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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:28pm IRST

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one of the fans in the stadium entered the field with a palestinian flag. this action, which was accompanied by the reaction of the security forces of the stadium, led the fans in the stands to shout "palestine, palestine" . there is also news about the under -18 asian volleyball championship against iran and china for the championship in the final match of this tournament from 19:30 minutes. our country's junior team will play against china . our country's team lost two results to china in the first round of group c. adel gholami's students won 3.0 against japan in the semi-finals and the chinese team won 3.2 against pakistan in the final match. the tournament is being hosted by bahrain. thank you for your company. today is sunday, the 14th of august, the 20th of moharram, the 4th of august. at
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the end of this news series, i inform you that in tehran, the time of sunrise will be at 19.6 minutes, and it will be 19.5 minutes from maghrib, and midnight will be at 23:23. thank you very much for being with us in this news series. now the economics desk and my colleagues in this group. we are with you mr. big installer. please go ahead. in the name of god , i offer my greetings and respect to all the viewers of meiz ekhtos program. you have seen and heard that business in the news in the four months of this year, compared to the same period last year , there has been an increase of approximately 17 with africa . we want to talk about today's economic table about how much our share of trade with this continent is and how much it should be . if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this discussion . follow the economic desk on khabar. please, thank you
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. you are with the economic desk. you must have heard that the continent of africa is always mentioned as the continent of opportunities . it has a population of about 1.3 billion people and something like 1200 billion dollars is the trade of this continent, but the share. we in the past years almost nothing it was less than one thousandth percent of 1 billion and 20,300 million dollars, it has always been in different years, of course , in the four months of this year, we can announce this statistic from the customs that we had an increase in trade by about 17 compared to the same period last year, but our trade is a the trade is one-way, that is, we are mainly exporters to the african continent, and the trade balance between us is not established .
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we do not have a very balanced and reasonable share of our imports from africa compared to what is being traded with africa. there are several main questions that today, we will address it on the economy table and we will ask the experts of the program how much opportunity the african continent has and how much it can be exploited for us, what are the problems and challenges that need to be solved , especially with the coming of the government. 14th, what are the obstacles that can be removed and help increase our low share of trade with this continent full of opportunities. here in our studio , mr. hosseini, the head of the iran trade center in west africa, is also present, as well as mr. faqihi, the vice-chairman of the iran-africa joint chamber of commerce. let me start with mr. faqihi and the question of what opportunities we can imagine for business with the african continent . our trade with the countries of this region is in the name
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of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, and in the name of god, the creator of life, the wise, speaking in the language of creation. we have a history of iranian ethnic groups and mixed iranian and african ethnic groups , now at night.
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iranian baluchs have been there since the 10th century . balochs have been there since the 17th century the portuguese left east africa and settled in zanzibar. the rule of the sultan of oman was established and a mixed culture of iranian culture and african bantu peoples was born called afroshirazi or afroshilazi language, whose center was in a city in the south of dar es salaam called kilwa kisavani . and our economic agents who want to work there, because we have a well-known culture, should know how to work better than the businessmen and economic agents of other countries, so why businessmen and
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economic agents of other countries who do not have these deep-rooted relations and historical ethno-religious relations. more they work for us. during the centuries , our sailing ships named baghle bom go to east africa from our ports like bandar kong. now in bandar kong, in the maritime museum of bandar kong, you can see the bom misir ship, which was placed there. he wanted to go from the coast of iran to india from saval. india directly wanted to go to the east african question which was raised by the united states and 30,000 of its personnel sent thousands of punishments to somalia. we had historical relations even up to the 1300s and 1950s, that is, 1320
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world war ii. why? now we are in a relationship our economy is weak, while our political relations with africa are expanding day by day, but our economic relations are weak . there has been a long distance between us and africa. do you think that today, when we are talking to each other, what opportunities are in front of us in the african continent? hello and best regards, dear viewers and listeners of your program, i should mention one thing about our relations with africa. to become we always
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say that africa is the land of opportunities , but now i have to tell you that we really used to say that it is the land of unknown opportunities. yes, today we have to say about the economic relations with the african continent that our relations with the african continent are relations. opportunities have been lost. this is a fact. first , let's accept this fact, as you said in your speech. actually, our trade relationship with the african continent is one-thousandth of the trade with the entire african continent. is there a country with all these possibilities ? potential capacity in fact and forces that ready and in fact the goods that are ready to actually be exported and in fact the discussion about whether we were actually able
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to open our own place in the economy of the african continent well, as a rule, the answer to this question is no with the number you said, so we should let's look at our priorities to see. well, historical relations are very good, roots are very good, but what caused us to be in this position today, and as a shirazi of the 21st century, i am saying this, after all, if we could do that in the 10th and 12th centuries. why enter the african continent? today, in the 21st century , we are in this position and in this way, so it seems to me that we in africa did not have a clear strategy , mr. baz. this strategy is very important. many countries in the world are creating a permanent and indeed long-term strategy for the african continent. we did not have this strategy. and unfortunately
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, the african continent is less mentioned in our upstream documents. even though the highest and highest-ranking officials of the country are actually the leader of the revolution. in fact, all the presidents emphasized that i was studying that in fact, the supreme authority what suggestions did the leadership have about africa? then i saw that the strategies that define the continent of africa as having rich wealth and natural resources actually have huge human capacities, have so-called rich civilization and culture, so we have to go on that trip and now there are many things that they mentioned in their talks and i am the last one. which we saw in the meeting with the actual presidency and if i'm not mistaken, during the inauguration ceremony of the presidency. that our priorities after our neighbors are actually african countries
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, declaring africa first after our neighbors, this one is actually it could be a sign that we have a single and long-term strategy and that unfortunately, in economics and business , we put all our capacity on one or two specific areas. this contradicts science . let's see on the table. what do we have, what are the opportunities that can be exploited, and then let's go to what are the challenges that these opportunities cannot be used optimally. on the one hand, the capacities that are actually in the field of technical engineering services are on the other there is the field of export of goods and services. in the field of technical engineering services, we see that
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our neighboring countries in the african continent, some of them are currently implementing nearly 80 billion dollars worth of projects in the african continent , such as which countries, such as turkey , i said this was 80 billion dollars in turkey, which i recently actually i published a statistic about several countries that are doing great things with the african continent, and turkey is one of them, and turkey was one of them. now we have south korea and actually italy and so called argentina if i'm not mistaken. these are the countries that recently, india was not one of them , there were very few of them in the african continent, now they have a strange influence and in fact a strange and new relationship with the african continent, so we are in the field of technical engineering services in the field of export and import of goods as you said. we are currently weak in importing goods, so for the rest of africa
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, it is still a land of opportunities. let me give you an example. in my opinion , it is better to get involved in this issue . in the short term , there is africa now, but i want an example let me give an example about a student. in the name of cocoa, you know about cocoa that 73% of the world's cocoa is actually produced in africa , and 45% of this product is produced in sahel aj country, 43 to 45 sahel aj countries, that is , it alone has almost half of cocoa is produced all over the world, and for the sake of information, let me say that the role of cocoa in the world's food industry is like the role of oil in the energy industry. this means that this product is so strategic and sensitive. now we have several interviews that
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i have had since two years ago. hey, i am reminding you that the global crisis is entering the cocoa crisis and we if we don't manage this issue , we will face problems in a few years. our food industry will face problems here. if we don't go , we will invest in cocoa factories in africa. to come and actually lease agricultural land and cocoa plantations for the next 10 years, if we do not enter into extraterritorial cultivation and do not enter into this matter , in fact , we will definitely face problems with this issue later. now this was a case that in actually , as an example, i gave an example that we are unaware and the possibility the future of our food industry
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is related to mr. hosseini's problem, which is from the point of export. from the point of view of export of goods and services, now the extraterritorial cultivation , from the side of agricultural activities, countless opportunities are in front of the country. you can add other opportunities to this list to become hazrat. he took advantage of the obstacles that exist that cannot be used. in general, the opportunities that we have in africa, in general, mr. hosseini , i was pointing out, as i said , that our swahili culture had been established there since the 10th century. a number of countries do not speak swahili at all
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we are the same language, we can work better with them on the way. we have some problems with africa, i have a root like this and move forward very quickly . first of all, we do not have a trade balance with africa . in all the joint commissions that i attended as a representative of the iran- africa joint chamber of commerce, there were children of the ministry of foreign affairs and officials of the organization. the problem with the development of african trade was that they said that you, as an exporter , do not import anything into israel, that the zionist regime that works there grows flowers and exports its goods from there. there and from there , china brings its mineral resources and food sources, where it works, a company that
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wants to go to work in africa, 25 to 30 prisoners of the chinese government. he gives it to the company that does carving and the lowest jobs, then if the company agrees, his imprisonment will be forgiven, even if it is in the chinatans that china is creating there and wants to have 300 million chinese there in 20 years. he should transfer it there so that he can open a shop and work. not only will he forgive him, but he will also help him. we don't have government support. government support is very important. big countries now come to africa to implement special plans. for example, america has a plan. what does 4800 steps of african goods give discounts? it gives a thrill. europe has this plan,
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it has coco's plan. china has a plan. these are leaders every year. they invite africans at their own expense . in fact, they spread the dust. they harvest it from him. we don't want to spread it, we want to harvest it. now, iranian companies working in africa have problems with the company that was mentioned. well, there are sanctions problems, sanctions problems. there is a transportation problem, there is a grant problem, there is an insurance problem, there is a transportation problem and the transfer of money is a problem. there is a problem of opening credit. when a merchant is unable to open credit, he must send the goods first. should he pay or not? should he pay first? will he receive the goods or not? we try to deal with these problems. let's fight. we at the iran-africa chamber of commerce
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have come up with various solutions and plans for this issue. one of our plans is mutual trade with africa, which is trade. keep the solutions, we will get to it. if we agree , let's see a report together . i have prepared the same topic, let's see it together , we will come back to our conversation, we will follow up our conversation, production and export capacities , there is a lot of talk about the economic cooperation between iran and africa, according to the customs declaration , the value of iran's trade with african countries is about 180 million dollars. four months it has been this year. the head of the joint chamber of commerce of iran and africa says: with the activation of the economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs in the 13th government, iran's trade relations with the african continent have doubled. customs has announced that the five countries of ghana, south africa, tanzania, kenya and somalia
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were the main export destinations of iran's products in the four months of this year. 66 and a half million dollars. steel products are worth about 40 million dollars of urea and 22 million dollars of non-oil value of the three main export products of iran to these countries in the four months of this year. the establishment of business centers is the government's plan to improve business relations in the black continent. we have 10 active business centers in different regions of the african continent. three of our business centers are in east africa . kenya, tanzania and uganda in south africa , we have an active business center, and in west africa, the countries of sahel agen. we are nigeria, senegal. these are the countries where our business centers are active. government officials
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report solving the problem of transportation and financial exchanges with african countries. we have a regular ferry line to east africa. we established a regular line to north africa. we are trying to create a regular kashkani line to west africa and south africa with the help of the private sector. the next issue is the airline line. we have an agreement with several african countries to establish direct flight lines, a specialized committee and a specialized panel to introduce areas of cooperation and establish relationships in the financial, banking and insurance fields. we have planned that, god willing, we hope to be able to solve this shortfall, god willing, the goal of iran's trade with african countries is to reach 10 billion dollars in the next 3 years . we saw my colleague's report together, mr. hosseini, do you think that all these reasons that mr. faqihi also mentioned and a list of almost everything from the balance of trade and government support
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to horizontal transfers and credit opening and these that you put forward are the most important the reasons that caused some of these problems that we talked about now are independent of the internal problems that exist what does it mean that we could not reach the goals that we have raised so far? yes. you see, the one-sidedness of trade and the one -sidedness of economic relations always leads to the termination of these relations after a while, or it decreases , this is perhaps the most important reason, and that we did not go towards investing in african countries, this is really a fact. and the truth we have to accept is don't invest where you invest. you can't actually have the game in your hands, economically, even in some places, politically and commercially. therefore, we have a major weakness now
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, i think that maybe our most important weakness is the lack of balance and investment, balance and investment of both of them, that is, we are one. regarding investment, we have not really invested in african countries. i want to talk about examples today. better to see , i had traveled to 3 or 4 african countries with the deputy foreign minister just like that two or three weeks ago . i had a meeting with the deputy foreign minister of one of the african countries. kurd said that one of the announcements of your neighboring countries had created a daily flight line there for a year, saying that some days it had 2 to 20 passengers. do you understand that i am talking about turkey? yes, he used to say up to 20 days a day , sometimes, now the maximum is up to 20 , but he continued this issue for a year
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, until finally, it has now become that we are in 48 countries in order to know about a year. africa , we have direct flights from turkey to actually there. well, you see , it takes a lot of patience to create this in reality, so we have this. we do not have the strength and tolerance our economy, unfortunately, we have an economy in a hurry . mr. bozoren and inad, the economy is big. it means that we want to plant today and harvest tonight. this is not going to happen. we should actually go to africa to identify, plan, invest , and be able to actually create this process and the second problem. what we actually have in africa is that the goods we export to africa are sometimes not competitive and quality. we have to accept this fact. therefore, when you enter an open international economic market, which
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is like a union with 163 other countries in the world, the west and africa. i am giving an example. it has free and open trade relations with 163 other countries in the world. you cannot take goods where iran has weaknesses . this is a big problem in the case of consumer goods and non-consumer goods. we have problems with our foreign relations , sometimes i say that we have business relations and that is that our after-sales service is poor for our non-consumable goods. the electric appliances of our agricultural tools will be domesticated in the same meeting between iran and africa two months ago it was held that one of the very good achievements of the country was in the field of relations. the continent of africa and i hope, god willing, the next government will actually have measures to strengthen this issue, that is , the coming here of agricultural tools and our servants, in fact
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, our agricultural products, which they saw , they all wanted these to be exported to those countries, but what happens, we can't provide after-sales service, and this creates a problem there, and after a while, our product will be discredited, and our brand will be discredited there, we should actually keep this in mind. or the duties of the government, that is , it requires the help and support of the government, but some of the points that were mentioned go back to the private sector itself and the activities that the private sector should do. these countries, in
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the past years, we had similar mistakes until we saw that other countries came to take our place and the environment became more competitive, it became more difficult to do business there. what do you think the government sector should do if we want to separate them? what should the private sector do in order to give a boost to this business? we say that it is one thousandth compared to what this continent is doing business . the government does not care about the companies, the chamber of commerce, all companies can be members of the chamber of commerce , economically active companies, these companies may be owned , for example, privately owned, state-owned, so-called private , semi-state, 5%, 10%, state-owned, and various types of government management. different, you can't draw a red line at all, as i remember you in siman hama.
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it was a big project that they wanted to get for a cement factory, well, because private sector companies not being able to build the middle east industry , 15 to 20 private companies took over the project.


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