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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. a group of professors and students of the country's universities condemned this terrorist act by gathering in front of tehran university in the first hour of mr. haniyeh's martyrdom. the death of israel showed that israel is insatiable and the arrogance that it has committed today is firmly established.
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compensate and the islamic republic of iran, with the support of the people , god willing, will also give them an answer so that they don't have the courage to do this anymore. the zionist occupation regime is in complete desperation, it is looking for an escape to take its last breath. now any way to my opinion is from a diplomatic point of view, from a military point of view , and no matter what is good for the country , in my opinion, we should not be short in this regard, and america condemns the friday imams and sunni scholars in different regions of our country for the assassination of the young manly martyr ismail haniyeh. they took it seriously.
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they demanded the perpetrators of this crime. we kurdistan scholars condemn this move. definitely, the issue of martyrdom is an honor for the resistance front, and with the blood of the martyrs, the resistance becomes more colorful and stronger. god willing, the blood of the martyrs and the movement of these nobles in the field of resistance is the cause removal of the cancer gland.
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let him know that this young manly movement of his will not go unanswered by the resistance front. by offering his blood to islam, to muslims and to gaza , he proved that this stout tree of freedom, this stout tree of resistance, must be watered with the same blood, this movement will not die. may this movement continue with assassination and martyrdom. it will definitely get closer to the enemy and the usurper zionist regime, and god willing, the blood of ismail haniyeh will drown israel in itself. the head of the palestinian islamic resistance movement's political office was martyred in a situation where he was targeted by the zionists three times before. during the al-aqsa storm, his family was the target.
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was imprisoned. the last rain was 3 years and andy was in prison for being a member of hamas. when he was released, he was the president of the islamic university of gaza. he had several other responsibilities. but seven years ago, he assumed the political responsibility of hamas. when the zionists decided to completely encircle gaza. in a speech from love to martyrdom, haniyeh said: if your decision is to encircle us, our decision is to achieve victory. if your decision is to bring us to our knees, our decision is to kneel only before god. yes, we are a people who love death. as our enemies love to survive
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. we love testimony. as our leaders were martyred. ismail haniyeh himself was martyred. like. 60 other members of his family, like nearly 40,000 other palestinians who were martyred after the al-akhsa storm. and this photo of the hands of the youths of the eshati camp, where martyr haniyeh was born, has become a symbol for the struggle whose final news may be the liberation of jerusalem. mohammad reza ahmadi of sada vasima news agency. cyberspace users reacted to the martyrdom of hamas leader ismail haniyeh by repeatedly using the hashtags "we are coming" and "shahid haniyeh".
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they gave. users say that the path of martyr haniyeh and resistance continues. in the houses they destroyed. children of gaza raise the image of the resistance leader. the same man who many people say remembered this picture with the news of his martyrdom. the moment he announced the news of his children's martyrdom. i thank god for this honor and honor that he gave me. the first time i read the news about the martyrdom , i thought of this clip. western press described haniyeh as emotionless. but show me this. accepting the price of resistance is that the western empire has never understood the meaning of resistance. first, the zionists killed ismail haniyeh, the leader of hamas, then they killed his children, then haniyeh himself. israel is a terrorist. when israel
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killed his grandsons, ismail haniyeh was calm. haniyeh and his family have been in danger for decades before israel killed ismail haniyeh . the zionists are 60 people. they killed his family members, including his three children and five grandchildren. internet users say: the zionists wanted the genocide in gaza not to end with this. this murder was one of the most heinous murders, which was clearly intended to divert the ongoing talks aimed at ending the massacre in gaza, which has killed more than 40,000 people. it was designed in place. this video from the english analyst has also been popular in the virtual space. he speaks of a swamp.
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on these bloody ruins next to the ashes of the full garden, set up a celebration tonight. say your victory, say allahu akbar. we waited with 2 thousand back. with the mourning of all these innocent children, now you and the tears of joy and sadness of gaza, the victor, always the oppressed, the enemies , all on one side, the dagger of the brothers, on the other side, yusuf, only you , but dear, do not fear god, do not fear god, do not fear god, do not be afraid, now you understand how despicable
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your enemy is. that the life in front of the iron dome, which they said is weaker than a spider's web. i wish you were the commander and you could see that the enemy's rockets hit us day and night.
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one side of the dagger of the brothers, one side of yusuf, only you , my dear, don't be afraid of god, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of god, and do n't be afraid of god . the iron dome, they said, is weaker
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than roone ankebote. tosee by condemning the assassination of the head of the office. hamas politicians called it a political assassination and completely unacceptable. russia called this action a political crime that will escalate tensions in the region . the ministry of foreign affairs of china also condemned the assassination of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office called it an extremely worrying act and announced that this assassination will increase the conflict in the west asian region. the president of turkey also strongly condemned the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the islamic resistance of hamas , and this action is a move. rozilane considered it to weaken the resistance and said: the zionist barbarians should know that
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they will not achieve their evil goals as in the past, and by strengthening the resistance, the end of israel's oppression will be established. turkey's foreign minister condemned this assassination and called it a crime. the ministry of foreign affairs of turkey also announced that it was once again clear that netanyahu's cabinet intends to reach there is no peace. the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas was strongly condemned by the ministry of foreign affairs of qatar. lebanese prime minister najib mikati also said: we strongly condemn the assassination of the head of the political office of hamas . the ministry of foreign affairs of syria called haniyeh's assassination a dangerous violation of the national sovereignty of the islamic republic of iran and a clear violation of international law. the ministry of foreign affairs of syria considers this false act of the zionist enemy to continue its crimes in the region and to continue killing the palestinian people. enumerate and declare the degree of solidarity with the islamic republic of iran and the palestinian people
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and he emphasized that syria is with iran and palestine. ammar hakim, the head of the hikmat movement in iraq, in response to ismail haniyeh's assassination, said: "the criminal actions of the occupying regime are too weak to destroy the unity of the palestinian people." the head of the supreme political council of yemen also considered the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh a great loss for the palestinian people and the islamic nation and announced the responsibility for the expansion of the battlefield. it is the responsibility of the zionist enemy and america. yemen also announced 3 days of public members following the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh and announced that the flags in this country will be at half-mast. senior member of afghanistan caretaker government. both condemning the assassination of ismail haniyeh, he said: the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement outlines the path to freedom . the ministry of foreign affairs of malaysia strongly condemned the assassination of the head of the hamas office. emphasizing the support of the palestinian people, the ministry of foreign affairs of malaysia called on all peace-loving countries to condemn the assassination of ismail haniyeh . also, mahmoud abbas, the head of the
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palestinian authority, condemned the assassination of the head of hamas in a statement and described it as cowardice. mojtaba shah soni of radio and television news agency in the name of allah rahman raheem. pilgrimage day of agha imam reza
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peace be upon him beginning. an endless way of research in the beautiful area of ​​the last shahrvard west of seda vestima news agency . good morning to all of you, dear viewers of khabar network with special honor , i present today's hello reporter program to your kind eyes and offer my condolences to the martyrdom of the head of the political office of hamas in our capital, tehran. azadi square
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, get up and take knowledge, my friend, get up and take knowledge, eyes and heart awake, walk on the peak, day and night, on your lips, or haider, victory has come. al-futuh, say to the oppressor, say to the infidel, come to the battlefield of khyber, come to the battlefield of khyber.
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a curse on the coward today's cruelty , tomorrow's pleasure because of your ancestors, our destruction from the generation of our devil's conquest, when did we fear the enemy, here are the tears of a victorious child. here, blood is victorious over rockets , sardad, and my model is my commander, haj qasim, now whoever said that i will become one with myself, my cruel opponent, your opponent
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, your opponent, my opponent. i gave my heart to the shah of najaf, your opponent is like any palestinian, your opponent is manmian. open means the base of the limit. open means the base of the limit .
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hello, you are very welcome, especially the program. hello reporter, today, following the martyrdom of the head of the hamas political movement, martyr ismail haniyeh, today at tehran university at 8:30 in the morning , prayers will be offered on the body of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , and after that, martyr haniyeh's body will be taken from tehran university to azadi square tehran will be legalized, but let's go to my journalist colleague, mr. nikmin , who is with us in the studio, to get the news related to this assassination that happened yesterday morning in tehran, the capital, after the inauguration
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of the 14th president of our country, islamic iran , for us and you. dear viewers, say mr good morning, good morning. in the name of god, to you and the respected viewers, i say hello and good morning . yes, yesterday, after the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh, of course, i also offer my condolences for this loss after the assassination of mr. haniyeh . related to various news agencies focused on the aggressive act of assassination of martyr haniyeh , the international reactions in condemning this act continue and various reports are being broadcast as more than 24 hours have passed on this issue. has announced that americans and europeans deciding to hold an urgent and emergency meeting following this zionist act and
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to examine the possible answers that the resistance has on the agenda , the condemnation of mr. haniyeh's assassination attempt in international forums continues in the security council , the representative of china, mr. fukang, the representative of china. in the security council, he emphasized that action. in the assassination of the head of the hamas political office, iniesta destroyed all efforts to establish a ceasefire and create an agreement, and it is a step in the direction of the crisis and the so-called expansion of tension. the iraqi representative in the security council said that israel's repeated attacks on lebanon, syria and the assassination of mr. haniyeh and other criminal assassinations
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are gross violations of international law, which do nothing to improve the situation in the region, and show that the zionists are looking for arson, as well as the representative of lebanon. mr. hadi hashem, the representative of lebanon in the security council, also condemned this action. the presence of the viewers was appreciated, and the reactions of the leaders of different countries were also seen in this regard, in addition to the spontaneous protests of the people in tehran, all over the country, as well as in other parts of the country. islamic countries during yesterday until last night held in condemnation of this assassination and the martyrdom of haniyeh mr. ismail haniyeh and various news. we
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also broadcast different images from different provinces, especially in the capital city of tehran, which started at palestine square from 17:00 yesterday. and also the shrine of motahar razavi, which was followed up in a special and very wide way, these protests and condemnations, yes, yes, well , this morning, in fact, well, because it was a working day in new york, the representative of the islamic republic of iran in the representative of our country in the security council and the united nations, mr. mr. saeed irvani while actually in a statement calling the assassination of ismail haniyeh an act of aggression and emphasizing that this action will never be achieved except with the permission and support of the information provided by the americans to the zionists , and they emphasize that the islamic republic iran reserves its inherent right .
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it has not been found and the resistance continues in the houses that were destroyed by the children of gaza, the image of the leader of the resistance. many people say that with the news of his martyrdom, they remembered this picture at the moment when the news of his martyrdom was announced his children, god bless him, for this honor and honor he gave me. thank you. the first time i read the news of the martyrdom, i thought of this clip. the western press described haniyeh without emotion, but for me, this shows the acceptance of the price of resistance that
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the western empire. never understood the meaning of resistance . first, the zionists killed the grandsons of ismail haniyeh, the leader of hamas, then they killed his children, then haniyeh himself. israel is a terrorist. when israel killed his grandsons, ismail haniyeh was calm. haniyeh and his family have been at peace for decades. who are in danger before ismail haniyeh the zionists killed 60 members of his family, including his three children and five grandchildren . internet users say: the zionists wanted the genocide in gaza not to end with this. this murder was one of the most heinous murders that was clearly designed to divert the ongoing talks aimed at ending the massacre in gaza that has left more than 40,000 dead. this video from the english analyst has also been popular in the virtual space. he talks about the swamp that the zionists
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fell into. the next generation will be transferred. fatemeh sharifi sedava sima news agency. well, about 15 hours before the press office of the zionist regime takes responsibility for the assassination of shaheed taniyeh, let's go to mr. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin seyyed amirhasan ulmalah,
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a religious researcher. to talk more about the people of bani israel in the qur'an, mr. scholar . good morning. you are very welcome. thank you very much . good morning to you and your dear viewers. thank you very much . be healthy. al-rahim, inna allah and inna aliyyah , i offer my condolences both for the martyrdom of hazrat zain al-abidin , peace be upon him, and for this tragedy of ismail's loss. the appearance of bani israel in the qur'an is very debatable because in the holy qur'an there are many verses about the history of this people, which also have a very actionable history. many verses have been included. about 136 verses of the qur'an
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mention moses, peace be upon him, who was their prophet, and 41 times. in the holy qur'an about qom, what are their positive aspects and what are their negative aspects, some points are mentioned that i would like to present to you before i want to go into it, well, you know that the israelites are the children of israel, that is, the children of the son of israel, who is famous, these are 12 people. being and the holy quran.


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