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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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there are no great professors of international law in the world for this practice, but in general, he was able to get permission from the security council. wherever we look at international law. we can make a justification for israel, and israel in general , if you look at the recent report that agnes calamart presented about the targeted assassination of martyr soleimani, or any report before that about the targeted assassination, it is one of israel. in 2015 alone, 370 assassinations, 205 only carried out 370 targeted assassinations, and so far no government. couldn't
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deal with that, thank you very much mr. rudbari the expert of international law who came to the special studio of salam correspondent program, please stay with us.
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al-muntaqmoun, nahn al-muntaqmoun, gulen , it's time to write about the power of the storm, in hardship and displacement and war, write about the miracle of muslim patience, in the exile of the narrow strip of gaza, about the zeal of hamas men and about the vastness. write faith on the child's shroud on this soil , human, write human with love on this holy soil, this soil polluted with rain, write seyyun, write satan, write seyyun , write satan. yemeni ahdna ghazabi sabrna arabic
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fakhrna lebanese qutna iranian jishna iran jishna we are the resisters, or iha al-sahyoun, we are the resisters
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, or we are the al-sahyoun, we are al-maghaghoun, we are the revengers. write a call when the sahioun is overthrown. write a call every day. write the word conscience on the bloodthirsty page of sohyoun, write the end, see with iran. sahyoun , read satan, write sahyoun , write satan.
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write us all today, raj az khan , write us all qasim , write us all today, sulaiman, mughni abu mahdi, tehrani, and kamran. write haj ahmed metuslian write about the miracle of the blood of the martyrs write about the miracle of the blood of the martyrs, write about the miracle of the blood of the martyrs , write about the miracle of the blood of the martyrs, write about the miracle of the blood of the martyrs, write about this fake government
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, gibran write about the creator of sohyoun, about the wolf in this hidden battle.
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in the region, in the studio hosted by mr. alidin boroujerdi, mp. we are the islamic council and the chairman of the national security and foreign policy commission in the 7th, 8th, 9th and the first two years of the 10th parliament . dear mr. borjeri, good morning. you are very welcome. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. larestan, khanj, gerash, oz and joym region. greetings to the people of rome region , we offer the service of his excellency and all the hardworking people in the media. our special greetings to
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our dear and respected compatriots in the cities of which you are a special representative in the islamic council. mr. borjerdi, if you agree with the consequences. possible assassination of martyr haniyeh in the morning yesterday, it happened in tehran, the capital, at the regional level. please tell me, your excellency. well, it was a bitter incident , especially for the islamic republic of iran, because mr. haniyeh was separated from his prominent figure in the resistance front and the region and the world. he was a guest of the islamic republic of iran , especially the day before in his parliament . he was very warm and the representatives of the great nation of iran had a special respect for him and talked to him, praised him, honored him, and honestly, he was a person who
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gave his whole being to fight against the zionist regime and his child . them his children were martyred in this way. therefore, he was one of the people who went to welcome martyrdom, like our great martyr haj qassem soleimani. he was not afraid, but the incident was very bitter. the crime of the zionist regime happened once again and i think that the zionist regime will definitely kill itself with these actions. it is very clear that this young and manly act, contrary to all international standards , will not go unanswered by the islamic republic of iran, and god willing, a decisive and actually
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appropriate response to the people of this crime will be given by the islamic republic of iran at the appropriate time. thank you very much. yesterday, for this reason, a meeting was held in the national security commission of the islamic council. can you tell me about the details of this meeting? yes, this meeting was wonderful, despite the number. there were many members of the city commission, a call was given to the honorable chairman of the commission, and all the subordinate organs were gathered, the presence of the friends of the irgc, headquarters , general intelligence, foreign affairs, and the various dimensions of this crime were discussed. it is under review. to determine exactly how the enemy will act, but this
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technical work is done only in terms of expertise a report should be prepared for the supreme national security council and it will not have any effect on the reaction . it is natural for the supreme leader to openly say that action will be taken. it happened in the attack of the zionist regime on the representative of the islamic republic of iran in damascus, because this time tehran was attacked, and naturally, we will respond according to this crime, by god's grace, god willing, this will happen. the pleasant and unfortunate assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh led to the strengthening of the palestinian resistance movement
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will be. your excellency, please tell me about the convergence that will happen in the regional resistance front after this assassination? if you take a look at the evolution of the authority of the resistance front from the day when it was not possible to respond with minimums. at one point , they actually came to occupy the capital of lebanon, not the capability of hezbollah, the capability of today , there was not the huge and powerful front of yemen, neither in iraq nor in any other place. it has changed that in yemen, our friends and
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brave yemeni men are using the 200 km missile they build and shoot and hit the target . this is a very important change. when the saudi trend is reached, i think this trend will continue . the balance of power is in favor of the resistance front. therefore , it is not only the islamic republic of iran that is participating in the revenge against the house of the venerable martyr haniyeh, without a doubt, the entire resistance front feels the responsibility to declare a position, and we will definitely witness a collective revenge against the zionist regime, which is
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the collective revenge of the countries of the resistance line, which are against netanyahu and the zionist regime will take into account the aggression that it did to tehran and the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh janabi from its effect on exchanges. regional strategy, tell me what effect this terror has on regional exchanges. i will let you see that it was such an important issue that the un security council convened a meeting. of course, as always, the united states and its allies, france, england , have a biased position towards the zionist regime, and they themselves are undoubtedly complicit in the extensive crimes of the zionist regime. they are still sending weapons to this regime. but the position of countries such as china, russia and the
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islamic republic of iran itself was a very serious and decisive position in the security council of the representative of the republic of iran. islamic iran actually took a clear stance, and considering the structure governing the united nations, american influence will naturally not be an outlet in the direction of, for example, issuing a statement and resolution, in the sense that the americans will immediately do it . yes, however, this action the fact that the security council and the secretary general of the security organization take a position shows that the dimensions of the issue are not unique to iran and the region at all, it has global followers and will continue to be followed up
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. this is definitely the case in my opinion will happen and that's when we will see the zionist regime regret this decision . who will benefit from this terror and be happy? the countries that have are still helping the zionist regime today. the american, who at one point even decided to stop sending sera due to the wide dimensions of this crime. it started again with zionist pressure and we actually witnessed another action by america, france, england , their political support, their views, naturally , they are actually happy with this action, but they
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forget that if haniyeh exists among us today. no, the haniyehs will appear in this holy light path, god willing, and they still exist today , and they will appear and a very important change will be coming in this field . thank you very much. i would like a short media opportunity from the room. let me and my colleagues broadcast a part of mr. ismail haniyeh's singing in one of the conferences held in hamas
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. please watch this short part. baldem barna or darbana or mabar al-abtal or darb al-falah or darb al-falah, i will not use the weapon, i will not use the weapon.
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we are in the ninth year and the first two years of the 10th parliament, and we were discussing the possible consequences of the assassination of shahida haniyeh at the regional level and the exchange of strategic equations. they mentioned this issue yesterday and it is also a matter of revenge against the zionist regime considering that we were at a historical time when the government changed from the 13th government to the 14th government and holding the inauguration ceremony of the honorable president and this unfortunate incident happened in our country, how can this be followed up in the new government? i think one of the wrong calculations of americans, westerners and zionists was that now, for example, the new government of the 14th government
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is redolent of reforms. although mr. president has mentioned many times that i am a reformist fundamentalist and his fiery speech in the parliament showed that he is a full-fledged fundamentalist, they thought that, for example, their positions related to the palestinian issue and strategic and revolutionary issues it changes, if they don't know this, they should know that al-asul knows that the responsibility of policy-making in all fields, including the sensitive field of foreign policy, is with the supreme authority according to the constitution. it is news, yes , they do the rail laying, and every government that comes will definitely move in this direction, apart from the fact that dr. mezikian himself is a revolutionary figure
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, his speech was so fiery in the hall of parliament during the inauguration ceremony that this rarely happens to the representatives. in addition to chanting. they gave revolutionary poems, asked to clap, expressed their feelings , clapped and encouraged mr. shahid dehani, the late doctor, hugged him, thank you. kurd well, this shows that they are wrong and miscalculating as always. the 14th government will definitely continue the same revolutionary positions of the 13th period because of these positions. the system is the islamic republic and this misconception that, for example, positions will change in the new government is just an erroneous assumption that unfortunately
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the west, americans and zionists have always had this error, so considering that the responsibility of the supreme national security council is with the president himself, we are also witnessing this. his serious and revolutionary reaction against we were bitter for this event, so the world will witness a serious reaction it will happen in the islamic republic of iran during the time when the head of the supreme national security council is mr. dr. bishikian, because this policy of the entire system of the islamic republic of iran and the will of the great nation of iran is one of our ideals, the freedom of palestine, and even the new president of our country shares this ideal. . his excellency dr. mesicht gyan is also following up on this, as you mentioned in the speech given in the islamic council during the swearing-in ceremony
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, he explained very powerfully and very seriously what should happen regarding the national unity among the people. giving your excellency too you said that regardless of their reformist and fundamentalist political view, they have a special view on the palestinian issue. please refrain from divisiveness and hypocrisy in the current situation of our country's society, especially in the issue that is related to the issue of palestine. he did before and after the revolution and the problem of the zionist regime, who actually founded the struggle against the zionist regime himself, imam rezvan allah ta'ala. being against the founder of the islamic republic of iran and
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the characteristics of the islamic republic of iran in all these years , even when, for example, yasser arafat was a guerilla in the scene and then he changed his position and thought that it was possible to make peace with them, and he made a mistake and poisoned them. to testify, our position has not changed at all , that is, the direct path of the islamic republic of iran has been stable and solid, and it has become stronger day by day, and this thinking has been transferred to the countries of the region, when there was no official front, no hezbollah, no in fact, the fighters of yemen and iraq, and these today, in fact, to the extent of our entire region we are witnessing the presence of the resistance front, and this means a change in the balance of power in favor of palestine and to the detriment of
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the zionist regime. mr. pani also pointed out that we did not lose our support for the resistance at various times. they are doing many activities in palestine. any country with any content of the program that is present, please emphasize the support of the oppressed people of palestine and gaza, and have some say about this diplomacy . victory of the revolution, i was the minister of foreign affairs and i was the deputy minister of foreign affairs for 8 years, in fact, when dr. velayati was the minister of foreign affairs, he was deceased. shaykh al-islam, may god's mercy be upon him, sometimes for several months at the height of internal conflicts, for example in lebanon, their fight against the
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zionist regime. they had a physical presence, and at that time the noble martyr amir abdullahian was part of this equation, and when he became a minister , his appearance became more apparent because he became the minister of foreign affairs, and this policy was therefore the permanent policy of the islamic republic of iran, which we witness the emergence of this revolutionary spirit. with paying attention to the fact that at some point it was faded during the time of martyr amir abdallahian, and to be fair , he was actually a prominent figure of the resistance front , loved by the revolutionaries, and he himself was a full-fledged revolutionary who played an important role in the fight against the zionist regime. dear mr. borjerdi, we have almost three minutes
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left until the morning news, if your excellency. if you agree , tell us about the horizon and perspective of the resistance and summarize your statements. i think that if we draw a curve, we really had a steep slope in saudi arabia, that is, today's resistance front is actually a it is a power that takes the sleep from the eyes of the officials, in fact , it is the butchery of the zionist regime, and this is still going on and on. i said that the idea that, for example, yemen, after 8 years of war imposed on this country, where everyone thought that there would be no more yemenis, today they are building a 200 km missile, in fact , they are targeting the center of the zionist regime with drones, in the same way that hamas is today. islamic jihad, hezbollah, yemen, friends of iraq.
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in fact, each one of us is actually the center of the struggle against the zionist regime, so the horizon is completely clear, which means that the balance of power will change quickly. please note that for half a century from 1948 to 2000, in all wars, the zionist regime won, occupied the land, and the arab countries were defeated. since the emergence of the resistance front , the power equation has changed, in 2000, 2006, when hezbollah defeated the zionist regime in the 33-day war, in 2008, 2012, 2018, until today, the zionist regime has been defeated in all wars, including the very long war in gaza, in fact, we have seen defeat. all in all
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, the resistance front is spreading to europe and america, that is, inside american universities, those who are no longer asian are not muslim, but in in fact, they stand and fight alongside their teachers , they are beaten, they go to prison, but they resist. this is a completely new phenomenon, and the hope of the future horizon of the resistance front will be very bright. islamic to the special studio of the reporter's greeting program . i am grateful to you, the viewers, for being with us. i am very grateful that the doors of tehran university have been opened to the people of tehran, martyrs and worshippers, and in addition
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to that. various caravans from the neighboring provinces are on their way to tehran university for the legalization ceremony the dead body of martyr ismail haniyeh will participate. at 8:00 am, the official ceremony will begin. let's go to the news section at 7:00. after the 7:00 news, we will be with you again. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the leader of the islamic revolution will perform prayers on the body of the palestinian resistance leader until another hour after preparing the body of martyr ismail haniyeh in tehran university. according to the announcement of the islamic propaganda coordination council, the burial ceremony of martyr ismail haniyeh's body was held from tehran university after offering prayers.


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