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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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informed. islamic resistance of lebanon announced in rahman al-rahim salam. lebanon's hezbollah, in a statement about the massive missile attack on the occupied northern part of palestine , supports the nation and the steadfast resistance of the palestinian people in the gaza strip and in response to the attacks and aggressions of the zionist enemy on the town of sham in the south of lebanon and the martyrdom of a number of civilians who fought in the resistance. on thursday evening, dozens of katyusha rockets were fired towards the town.
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their destinations and occupied territories are increasing due to security concerns.
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are canceled in this area. at the same time, following the spread of fear of the possible response of iran and hezbollah, the regime army zionist closed 30 factories in the north of the occupied territories that contain dangerous substances . the mayor of the zionist town of safar in the north of the occupied territories also warned against possible attacks: it is better for everyone who has a place to go to leave the city. sacrifice with the body of martyr quds milad bedi will be held today from 17:00 at the place of maraj shahada. martyr milad midi , one of iran's military advisers in syria and lebanon , was martyred after the zionist attack on zahia in beirut along with the commander of the active martyr shakar. i can only say that it is good. there is no bad point in life for us. a bad memory in your life for me
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i didn't see anything except kindness from this child. one day, if he was away from home, he would call and let me know that wherever help was needed, milad was on the front page. he was brave, that is, the children, his colleagues, can confirm my words that milad was one of the characteristic features of courage, while this person and this child was so brave, at the same time , he had a very tender heart, he had a very kind heart, the people of turkey in my support for the palestinian people and in protest against the support of
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the american company starbucks from the zionist regime they attacked one of the branches of this company in batman province of turkey and demanded its closure. turks believe that starbucks provides financial support to the zionist regime. allahu akbar! prisoners of the largest federal prison in the united states went on strike. florida prisoners are protesting the unsanitary conditions of the prison and the inappropriate behavior of the prison guards. they were also denied access to their relatives. prison officers sent some of the strikers to solitary confinement. america
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has the largest number of prisoners in the world. in this country, one million and 800 thousand people are behind bars they are in prison. a number of these prisoners have been imprisoned innocently, and last week a prisoner was declared innocent after 34 years. two weeks before that, another prisoner was acquitted after 43 years in prison. the harvesting of shahoot from the fields of kashan has been started for several days. according to the officials of the agricultural jihad , the tutistans of this city have doubled their performance compared to last year. i have 20 mulberry trees, i go in the morning from 7:00 to 12:00 , you plant 15 kilos of mulberry a day, a product that after harvesting the mohammedan flowers, a major contribution to the production of this the area
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under cultivation of shatut orchards in kashan city is about 100 hectares, most of which is located in berzuk sector . we expect a harvest of about 900 tons. we have in the city this year, in addition to eating fresh , about 80% of this product is sent outside the city for processing. the fruit that is harvested begins in july. it is not difficult to pick blackberries, because many blackberries are not like white berries that you take in the night tent. in our own words, you have to put these things together one by one, that's why it's very difficult every family day with the help of my wife, my son and my daughter. we are picking shatoot. we are busy with chinese shatod in the morning until sunset. shatod has its own special skill
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. and many vitamins such as vitamin c and other vitamins such as vitamin e. these antioxidant substances play a very important role in the future. they are responsible for non-communicable diseases, especially cancer and blood pressure. a product that has provided employment for 400 families. between 5 and 8 tons of bagasse collection per day the package for nistra fruit juice and concentrate is sent to all provinces of iran , the cash amount is between 30 and 40 billion tomans, which is explained between the farmers of this region. although. the cultivation level of this product has increased in the previous years and it has reduced the migration of young people, but the processing of this product is the missing link in the economic cycle of bursk, which
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requires the establishment of a conversion industry. 4 o'clock
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trying to return! the iranian revolution has won, and the zionist regime is facing a wave of returning citizens the luggage comes to tel aviv by hand. we had received news, but not officially. what news had arrived? it was recommended to win. zionist who has the support of pahlavi for decades. have been. now their hands have been cut off from iran's soil." but
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regarding our approval of palestine and our disgust with israel, this is not new. we have been doing this for almost 20 years. we discussed these issues and advised the arab governments and other muslims in this way. the leader of iran calls the zionist regime a cancerous growth that must be erased from the world. destroy the occupying regime quds is at the top of the priorities of the republican system. islamic iran is placed. israel's military advisers
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left iran. but their trained people are still in iran. hossein manouchehri is one of the royal officers and zionist military leader in iran. he is nicknamed bahram. august and the bloody suppression of the qashqai nomads had turned bir ahmadi ariana into a favorite piece for the shah. ariana bahaizadeh was hated by the army because of her out-of-the-box intentions, but the zionists loved her. the bead that is used to return the monarchy to iran. so he tried a lot ariana went to türkiye after the revolution. he
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gathered about 300 desert military forces and supporters of the monarchy in a group called ara or iran's liberation army. ara was settled in the city of van, turkey, next to the iranian border. during the time ariana was in charge of this group, tens of millions of dollars were provided to her by the opponents of the islamic republic. this amount was given to him for armed vandalism. ariana was in contact with the zionist regime through saeed rizvani's army. he was tasked with buying weapons and hiring israeli advisers. at in the last weeks of the pahlavi regime, one of the top commanders of the north atlantic treaty organization is on a mission to iran. it is found that in order to investigate the possibility of carrying out a coup in iran, if it has
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the conditions to revive the pahlavi regime, on july 10, 1980, an unsuccessful coup was launched in iran. niqab was the name of the coup that shapour bakhtiar launched under the guidance of the americans. bakhtiar wanted to capture some of the remaining elements of the islamic revolution army. ariana was one of the presenters of the mask project. shaaban jafari, who played a central role in the coup on 28 august 13, in his memoirs about the coup nejeh says: i was in america when ariana, god forgive me, told me to go to turkey. i went to turkey and worked with him for a while. ariana gave me two letters to go to israel and give one to isaac rabin and one to ozzy narges. shaban jafari, known as shaban
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bemukht, the zionist confidant and ariana for providing. it was financial coup. the veiled coup was nipped in the bud before it began, and the operation was leaked. the zionist regime could not find a way to return to the past and its lost paradise from the path of overthrowing the iranian revolution . iran-iraq border on the 31st of shahrivar 1359 iraq with the air and ground attack on iranian soil
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marks the longest classic war of the 20th century . he dreams for a week, but this dream does not come true. this war and iranian defense of their land lasts for 8 years. in these 8 years, more than 80 countries have given saddam financial aid and weapons. saddam's war machine is supported and financed by us military and intelligence aid, saudi dollars and french advisers. french mirage planes, sakhi planes. germany and england are also in the service of saddam. do you stand by your decision? now put your hand down. in addition, the group of hypocrites in camp ashraf and 17 other bases are active, it is a story base.
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the task of this group, led by masoud rajavi, is sabotage and terror operations in iran, near the border with iran. they supported them or they said something, they used it to support them, they are fooling, they are fooling everyone, during this time the zionists used their usual strategy. they do. delivering weapons and equipment and military training. in addition to all this, the protection of oil pipes iraq was a new role that the zionist regime assumed. the presence of zionists in iraq was not official, but this regime had an embassy. one of
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the duties of this unofficial embassy was to train saddam's intelligence staff. 15 years after the end of the war, saddam fell, but the group of hypocrites was still present in iraq. in the following years, the hypocrites became a tool for targeted assassinations by the zionists. logistical support and educational financial support for this group. he turned the hypocrites into a full-fledged terrorist group. the terrible explosion in mazdiki shahriari scientists of the assassination of iran's nuclear scientists was the way that the regime zionist had chosen to stop iran.
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at this time, iran is progressing more than ever in various fields. it was accelerating. that is why the zionists felt threatened. according to them , the nuclear program in iran should have been stopped. mossad resumed its targeted assassinations in december 2009 by attaching magnetic bombs to the cars of iranian scientists. their goal was to eliminate the elites who were the leading pillars of iran's indigenous nuclear industry. iranian security officials announced: these assassinations were carried out under the supervision of the united states, england and israel. american mbc news channel according to a report, the israeli intelligence and espionage service planned these assassinations and the members of the hypocrites were the executioners. separated members of the organization of the hypocrites confirm that this organization
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has a serious relationship with the zionist regime. masoud rajavi, the leader of the hypocrites , met with representatives of the zionist regime in paris. the mission of the hypocrites was to collect information about iran's defense, nuclear, and oil business industries. israel's military and security analyst ronen bergman writes in the book rise and kill him first after ariel impeached sharon dagan as head of the mossad. he made him responsible for disrupting iran's nuclear program. netenz power plant. the cyber attack is caused by a malware known as straxnet. iranian authorities announced that the origin of this virus
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did not enter computers through iran. the entry of this virus was through external memories that were brought to iran from abroad and connected to domestic computers. the purpose of the first version of this malware was to close the gas outlet valves of centrifuges. this must have caused serious injuries. the second version of this malware, instead of closing the gas outlet valves of the centrifuges, the rotation speed it takes the centrifuges to an illegal range. the purpose of this work was to destroy centrifugation and reduce the efficiency of the enrichment process. ralph langer. a security expert in germany tells how stunt attacks netens. the americans say that
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we keyed the design of stuxnet with the zionist cooperation since the bush presidency. bush wanted to have another option on the table to deal with iran's nuclear program besides a military attack. cyber ​​war. after bush, obama followed the same path and there is more investment. kurdish tradition: obama believed, although this israeli plan it calms them down, but it makes the russians and chinese do something like this against the americans in the future . according to american security forces, israel was the loser of this sabotage operation. the security forces of this regime failed to penetrate the fortified facilities of iran. zero days documentary. created by alex gibney in 2016
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, it exposes the joint efforts of the us and israel to design stuxnet and sabotage iran's peaceful nuclear program. operation olympic games was the name given by american and zionist spies to the stockxnet cyber operation. this is the first time it was an official collusion for a cyber attack on another country. the mussad had the role, had the assignment to deliver the virus, to make sure that stocks net would be put in place in order to affect the centrifuges, the head of mad was under growing pressure from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu produced results inside the rock we were furious, the israelis took our code for the delivery system and changed it, then on their own, without our agreement,
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they just fucking launched it. 2010, around the same time they started killing iranian scientists, and they fucked up the code, instead of hiding, the code started shutting down computers so naturally people noticed, because they were in a hurry... defend their nuclear program. the disclosure of this operation made the stockxnet virus and even the secret formula for writing its codes
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fall into the hands of iranian and russian intelligence agents. a virus that was one of the most advanced and secret types of cyber viruses in the world. stockxnet made the world a place where code is the initiator and perhaps the terminator be wars stockxnet had technically revolutionized the world of malware, researchers called it one of the most complex threats in history. but despite this, iran is like he was moving on the path of progress. iran's minister of communications announced in november 2009. computers infected with this virus have been identified and are in the process of being cleaned. in 2018, the zionists launched another espionage operation . theft of iran's nuclear documents. due to the secrecy, it is not known how much these documents were.
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netanyahu in the show that so. he claimed to the executor that half a ton of documents were taken out of iran mohsen fakhrizadeh became the media in the same netanyahu show. netanyahu's goal of these shows was to force trump to withdraw from the jcpoa. with the fall of isis in iraq and syria and the region becoming too narrow for the presence of the united states. they tried to prevent the withdrawal of the states , when they again put the policy of terror on their agenda. the first step in this direction is to terrorize the united states from syria and the west asia region. sardar soleimani was there in january 2018. we are going too. everyone is a guest. god is god
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, but what does this first light say?
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another key component of iran's nuclear industry was targeted for assassination. mohsen fakhrizadeh was in the reach of zionist intelligence for many years and was one of the serious options on the mossad's assassination list. fakhrizadeh was martyred in a serious and coordinated intelligence operation by several security and intelligence agencies outside of tehran . god bless
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him. he was a key element not only in the nuclear field, but also in the health field and the development of the corona vaccine. . during the years of 1399 and 1400, the nuclear facilities of natanz were destroyed by fire twice. some described these destructions as the result of explosions and vandalism. the zionists claimed that this action was done by them and in order to avoid


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