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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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the internet site of airline companies and authorized sites for ticket sales is done. the approved ticket price for arbaeen flights on the route of tehran, najaf and western airports is 10 million. and for
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mashhad, najaf, baghdad and airports in the east of the country, it is 12 million tomans. for the one-way route, the ticket price is 5 and 6 million tomans, respectively. these rates have been announced by the airlines and people should be careful of expensive sellers. arbaeen pilgrims are advised to buy their round-trip tickets so as not to get into trouble because buying a ticket in iraq is subject to foreign exchange fees. to be seat capacity of arbaeen flights. the flight seat has arrived. the secretary general of the halal red society of the country, while visiting the border terminal of mehran, said that 1,250 najad aid stations in the country are ready to serve the pilgrims with 23,000 aid workers. mr. soleimani also announced the dispatch of more than 300 ambulances and rescue vehicles to iraq and added that 5,000 volunteer medical personnel are also in iraq to serve. notification to visitors will
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be established. the secretary general of the red crescent society of the country said that 18 helicopters are stationed at the borders of shalamcheh and mehran and other borders and will be sent to iraq if needed. the united nations condemned the action of the zionist regime in attacking journalists in gaza. with the testimony of ismail al-khol, that an hour after preparing a report on the ruins of the house of martyr ismail haniyeh in gaza. the first moments of the bombing of a residential building in gaza, what you see and probably what you have seen before in gaza , was captured by a young man named ismail, ismail ismail al-ghool from gaza, who speaks few words when he arrives here.
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there are no words to describe the situation of our children in gaza. the pictures that ismail recorded of the childhood of the zionists, sometimes hurt the soul so much, that we do not want to broadcast them. the final pictures from the area of ​​shafa hospital. when the zionists made the encirclement ring tighter by the minute. ismail also took these pictures. there was a report about the ruins of the house of martyr ismail haniyeh in ashayati camp. when he found out, the zionists have added hospitality to their list of crimes. after that, he walked towards the shores of gaza to take pictures again, when his head was separated from his body by a guided missile. along with his photographer rami.
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ismail rafiq has no shortage of journalists who have written something for him. it is time for this tired body to rest. the time has come for the fighter courage to get what he wants. it is time for the lover to join his loved ones. rest, martyred hero. by god, we continue to cover gaza news. by god, we will not stop working . you can see the brutality of the occupiers. they target journalists . they want to shut our mouths so that the world does not see the crimes of the occupiers. but by god, we will continue our work until the last reporter who is present in the north of gaza throughout this region. allahu akbar. the thief the journalist does not lack for the images to
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reach the eyes of the world. saeeda zanganeh of sed and sima news agency. supreme court. dealing with presidential elections the republic was held at the request of president nicolás maduro. the highest court of venezuela accepted this request and summoned the president along with eight other candidates of this election , in which edmundo gonzalez, the opposition candidate , did not appear. meanwhile, the head of the national electoral council of venezuela confirmed the re-election of yiculas maduro as the country's president. elvis ameroso announced
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that he won by votes for the third time. after the announcement of maduro's victory, street riots led by the opposition party and the intervention of some countries, including the united states, have started throughout the country. is. kamla haris, the vice president of the united states of america , won the necessary quorum for the nomination of the democratic party in the 2024 presidential election. after last month's withdrawal of us president joe biden from running in the election, kamla harris had no rival in the virtual voting on friday, and by attracting the support of 2350 representatives, he reached the required quorum. he reached for the nomination of the democratic party. the democratic national convention is scheduled to be held in the coming days and harris will be officially announced as the party's candidate and rival to republican donald trump. the 2024 us presidential election will be held on november 15.
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the tax affairs organization of the country announced that the new tax certificate will be issued online from the first of september. according to the section. in order to facilitate and honor the clients who do not have to visit maadian in person, alignment with electronic government and smart provincial tax and issuance of tax residence certificate will be done through the online system from the first of september. the general manager of cellulose industries, printing and stationery ministry of samit says that a strategic plan has been developed to achieve self-sufficiency in the field of writing and printing paper. in the last 3 years, the production of printing and writing paper in the country has increased 10 times. these pieces of wood and waste cartoon, which at first glance is considered a kind of language, is a strategic industrial raw material.
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several types of products are produced in the paper industry. wrapping paper and writing paper. in packaging paper, we have production equal to the country's needs. capacity. installed in the country and the available capacity is more than 2 million 200 thousand tons per year of all kinds of packaging paper, this amount is about 30 % compared to the last two years, the capacity of our production units in this area has increased, but the most important part of this industry, which requires the strategy of the country is writing paper, approximately 200 to 250 thousand tons of the country's needs in different types. types there is writing paper and newspaper in the country, which has increased 10 times in the past few years due to the special support and attention of president shahid rushd. i was present in a production unit whose production has increased 10 times by the skillful hands of the workers and the resourcefulness of the managers
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. we alone supply one third of the need for writing paper in the country. irani is being made from iranian paper and our products. paper industry activists have brought their achievements to the international exhibition in tehran, looking at the export markets. approach the exhibition generally discusses the expression of domestic achievements for entry.
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if the fourteenth government, production barriers from the front and foot of this industry. i see. continuation of riots in england. after a 17-year-old boy attacked children's summer classes with a knife. in swetport, england, three young girls were killed and 10 others,
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mostly children, were injured. extremist right-wing groups that are anti-immigrants and muslims took advantage of this situation and falsely identified the attacker as a muslim who came to this country last year. under this pretext, they attacked the mosque in the city of swetport and structure. when the mosque was attacked, we didn't know why such brutal violence was happening that even
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the police were being attacked. this mosque is a place of prayer for muslims from children to adults. the intensification of the psychological operations of extreme right-wing groups in social networks spread the riots to several other british cities, including the capital. the same place where on saturday the extreme right groups with. we are taking back the slogan of our country, anti-immigrants and muslims held a rally. prof. owen jones, a news researcher , says lies. introduce the three girls as muslim immigrants. the video, which has been viewed at least 27 million times , says that in addition to the burning of cars and property damage , more than 70 police forces have been injured and dozens
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of rioters have been arrested. the increase in rumors about the attacker's identity caused the british judicial system to reveal the identity of the attacker, who is 17 years old and not yet of legal age, to put an end to speculations. now it is known that he has grown up. england is of rwandan parentage and according to the announcement of the british ministry of interior , it has nothing to do with the islam of muslims. intensification and continuation of existing riots the prime minister of england held a special meeting with senior police commanders on riot management. i can announce after a meeting with the police commanders of a special unit in the police throughout the country to fight disorder and violence. a number of social monitoring organizations in england believe that the increase in insecurities along with the disregard for
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institutionalized racism in most of the british government agencies and its spread in social networks have created alarming conditions in this country. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting agency. yemenis are deeply saddened since receiving the news the criminal assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh the criminal assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh, who fought against the occupation of the zionist regime for several decades , left a deep sadness in the hearts of the yemeni people. the yemenis were very angry with the zionist regime. every time a regime fails, it leads to new terror and crime. ahna keshab yemeni valfin ali al-tazhyat, offering the sacrifices. we dedicated many martyrs and leaders in the path of truth and in the path of the holy one. the recent crimes
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were also tragic and tragic, but honor can only be obtained in this way and with the sacrifice and dedication of the best leaders and martyrs. the martyrdom of mujahideen leader ismail haniyeh is oblivious it was catchy because he was an example of sacrifice, courage and bravery in the way of quds and in confronting global tyranny and arrogance.
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he did not die in exile. countries like iran, yemen, iraq and syria are all part of the axis of resistance. al-mashat, mehdi al-mashat, head of the supreme political council of yemen, announced the public members and flags at half-mast for three days in yemen in the wake of the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh. the political office of yemen's ansarullah movement condemned this crime by issuing a special statement . seyyed abdul malik badreddin, secretary general of ansarullah in yemen. a statement condoled the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh and fouad shekar, the commander of hezbollah in lebanon and he emphasized: martyr ismail haniyeh deserved this glorious end that everyone dreams of on this great path. resistance is a belief and a method, and it does not die with the martyrdom of a commander, but continues to be more aware and stronger until victory is achieved. this
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is the belief of yemeni people after many similar experiences. sultan sadh, sada and sime news reporter, sana'a. the people chased away the body of the proud leader of the resistance front. this presence showed that the path of resistance does not end with these crimes. greetings to the hezbollah army
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, the resistance of the region and the muslim nations, this cancerous tumor will also be removed and muslims can breathe easy. kill america and israel are weak. this is their weakness. we will continue this way and i want to tell zion that we are the young generation that proved that we are more courageous than a hundred men in the path of love. we say death to israel more strongly and this is becoming stronger day by day to israel. all muslims in the world including. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, attended tehran university on thursday and prayed over the body of martyr ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of hamas, and martyr wasim abu shaaban along with martyr haniyeh.
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khamenei will take revenge of ismail haniyeh the answer to the missile is the missile. we will take revenge. i request the officials to take revenge for this martyr soon. this blood that was shed on the soil of iran . iran and palestine are more connected than before. taking this way from us has continued until now. israel should not think that it can achieve its goal by assassinating the leaders of the resistance, just like when we assassinated haj qasim, each of us became a haj qasim, now that
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assassinating ismail haniyeh, each of us becomes an ismail haniyeh . this is a sign of empathy and accompanying the people of iran from the resistance front and the oppressed palestinian people, maryam jafari news agency. radio
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suppose a fruit shop sells 10 kilos of apples, but informs the tax authority that it has sold 3 kilos of seeds. on the other hand, another fruit seller , do you really think it is right that these two people should pay equal taxes? business owners declare their income and expenses in the tax declaration, and the tax administration
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examines the received declarations and calculates the tax . but in the meantime, some profit-seeking people, like the fruit seller in the first story of our story, hide part of their income from the organization. to this work they say tax evasion. the tax affairs organization verifies the declarations of taxpayers with the information it receives from other institutions and authorities, and the taxpayers who do tax evasion are examined under a microscope and come to them with special inspectors for justice in paying taxes. tax must get accurate and complete information in the fastest ways , that's why the parliament is approving laws that are called smart tax system laws. in the new laws, smartening has come with the help of the tax system and its processes to minimize errors. as soon as give the tax affairs organization the possibility to have all the economic actors under its surveillance microscopes. now all the old paper games have to be replaced by
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smart systems. the law of store terminals and taxpayer system is also a tool for smartening and making it transparent and it allows all financial transactions of economic operators to be monitored at the same moment of the transaction by means of electronic accounts. all these laws are compiled so that justice is observed in the payment of taxes among the members of the society and everyone pays the same amount of tax. and that is the purpose of tax evasion. national capitals are going to be blocked. state tax organization.
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tehran in three roads afsarieh with unbelievable prices for long-term contracts without advance payment in the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. house to house, all together with me.
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your discount will not be lost. don't buy insurance at any price. buy excellent tea, excellent place, sofia tea , sofia tea, excellent tea, excellent place, excellent place , excellent place, sofia place . you can't buy a bicycle without wheels , is it possible to not have a house? is it possible does the tool have a warranty more than once a year? high-quality tools should have a 24-month unconditional warranty. of course, with an unlimited number of times. nec, quality guaranteed. 24 months unlimited warranty.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, with blessings upon muhammad and his family, in the presence of you, sports news enthusiasts , welcome to the 9:30 minutes sports news, and we will start the news of this hour with the 2024 paris olympics.


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