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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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imposing and establishing new rules because of the strength of the resistance and the enemy of israel does not dare to undermine them. today, israel and the united states destroyed the southern part of beirut and assassinated the martyr of the great commander . invade and attack the islamic republic of iran and head office. hamas politician assassinated mr. ismail haniyeh, and this means that israel is not the only one who commits these crimes, but the united states of america is responsible for this because it helps the israeli regime and before these two assassinations, the operation a great assassination was carried out in jarf sakhr in baghdad, and we also witnessed banda hodeidah's rule in yemen . we are now in front of the front.
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to implement them, he has asked for help from america and some european countries. these countries that help the israeli regime with all kinds of weapons and military technologies. it has made the israeli regime able to commit these crimes, but will these assassinations and such aggressions and attacks that they have done and continue to do in the fields of resistance remain unanswered? israel knows very well, based on experience and reason, i say that iran has never been silent and will not be silent because of aggression which is done against it both inside and outside. he believes that these assassinations can
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scare the resistance forces, but experience says that the resistance forces became stronger every time a terrorist operation was carried out against them. this is the experience we have in hizbullah since the time when the secretary general of its founder, seyyed abbas mousavi, was assassinated , his wife and child, as well as the commander of haj emad mughniyeh, mustafa badreddin, who were assassinated , as well as the leader of the resistance, haj qassem soleimani. did the assassination weaken the resistance? on the contrary , the resistance became stronger and its will became stronger dealing with these aggressions. this stupid regime of israel
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and the stupid regime of america, if they think that such assassinations will remain unanswered , they are wrong, they will be punished and this punishment will be a new series against this regime and against its main supporter, mr. boudieh. these days, many people are talking about what kind of iran's reaction will be, and analysts are talking about it. we talked a few minutes ago with one of the analysts who was with us from washington and said that they expect it to be much more extensive than iran's promise sadegh operation. answer your opinion. in this case , what do you think iran's reaction will be? now, the hebrew media and the western media are fully proposing two theories . the first theory is that
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the counter-response of the resistance is coordinated and will be done in a complete way, so that the us and the enemy of israel will be forced to go back and reconsider their own accounts and books, and when they read that they commit an aggression and commit stupidity , open a thousand accounts and books against the guest of the islamic republic of iran , and also want to invade lebanon , revise their own accounts and books.
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the resistance forces recognize and define the answer do they are coordinated to answer and we can say that through it a new page and equations.
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the resistance is all allies and their goal is the liberation of palestine and the destruction of the israeli regime. when we talk about the unity of the fields, it means that these forces are against the hemeism of the united states, and it has been the same in the past years, when iran
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responded to the violation of its own consulate. it was not far from the resistance of iraq and lebanon, but it was coordinated with them, so the western media and the media anyway, this response will be done from the joint and coordinated operations room between all the resistance forces. thank you very much, mr. fadibodi. the expert on west asian issues who was with the program jahan today from beirut, i bid you farewell, mr. budi believed that according to what is being speculated in the hebrew media, they are in a state of uncertainty with surprise and are speculating
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that probably all fronts the resistance from different countries simultaneously responded to the crimes of the zionist regime and the recent terror that it has carried out. but the world continues today. a review of some short foreign news. the black day of the american stock market, about 3 thousand billion dollars. in wall transactions street shares lost more than 2900 billion dollars in value. this is the worst day for the us stock market since about four years ago. the indexes in the new york stock exchange fell after the news of the weak economic data of the united states raised the fear of the country's economic recession , while the american authorities are trying to make the fall in the value of the stock market appear normal, some media attributed it to they analyze the event in west asia. the
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world bank warned about stopping the economic growth of one third of the world's countries. according to the africa news tv channel, the world bank announced that more than 100 exposed country. they risk being trapped in middle-income countries unless they undertake serious growth events for their economies. indian priests started working for the victory of kamal haris, to use heavenly powers to make their bloodman win the us presidential election. according to the hindu priests in the ancestral village of haris, the god of truth and justice in this year's presidential election. america will be with the democratic party. eight people have been arrested following the rise of riots in england after a knife-wielding teenager attacked several children. a number of british police officers were also injured in these riots. search continues for
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missing india landslides. at least 40, following a massive landslide in the state of kerala in southwestern india. a body was found and some were missing. fire brigades and national crisis response forces were sent to the affected area and it seems that there is a large population in the affected area. japan is experiencing the most intense heat wave on record. since april, at least 59 japanese citizens have died due to the heat. another news from japan is that following bending of railway tracks due to extreme heat local authorities in the southern island of kyushu decided to fix this problem by using ice. lone ranger china unveiled its new drone that looks like a bird of prey. this falcon-like bird
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has advanced miniature sensors for orientation. this bird also has a system to counter the threats of small birds and can repel any missile attacks or electronic warfare. he said about the assassination case of mr. ismail haniyeh and the green light of america. i do with mr. jeremy kazmarov, writer and expert america's foreign policy, which is with us in the form of a video, mr. kazmarov, welcome to the jahan today program from khabar international network in iran , i asked two experts who were previously in this program, in their opinion, iran's reaction to the crime of the zionist regime, the recent crime of the zionist regime in how will the assassination of mr. haniyeh be? we want to know your opinion on this matter.
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he wants to start a war in the middle east and because the war will be very destructive and therefore a very difficult and serious situation has been created. in your opinion , it is possible that america's interests are also the target of attack paying attention to the fact that in the official statements it has been announced that the us is also an accomplice of the zionist regime in this action, and iran considers the us to be a co-ordinator and accomplice of the zionist regime in this matter.
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he gives his immoral actions and america wants that when he could not actually lose the shah in iran, he decided to create another force for himself in the middle east, and that force appeared in the form of israel, and now through israel wants to try to hurt iran and make accusations against it, and this. the operation that was carried out inside iran is fine it was in this framework and i didn't get the answer to my question
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. in your opinion, what are the specific implications for america ? there is a proxy force of america and it did this action, and the israelis
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do it because they feel that they have responsibility. anyway , if the interests of the united states are also targeted, such an event will not be unreasonable because it is the americans who israel is supporting , and israel is doing this with the warm support it has had and with the common sense it has had regarding america's support done and many other actions that he has done before, so we have to see what can happen and as a final question , i ask you that during today, interviews of american officials were published, which contained a message that we knew about we didn't have this assassination. in your opinion, worries about iran's response did not cause such interviews to be published and
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america to try to take advantage of this action and now somehow protect its own interests . there is a possibility, well, after all, they are worried about america's reaction to iran, but nevertheless these reports, i think there is a high probability that the americans were aware of this program because israel. the crimes committed by israel in the last 10 months were actually committed without punishment with the support of the united states. now, not
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only the government of netanyahu, but israel in the past decades has always committed its own crimes with the support of the united states. america has done nothing to stop them. america could have stopped israel by threatening to cut military aid , but it did not do this, and i think that america was aware of this plan and now now that they say we didn't know, it must be because of the political situation and because they want to be careful. israel is actually a proxy force of america and it cannot do anything on its own, so what the israelis have and the plan of the great israel is definitely approved by the united states, and therefore
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we can say that in such events they next to the. they act together and are together, and even now that mr. haniyeh is removed , there is no prospect for peace without ismail haniyeh, and we have to see the changes in the government now that will happen in the next government. america will be created, what perspective will it create for the situation in the middle east, do they support peace or not? thank you very much. from you, mr. jeremy kazmarov, writer and expert on american foreign policy, who was with us from oklahoma, usa. today i will start the third case of the world. the national election council of venezuela has confirmed the correctness of the presidential election in this country, and at the same time , the secretary of state of the united states
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congratulated mr. maduro's rival who won the election last night in a strange statement and announced that now is the time. peaceful transfer of power and congratulations to the rival in this i am having a conversation with mr. abdulhamid shahrabi , the international observer of the elections in venezuela, who is a guest of the world today program. welcome, mr. shahrabi . i have the opportunity to be your host again in this program. considering that you were the election observer, here i greet you. dear viewers of khabar, let's get into the story and get to the point. i was following the previous cases that you had on tonight's program, it was the assassination of ismail hainiyeh. i want to make an analogy and the similarity of this incident that you venezuela is falling apart with the story of haniyeh's assassination . please see what happened. haniyeh was the leader of a
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liberation struggle . he was fighting for the sovereignty of the palestinian people, and his assassination was an intervention . expert qabilis said correctly that decision-making is independent, there is no area without information and approval, and why is the united states green? i mean , the elections are held there in the democratic process, and the people choose their president . and they are going to mess up this game because now in the question, it was strange that blinkel spoke. the fact is that the prediction was not made by me or by several experts. everyone who followed this trend had a beautifully designed role
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. it will be in this context that there will be fake polls, which i am not suggesting as a weapon . there is evidence that, for example, suppose that the poll that the major poll that mr. blanken cites or the pro -opposition forces in general cite is a poll that a an affiliate of the advertising agency of the united states according to the documents related to c, this poll is conducted. in fact, instead of being a poll , the opinion-making is more completely opinion-making, completely opinion -making, and then it is interesting that they have their own technique , which says a high percentage that the opposition will vote , even before they get the public opinion for this. prepare for this to happen, while they themselves know that the reality on the ground in venezuela has been discussed in the program for the reasons that can be found in the program, which can be summed up in the fact that the venezuelan government
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has taken many measures to protect its interests after chavez's victory. i am working and deprived people as a result, the hardworking people of venezuela have the support of the genuine people, they know this and i said this analogy from the point of view that israel is the same as israel. you see, in the current elections in america, venezuela, for example, argentina, which fully cooperates with israel, is supported by israel. in turn, he also supports israel. these are one front. we have seen another front as well. you brought up america, which supported it. this is one side of the issue now. there are many governments that supported the venezuelan elections, the results of the venezuelan elections , supported by china, supported by russia the progressive freedom-loving countries in latin america
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support iran. the islamic republic of iran openly supported the election of mr. maduro, and this is the story that i hope we will discuss in the continuation of the program about the story of america and venezuela, to see what the role was and is in the election, so this part from your conversation between the issue of the venezuelan election and the us foreign minister congratulating the loser of the election and the issue of the assassination of mr. haniyeh , i see their commonality in jeopardizing the interests of the united states and trying to revive its lost interests . lost profits i went to venezuela for america after the arrival of mr. chávez and mr. maduro, and now you see, each of these is a topic that can be talked about for hours, but i will tell you very briefly and briefly. you are talking about a country that has the highest amount of fuel reserves in the world . it has the highest amount of oil reserves in the world. for example, you are talking about 3 billion
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barrels of oil, the production capacity or trillions of dollars worth of these resources. the united states owns these resources, although these are the national resources of venezuela. there is the rule that we say, it is not a strange word, it is ownership. these were in the possession of the united states before, completely, not only oil, now oil is the major national wealth of venezuela. as a result, what was at stake with the victory of chaves, the continued domination of the united states over the material and natural resources of the venezuelan nation, and what happened then ? affiliated to the states. the united states is coming under control, nationalizing it, injecting the income from this for health, for public education, for
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you see the government of venezuela, this is good, the nation should know, our people should know, in the same period of how many years of bolivarian revolution, they will build 5 million houses, this is 5 million for the people. housing, another 3 million housing putting it on the agenda until 203 to do this, the level of education , healthcare and other needs related to social welfare that we consider despite the very tough sanctions that the united states imposes on the venezuelan government brewery has been able to enjoy such achievements in this field, well , it is dangerous for you, this self-belief for america, you consider self-belief and self-reliance dangerous for america, it makes such scenarios go forward. this is absolutely true and then look next to you then open again we are talking about a government that instead of
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looking at cooperation with china, brics , russia, like the previous double, which was dominated by the united states, that means moving towards multilateralism , factionalism, and then regional unions that take the initiative. his personal actions have been decisive in the salak union in the latin american region , the union of alba, all of this with the initiative of cuba and venezuela, the driving force of these alliances , well, these are the sources and sources of danger that the united states feels, that is, on the one hand, you have a government. that of absolute dependence on the states the united states wants to distance itself, to find a new convert, to play its role in the multi-polar system , to play a leading role in this process , but on the other hand, it has a popular approach, and this popular approach will shake the base of the united states' dominance in the entire american region, not only venezuela
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, mr. shahrabi, this question came to my mind now that the us is involved in a wide range of fronts , but one of the three main fronts is the issue of iran's front , where we can somehow say that it has lost its front against russia, the front is involved and tense. he is actually his deputy who is the zionist regime the region is enduring this pressure, and the venezuelan front and its lost life in latin america, compared to these three, do you think. now it can be said that america is too busy on those two fronts, how much has it paid attention to latin america or not, it still pays a lot of attention and is greedy about latin america for the united states, it is not anywhere. you mentioned the private life. there was a place that had absolute sovereignty, the monroe doctrine basically says that we are the owner of this area, we determine it, practically the same way. it has been the history of latin america in the last century.
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we look from the present century before and before, when it replaces the united states instead of spain and another double colonizer in the gallatin region , it will enjoy this position , it is even more vital than the other two. it has been his absolute rule. this process was disrupted by the cuban revolution. with the victory of chávez, there was another disruption. at that time, you will see. they want independence and the distance from the united states has gone far beyond cuba and venezuela, we have nicaragua, we have belive, we have mexico. during this election, you had some right-wing fascist countries in the region, such as argentina, who supported the opposition, but on the other hand, you had another progressive group in latin america who supported the election results .
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thank you sir
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, at three in the morning , the guardian council found the resolution of the parliament to be closed on saturdays to be contrary to the standards of sharia, compared to the resolution of the sharia objection and one objection that the supreme board of supervision over the implementation of general policies.
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it was a system that was also transferred to the parliament before our opinion some points about the discussion of the days of the week and of course this point about the private sector. let's see


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