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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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killing and witnessing that residential buildings , schools and hospitals have actually been destroyed, all this is genocide, but we can say that the 7th of october changed the world , it changed the world in such a way that we can say that the desire and dream of palestine azad for all people is actually in their minds and we hope and know that this dream and... it seems that soon it will come true in this region and they can also have the right to their own life and to decide for their future and destiny. the palestinians are trying hard in the area of ​​resistance and forces to hold their own the resistance of iran, syria, iraq and yemen, all of these are trying to liberate humanity .
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in fact, the dream will become a reality for palestine soon. let it become 40 seconds and your final point , mr. doctor, i would like to emphasize this final point for our dear and honorable people to see that the zionist regime of israel carried out the assassination of martyr haniyeh in the territory of the islamic republic of iran, along with the killing of women. and innocent children, this is not a sign of the power of the zionist regime of israel, it is a sign of the weakness and weakness of the zionist regime of israel. to none of his strategic goals.
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it has not been achieved in the food and travel bar. this is actually a very simple equation and this is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of weakness, and we hope that, god willing, as mrs. keats pointed out, we will witness the liberation of palestine and witness its destruction. the zionist regime of israel in the way that has actually been announced. thank you very much, mr. dr. gharibabadi. thank you to charlotte keats for her presence in the islamic republic of iran . i say goodbye to both honorable people and thank you in the name of god. come to jahan today, in the first case of tonight's program, we are talking to mr. khaled qadoumi.
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we will be the representative of the hamas spokesman in iran to have a narrative on the night of the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political bureau, in the second case we will also have a conversation to examine the wonders of iran's response to the zionist regime's assassinations, but first, as always , with palestine. we start the picture to see the pictures of gaza in the past 24 hours. in the 24 hours that the zionist regime destroyed the tents of the refugees, they bombed two schools this evening , in which 80% of the martyrs were children.
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there is no god except allah.
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and this is the world, it is the world, the revelations are clear, and the crying of allah, the exalted and the exalted, lives and dies, but this is a nation. god bless you with long life, health and wellness , god willing, lord , we will start our case and discussion from wednesday morning, when the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh was announced. tehran was assassinated. in this regard, 3 official statements have been published by the islamic revolutionary guard corps in iran. in the first statement, it was mentioned that the assassination took place at the residence of martyr haniyeh. second statement new details
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did not have. but yesterday, in the third statement, it was stated that according to the investigations and investigations , first of all, this terrorist operation was carried out by firing a short-range projectile with a warhead of about 7 kilograms . secondly, this projectile was fired from outside the accommodation area of ​​the guests. tonight, for the first time in the national media , we are hosting one of the people who was present at the residence of shahid haniyeh on the night of the assassination. this eyewitness is mr. khaled qadoumi, representative of hamas in iran. mr. gadumi, welcome to khabar network. first of all, once again on behalf of the people of iran and the islamic republic of iran radio and television iran , we offer our condolences to you and the people of palestine for the martyrdom of mr. haniyeh, especially since mr. haniyeh was our guest and this issue has doubled the bitterness of this event for the people of iran. you were the person who
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accompanied mr. haniyeh in all his trips to iran. you were also present with them during the trip, and on the night of that assassination, you were also in the same structure. if possible , tell us and the viewers about the last moment you saw mr. haniyeh in that building and the subsequent events . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i thank you for your sincere feelings hello, courtesy to my dear friends, that night mr. haj haniyeh really had a lot of work to do since the morning when i was in the parliament, after a course for the land of civilization and there was a little iranian girl who played the role of a palestinian girl and
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reaped hajhani. and enough to give you and his front, and it made a great impression, that you played in the land of civilizations , near the model of the dome of the rock, which was there , al-aqsa mosque, and seeing the photo was also memorable . . he went with the other guests like us , just like a friend in the assembly after the speech mr. doctor, doctors have a rally, one is a rally with mr. president, one is a rally with mr. the next one, these two rallies are together, and this is how it was gathered there in the evening . they came so much later that it was almost late at 11:11. well, almost at midnight, i prayed the isha prayer
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with one of his friends. then he sat down. at that time , if you remember, the news of the hajj martyrdom has come to lebanon. yes, yes, yes, and we are talking . which is the discussion of martyrdom and the end of the mujahid and the happiness of the mujahid. who says like this that every mujahid who satisfies him or they will win or they will be martyred, both of them will win or they will win or they will be martyred. you saw them around 11 o'clock and had a meal before 9 o'clock. or 12 because it was almost 11
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, we sat in the residence itself for almost an hour. well, the last conversation we had was about commander fad shekar, the whole testimony and other things. i don't know what to do and what not to do , this is how this conversation ended. almost because it's exactly like what my friends who saw in my watch, something came in the whole building, like it hit the building , shook, shook, shook, how can i say we are in gaza.
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it's possible an earthquake, but the one who didn't shake more than the earthquake because of the severity of the earthquake, he didn't get shivered, he realized that if there is an earthquake, you will shake, and if there is lightning and thunder, there is no rain at all, and the weather is hot, hot, and hot. and the next thing i said, these things are not normal it is possible that if
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my servant broke, he came out of the room that was on the second floor , i saw smoke, and my dear friends, who heard about us on our way, i saw that the foreign toilet itself was a martyr's bitter sweet. hajj has been done, sir, i had this question again in about 15 minutes, i am asking my friends from sustan, did you see pike? you realized that really, after our dear friends explained to me, i asked permission from the host because i am a representative of the movement. i want to see the body, so i let him go to the fourth floor and entered his bedroom
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. it is on the martyr's face, not outside, that is, the way these walls are from the inside, which means that the evidence shows that the root of this incident came from the outside. well, the roof came down. the lower side, except for his body under the displaced person and then the same as the protective martyr. it was the quran and his blood was from here that it was said that before this assassination, martyr haniyeh was reading the quran , his bodyguard was reading the quran while reading the quran, these children are really from the quran, for example, that night when this
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bodyguard mr. there are other guards with his partner it was wasim who was in the building . i told wasim that i want to pray the maghrib and isha prayers in front of you. he said no, you should be the imam. i said no, i want to pray behind you, and indeed i prayed behind him, and later that may that digital rosary be all on his finger , this servant of god is another story, if we allow you to say for a minute that it was not his turn at all, it was not his turn to protect a person. he was sick from qatar, but he said, "i'm coming. well, i came, the child who was tired of being in the morning . i told mr. wasim that there are two or three hours left until fajr." "can you stay?" he said, "i am willing to stay , see how long it is, for example, yes, indeed , his life is over and martyrdom
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is almost a short observation. over the past few days, we have repeatedly seen the american and zionist media publishing strange accounts of this terrorist incident . as a person who was present in that building and was an eyewitness, how did we feel when we saw, for example, the new york times or another media will narrate hai baroneh presents this story, you see , this is very strange, but it was not a surprise for us, for example, this is not new news for us, that the western crimes seek sedition, and the security vacuum and talk of deviating from the
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main culprit. not anymore and not this time, it's all like this and the same as the spokesman of the zionist army . they say that there is no such air attack at all, except for the attack on fouad shekar, in the area of ​​the israeli attack . i say that maybe he was right, because it was not an israeli attack, it might have been an american attack, because there is no difference between americans and israelis. this does not happen at all without the american cover . there is an interesting point. the phone call of netanyahu biden was part of
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the announcement that netanyahu is a war criminal. this is an official issue, so instead of arresting him , what did the us do, welcome him and encourage him in the congress , and i don't know the uprising and i don't know what disaster came after that, instead of saying that we are looking for war and ceasefire and for example, looking for negotiations with the palestinians and hamas and i don't know, but he signed to assassinate the mujahideen , which means you see america behind this assassination, 100. how long can israel survive without help? i don't know about israel, but you can see that this is our analysis during these 10 months, mr. blinken says something but does something else. they say that i am following you.
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it's a koran, well, this is the last word i asked them . you were part of the security team that planted that bomb, so it's really strange that you can't talk logically like that. for example, the report of my dear friends in the army is logical. well , he didn't give more details, but it is logical. well , it is consistent with what you saw that night. yes, it was logical . the walls coming down say that the missile has a short range . well, the area may be a rocket, it may be a missile, it may be a projectile, but really. something from it came out and it was destroyed like this, from top to bottom, up to the second floor. we mentioned the day
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before martyrdom, on that day, mr. shahid haniyeh had three meetings with our president, mr. bizikian. one meeting was the same as the inauguration meeting, which everyone saw . side by side with each other . you were present at that meeting. in that bilateral meeting, was there any special conversation between martyr haniyeh and mr. bezikian? there is a picture that we had from inside the parliament, of course, the number of times that these two people hugged each other. kissing was seen a lot in iran, did they say anything special to each other ? and the issue of palestine , according to them, since i was a child , we lived the issue of palestine and we love the issue of palestine and
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we know what is there and what is not, so we saw that, for example , they like the turn of the martyrs and resistance issues very much, and i promised the same. that we are always with the palestinians and we are the resistance and we are always the partners of the palestinians, another issue is that on the same night that this incident and this incident that happened in najavan manesh, one of the bells of a mr. raees the president called dr. khalil hiyeh and expressed his condolences, and the feeling was bitter and because we were our guests, and i promised that we will not go through this without an answer, and this is really right.
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that is, you who attacked the independent border outside your border, this is a crime in itself. and according to international laws, predict the whole world, who should respond , how much should they respond now, how should they respond, when should they respond, but this is iran's right, that is, if iran has come now, and i answered , it had the right according to international laws, so mr. mezikian, this is not an issue at all. it is not a matter of review, this is a definite issue, thank you there was an idea. perhaps the zionist regime wanted to carry out this assassination in tehran to pursue several goals. one of those goals should be
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the difference between the people of iran and palestine. and keep your distance, fortunately, we have seen the patience and understanding of the palestinian people in this story and the magnificent and crowded preparations in tehran. because later, after the martyrdom of hajja haniyeh, we were a bit busy with the enemy, which is the same as going with the narration and that they gave the reports that we should give a narration that i am the servant of god, i came and i gave a narration that the ghazi boy said that you did a good job and that we should hear what happened, because under the influence of the western media and suspicion and intrigue. because they put such a strong and cinematic scenario that you don't believe that , for example, this is a lie or something you just read. the purpose
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of those scenarios is also to create pessimism, for example , yes, there is a separation between, for example, the palestinian people and the people , but what we have seen is millions of iranians , sorry, anwaj, iranians, who are mostly shiites, so what does it have to do except to be one of its guests? and being loved and popular is more accepted by the hearts of iran. with this narration, it is our narration that dear friends in the irgc, it is something that , alhamdulillah, the compromise of the enemy was flashed. to iran
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, the people of iran and his relationship with iran. what was martyr haniyeh's view on the relationship with iran ? look at sheikh haniyeh, who from the beginning of his first term , before him, well, from gaza, who has good relations with dear friends in iran, but he came to iran for the first time. when he became the prime minister, if i remember, it was in 2012 . he came and the reception was very wonderful. his son was also with him, mr. hammam, who has come now and took his body. he has a very positive view towards qatar. the relations of hajjani with the iranians were at the time of emergence in 98 ad during the exile period of hajjani, which is the same. part of the 416 people who
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exiled the palestinian mujahideen, who was their enemy, in the south of lebanon, in marj-e-zawhor, where the first person who came with our mujahideen, who is a child of iran for help and for the media and everything, well, coming there, where they have good relations, is to pitch a tent. when martyr haniyeh in exile in south lebanon, the presence of the first people who reached out to them was a psychic iran, yes, they helped, and even where they put a university, for example, the media team that they created and other things, our elders , whose memoirs are written in a long way. after that , when he became the prime minister, then before that, when he was in the resistance , he had a good relationship with iran, but on the phone and things like this, after that, when the prime minister came to iran
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, seeing iran was a different thing. the iranian food that he didn't like the first time, well, one was dry kebab, and the other thing was mr. haniyeh, who went on a diet and they eat salad and i don't know if it's like this after the next meeting with the leader of the movement.


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