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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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free planning, send the number 5 to 30085. it's easy with gilna konkor. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the representative of the hamas movement in iran described the new york times newspaper's speculation about ismail haniyeh's martyrdom as a lie. khalid al-qadoumi, who was in the building where martyr haniyaho lived on the night of the accident. in a conversation with al-arabiya newspaper, he said: that night , it was clear from the location of the attack and the body of martyr haniyeh that the attack was carried out with an air projectile or a missile. but the technical and specialized groups in iran
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are doing research and will give the exact result. the representative of hamas in iran emphasized the misleading narratives the american newspaper, the spokesperson of the israeli army, claims that the bomb was planted to absolve the zionists of their responsibility so that they can escape from the consequences of this open crime and the assassination of the leader of a country. the representative of hamas emphasized that israel planned and executed this operation and carried it out with the knowledge and consent of the americans and said: the american government is a partner in this crime and they allowed netanyahu to commit this crime during the visit of the prime minister of the zionist regime to washington. . the former deputy of the security council of the zionist regime said that israel is a loser in all future scenarios. addition in the analysis that on the occasion of the past 300 days he published about the war in gaza and said that today iran is in the best condition against us.
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we say this with determination. israel will not win the regional war. in no scenario. this is the words of the former deputy chairman of the security council of the zionist regime and the current senior analyst of this regime 300 days after the gaza war. while the head of the political office of hamas and one of the senior commanders of hezbollah were assassinated. israel's economy is now in the worst crisis since 1973. his army is damaged.
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who have canceled their flights to the airports of the occupying regime is increasing. once again, we received negative news from the economic front. one last month, moody's downgraded israel's economic credit. fish also lowered its forecasts for israel's economy. elsewhere in his analysis, etsion has mentioned that the american effort to form an anti-iranian coalition, which seemed to be succeeding on october 7, is actually a decisive strategic move. hizballah and the houthis entered the campaign and the successful war of attrition against israel , our behavior has been destroyed. can be israel is far more vulnerable than any of its enemies. the lineage capacity of the houthis, hezbollah, the lebanese, and of course iran is much greater than israel. regarding iran's position after the assassination of haniyeh in
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tehran, sion also said that iran is in a very good position, the vital link in the russia-china axis against which israel is powerless, and now the assassination in tehran has severely challenged israel and iran will not leave it unanswered. the number of definite arbaeen registrants in the samah system reached 935 thousand people , 63% of whom are men and 37% are women. arbaeen , see and hear the need to inject measles vaccine and send mobile atms to the borders in arbaeen news. arbaeen flight ticket sales will start from tomorrow, the spokesperson of the organization.
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the civil airline also said that the sale and issuance of charter tickets for arbaeen flights is prohibited for the time slots of august 24. according to the outbreak of measles in iraq, the ministry of health has announced the following measles vaccination for children and adolescents before traveling 15 years to be done. adults are also susceptible to infection if they do not get vaccinated or get measles. on the eve of hosseini's arbaeen, a convoy of sepeh bank's mobile atms was sent to the border terminals and
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was held 24 hours a day in the country. for the first time in iran , the professional doctorate exam in physiotherapy was held. we take this very seriously because many of my colleagues were forced to travel to different countries in order to study this course, and many
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of them even went to pakistan to study there, the importance of starting this course and the new study course to improve the level of services. physiotherapy for disabled elderly needy patients rehabilitation services and physiotherapists, rehabilitation fields, especially physiotherapy, are an urgent need for the present and future of our country due to the increase in life expectancy and also the increase in the age of the population, one of the basic needs of the country, especially for the elderly, the victims of physiotherapy and social work , all our efforts are in the professional doctorate. what should be done to serve the people better, and in fact , we want to give them techniques, methods, and high technical knowledge that will help their skills. this year's exam was held in 10 universities of medical sciences in the country. this the exam, which approximately 150 people
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will be accepted in 6 universities, the condition of participating in the exam is to have both a bachelor 's degree and a master's degree in physiotherapy. the first exam for a professional doctorate in physiotherapy will be announced in a month. physiotherapists will also receive a professional doctorate in physiotherapy after completing a two- to three-year course. police chief rahebar faraje announced that due to the increase in the number of illegal driving offenses that led to the seizure the car can be increased from 2 million tomans to 5 million tomans. according to sardar hosseini, if a car's fine amount reaches 5 million tomans , it will lead to a police complaint and eventually
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it will be seized and transferred to the parking lot. driving offenses have been increased since july 23 at the request of the traffic police and approved by the government. violation will be fined with new numbers. the technologists of our country have invented an advanced fire extinguishing system that can put out the fire in the oil tanks of the refinery or oil wells with the least amount of water within one hour. this system danesh banyan can increase the fire temperature from 1300 degrees celsius to 350 degrees celsius, which practically does not cause any damage to other facilities. and make fire control and extinguishing operations easier, while allowing the firefighting team to get closer to the fire scene. the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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i invite you to be a viewer of tonight's special news talk, which examines the legal aspects of the assassination of martyr ismail hanighi in tehran, and tonight we will examine this story from the perspective of international legal systems, and our guests in sarkar studio are mrs. dr. aminzadeh, a legal expert. among the world and mr. dr. najandi menesh, another international law expert, who
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will present their legal analysis in this area tonight to you, dear audience, hello, doctor, good evening. you are very welcome. greetings, politeness and respect , thank you for your presence, mr. doctor. hello , i say good night. we are very happy to serve you and dear viewers . thank you very much, doctor. if we want to start , the legal nature of mr. haniyeh's assassination is on you. how do you see from what perspective basically in the intersystem can the world look at this story? mr. ismail hamiyeh was a person who was born in the same camps in gaza in 1962 and completed his studies in the field of arabic literature at the islamic university of gaza, when the first intifase took place and hamas was born, he came as a political figure and they started their activities , but in 2006, after the elections of the palestinian parliament, when the hamas party received the most votes
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, they had the opportunity to choose mr. ismail haniyeh as the prime minister of palestine, so they were preceded by a popular election. they are popular with people this selection was done, so we see that there is a legitimate political party and mr. ismail haniyeh is a political person. a military person is not a military person who wants a military attack to be carried out against them, which means that it is different from the point of view of law, whether a person is a military person or a civilian, and if a terrorist attack happens against him , the consequences are different. the title of all these is decisive , let's assume that they are definitely a political person in a ceremonial event and now the national of one country is participating in another country and this
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the assassination was carried out against them, so at what time is there another time that i must say , during the negotiations with the israeli officials and people, that is , for the ceasefire and the exchange of my hostages, this negotiation was going on in international law, when from the method peaceful resolution of international disputes , such as negotiation , such as masai jamila, such as mediation, such as the resolution of legal and judicial disputes, are carried out. the parties stop military attacks. the international court of justice should be a party iran and america are waiting for this case to come to an end and the hostages are exchanged. but during the judicial proceedings, the americans attack the thebes desert and they do not wait for the
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international court of justice to make its own decision regarding the resolution of the dispute, and this seems to be the habit of this group of countries and now terrorist gangs, which during the negotiations between international or settling legal disputes, they carry out their aggressions and assassinations , or if they had not been trapped in thebes , we really don't know what would have happened in iran, and these are warnings for us to see. who are we negotiating with, what are we negotiating for, and is it even a good idea? now let's assume that some of us believe in the government, some believe in a government. if the government is done, will israel still adhere to it? we will see, not in the military. we live in the international system. there is no accountability for some countries, nor
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is there any supervision over them. therefore, the victim governments find a place where they have to exercise the right of legitimate defense to defend themselves. therefore , according to what is defined in the international system, mr. esmaili means a political figure yes , he was acting on behalf of a recognized political group, and from this point of view , this action that has taken place completely gives the opposite party the right to take countermeasures. charter and based on convention 73 of 1973 regarding the protection of diplomatic persons who are currently participating in missions , any attack against them should be punished. very well, mr. doctor, what do you think? do you have a legal dispute with what mrs. doctor said? or please, well, anyway, the topics when in
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from a legal point of view, there can be different approaches. naturally, the late haniyeh cannot be described as a military person and someone who directly participated in the measures , so he is described as a civilian person , or according to the doctor , he is a political figure. the battle scene is different, because it is possible that many of them could have done diplomatic work in negotiations, similar to what happened to the martyr hajj qassem soleimani, but in any case , their character is the military character of a military commander. they may keep this in mind, so it may be a different issue there, but it must be a battle scene, yes, it must be in a battle scene, so if someone has left the battle scene or even if he is in the battle scene and has dropped his weapon or
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is injured. and he is no longer able to fight, naturally, any action against him can be considered a war crime. another issue is that the assassination of him, who is outside the battle scene and is a civilian, is a clear and obvious violation of international human rights, that is, in fact, a violation of his right to life. in fact, the right to life for people intrinsically known, it cannot be taken away except with the permission of the law, and nothing. in fact , there is no legal authorization for this action of the zionist regime, and the fact that it was actually carried out on a third country is actually a violation of the territorial integrity of the islamic republic of iran. how did this action really take place, but we are going to check the assumptions
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that if it is through an air strike and with the participation of masat , it is a violation of the entire territory and sovereignty of the islamic republic of iran, but if not, then indirectly. through groups or people who are under the guidance and control of the zionist regime, this may actually lower the threshold of severity, that is , it cannot be said, for example, that an action can be considered an armed attack, so for now , if it is the second hypothesis, suppose that
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a terrorist group or people have come and bombed inside, this is a terrorist act. now, in the most severe way , as the doctor said, we can actually go under the new york convention of 1973 and say that this action is supported by the direction of a foreign government against an official who acted as a negotiator. here, of course, there is room for discussion whether he was in tehran as a negotiator or not , for another matter, this is also a bit open , because he is a guest of distortion. also, violating the principle of non-interference in internal affairs , violating the international and foreign peace and security of countries, why, in fact
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, the zionist regime wants to put pressure on the islamic republic of iran in its foreign policy. the way israel and america want to behave. therefore, if we look at this action in several ways, it actually attacks international law, especially the united nations charter. in fact, article 1 itself, what about article 2, especially clause 4, clause 7, in fact, all of these question the issue of international and regional peace and security , and even show that americans, israelis , and even europeans the solution of the government, which they say they do not agree with in practice, means that they only want to have a government. very well, dr. article 51 of the organization's charter. the united nations, which raises the issue of the legitimacy of defense, may ask us a little about how we can act based on this article. what right
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does article 51 of the charter give to countries when an attack direct military action against a country allows countries to defend themselves as long as the un security council does not activate its mechanism of attack and deterrence, but if the un comes and punishes the aggressor country on behalf of the victim country. or did he deter , then the country that is the victim does not have the right to defend itself, well, we see that during the 8 years of the iraq war against iran and in this situation , the united nations is not seen in the attack on our general in another country. i want to compare with the actions of
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the united nations during the assassination of comrade hariri in lebanon did and exactly the security council established a court to find and punish the perpetrator of the assassination of mr. rafiq hariri or when the lockerbie plane was a plane. it was a scene that explodes over the locker of england and feeling that there might be two libyan suspects, immediately the united nations will come and set up a court, and in the end it will not be known whether these two libyans are really bombers or not, so see how fast it is in action. well, there was no need for those countries to defend themselves , but how can such courts exist in the time of terror. sardar soleimani or mr. ismail haniyeh nothing not even a statement of condemnation will be issued . well, here, when the world
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has lost so much of the responsibility of defending its victims , there is no solution. he doesn't arrive, so now we have to think about whether we want to attack , or whether we want to have a deterrence approach . we have to think about these things. the united nations has not done anything for our country and for terrorist acts in our country against our guest, and this right legitimate defense is reserved for us and at the request of iran an emergency security meeting was held, and many countries condemned the country, which is always a supporter.
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condemnation is in the form of a recommendation and declaration based on chapter 7 of the united nations charter, article 39, 40, 41 and 42. the security council can, after determining that an act of aggression or terrorism, means any act that peace and... in fact, now if you see that is, the united nations can, because now it is the economic and technological processes that have created these terrors, if there is no economic and technological diplomatic support, how can they carry out this kind of widespread action? mr. netanyahu will immediately leave the united states. pollen and several sensitive assassinations are carried out in the region. well , if the united nations comes and imposes sanctions , it will take the economic tools. if
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it enters the diplomatic spheres , it will take diplomatic support from the zionist regime, but none of this will happen, but you can see at a glance in the double standard of these sanctions is formed by the united nations against iran many times, but it has been 10 months since the international community. it is a witness that not only an action against the zionist regime in the killing of women and children of civilians, which, as the supreme leader of the revolution said very beautifully, the principle of separation in international law, why are people killed without even firing a single shot? well, when these things happen and there are so many double standards, in my opinion, the countries of the region, the countries that are members of the organization of islamic cooperation, the non-commitment movement. these express and think about their own situation. the world organization is currently suffering from a violation . silence
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when crimes against humanity and genocide are being committed is an act of omission, so now regional organizations should be active, the mechanism of regional organizations should be used, for example, articles 52 and 53 of the charter. dear dr. now , let's prove in terms of international law that a person was a diplomatic and political person who traveled to a country for an official invitation. and there , he has negotiated, was an official guest, or anything , he will be martyred in a terrorist operation, now assuming that all this is proven in the international legal system , which, according to the doctor, acts in such a double manner , what is the use of proving this at all? yes, when benas, for example , treats a regime that is openly childish or commits genocidal operations, he is committing a war crime. the treatment that should be done is not done, what hope
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is there for this international law system. we wanted to prove these things, then after proving these things, now we want to be persistent in the international authorities . let me tell you that when we look at the paper, i think that for many of these questions, too. even if it has been proven , we don't really have a correct legal answer. let's assume that we proved that this terrorist act was actually carried out by a group that is affiliated or under the control of the zionist regime. is there a regime or not, even beyond that , it was proven that this was actually an armed attack on our territory against a third party, so what do we want to do? the security council, in fact, let's refer to the security council.
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as you said, it convened a meeting, but the united states of america, england, i don't know what position france is showing, the composition of that council is an unfair composition, exactly, it is an unfair composition, it is an undemocratic composition, and at the same time , i think the composition is cruel. the security can't do anything for you , but let's do it the other way around, suppose you see, we have n't taken any action yet. the warnings that are actually given are not about the zionist regime, so let's say, for example, let's go to the international judicial authority , for example, the international court of justice, for this if we want to, now apart from the discussion that we do not recognize this regime and filing a lawsuit against the regime that we do not recognize it from the legal point of view
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it is another discussion. but assuming all of this , you must find a basis of jurisdiction that your respondent accepts for the international court of justice to deal with this, which we actually do not have a case like this, which means that you are dealing with an ineffective system of international law in the persian language. you actually expect healing from an imamzadeh, but nothing comes of it. therefore, if a country actually wants to leave its security, its survival, its horizontal integrity to these international organizations, i think it has lost its rhyme. at the same time, we still have to adhere to it to be and document our own behavior . we don't want to say that because others are actually violating, then we are not violating. in addition , in fact, respected number of the provisions of the charter
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of our international commitments, but... we follow the minimum capacities that exist, for example, what i think comes to my mind and according to the petitions that i had at the beginning of your service, if we consider those two assumptions if it is an armed attack, it means the use of military force against the israeli regime in our territory, then we have the right to legitimate defense, and this actually goes back to our military power and what we want to do. let me open a parenthesis here , yes, there is no ceiling for it, that is, you can take countermeasures in legitimate defense, at what level , there are conditions, see, in fact, legitimate defense has a definition and a condition. first of all, there is a question of urgency, there is a question of necessity there is a proportion and in fact to ward off the danger, it means you have to stop until you have warded off that threat or that danger .


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