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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 5:30am-5:58am IRST

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ahmadian, the secretary of the national security council , attended the 12th security meeting in st. petersburg. the secretary of the national security council of iran had a five-point plan, almost mentioning the issue of cyber security and countering threats in the cyber space. we have signed , you see, we now have a hybrid war in the world, a combined war of different dimensions. terrorism has many dimensions . it is a propaganda media terrorism, which means that from the beginning they make you a character assassination, they create an atmosphere , they make an assassination of dignity, they make false propaganda, they inflame the atmosphere. then they do an assassination operation, we have it we are working to deal with these platforms in different dimensions. well, this extraordinary achievement makes our presence in this information much more impressive. this is where we come to see why the west and pro-western trends are the first thing they say. create in the mind. the second aspect is
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that i mentioned our central asia region less than 3 months ago when the former british foreign minister , who was my government , changed their prime minister again, while in central asia , he said in one sentence, "we want english values ​​in central asian region to reactivate the value what does english mean, color revolution, rebellion, espionage network , supporting subversive groups. you know that now a part of the daesh movement, which is known as daesh khorasan or any other name, these are all the names of american, english and french intelligence agents , who carry out their operations in the form of daesh agents . they want to use it. therefore , the more our contact with the russian side and the operationality of our understandings , the more important it is to maintain the security of our region, and i
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would like to say a very important point. we saw zionism at the security council meeting just last week, britain and the united states supporting israel was not condemning russia at all, which it deeply condemned. this is very important. we must know what current is standing on the opposite side of us, what are its goals and what current does not want to reach this path. well , fortunately, this level of deepening multi-dimensional relations that the national security council. and he has the responsibility of following up on its realization. it is good and we hope that he will follow his path as much and deeper as possible. thank you mr. sedar hosseini regarding the issue of gaza . the crime that took place in gaza, russia
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took the best possible position both in the un security council and in the general assembly and in the talks between two and several different countries. he looked at these crimes and took a position , as i told you, during the last 10 months , he was trying his best to make this issue of ceasefire happen, and in fact , he was looking for the issue of reducing the number of martyrs in gaza, alongside the resistance, along with iran. we have a completely logical view of the situation in gaza and return to a peaceful situation he had a completely hostile attitude towards the position of the zionist regime of america, england, france and germany in this regard, and he even had arguments in the security council with the representatives of the united states and these european countries, even
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when the european members of nato helped european terrorists. by sending weapons to the regime, he openly declared as the representative of russia in the un security council that you are pouring gasoline on the fire to start a war, and he fully defended the right of palestine to resist at various times . the issue of hamas, even meetings in this regard took place and officially announced that you are defending your rights from your own land and had a comprehensive and comprehensive view of russia, and it seems that there is a significant difference with europeans and americans regarding this issue. there was a man who was walking in gaza.
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this point is very important, even in connection with the discussions for the integration of resistance movements in different places, including. iran and including lebanon , moscow followed these closely and was interested in the resistance group being able to resign their rights from the zionist regime regarding the war in ukraine and inviting iran to mediate, your analysis of this is a very important point. well, the position of the islamic republic in the ukraine war was clear from the beginning, and the islamic republic is definitely not interested in starting or continuing any war at any point. the opinions of the islamic republic were clearly expressed and in in connection with this issue , of course, i must tell you that there were many rumors in cyberspace and even slanders
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were made against the islamic republic in connection with the use of iranian drones, which, of course, martyr amir abdullahian answered them in turn , but the fact of the matter is this. there is a republic based on a human perspective, islam has announced its readiness for mediation and in order to establish peace, tranquility and stability in this region of the world , this was a very clear and transparent position expressed by the islamic republic, and mr. madbar , considering that now both countries, i.e. iran and russia, are under western sanctions anyway. and the fact that the relations, including , for example, de-dollarization, the development of banking relations , the neutralization of sanctions, what opportunities will this create for the two countries, and what are the benefits of the leadership agreement that we have mentioned for the two countries? almost two days ago, mrs. matenko, the head
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of the council of the russian federation, clearly stated that today networks like swift, which use dollars, are unreliable networks, because they are at the disposal of the unilateralism front to pressure the independence. well, i said that today is one of the missions what exists in brics is to deal with economic terrorism, and most of the brics members make their understandings on the basis of a common currency, and even this brics bank that has been created is going towards common width, not a single currency, for example , europe or the euro. that exchanges on it should be the basis of their own financial exchanges, what russia is doing with china today , it is doing with india, and this attraction has made many members of the world towards this brand to become a member of brics, which is an example of malaysia. well, this is a wonderful opportunity. it creates for us to base our financial exchanges with russia on the basis of
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the national currency, to bypass sanctions policies , and now the international system is going in a direction that the west and america want to bypass , that is, it has priorities with commercial exchanges. countries outside of the cycle, the dollar rises so much they have to give points. we must first understand the position of the world system. if we come to believe that the west has reached a path that does not have the space of the past and has moved towards giving concessions to independents. we can use these opportunities during the independent front. but if we don't have this view, it is the same old traditional view that , for example, the west is powerful. this look false , there is no achievement except failure. now the path of the international community is coming up again. this interpretation, which was the north and the south in the past, is coming up again. well, this is a great opportunity. it turns out that our cooperation is unbreakable
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, there is a hierarchy, it is being implemented accurately, it is a significant achievement that we should take seriously and not just sign it, we should have a plan. let's do it. in terms of security, it is a very important issue. today in the world, we have a word called military diplomacy. military diplomacy is a very important principle. a country that can sell its weapons to other countries , weapons that are not prohibited except for those four categories of weapons, this is a big step. in military diplomacy it has created that it is the winning card of its own political diplomacy, and we must strengthen our relations with russia in the field of military diplomacy . thank you very much. we have less than a minute , mr. sadr hosseini. towards the east, the issue of terrorism and various issues of commonality and
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cooperation in these fields can be a good opportunity for the two countries. an important point is the threats from nato, which we saw a small example of in ukraine. it means installing missiles in ukraine that could destroy russia's national security nato's influence towards the caucasus and central asia . they are part of our common threats. today, the issue of illegal immigration is a threat to all countries . any of what i say means that we can cooperate. today, drug trafficking and arms trafficking can be a threat to all countries, including us and russia, and we can deal with the issue. the environment, which is a new topic, can be a significant threat to us and russia, and we can have significant cooperation , sir. my last proposal, which may be removed from the threat field, is the cooperation between the two countries, iran and
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russia in new sciences, such as artificial intelligence, aerospace , quantum, and many other things. thank you very much, sir. thank you, mr. madbar. abbas fought with love, he is a man who worked hard for many years, he was very good and he was like a hero in his time, one of the powerful and intelligent commanders. and he was a forward-thinking planner, there were few people
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who were like a father with these qualities, with his morals , with his faith, with his piety, with his dealings with his subordinates, always with good behavior, the right behavior of the pilot. very elite, very excellent, this is our double. my father was a medical student in the 1940s. he was accepted into that group, which means he is a real elite . he was accepted as a medical student. then he became a pilot. 10 people are accepted, some 1 people, some 1 people, 50 people, a small number of people succeed
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to become the leader, leader, leader, leader, four, leader, leader, two, teacher , pilot test . an example is the pilot who is chosen as a model and the so-called ace pilot of a star for the most modern and heaviest complex the most and most expensive f-14 aircraft , not everyone is selected for the f-14, the selected medical student pilot. selection of sample pilots for f-14 shahid
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babaei, when he was transferred from isfahan to tehran , he didn't have a home because his wife and child were in isfahan . sheba was the vice president of operations in the same vice president of operations. amra's houses are more protective than amr's houses, he said, "i don't want those houses, i want a quality house, until a house was found for him to go and buy that house. it was a man who had five or six children. that gentleman used to sit here in this house , may god have mercy on him, he had come, he had told babai to give me a house, i have four or five children, i will sit in this house, abbas babai said this is the house you want for me. give me this block, we want that block, give me that one, i don't want that one, give it to this one, give it to me, when abbas. my father, i want to tell you this when he was martyred, may god have mercy on him, by god, i say to
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god, i swear to god, he didn't have anything to sell for 10,000 tomans, birze had a small refrigerator, then he said, "what is the lowest salary in the rank class?" he said, "how much does he get?" i said, "he gets about 200 tomans. he was a pilot. at that time, he got 3,000 tomans." we were in arrears because my wife, may god have mercy on her, was a teacher and gave her salary to the poor. he would keep 240 tomans for himself and give the rest to whom he would go with me. if he didn't go with me, i wouldn't have said this. a hand-wrought ruin . he knew a place. it belonged to these poor poor people. god is happy . when i went, i saw everyone, his voice was abbas. what are they doing? they know that this is a chicken pilot, he buys food, for example,
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he buys rice, he buys oil, everyone knows him. he gave only this. poor people, one year has passed since the martyrdom of major general shahid abbas babaei, the same soldier who was unknown on the ground and famous in the skies, the same soldier who , instead of going to baitullah al-haram in the heights of the west of the country and
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he was very benevolent, he helped a lot, and he was very quiet without borders. he was not that person, but in practice, he was a human being who proved his work with his actions, so to speak, on nights when the weather was very cold because the base was outside of isfahan, the weather was cold when they used to report to me in the morning that shahid babaei himself had gone to the post office late at night he stood and took the gun from the soldier, standing guard and saying if it was too difficult. collect the package and go around by car. the same soldier who mentioned in his will to obey the leader. parents, we owe a lot to this revolution. he did not want anything for himself. but he wanted everything for everyone. babaei had acted in the 8th base in such a way that the issue of rank
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was not an issue at all. everyone called him brother. as much as brothers. mufar is working hard for them, which has no limit and no size, so that the combat readiness of the base was at the time we were there it was the language and sometimes he even criticized tehran , why didn't you go to the mission, why didn't you go to the mission, yes , there is no limit to how much people are interested in them, there was absolutely no one who, for example , felt that a father was higher than him , it was very strange to treat everyone as a brother. really very very strange action. as a creative designer, a fatherly mastermind,
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a military war strategist, a mastermind. the military thinker that all the thinkers of the pentagon, nato, and warsaw , whoever claims that he does not make it to the tour, will be transferred to the isfahan base, busher, on the persian gulf, on khark, on busher. khloana yehu burst into tears. i said what, my son was also with me, he said abbas was martyred, who was timsari naderi, sarhendo was the deputy of the base at that time , he came and held my hand, we cried and we left, he showed me, he said, abbas always said, god,
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make my martyrdom in such a way that it will cause the least damage to the treasury. oh, don't look at this, he said, look , it was the size of an airplane couch, the size of a round, right on the neck of sharg, the martyr of the father whom abbas martyred, the person who knew you, what will they do to the life of the children, families, and women? both worlds are a crazy part of both worlds oh, abu al-zaden, abbas, i have no control. abbas , can you hear me? we are going to mount abbas. may god answer you. caravan, caravan of shaheen.
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and on the day of eid al-adha, while everyone is waiting for him, god will accept him and go to the highest kingdom, and you will not achieve good unless you pass on what you love, even if it is large. and this was what immortalized ja babai in history and made him a legend, and if we had not heard it, we would have thought that what we are saying now is a legend. hi lipik partner. the central bank has recently announced that
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the share of iranian families in the total payment facilities of banks has increased since last year. according to this report , 18% of all loans paid to families last year were marriage and childbearing loans. a figure that has increased more than two years ago. only 5% increase, which still does not meet the high demand of applicants for these loans. we signed up for a 10-month loan for the fourth child, the appointment has been missed at bank mellat, mastan larestan, delfan city. this year, there are many people who have this problem. please follow up for discussion children's loans say that the marriage loan will raise the base of poliia and cause inflation. this loan happens to be a revolving loan. economically, no one would have ever gone to play with the money for a marriage loan, spending his own initial expenses will bring the market back out of the recession, but in my marriage, the banks themselves pointed out
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that we had half a percent of the money that was returned from the total loan that we had given, then see how much it hurts. they do it because we said in the law that a loan is just an attribute or a check , the official of the national population headquarters made an intrusive visit to one of the busy health centers in the capital, it was normal for you to give birth. evaluation of the performance of this center in reducing abnormal births and promoting natural births. where is it done in your center? every pregnant mother participates in 8 training sessions in these classes . they go to these health centers, but the result is 3000 mothers. seeing the training here already shows that there is a gap between our health field and the final decision that is made in the field of treatment, which we have to fix and refer
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to, that is, our families, even though they are trained. they see that natural birth is more useful and better for them and their child and it is a better choice, but finally they come to the decision of caesarean section and this is much more than the average that should exist for the country . it should be done and they should make the pregnant mother understand the special trainings related to the benefits of natural childbirth and the disadvantages of a caesarean section and the complications that can follow. this is part of the work. his work goes back to our field of medicine, gynecologists mang and other marginal issues around it, so that we can now reach the point where natural birth is more than cesarean birth. rajab ali khayat
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is known by many people with the quote that was narrated about his tenant. a tenant who, when he has a child, reduces his monthly rent . now, this old tradition is spreading in domestic messengers with the activation of channels whose members are house owners supporting families with several children. and ads like this preferably have children, the more the better for families with three children and more discounts in mind 26 -year-old neda hafez, who is in the 7th month of her pregnancy, participated in this year's olympic games. he participated in the olympics and won his first competition and after being eliminated in the eighth round, he wrote on his personal page that there were actually 3 of us fighting on the platform, me, my competitor, and
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my little child. pregnancy is difficult in itself, but the struggle is to maintain the balance of life and sports are nothing but difficult, although they are worth it. zeinab chekhmaghi of the radio and television news agency.
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