionist movement , including herbert samuel, an english politician, participated in the sanremo conference. and the balfour declaration became part of the british trusteeship structure. britain had a double obligation. so as to
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rule and implement policies on behalf of jews and arabs in palestine. but in fact the sanremo conference balances the face. this what happened to the zionist movement was a very important turning point. when the sanremo conference was held in 1920, this meeting was celebrated in the form of a great victory based on the promise of the balfour declaration. enter the text of the guardianship itself. this event was extremely important for them. this incident can only be compared with the 1948 decision of the united nations to divide palestine into a jewish state and an arab state. about 100 years ago and to be
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more precise in 1920. the zionist movement in the senrim conference. he was then the british high commissioner in july 1920 palestine was assigned, but he visited the region before taking charge. minutes of some of his meetings were recorded and published in the press. the surviving documents
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show the strained relationship that existed between samuel and the palestinian leaders. he tried to persuade the palestinian leaders to share their lands with the jewish settlers. "i see a group of jews in your country who can help you construct your land and teach you the economics in a good, harmless way. our country has enough qualified and willing people to properly invest in our land and elevate our state's affairs without the intervention of the jews. but if the jews came to your country, they build the unplanted lands which are an access to your people's needs. there are. no unplanted lands in our country except for some small areas that are unfit for agriculture. we will definitely have to plant and invest in them in the future because our people reproduce in large numbers. thank god each one of us has an average of seven children. we must prepare
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lands for them. we have heard that you are one of the founding xeonist leaders. i'm not one of the zionists. we know that you are one of the key zionist leaders. you've organized your finances. now that you've seen our situation and heard our wishes, you must have realized that our land doesn't fit other people. they also hindered them from trying for economic growth and agricultural prosperity.
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the simmering tensions between arabs and zionist jews boiled over when they clashed in jerusalem in august 1929. that event is called qiyam baraq. at that time, the most powerful country in the world promised a national homeland, yes, a homeland create a nation for judea. all the progress made by the palestinians during the ottoman and british protectorate was overshadowed by political issues. for example, jaffa was the largest metropolis in palestine where muslims and jews lived. during the british rule, this city
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was famous for its cinemas. yes , there was a very strong local culture because of its cinemas, but all these aspects were heavily influenced by the challenging political situation at that time. the challenge was that britain was the conqueror and it had promised. turn it into a national homeland, yes, a national homeland for another people. jewish immigration became the main concern of the british protectorate. most of the eastern european jews already wanted to go to america or europe. the situation became such that the number of jews going to palestine
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became more than the united states, because the united states had placed restrictions on jewish immigration in 1935 , which was the peak of jewish immigration during the british protectorate. in just one year, the number of immigrants reached 65,000. someone arrived. more importantly, the british protectorate allowed jewish immigrants to become palestinian citizens. palestinians were never asked about these issues. after 1920 their general strategy was to establish a national homeland for the jews in palestine. this strategy was formalized in the british price. this happened in 1923 and the jewish neighbors were given palestinian citizenship.
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they actually give passports or palestinian citizenship to immigrants. tens of thousands of jewish immigrants entered palestine illegally. the ships brought them and disembarked them in different places on the coast of palestine, and then the zionist movement identified the groups that would take them inside. bring zionist jewish staff who worked in british-controlled offices for they arrange identification papers, that is , they get papers for them with a kind of party game. the british knew that these events were going on, and with this method, a large number of jews were given palestinian passports without having the right to obtain palestinian citizenship.
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the non-jewish christian zionist movement made this false claim 200 years ago and even before the jewish zionists themselves that palestine is a land without a nation and uncivilized peasants and settlers live there . they claimed that there is nothing. there is nothing valuable in palestine. even hertzel says the same thing said. december 19 britain announced that its mandate in palestine will end in 50 months. this issue caused an increase in the violent actions of jewish zionist armed groups. on may 14, 1948, just one day before the end of the british protectorate over palestine, david ben-gurion, the leader of the jewish agency
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, announced the establishment of israel. this new country had taken over 78% of palestinian lands under the trusteeship. forcing more than 700,000 palestinians to leave their homes and become refugees in neighboring countries. their movement was calculated. palestine was not empty. they say that palestine is free it was superstition. palestine had its own nation . active, intelligent, intellectual and creative people, they built an infrastructure, not only in haifa , but also in jaffa, akka, sefe tabrian, bisan al-nasra
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, barrasbeh, ramleh, jerusalem, and other cities in palestine. zionism had calculated all this when they carried out ethnic cleansing and evicted the palestinians, all these institutions and buildings remained for the use of jewish settlers and immigrants who came from all over the world, for example when in the years 1948 and 1949 , they carried out ethnic boxing and in the main cities, legions of jewish immigrants came to palestine by plane and ship from different parts of the world, and they were immediately settled in palestinian homes. if they had not accounted for these issues beforehand, the zionist movement would have faced many challenges. if they didn't think, then they wanted tens of thousands of jewish immigrants and where to accommodate them? they occupied all the schools in the buildings that were in the cities and villages of palestine. they
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use these places to serve the zionist project. happened in 1948 it is more horrible than talking about it . it is indescribable. i am saying what i saw with my own eyes, not what i heard, i saw with my own eyes.
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the zionist project forced the palestinians out of their homeland and by force they inherited the graves, houses , factories, cars, household items, gardens, documents , cinemas, theaters, and banks. they took over everything, even cemeteries, holy places, mosques and churches taking things and taking control of them is the border. deciding to completely separate our country from the arab world, forbidding people to be able to communicate with the arab world, because they say that they are hostile countries
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, everything was planned in advance for their thefts. they made a plan. they plan to legitimize their theft. anyone who was away from his home for any reason lost his house and shop land. naturally, people were afraid that there would be a bombing, an explosion, a terrorist operation or a crime. they have the right to return to their homes, shops and companies. israel, a strange government in general. you drive people out of their homeland and prevent them from returning and getting their rights, even those who they had gone from the city to a village near the city to seek shelter.
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it was both theft and legitimizing and legalizing their work, so it was a kind of double theft. do you know how my father died in 1965? when my father saw the tractors uprooting the trees, he cried like a little child and fell on the ground. he was 90 years old at that time. we took him to the hospital. died. he could not bear this situation. i told my father, father, they
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took our land. he said: our trees are still there. but when the trees were uprooted, he became crazy. it's enough i got tired. mawtani mawtani al-jalal and jamal and sena.
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the hamas movement participated in the elections of the palestinian parliament . the name of a man at the top of this list was ismail, whom the palestinians knew as the face of peace and, of course, for his struggles. who sat on the prime minister's chair of the self-governing organization the day after the decisive victory of hamas. haniyeh was born 14 years after the occupation of palestine in the ashtati camp in the gaza strip. his family had moved from jore village in esqlan at the beginning of the presence of the zionist occupation. ismail died in the same camp and in the university. islamic gaza studied arabic literature. he was 35 years old when he became president he was assigned to the office of hamas, and in 2003
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, his first unsuccessful assassination was carried out with sheikh ahmed yassin. 2006 and during the riots in the gaza strip , he was shot, which was an unproven act of terrorism. fighters of the zionist regime in 2014 during the war. haniyeh's family gave more than 60 martyrs during the zionist invasion of gaza on the way to the liberation of quds , and the children and grandchildren of ismail haniyeh are among these martyrs. this was the reaction to the news of the martyrdom of his grandson and children.
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undoubtedly, the enemy's goal of assassinating the children of the officials and themselves and their homes is to exert pressure in order to achieve what they have not been able to do on the battlefield. the 62-year-old palestinian fighter was able to win at the negotiation table and the field of direct resistance. may allah bless the dead, but the resurrection , with their lord.
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i heard that some of your relatives were martyred. 60 martyrs of my family , the great family, and my grandchildren, my brothers and sisters, the mother of abd
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salam, my wife, my children, my cousins, and my daughters-in-law , that is, like all the families of gaza, that is, almost 60 martyrs . you have given the world of islam rightly and honestly at least a few houses, that is, there are so many families lost in it 190 martyrs means there are 190 martyrs in the al-asari family, 190 martyrs in 170 and so on. this means that we are running in gaza, it is a war of worship and an attempt, it means getting rid of the palestinian people , especially from gaza .
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god willing, i will destroy the disbelievers , god willing , my mother, my mother , the glory, the beauty, the beauty, the peace, the grace, in rabak, in rizak. haniyeh
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let him join the ranks of the mujahideen, the righteous, and the righteous , and join the ranks of his sons , and the ranks of these bloods. our calamities and our wrongdoings are good, o allah, reward us for our calamities and our wrongdoings, but our mourning is a mortal world, and we will meet, god willing, in jannah, the heavens and the earth. farewell, o leader
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of the world. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the meeting of the government delegation was held under the chairmanship of the first vice president, mr referring to the large presence of foreign officials in the inauguration ceremony of the president, aref said that according to the priorities of the fourteenth government. relations with friendly countries are expanded and agreements of joint commissions with other countries are followed up. mr. aref also condoled the martyrdom of mr. haniyeh. condolences say. the martyrdom of our precious and beloved mujahid, asba al haniyeh, is facing a great nation.


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