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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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oh, sit on the first page of the row of sacrifice, it is over there on the other side of the fence , see the joy of meeting is there, oh, you are sitting, sit in the first row , stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust , stand up, stand up, first row, first row, first row, first row, first row, first row , first row
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, we will follow your stronghold, and that is also rail transport. there is a country where special attention has been paid to this issue in almost many countries , and very good investment has been made in the country so that the east and west corridors and the north-south corridor in the country can be used to transfer goods from the southern regions of the country to the northern countries. and also. from the north to the
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open waters, of course, a belt and a road the chinese government has established it and it can bring the east and the west of the country together. in this regard, i am talking to dr. seyed miad salehi, ceo of the islamic republic of iran railways . welcome to the first page program. thank you very much. hello. i am at your service , sir, and all the dear viewers of the first page program. it has been on the agenda for years now how is our situation? in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, before
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starting the program, i would like to take the opportunity to recite the martyrdom of mr. ismail haniyeh , and we hope that, god willing, the culture of resistance and the culture of the islamic revolution will one day be institutionalized, and god willing, these efforts that take place during the arbaeen days. may it be fruitful in the path of hazrat allah regarding the question you asked, anyway, as in previous years, the islamic republic of iran, together with other modes of transportation, is trying to provide the maximum possibility and facilitation for the pilgrims of hazrat aba abdullah. shipping department to in the same way, in the field of passenger train arrangements, we also discuss the lines we have for the western route, that is, the route from tehran to kermanshah, mashhad, kermanshah, as well as
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the southern route, which is tehran, khorramshahr, mashhad, khorramshahr, and that we have planned extraordinary trains so that, god willing, we can reach the maximum however , it is about 20 km from khorramshahr station to zero point of the border and we provide free service to zain imam hossein. especially, during the day, the temperature is predicted to be around 50 degrees, which will increase . many pilgrims may prefer to travel after sunset, and also when returning , they may actually return at midnight. this train
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was stopped last year, alhamdulillah. this year, we will do it with more capacity 24 hours a day, god willing . we saw the wonderful trains that we predicted from places like zahedan directly to khorramshahr and shalamcheh, as well as from sari , we predicted from mashhad, we predicted from tehran , the total number of intercity trains, as well as the suburban train that we predicted on the way from ahvaz to khorramshahr we predicted 600,000 round-trip seats from kharramsha to shalamcheh, which we will be able to provide for these days, god willing. in addition to the border of shalem, that is , our border in shalamcheh, what did you do in the field of khosravi ? i would like to tell you that the loved ones who travel by train , the loved ones who visit , go from tehran on the southern route, until the end of it,
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they may take a car and go to the border of ilam. there are also dear ones who go directly from tehran to khorramsheh and shalamcheh on the south axis and on the west axis that you asked about. we have gone as far as kermanshah , of course islamabad in the west is under construction i hope that by next year west of islamabad, god willing , we will be able to have a rail until there, but now , dear ones who want to travel from the west side , we have also predicted great routes from mashhad or tehran to kermanshah, god willing, they can travel. well, it is a distance from kermansha. the commanders should cut ground till the border of khosravi. yes, this issue of shlamcheh has been discussed for many years. when will it be put into operation? how is the situation now? i would like to tell you that we have discovered two issues regarding the trains going to karbala. alhamdulillah, we were able to do this and
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continuously for a large part of the year , the train goes from tehran to mard shalamcheh . from basra take the train to karbala station, which is about a few kilometers away from hazrat abul fazl . alhamdulillah , this work was done as long as mutghazi existed it has been done since last year , but about whether we can get this train. convert tehran-karbala to a direct train of iran. karbala is a missing link that was 32 kilometers from the border zero point of shalamcheh to basra . it is natural that this country is iraq after all
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, we are doing the work in another country. and we also had tehran with its iraqi counterpart in these 3 months of the 13th government, well, they changed their government once. it happened and every time it has its own problems. remember , this design has been going on for more than 50 years if this connection is done, it means for 32 km, because how difficult is it, the conflicts. there are many, one of them is that the 5th karbala operation was carried out here during the holy defense, maybe close to 10,000 martyrs . and we cleared half a kilometer to a depth of 6 meters , we cleared more than a thousand mines in reality and it became khansa. we entered iraqi territory in iraqi territory since the end of last year. we started about 3 kilometers until last week with a width of 50 meters and a depth of 6
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according to the report that was given to me last week, i was on the territory of iraq and visited the same project. they said more than five times that this mine was planted with valmeri mines, tomato mines, and cake mines. and pedals and anti -personnel and finally all kinds of mines that were there. about 6,000 mines have been discovered in the past few months , and they are gradually being destroyed and cleared. there is rail laying, and god willing, this is an important part this project, the issue of alhamdulillah square has been resolved, the next issue is the construction of a bridge over which we
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can cross this river , there were different scenarios, whether we cross from khoram shahr over omar rasas island or go to higher routes in the higher part of the river. finally , after many meetings, we came to the conclusion that there is sandbat island above basra, that is, north of basra , and we can cross there. the iraqi side of madh thought that this bridge should be open and capable of shipping. he added, alhamdulillah, during this last one year, the hydrographic designs were carried out and speculations were discussed, excavations up to a depth of more than 30 meters were carried out inside the river . alhamdulillah, last week we were able to complete the shamco operation and actually build the bridge foundations, which is the bottleneck part of this project . .
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if this was in iran, we could have made this promise, because there is another country anyway , according to the issues, if it was a normal civil work , yes, this amount would be the estimate, but if there is a problem with the proposal, god willing, i hope it will happen , but there is another country. after all, it has its own conditions, we try with all our heart. that we can use every opening for this work to proceed as quickly as possible and god willing , we will see the day when iranian people love imam hussein with a new style of pilgrimage, that is, with the rail transportation mode which has higher welfare and is much cheaper than the air field, god willing. direct traffic from tehran to karbala, god willing, is one of the important issues in the field of rail transportation in the country. we have always discussed the age of the fleet
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. what is the average age of the fleet now? how should we make this a little more agile? let me tell you that we divide the fleet into three main parts. there is a discussion about locomotives, one is about freight wagons and the other is about passenger wagons . until 1400, the mortgage budget, unfortunately, not only did not increase, but also decreased, that is , in 1994, 95, 1996, when the dollar was about 3 tomans , the railway budget in the construction sector was about 2,700 billion tomans every three years, 97, with the increase in the price of the dollar to 12 we were faced with
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an increase in the budget the next year, and the next year in 1400 again 2016 was less, according to 96 dollars , it was 3 tomans, and most of our parts are transverse, while 1,400 dollars was 30 thousand tomans, and obviously we had a serious backlog in the field of locomotive repairs, which was tried in this government, according to budgets which he found, we tried during the 13th government and actually the follow-up and support that shahid raisi had was restored to some extent, we were able to 90. in the field of freight wagons, we were able to introduce 45 new freight wagons to the network during these 3 months , the number of freight wagons increased from 27 thousand to 31 thousand, and the life of freight wagons decreased.
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and the number increased in the passenger area , finally, it was tried to take hold. in total, if i want to tell you about the life of the fleet, in the passenger area, we have about a thousand sleeping passenger cars, half of which are more than 30 years old, and we definitely need we are serious about modernization in the field of locomotives. we also have siemens passenger locomotives and freight locomotives . the average age of the freight locomotive is 35 years. our year 143 is a large part of those locomotives since 1994, during the days of corona, these have been grounded and not provided, god willing, we will fix it and return to the network, a discussion that
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has been discussed for years. it was domestic production of locomotives or wagons, especially the wagons, how many percent of them are imported from abroad now? alhamdulillah , we don't have any problems in the field of freight wagons, but maybe there was a brake part, which was part of the domestic production, and these 45 new freight wagons that are in it was produced and entered the network in 33 months , it is completely domestic and it was completely ordered by the private sector.
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they must have high resistance, like the crankshaft like the various parts of the engine, they have very high technology. well, let me say here that out of about 6,000 parts that are used in the railway sector, we were able to fold more than 4,000, alhamdulillah, with the support of various internal departments of alhamdulillah, we did it , we were able to internalize it, of course
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, there is still a part of it that, god willing , we placed orders in the future, and in particular , you entered into negotiations for cooperation with the projects of our daneshmunian companies. about 10 thousand companies of scientists who in general, in different important fields , let's take from the field of it to the fields of food and materials and finally the fields of discussion, for example, animal husbandry, agricultural discussions , medical discussions, dentistry, various fields that
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exist . there are different specializations, that is, from the discussions of namz or mamz nanox, we actually need materials engineering fields, to non-material fields, or actually civil engineering fields, linear fields, or mechanical fields , or material fields with alloys, finally, it is excellent in in this area, we have about 100 companies as the companies of scientists are more important than the companies that are startup scientists or industrial scientists or main scientists. we are working with them, of course, i am telling you that the titles of basic knowledge are changed by the republic every year or every two years, so for this reason, i use different titles for scientists . if
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it wasn't for the support given by the railway to this sector, maybe this scientific company wouldn't have started, and vice versa, if they didn't finally develop , maybe we would have problems in providing parts today. yes, my colleagues prepared a report in we see the railway activities in this report and we ask you questions in this connection . it has 15,000 kilometers of railway lines and is located at the crossroad connecting east and west and north and south of iran in a special position of transit and exploitation. rail lines in the development of transit are considered a step towards the development of the country's foreign exchange earnings. for this reason , russia, as one of the largest economies in the world , passed its cargo through iran in 1401
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gave last year, one of the countries we could work with in the field of transit was russia , which we started with potash fertilizer in 1401 . now the managing director of the railway reports the growth of transit and the variety of goods passing through the country. it can almost be said that it was 44 million tons , according to the experts of the government enterprise, one of
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the main reasons for the decrease in rail transit is the management enterprise that rahen rail is looking for and ignores a bit . i think that things will be resolved, god willing. what percentage of goods are being moved from amirabad port now? rail under 1 percent is one of the main ways to increase the load through the rail connecting the rail network to the load centers including mines and factories, the owner of the load should develop these antenna lines , we will build the main route and the routes leading to the load centers according to the law with the one that the owner wants to build, well, he won't build it in the country, why there are 550 million tons of cargo, 50 million tons are being transported, the statistics of the construction organization show that despite the rail connection to the ports of the south and north, where most of the goods come from. leila saki of sed and sima news agency, well, we saw the report
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, the ministry of housing and urban development is one way and urban development there is a plan under the title of iran, a part of which is for transit or transportation. there are east-west and north-south corridors, which are now mostly north-south . how is our rail situation in the role of our rail transport in this area? regarding transit routes, and especially now the crossings that are both north-south and east-west, it is really necessary that we let's mention the very advanced geographical position of iran, hazrat agha said in the year 14, 11th of aban that this very advanced geographical position of iran is counted as a competitive position of iran, and there he clearly said that this can be done with rail lines, with railways with
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the road can't be, maybe it's not bad. this map shows the largest horizontal land area in the world. it starts from china. there is a corridor that actually comes from china by rail and finally we reach western europe, which is finally spain and portugal. here is me if this. from the middle, you will notice that it passes over the yellow part, which is iran, which means that we are clearly in the middle of the world, at the crossroads of east and west. well, south of us, which is the indian ocean, means that if you want to pass through the origin of the load, which is china. let them move to the west of the world, so that they can pass should they find it or should they go to the sea? well, the route is finally clear. if you want to say it by land route in the form of rail or road , close the camera view now. yes, run a little bit of the same to see. yes, i said that this is from china, which you see is in the east of the world, than in the west , which is in western europe, spain and portugal. this
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is the largest horizontal land area in the world. if we fold this map, you will see that this line goes through the middle. this is iran . this yellow part is iran . above it is the caspian sea, and below it is the indian ocean. on top of that, there is also russia, well, you know that we are a very special point in the north-south corridor, and we are a special point in the east -west corridor. it is exporting many of its cargoes by sea, and it is exporting an alternative route, and anyway, the reliable route is the rail route that comes from china via kazakhstan to russia and actually goes to europe by rail. well, this route is now blocked. as for the rest of the route, a combined route that comes to kazakhstan, comes here to octave port, and from here goes to baku by ro-ro ships. and there is a route from baku that is a full rail route
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that goes from iran, that is, china. kazakhstan, turkmenistan, iran, turkey and europe. of course, when we want to go to termanistan from china , we have two routes. we can come to turkmenistan from kazakhstan, and there is a shorter route to uzbekistan . of course, a country will be added, but the route is shorter. i need to mention a few points about transit here. one is that we had a series of lines connected, mr. doctor. we should have used this properly. another thing is that we have a series of rings missing in some places we had, that is, for example, it was stretched a thousand kilometers. in the first discussion, there is the use of existing routes , for example, we are now limited from tehran to china , we are connected from iran to china by rail, so it was necessary to use this, a few years ago, three trains went from iran to china, but well, it could not compete with the sea price and practically
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failed. but considering the efforts made in the 13th government, we really need to thank our martyred president, who always put the railway issue on the agenda in bilateral meetings with different countries, whether with russia or china. they were given priority and we should like to thank the honorable ministers agha shahri, what happened was that we were able to use the available capacities, that is, we signed a contract with turki omanstan in the first six months of the 13th government and we signed an understanding between the servant and the peer. mr. azad then we went to a tripartite meeting, a few months later, i.e. , iranistan, kazakhstan, and a few months later, a quadrilateral meeting between iranistan, kazakhstan and russia, and we were able to obtain potash fertilizer from
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solikar in 1401 for the first time in the history of iran. compared to the usual route that brings bulk cargo from the middle of russia by rail to the west of russia, loading the mediterranean sea and the red sea of ​​the indian ocean from the black sea took more than 50 days. now we were able to complete the route in 18 days and 19 days, which is about a third. this happened due to the high speed with which we transported the cargo in iran, from sarkhas to bandar abbas. this was appreciated. mr. blazrov was appointed as the head of russian mortgage. alhamdulillah. last year, alhamdulillah, this was done this year. for the first time in the history of iran, the strategic product of coal, which india
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needs a lot for its power plant. through our russia in we loaded and in fact we were able to transit all the rail until the short sea port to india alhamdulillah, we have transited one train a week from russia coal to india during the last eight weeks. it took two years for us to have a quadrilateral understanding between iran , turkmenistan, kazakhstan and china so that we can train. in fact, we should have two overheads so that we can reduce the costs and create this corridor , and this is the meaning. i said that 5 years ago , so to speak, 56 years ago, these three trains left iran and this failed because of one master . alhamdulillah, now this train has been loaded with mineral cargo from iran, it went to china, and car parts were loaded from china . the train was exchanged in turkmenistan, and our train is actually going to china. a train that


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