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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:19pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. the president's emphasis on facilitating the journey of arbaeen pilgrims. mr. mezikian, no excuse has been accepted for the non-implementation of the arbaini obligations of the institutions. or should we not commit? or when we make a commitment, we fulfill those commitments with all our heart. new details of the assassination
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of the former prime minister of palestine in tehran . the zionist revolutionary guard corps used a short-range projectile with a seven-kilogram warhead in the assassination of martyr haniyeh. the projectile was fired from outside the area of ​​residence. from the point of view of rights. nations what is? what will be the resistance front's response to this terrorist act? the zionist economy is on the edge of the precipice, the closure and reduction of the activity of the main ports and the flight of investors from the occupied territories for fear of a full response from the resistance, the removal of tel aviv from the destination of most international airlines. and
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the operation of the 160-bed sleepy hospital in abadan, a hospital equipped with the latest equipment , with a view to the development of health tourism in the region. islamic revolutionary guards corps in announcement no. 3 about the terrorist crime of the zionist regime in beh the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of the palestinian islamic resistance movement hamas, presented new explanations. in the name of allah, the most merciful, following
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the terrorist act of the zionist criminal regime, which led to the martyrdom of the high-ranking martyr dr. ismail haniyeh , the mujahideen and brave head of the political bureau of the islamic resistance movement of hamas and his companion, i inform the public of iran that this action was designed and implemented by the zionist regime and the support of the criminal us government has been done. according to the investigations and investigations carried out, this terrorist operation was carried out by firing a short-range projectile with a warhead of about seven kilograms along with a strong explosion from outside the settlement area of ​​the guests' stay. in the end, it is emphasized that the bloodlust of martyr ismail haniyeh is certain, and the adventurous and terrorist zionist regime will respond to this crime, which is severely punished, in the appropriate time, place and quality.
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will definitely receive. public relations of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. responding to the zionist regime is iran's legal right. international law experts say that iran's right to respond in legitimate defense of its rights due to the terrorist act of the zionist regime in martyring ismail hali is reserved. from people about necessity the answer to the zionist regime and the quality of this answer is due to the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh in tehran . it is the natural right of every nation to defend themselves when something like this happens in their country.
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a great insolence on the part of the enemy will be given to him. israel has come and hit our house. anyway, we have to answer it. it is absolutely right for us that we can be one of the strongest and, as the famous saying says, the most intense let's give them an answer. this is a kind of violation of our soil. because this commander is our guest , we definitely have the right to defend and respond. it is our natural right to take revenge for the blood of our dear guest from this filthy regime. everyone can do whatever he wants and go, god willing. we expect that , god willing, the respected officials of the country will give a decisive and crushing response to the regime of the butcher and his child israel , the deterrent
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force will be stronger than the previous times. 100 more difficult than before. kobande should receive a response that is befitting and worthy of the party that attacked our country, they will definitely see a response. people consider the response of the armed forces as a deterrent against the enemy's aggression, so that the other side does not allow itself to do such an act. it should definitely be the same so that israel cannot do this again and give a more crushing answer that they will no longer be allowed to give a firm and authoritative answer to the syrianisms so that they will never think about the soil of islamic iran
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if they violate, our answer must be a deterrent, which means that the israelis will not dare to do such a dare . it is natural that the answer must be a deterrent so that it does not happen again. according to international law experts, iran's response to the zionist regime 's assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh is iran's right. from a legal point of view, it is a violation of iran's territory, and from an international point of view, according to the united nations charter, violation of its territory is a crime, an international crime, and it is possible to confront it. in egypt, this can be considered as an example of an armed attack and as a result, the originator of my right to defend myself based on article 51. zionists who are afraid of life and they have imposed displacement on the palestinian people and they spend these days and nights in fear. according to hebrew media reports, the shelters
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were opened due to the fear of the resistance's response to the attacks. we are now waiting to receive a response. now hamas and hizb. the air force is on alert, and so are israeli embassies around the world. with the addition of a number of other airlines including greece, poland, spain, holland, hungary to the total of 18 other international companies, telavi. it was officially removed from the flight destination of most international companies. some lines airlines canceled their flights to occupied arazi until the end of october. at the same time , in a report on the financial markets, the calcalistek news site announced that tel aviv's economy
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has plunged into the depths of uncertainty in response to recent terrorist acts. bloomberg reported: the form of zionist money on the way to record its weekly loss. it has shown the worst performance of a width in the world for more than two years . the weekly meeting of the heads of the forces was organized by the president's presence, mr. ghalibaf, the speaker of the parliament, and mr. mohseni ajei, the head of the judiciary. in this meeting about important issues. country there was an exchange of views and a discussion to coordinate the forces as much as possible in solving the current issues. the first meeting of the arbaeen headquarters
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was held in the 14th government under the chairmanship of the president. in this meeting, mr. bizikian stressed that the authorities responsible for holding the arbaeen walk are obliged to fulfill their obligations. no justification for people's dissatisfaction is accepted. the meeting was held on the order of the president, and at first , the agencies responsible for arbaeen reported to the president one by one what they did and what they want to do for arbaeen. the governor of ilam is also there. ilam is ready. especially the border of mehran janabiya, from the governors to the ministers announced their readiness and planned to equip more parking spaces for private cars for the arbaeen days. my internet taxis last year, more than this year, i told them with the help of mian
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, we are growing by 15% in air and 15 in 5 seconds . last year , people could enter the borders anyway. let's bring these 5 seconds to 4 seconds, god willing, we raised the ceiling from 200,000 tomans to 1 million tomans, and now a series of mobile vending machines are also available through some banks. according to sepe bank, they are going to the borders , god willing, there will be no problems. the president, while appreciating the efforts of all the institutions, asked them to be committed to the promises they make. our request to all the ministry of home affairs and managers who have been entrusted with the responsibility is to fulfill their commitment . we do not accept any excuse for non-performance. no matter what we do at the headquarters, we must fulfill our commitment on time and correctly . god willing, we will do this and he also said that the satisfaction of the pilgrims
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should be the priority of the institutions. all our efforts should be people who they ask us to be satisfied. in my opinion, it is not acceptable for anyone to come to our administrative system and return unsatisfied. with his own emphasis, this meeting has been held and this promises that mr. dr. bizikian, like martyr ayatollah, is a possible special president. he is concerned with this important and global issue, and god willing, things will be pursued with strength. they also think that work should be pursued with seriousness and strength. the president said that if necessary, we will hold the same meeting again to reduce the problems and give more satisfaction to hosseini yusuf salami pilgrims. radio reporter the 160-bed hospital of 17 shahrivar abadan
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was opened with the presence of the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare. this hospital, built with an infrastructure of 20,000 square meters and with iranian islamic architecture, has 13 inpatient departments, 6 operating rooms and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. there are physiotherapy and dialysis departments at nciu, post-cciu, and the maternity ward of this center , which used to be traditional. inpatient admission will be in different departments of outpatient treatment and specialized and sub-specialized treatments. its equipment can be completely dedicated to therapeutic tourism on its surplus days. that we can from our loved ones in iraq, especially hamj provinces. the bar should accept patients for treatment. the
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guardian council found the resolution of the majlis to be closed on saturdays to be contrary to sharia standards. we have two shari'i objections to the resolution, and one of my objections was the objection of the supreme board of supervision of the implementation of the general policies of the system, which was also transferred to the parliament before our opinion. some points regarding the discussion of the days of the week and of course this is a point regarding the private sector. after all, the private sector has problems with the contracts it signed with people in the past. god willing, there is a new government and a new parliament, if they have any point in the reform, they can take it into consideration and apply it in the reform. the spokesman of the guardian council also
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emphasized in this press conference that strengthening the parties and making them accountable for their powers requires amending the election law. it is an important point that the parties accept responsibility, have the authority and authority , and be accountable for these authority , sometimes in elections with overnight parties. we are, that is, during the elections, they introduce the names to the people and then they don't give an account, and we have a report about it. we don't hear if there is a program with names. to finally present whether they were able to implement that program or not, if they could not , why they could not, so this is an issue that has been mentioned in the general election policies, and it is necessary that the election law may be amended in this regard, one of which may
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be a change at all. it should be an electoral model in the same reform of the election law of the previous parliament. it entered this area, which faced problems or ambiguity from the supreme board of supervision on the good implementation of the general policies of the system, and it was practically removed from the approval. at the same time with the prediction of heat increase in the country during this week, the minister of energy said that the power grid operators are trying to provide stable electricity. we peaked at 72,725 megawatts last year. the consumption was in the summer of last year, this year this number has reached 7989 megawatts, that is, 8 and 8 tenths of percent, about 9%, we had a growth in consumption , while if you look at the 10-year average growth of the electricity industry, it is about 47%, which is twice the average
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growth of previous years. we grow this year. we experienced that this amount of electricity supply was even higher than our pessimistic scenarios, according to mr. mehrabian, next week maybe the last week. it is a very hot year that the heating system may break in some places like tehran. in fact, the temperature of some parts of the country is actually at its maximum, it is the temperature of tehran. on tuesday and wednesday, the temperature record of tehran is around 43 degrees. it seems that this record may be set this year, even the nearby cities like varamin, qom and even isfahan will
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have serious hot conditions. this is to help us in providing stable electricity in the name of god. peace be upon you today in the hottest hour of noon in ahvaz with a temperature of 46 degrees. yazd took the first place, the temperature reached 45 degrees , and qom was in the third place. in three operations, hezbollah's chasid men targeted four locations of the zionist military in mitat avivin and shalmi military settlements. shundeh targeted mutallah military town , al-aasi base and hedab yarun base were targeted by hezbollah with its own mortars , samagheh base and roysat alam base in the heights of the occupied kufrshu hills were also other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations an hour earlier. the aggressor drones of the zionist military this time to
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deirsarian region in the southwest of lebanon to attack in this attack.


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